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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 380x300, spoon476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2248018 No.2248018 [Reply] [Original]

Itt the book you're currently reading. Pic related. Bret Easton Ellis' best work.

>> No.2248020

Brideshead Revisited. Revisiting it, you might say.

>> No.2248021

All twenty of them?

>> No.2248023

Moby Dick, its some gooooood shit

>> No.2248029
File: 29 KB, 211x300, Hemingwaysun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
I like it so far. It's one of the only non-scfi/fantasy book I've read outside of school.

>> No.2248032

Hey, I'm gonna read that over break.

Currently reading Ham on Rye.

>> No.2248038

BEE's best work is still a billion times worse than a mediocre novel.

>> No.2248049

Essays by Marx
It's some free collection on Project Gutenberg. Not bad so far.

>> No.2248057

The Piano Teacher (Elfriede Jelinek)

>> No.2248060



Currently reading Gravity's Rainbows along with short-stories by Cortazar, Lovecraft, and DFWalrus.

>> No.2248071

Gone With The Wind.
It's interesting, I'm not sure what I think yet.

>> No.2248073

Welcome to the Monkey House. There are some fantastic stories in it.

>> No.2249927


Bitches don't know about The Rules of Attraction.

>> No.2249932

I'm reading The Man with No Qualities by Robert Musil

>> No.2250365
File: 90 KB, 342x500, the-girl-who-played-with-fire-20100804105312109[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, just finished it.

>> No.2250371

Half way through the road.

>> No.2250398

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
Also The Brothers Karamazov but I'm using that as like a "I'm kind of sick of reading my current book today but I still want to read" sort of thing.

>> No.2250475
File: 126 KB, 459x738, Changes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished. Liking a lot.

>> No.2250480
File: 36 KB, 548x833, NomaBar_DonDeLillo_Point_Omega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying it so far, its pretty chill

>> No.2250485

On the go at the mo

Somewhere in time - Richard Matheson

The Hindus: An alternative history - Wendy Doniger (her liberal feminist take on things is making me RAGGGGGGGE)

The Philosophical Imaginary - Michelle Le Doeuff

>> No.2250898

How is Ham on Rye? Just finished Almost Transparent Blue today, so I'm looking for something new to read.

>> No.2250904
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>The Brothers Karamazov but I'm using that as like a "I'm kind of sick of reading my current book today but I still want to read" sort of thing.

Actually, it's your "god this is boring, and I can't focus because it's rubbish but I have to finish it otherwise I'm not a proper intellectual, so I'll read something better and more enjoyable in between mouthfuls of this steaming rank poorly-translated manure that I seem to have to shovel down" sort of thing.

Closer to the truth? Yeah, it is isn't it? Admit it, let it out: we're all anonymous here my friend.

>> No.2250906

genrefags gonna genre

>> No.2250907

I was reading black elk speaks
Now thinking about rre-reading beowulf
and maybe Celts,Saxons and Vikings the Gentic history of England,Scotland and Ireland

>> No.2250930

The Way Of Zen and Brief Interviews With Hideous Men

>> No.2250932
File: 25 KB, 253x400, book+cover+of+The+Rules+of+Attraction+byBret+Easton+Ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is Ellis' best work

>> No.2250950


Great fucking book. I'm planning to read Post Office over winter break.

Currently reading On the Road.

>> No.2250965


Genrefag I am not, I just fucking hate that book, and the translations are horrible. People only read it because they think it makes them look educated while people with an actual education laugh at them.

>> No.2250972


>her liberal feminist take on things is making me RAGGGGGGGE

because her "liberal feminist take" is actually a well-reasoned academic argument, and you're just a childish autodidact, doomed to displaying your knowledge in pub quizzes for the rest of your life.

>> No.2250974

Almost finished with this book comrade! Much easier of a read than 'Lost Victories' by Manstein though not Manstein's fault. I'm not too good with military terminology and such. Still, good shit.

>> No.2250975
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>> No.2250977

Actually, she sucks and the book sucks.

>> No.2250978


nice way to prove your academic credentials there, junior

No. You suck.

>> No.2250979

The Plague by Albert Camus.

>> No.2250989

Which translation, how do you like it, and how far in are you?

>> No.2250990
File: 25 KB, 300x229, hipster-chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. It's you.

>> No.2250991
File: 98 KB, 650x433, hipster_fucking_cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, this one's you.

>> No.2250992

Well that's not so bad.

>> No.2250993


Except that the woman is considerably more masculine than you are.

>> No.2250996


Actually, I've changed my mind, I like you guys. I was going to rag on you for being pretentious camus-gobbling wankstains, but now I've seen your pictures, I think you're OK.

I think you'll make a lovely couple.

>> No.2250997

reading Middlemarch. so far i'm not really blown away, but i'll give it some more time. it might just be too antiquated for my tastes.

>> No.2251000

Actually, I was asking those questions because I absolutely hated The Plague and have been wondering if it was the translation.

>> No.2251004
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loving every page

>> No.2251030
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>> No.2251051
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>> No.2251058
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Every bit as pretentious and insufferable as you'd think.

>> No.2251073

The Odyssey. It's good. Odysseus just got to Ithaca :3

>> No.2251077

Why are you reading this obvious propaganda?
Just looking at the picture you can clearly see Marx and Einstein, neither of them were believers in the Judaist sense.
And no, JEWS are not a race.

>> No.2251108

Wait is that the jjj, abc bookshow bitch with the big titties and obvious sexual awkwardness?

Why? Why? If you love pain lets hook up and I will spank you. Fuck why? I hope you stole the book. You fucker, by buying this you are encouraging her.

You do realise she said she is in love with Holden caulfield! There are too many good book. Here a recmenedadtion William Golding-the paper man. Thank me when you never look back at this shit.

>> No.2251120


Doniger's history is a poor book. The prose is over done and lacks clarity. The thing is screaming for an editor (those rambling footnotes that aim at being comical and clever and end up falling short of both). The work itself lacks insight (I'm 600 pages in and have gone, "Aha!" to myself perhaps twice) and the persistent moralising nags about 2000 year old texts because they don't happen to sit right with her values is futile. It comes across as shrewish and facile, juvenile. Reading, I am constantly thinking "Wendy Doniger Wendy Doniger" - she's got that cultural studies hyper-self-consiousness in spades and I expected better taste of a top flight academic in 2011.

Oh, and I'm not *just* a childish autodidact thanks. Though to judge from your kneejerk sniffiness I expect there's little more to you than some tedious facial hair, droopy halfbright eyelids and a litany of lifeless takes on a few pet subjects. So fuck you and fuck off.

>> No.2251122

I'm about to tell you something that may not make a whole lot of sense, but I need you to believe that it is what I want.

I want to fuck Mareike Hardy. Not in a nice way. In a hard, headboard-banging, furious anger way. Few people piss me off more. She embodies everything I hate about the art scene at large and Australian art in particular. I hate her so very much that I need to have sexual intercourse with her in a way so very far from making love and so very dangerously teetering over the edge of what is considered fucking.

There is a part of the book where she describes the first time she masturbated and the time she had a threesome. I was in thrall to my own erotic fury. One of the reasons I wish to become famous is so I can fuck her and enter a toxic, destructive relationship with her where both of our lives are fucked up irreparably.

I need this. I don't need anyone to understand, but I need this.

>> No.2251127

Addendum: If she is reading this, Marieke is probably very turned on. This is the kind of person I am dealing with.

>> No.2251139

>She embodies everything I hate about the art scene at large and Australian art in particular

If only the corrosive, poisonous, foul smelling infestation was contained to the arts. I cry for Australia

God speed anon. If you need another penis to jamb in her eye socket I will gladly volunteer.

>> No.2251170


Stuart Gilbert translation. It's for my existentialism course though. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. (1/3 of the way) I'm curious as to how each character will develop in response to the plague.


Ha ha. Far from it pal.

>> No.2251174


fuck me she's hot

what does he do?

>> No.2251176
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>> No.2251178

Judaism is ethno-religious. You can be Jewish but not religious. You seem slightly mad, sir.

>> No.2251189
File: 99 KB, 600x399, marieke hardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2251193


I don't know who those people are, but I dislike them. Especially him.

>> No.2251492
File: 28 KB, 285x428, marieke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, she's a bit of a hound. I know that feel though, some women just incite you to slap them, shove their knickers in their mouth and then wank on their face before leaving the slag WTFing while you piss off down the pub for an hour or two.

She looks a bit like this friend of mine who's a conceptual artist. Actually, she looks a bit like all my friends who are conceptual artist.

10/10 for your revolting brain, anon. I'm going to assume that you're an ausfag, and long in bed, but fuck it, well played, sir.

>> No.2251512
File: 8 KB, 254x254, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not the cover I have because this cover is 'ghey' and I wouldn't stand being seen with it in public.

still, reading it.

>> No.2251513



>> No.2251525
File: 33 KB, 720x468, showgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bret Easton Ellis' best work.

ha ha like such a thing exists

>> No.2251529


rules of attraction is pretty non-terrible, relatively

very sharply observed at least

>> No.2251539
File: 41 KB, 314x471, Sailor-and-Lula_The-Complete-Novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 100 pages in but am enjoying very much.

>> No.2251566
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>> No.2251598
File: 14 KB, 120x179, coover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's OK.

It's kinda weird. Very cool. Very /tg/, and /pomo/.

Actually, it's been kinda awesome so far - almost finished it, and it's going into uber-freakout mode.

You know, this book is a beast. It's brilliant. I recommend it to everyone. In fact, if you don't read it, I will kill you.

>> No.2251600

The Beat Hotel by Barry Miles

>> No.2251614


holy fucking shit, i just finished this last night and i loved it

wicked funny/sad metafiction that's way less coldblooded than some other metafiction can tend to be... the part about the wake has just this perfect dreamlike aspect and the part where lou comes over to play the game rules too

i won't kill you for not reading it but i will frown and shake my head very slowly

>> No.2251619
File: 32 KB, 254x214, prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 books

Skin Map by Thomas Nelson. Talked 8 of my friends to read it more or less on a dare. New author to all of us and I got everyone a copy for $5.

The Friends of Eddie Coyle by Geroge V. Higgins. Heard Elmore Leonard reads a bit of this before each day's writing and thought since it was a cool movie the book would be good, too (if not better).

>> No.2251635
File: 14 KB, 200x292, 200px-Oldmansea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.

Books like this are why I claimed to love reading in the first place. I realised I read so much insincere, self-indulgent wank. This was so good.

>> No.2251645
File: 363 KB, 684x2025, 2011-12-14 06.54.01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 10,000 times funnier than I thought it'd be.

>> No.2251649

Mrs Dalloway

Thought the first few pages were a bit fragmentary/not flowy enough. Not as instantly magnetic as To the Lighthouse. Starting to get into it now - it seems much more fluid and captivating.

>> No.2251667
File: 81 KB, 475x323, rab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i won't kill you for not reading it but i will frown and shake my head very slowly

Insufficient incentivisation, brahmin.

If you don't read this book, I'm going to come round your house and fuck you right up.


>> No.2251677


Does one have to be familiar with the baseball rules to enjoy it? Cause I'm not going there.

>> No.2251719


No. Not at all.

It might help if you've ever played subbuteo or football manager or something like that - it's about immersive games, and alterity and having sex with fat women.

>> No.2251724
File: 30 KB, 500x509, bulla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just read it, or I'll beat your dog up.

>> No.2251878

Welcome to the Monkey House.
Hit and miss stories, but it's nice to read short stories over winter break.

>> No.2251883

re-reading Notes From The Underground
There Will Be War (short story collection edited by Jerry Pournelle)
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvier

>> No.2251890

oh woah is that the book that's about the guy who gets obsessed with playing a fantasy baseball league he made up

i mad want to read that book. they had a thing about it in the classical a couple months ago i think.

>> No.2251899

Just finished To The Lighthouse. SO GOOD i am a big dumb babby who just started reading Virginia Woolf and she's pretty rad, it turns out. Super awesome.

>> No.2251901
File: 89 KB, 500x712, AFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading A Feast for Crows, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Just flying by /lit/ to see what was going on, and if i understand this board correctly, and you act the same way as /a/, you would call me a faggot or something

>> No.2251904

That was my experience as well. This guy here: >>2251899

Enjoy your wonderful magical journey.

>> No.2251905


oh shit

>> No.2251907
File: 32 KB, 307x395, american-psycho-02-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah same. I only picked this book up because it was cheap and the intro was good erm...what mess have I got myself into?!
I will finish this book, just not in one go...
The amount of times I have had to put that book down.

>> No.2251917

Ahhhhh just went back to read the thread and want to remind everyone about the best post in /lit/ history, right here

Also big ups to the dude rereading Brideshead, love that book so fucking much, even if it is un-apologetically aristocratic and lush. Waugh is just such a good fucking prose writer + his characters are awesome and his portrayal of decline and fall is so good and i love that book love it love it love it.

Best scene: Charles and Rex having dinner at the little restaurant in Paris.

>> No.2251953


it totally is and read it irl

if anybody can weigh in on any other robert coover joints i'd be very interested

>> No.2251976
File: 62 KB, 631x612, reilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking love Confederacy of Dunces. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.2251981
File: 40 KB, 363x326, 1319193764467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mulamadhyamakakarika (Fundamental verses of the Middle Way) translated by Jay Garfield

>mfw hardly anyone understands this book

>> No.2251992

you sound like a horrible fucking reader and human being in general. I've never read TBK, but anyone who actually says "HURR YOUR JUS READIN THAT 2 SEEM SMART XD" is a fucking retard and is probably in high school. I know you think you're a unique little snowflake by denouncing classics, but you just sound retarded. You didn't even criticize the story itself, just the idea of people reading it. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.2251999

quoting this post, quoting this post forever

"YOU'RE JUST READING THIS TO SEEM SMART" is the dumbest, most anti-intellectual meme and yet it's apparently an acceptable thing to say. Read books, read books everyday, because books are real cool.

Also, I love genre books and I read genre all the fucking time, and I don't see why loving genre has to be coupled with FUCKING CLASSICS SUCK except for people having a massive inferiority complex. Here is my response to that: get over it. Read books, read books everyday, because books are rad.

>> No.2252006


all i wanna do is *page flapping* *page flapping* *page flapping*

>> No.2252039

The Moviegoer.

Not sure how I feel about it so far.

>> No.2252047

>He dies ... kind of
Someone's a pleb whose a full book behind.

>> No.2252077

I'm not that far into it actually to make a judgement on it. I started reading it because I have a friend who's really into Dostoyevsky and also my philosophy class had some excerpts from it that made it sound pretty neat. I got over the "reading classic lit because I'm mature" phase a long time ago, since being like that killed my love for reading for years. If it's really painful to read I'll just stop.

>> No.2252089
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>> No.2252105


>> No.2252110

I have a raging boner now

>> No.2252121

good argument. Obviously you're in the whole "people only read classic books to look smart" group of retards, so I can only assume you're quite a moron yourself.

>> No.2252123

lol look at yourself man

>> No.2252130
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It's fantastic.

>> No.2252134
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>> No.2252207
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>> No.2252211

i have that exact edition, hardcover

>> No.2252221

I finished the first volume of Tristram Shandy but I dunno if I'll continue with the rest because I'm finding it pretty tricky because I'm so unused to this old timey language. Tie that in with a fuck ton of digressions and I'm pretty confused. where's my harry potter books.

>> No.2252223

One of my favorite novels ever.

>> No.2252241
File: 53 KB, 510x680, the-last-watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't see how /lit/ doesn't talk about this series IT IS GREAT.

>> No.2252264

How does it compare to Siddhartha?

>> No.2252284
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 45342812231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty good so far.

>> No.2252291

picked up david copperfield.
>..this is some boring shit!
"dont worry it picks up like halfway through!"
>3/4 through rip the rest of the pages out

>> No.2252294

On the road, and a collection of pasolinis poems

>> No.2252302

They Marched Into Sunlight

>> No.2252308
File: 37 KB, 327x500, 1312863761559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Algebraist by Banks

>> No.2253183

Just finished The Old Man and the Sea.

Starting The Bell Jar later tonight. :)

>> No.2253197

Rereading The Shining

>> No.2253610

That book sucks. Nicholson and Kubrik made it awesome, though.

>> No.2253626

Just finished the first Flashman book and have started on the Lies of Locke Lamora. I needed a break from the heavy stuff.

>> No.2253767

Billie the unicorn.

>> No.2254048

That whole series sucks and the author is an ignorant alcoholic.

>> No.2254106
File: 19 KB, 374x477, arya frowns in your direction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look it up on Wikipedia
>"The story revolves around a confrontation between two opposing supernatural groups (known as "Others"): the Night Watch, an organization dedicated to policing the actions of the Dark Others"


>> No.2254145

>Implying that Games of Thrones was out before the first book of this series, it was originally in Russian.

>> No.2254157
File: 18 KB, 300x300, spiritfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished `the transformation and other stories` (transformation is re-read). kafka, obvs. i really like the `meditation` compilation featured in this book better than all else i`ve read by kafka =/

pic related, currently reading

>> No.2254177
File: 5 KB, 110x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sputnik Sweetheart - Haruki Murakami

Deal with it.

>> No.2254183

Strange and Norrel is a fantastic book.

>> No.2254186
File: 92 KB, 400x500, LIBRIVOX20000LeaguesUnderTheSea500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---this. Am still kind of 'meh' about it. Interesting in context.

>> No.2254222

Just finished the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

Trainread: Goethe - Faust
Bedread: Steven Erikson - Memories of Ice
Interestread: Michael Barkun - A Culture of Conspiracy
Fieldread: Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
Funread: Alan Dean Foster - Midworld

That's about it methinks.

>> No.2254290


Sure is good taste in here. What's the title of the DFW short stories collection you're reading?

There seems to be only two on Amazon and one is horribly reviewed and the other is titled as essays.

>> No.2254304
File: 356 KB, 700x1117, Groan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great read.

>> No.2254363

Mile 81 by Stephen King. It's a Kindle exclusive.

>> No.2254372
File: 36 KB, 258x400, asset.PNG?id=FE32A766-897D-4A84-BFD3-2796F42B61F7&amp;ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading it on my phone even though I just bought a hard copy. Was first bit of Mishima I've ever seen electronically.

>> No.2254380

Do you actually manage to read all of them at the same time and keep track of them? And what's the point of not just taking your bedread with you on the train, thus combining them?

>> No.2254383

A Game of Thrones, then Wicked by Gregory Maguire (assuming I don't get lazy and get through AGOT)

>> No.2254385

The Republic
almost done with The Odyssey
The Luzhin Defense

>> No.2254556

>that name is a bannable offence

>> No.2254572
File: 67 KB, 750x1042, 2DMtR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2254603

Catch 22 - Halfway through
Animal Farm - Done
Brave New World - Done
We - Just starting

I like dystopias

>> No.2254604

>dat dawg

>> No.2254628


Did you just pick up reading or something?

>> No.2254629

Got a Kindle, so yeah.

I have around a thousand books in it. The complete works of Shakespeare, The Republic, lots of stuff like that. I just really enjoy dystopian novels. Already read Fahrenheit 451 and after these two I'll be picking up Iron Heel

>> No.2254631


post deleted, what was it? D:

>> No.2254633

The magnum opus she who must not be named

>> No.2254636

Of she*

>> No.2254639

Or I just picked up the series. GF has Ghost Story, and I'm about halfway through it. It's ok so far.

>> No.2254644


It's so fucking bored.

>> No.2254657
File: 220 KB, 719x500, GrapesOfWrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.2254668


How is that hipsterish?

>> No.2254675


Aw, really? I was about to buy it, along with Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.2254682

get "the fall" instead.

>> No.2254688

Yeah, it could be great, but it's not...

>> No.2254717


Care to elaborate on your statement?

>> No.2254799

>that cover

>> No.2254803

I like it. Dialogue and characters are mediocre, but descriptions of the city (buildings, races, etc.) are pretty vivid and interesting.

>> No.2254806
File: 45 KB, 600x399, perdido-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm referring of course to Perdido Street Station.

>> No.2254826
File: 41 KB, 308x475, mcsweeneys_mammoth_treasury_of_thrilling_tales.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointed by quite a few stories, but some are very good/ exciting

>> No.2254840
File: 1.56 MB, 3329x2181, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carpenter's Gothic

by William Gaddis

>> No.2254846
File: 39 KB, 326x500, 10718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both our children are unhappy, each in his (or her) separate way, and I suppose that is my fault too (although I'm not sure I understand how or why. I no longer think of Derek as one of my children. Or even as mine. I try not to think of him at all; this is becoming easier, even at home when he is nearby with the rest of us, making noise with some red cradle toy or making unintelligible sounds as he endeavors to speak. By now, I don't even like his name. The children don't care for him either. ...

>> No.2254849

I'll try, but english is not my first language:

I read only the half of the book, but I think that could be more interesting if it will deepen into the psychology of the mass.

To me, It's boring, i'm keep reading it

>> No.2254893

>implying Lunar Park doesn't exist
1/10, made me reply.

>> No.2255082


My Faust fits in the pocket of my coat, Memories of Ice does not. Isn't it normal to read a lot of books? Just as you watch a lot of movies, series and whatnot.

>> No.2255208

Yes it is i am somewhat similar i have the current book i am reading(not paper) and a few other novels usually the rest of the novels series all at once.
I do this so as i finish one i can start the next right away.

>> No.2255223
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If you can you should read anything by him. As a personal recommendation, read wither pic related or The Clown.

>> No.2255413
File: 126 KB, 450x666, HM%20-%201Q84%20c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most recent masterpiece by Haruki Murakami, the greatest writer to have graced the face of earth in the last 75 years.

Sheer metapsycological brilliance of unparalleled dimensions.