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/lit/ - Literature

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22507406 No.22507406 [Reply] [Original]

How did this become this board’s Infinite Jest?

>> No.22507417

A dedicated anon kept spamming it until the board became desensitized. The number of infinite jest hipsters who post here has dwindled as well.

>> No.22507679

>The number of infinite jest hipsters who post here has dwindled as well.
Did they all perish?

>> No.22507682

It didn't. You're a shill-spamming retard, and no one wants to talk about you. Read the room.

>> No.22507724

does this guy bribe jannies to avoid getting his thread deleted?

>> No.22507733

I bribed your mama to suck my dick real good yester night. The best part was that she agreed for the fellatio free of charge!

>> No.22507783

It's kind of admirable how you've been shilling your book here every day for years. Have you actually made more than 50$ from this?

>> No.22507792
File: 551 KB, 1583x836, f-gardner-socialblade-20230816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? He couldn't even maintain the interest of a surgically-mutilated mentally-ill male LARPing as a woman. Plus, his YouTube channel's popularity is in the toilet. Famous author, my ass.

>> No.22507811

>t. pajeet

>> No.22507843

never underestimate the power of shilling

>> No.22507852

Shilling is actually quite worthless nowadays, I'd suggest you go with pound.

>> No.22507858

That's precisely what the little children begging on the streets of Victorian London would have said.

>> No.22509019 [DELETED] 

Why is Call of the Crocodile so much more popular than the rest of Gardner’s books?

>> No.22509032

Not sure desu, the threads don't last and the people posting in them don't really discuss the book, just DFW. Anons are also coming in and not liking the book, it doesn't command the board as it once did.

It is better than the call from united airlines book?

>> No.22509153 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1314x731, IMG_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kabbalah of the Crocodile is probably the best of Gardner’s latest batch of books.

>> No.22509179 [DELETED] 

It’s famous because of the mindfuck twist

>> No.22509181

Is that the one where sex isn't real?

>> No.22509191

>social blade
what is this shit
andrew tate has a b- on it lol
better suck his cock

>> No.22509192 [SPOILER] 
File: 355 KB, 750x993, IMG_0255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s this

>> No.22509203

Your file names give you away Gardner. Try again.

>> No.22509213

hey Gardner
I wrote this book. I'm sure nobody will ever consider publishing it because all the agent types are from new york and my book says the forbidden word - the n word. I'll need an agent's confidence first. It's an interesting read. It's all complete though the second half might need a bit more rewrite and revision.
Do you know anyone or have any advice? I think I'll have to write a normal book to get an agent's attention first hahaaha

>> No.22509222 [DELETED] 

Well it’s the original /lit/ book and has over a dozen sequels

>> No.22509223

Only retards who have read fewer than five books actually read this

>> No.22509573

It didn't, Garnder.

>> No.22509603

Infinite shilling

>> No.22509649

Bad take. It’s only ever CotC that’s memed. F Gardner has tons of books. But CotC is the one that’s spammed and has been for several years. If Gardner was actually behind it wouldn’t you think he would talk about his other books? The F man has new books that haven’t been around for years like CotC has been.

>> No.22509736

You mean the random stupid ass-pull out of nowhere?

>> No.22509743

No, the original /lit/ book was by Tao Lin (c. 2009), followed by "City Of Singles" by Jason Bryan (c. 2013). You're a late-arriving nobody.

>> No.22509751

It's obviously just you, Frank. After your usual sperg-out shill-spam like this, you get banned, and then literally no one mentions you, or talks about you, until your ban expires. And you're too stupid, and lacking in self-awareness. to realize how obvious you are. The only response is to report and ignore.

>> No.22509766

Call of the Arcade was better

>> No.22509820
File: 1.10 MB, 1236x1584, download_(16)-transforfefmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you do with the crocodile

>> No.22509841

>Read the room.
They can, that's why they keep spamming it.

>> No.22509850
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of reading Francis Edward's garbage-tier "books", read the astute, biting parody someone wrote of his crap! https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf

>> No.22509870

We can recognize your pathetic posting. You’re really still shilling your Gardner fan fiction? Are you upset you can’t even get Frankie to acknowledge you?

>> No.22509894


>> No.22509909
File: 33 KB, 1594x480, f-gardner-DMCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fanfiction, and not mine. And you acknowledged it in the most petty, disgraceful way possible.

>> No.22509916

F. Gardner? This guy plants, cultivates, and harvests farts? Looooooooool

>> No.22509936

Fake false flag just like the totally real and not fake magazine Gardner is supposedly coming out with.

>> No.22509946

/lit/ has like 40 unique posters on a good day. it only takes 1 dedicated jealous schizo f gardener poster, if not f gardner himself to solo carry this effort
i appreciate the idea that some retard feels slighted or jealous of this author though

>> No.22509961 [DELETED] 

i would like to read some of your writing before bed.
no poems.

>> No.22509988
File: 46 KB, 171x142, ohnoes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all a big conspiracEEEEEEE oh noooooooes
Leave it to Frank to come up with the most brainlet take possible.

>> No.22510006

It has a unique concept and original plot. Same deal with all talked about books. It reminded me of House of Leaves but with a Silent Hill esque premise and setup. F Gardner’s the David Lynch of literature.

>> No.22510018

If David Lynch had fetal alcohol syndrome, syphilis, and a stroke, maybe.

>> No.22510666

I honestly think Adventure was the cream of the crop albeit gimmicky

>> No.22511045

I think it’s because the series is really trippy and also cause it has regular releases. Also Sam as a reoccurring character. I get excited whenever he appears and I’m glad he’s in it so often now.

>> No.22511341

ha ha Frank is a lowly phoneposter poorfag

>> No.22512755

It’s more like the Sakura Fish

>> No.22513194

Sakura-fish isn’t a long fucking book series of schizoposts

>> No.22513395

Nor does it repeat itself endlessly, as if a Labrador retriever had somehow become literate.
>Saul was a Jew. He was a man. Saul was a Jewish man. He wore a Star Of David on his chest. He wore a yarmulke on his head to proclaim his Jewishness. He looked in front of him. At the synagogue. Where Jewish people go. He was going there. Because he was a Jewish person. Other Jewish people were going to the synagogue.

>> No.22513504

"Well, I guess since the door has a knob that must be how you open it. I've seen people open doors that way, so I'm sure it'll work. I'll just reach over and twist the knob and when I hear the click, I'll know I can pull the door open and then go inside this room." The man began to contemplate the action which he planned to carry out: he would use the knob to open the door and gain access to the room.

>> No.22513522 [DELETED] 
File: 289 KB, 1314x731, IMG_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake. The characters name isn’t even “Saul”. Don’t you get tired of posting your schizobabble day after day?

>> No.22513534 [DELETED] 

Some anons are desperate to make Gardner look bad ever since he decided to start shutting down servers. Someone must’ve really pissed him off and he doesn’t reason with anyone who doesn’t bend the knee.

>> No.22513561 [DELETED] 

How are the new books

>> No.22513568

It was a parody, you obtuse goof. I'll bet you're still seething over the colorization of "The Wizard Of Oz".

>> No.22513602

They're all crap. Read >>22509850 instead...at least it's entertaining

>> No.22513921

It’s alot more interesting than Infinite Jest

>> No.22514553

LOL...a bunch of Frank's samefagging responses got deleted. He may be a janny, but even the other jannies hate him. Hopefully he's banned for a while, too. LMAO

>> No.22515041

"Gardner is a developmentally-disabled alcoholic who is supported by his overly indulgent mommy and daddy, despite being 34 years old, and would be homeless and dead if not for them.
With the advantages he was born into, he could have soared to the limits of his skills, talent, and effort, yet this pathetic state is all he could attain.
He was also busted for paying for thousands–THOUSANDS–of fake reviews on Amazon and GoodReads. Using mommy and daddy's money, of course.
He's been kicked off of nearly every major web site out there, either for fraud or for shill-spamming.
He tried to run for political office, but was too corrupt and incompetent even for Chicago.
People that live in glass houses should wait until nightfall to use the restroom, Francis Edward."

>> No.22515931

Because of the ending

>> No.22516313

based lololololol

>> No.22516376
File: 189 KB, 549x877, f-gardner-the-bluebird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gardner is so dense, light bends around him.

>> No.22516786

Time and effort. F Gardner has the single best work ethic of all the writers to come from /wg./ He’s really the only one to have gained a significant fanbase.

>> No.22516962

Churning out unedited pre-kindergarten gibberish doesn't qualify as having a work ethic. You've also never had a job in your life. And your relentless same-fagging and self-stroking doesn't qualify as a fanbase.

>> No.22517098

Accusing others of samefagging when all you do is samefag is very transparent. Do you think you’re fooling anyone? Please do us all a favor and leave 4chan forever. Jannies are sick of your shit and your posts are instantly recognizable. Leave the internet and never return.
It’s not just because of that. Gardner’s endings are similar.

>> No.22517117

>a significant fanbase
delusional, Frank

>> No.22517125

He’s not wrong. Go on YouTube and look up CotC. People actually read it.

>> No.22517130

>11 videos, at least three of them meme videos
>over the span of two years
such popular

>> No.22517177

It’s more than anything else from here