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/lit/ - Literature

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22503916 No.22503916 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22503921

One of those made up emotions like sausade.

>> No.22503925

Sausade is from a pig you retard

>> No.22503926

A boredom or listlissness resulting from unfulfilled desire or ambition.

>> No.22503933

But isn't that everyone ever at all times in history?

>> No.22503956

>Sausade is from a pig you retard
Why are pigs so evocative?

Drama causes catharsis.
Epic causes kairosis.
Lyric causes kenosis.
Pig causes sausade.

>> No.22503957

I generally see the word used most often in existentialist themed material so I guess that is possible.

>> No.22503976

Long Covid for white men.

>> No.22503982

Depression for slants

>> No.22504003

When you notice that Paris isn't all that it is cracked up to be but can't be fucked to do anything about it or move.

>> No.22504024

>what's ennui

>> No.22504030


>> No.22504035

just boredom but implied to have an external rather than internal cause. more like understimulation than chemical depression. god bless you frogposter you are so thirsty for knowledge.

>> No.22504037

bored French people

>> No.22504055

More like boredom, this word gets used often in the english Translation of short story of decay by cioran

>> No.22504097

Are you reading Picture of Dorian Gray for the first time?

>> No.22504098

>picture of dorian grey
>it's a bunch of letters
>no pictures
what fucking hack came up with that

>> No.22504104


>> No.22504119

imagine not being french

>> No.22504130


>> No.22504186

it's when you're bored but not like a boring poor person, it's rich people boredom and restlessness where you have a cool word for it.

>> No.22504260

Something that makes me come on this shit website, navigate to this shit board and click on a post made by a retard and reply to it

>> No.22504363

Acedia, a lack of care (ἀ- "lack of" -κηδία "care").

>> No.22504373
File: 42 KB, 666x1000, Weltschmerz, Beiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French version of Weltschmerz, or the French reception of Schopenhauer and von Hartmann.

>> No.22504381

Low IQ people literally can't be alone with their thoughts. They don't have ennui.

>> No.22504391

White man video essay melancholic ontological prepojoppotin apodiectic negromancer cryptids

>> No.22505146

In barest terms it is a synonym for boredom, however it is often used to hint at a type of lingering existential boredom, which is not easily relieved. I.e boredom refers to a state while ennui implies a attribute, boredom is temporary while ennui is the default

>> No.22505176

I have ennui then

>> No.22505199

I’ve always felt it had a more precise definition than boredom. Like boredom with longing

>> No.22505444

I think of it as the curse of benefactors, if a rather minor one. It doesn't take much curiosity or imagination to be free of it most of the time, even in circumstances of extraordinary comfort and security. Personally, I like a lot of privacy, quiet, and domestic order, and while never entirely happy without friends willing and able to talk about almost everything that drifts into their attention or haunts their dreams, am not unduly troubled by their absences. Good conversation has its place, but so does memory. It doesn't hurt that my immediate and extended family has, and had, rather a lot of memorable characters in it.

>> No.22505452

>C'est l'Ennui! L'oeil chargé d'un pleur involontaire,
>II rêve d'échafauds en fumant son houka.
>Tu le connais, lecteur, ce monstre délicat,
>— Hypocrite lecteur, — mon semblable, — mon frère!

>> No.22505461

Intellectual boredom
No, some people are having fun.

>> No.22505575
File: 118 KB, 459x336, beauty_worry_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ennui is what its like being a genius gamer like myself (said with ZERO irony)

>> No.22505689

Can we see your lifetime earnings from SC2 tournaments?

>> No.22505747

*Sausage, and it can come from any kind of animal
I swear 90% of /lit/ is filled with eliterate retards

>> No.22505773

Feel like I always need to look up the definition of it, never sticks in my mind.

>> No.22505896

Yes this,if an anglo author uses it he just wants to appear smarter than he is.

>> No.22506234


>> No.22506336

erm im not really a high processing speed kinda guy... I do better with knowledge based games. I could probably be an mtg pro but that game sucks lol

>> No.22506886

post your spacechem run

>> No.22507673

no. just losers