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File: 46 KB, 667x1000, KantianHolyBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22500911 No.22500911 [Reply] [Original]

noobs in philosophy are normie naive realists. Their default mode is materialism. You can't just tell them "bro materialism is false bro bc it just is ok", you have to actually show them. Plato is too highbrow for them at their present stage; they won't "get" him because the Ideas are not even a possibility for them. But Kant gets down to their level, uses this normie midwit state of consciousness as the starting point for his system and leads his readers to see the falsehood of materialism, to despair of the consequences of the combination of this falsehood with the limitations of the normie midwit mind, and only then even begin to understand the significance of Plato. Through Kant's meticulous analysis of the mind, and likewise meticulous investigation into what the conditions of knowledge of a transcendent realm would be, and also whether the knowledge derived from this preceding analysis reveals the mind to conform to these conditions, the reader is provided with possibly the best material with which to develop a system under which the analysis of mind would find it (the mind) commensurate to the task of knowing a supersensible reality: the intelligible or ideal realm--- the realm of the noumena in a positive sense, in the sense of actualities, in the sense of the noumena as real rather than simply products of our subjective imagination. From this point, the transition to the study of Plato would be a natural and satisfying decision for the reader, and he would be able to really appreciate Plato. Don't listen to this naive realist materialust normie faggots. Read Kant, but don't be a dilettante, because then you're just wasting your time and you'll end up being another one of those anons seetheposting everyday because they got filtered but who blame the author instead because of their fragile egos. Take it seriously and maybe you might develop intellectual intuition, or as some call it, the third eye, and see the noumenal realm for yourself.

>> No.22500950

Critique of Practical Reason is just not that good.

>> No.22500955

God is dead, sweaty, science killed it

>> No.22500961
File: 34 KB, 355x168, PLATON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't see God

>> No.22500964

This says more about you since CPrR is kino af.

>> No.22501012

There is nothing compelling from Kant. Kant's output is only his personal opinion. And his little intellectual circus clearly doesn't work on other people, both smarter and dumber than him kek.

>> No.22501039

The point is not to get Plato. Plato gets in you. That is why you read him first.

>> No.22501049
File: 257 KB, 677x845, DerMeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kant's output is only his personal opinion

>as objectively considered there can only be one human Reason, so there cannot be many Philosophies; in other words, there is ONLY ONE TRUE SYSTEM OF PHILOSOPHY founded upon principles, however variously and however contradictorily men may have philosophized over one and the same proposition.

try harder anon or you're ngmi

>> No.22501078
File: 527 KB, 1024x1024, bb9_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant is such a noob, and a hopeless modern to boot, by using the human intellect as the most stable and secure foundation of analysis. There actually exists an already known to ancients better ground: Reality.
>as objectively considered there can only be one Realty, so there cannot be many Philosophies; in other words, there is ONLY ONE TRUE SYSTEM OF PHILOSOPHY founded upon principles, however variously and however contradictorily men may have philosophized over one and the same proposition.
Now that's an actual argument.

>> No.22501089

>presupposes that which is to be proved

>> No.22501097

You do realize EVERY position presupposes, and the primary question isn't why does anyone perceive anything at all, but why does anything exist at all. Being and not the human intellect is the essential matter.

>> No.22501104

>You do realize EVERY position presupposes
yes but not that which is to be proved, which is the case with Reality, or what is in itself and would be whether the human mind existed or not.

>> No.22501111

It's really the blind leading the blind. Have fun! It's only your one life after all. There are a countless other lives, better lived, of course.

>> No.22501118

>It's only your one life after all.
my soul is immortal and my one eternal life subsumes my present earthly existence within it.

>> No.22501247


Based and true. Kant helped me overcome the mental illness known as materialism and find God.

>> No.22501254

good on you anon

>> No.22502341


>> No.22502994
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>> No.22503187
File: 113 KB, 1175x894, 375292287_787965853331609_5524825810110042009_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Materialists are so fucking dumb. Imagine thinking you're an intellectual when your entire philosophy is based on peekaboo and things cant exist if you can't see/observe them

>> No.22503202


Yeah. And wow the universe JUST SO HAPPENS to confotm perfectly to our human sense perceptions. WOW what a coincidence!

>> No.22503207
File: 31 KB, 483x600, DerSeher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22503210

but our sense perceptions evolved in reaction to the universe

>> No.22503211

I grew up tipping a metaphorical fedora at religious people. I want to ascend to a state in which I can tip my fedora at naive empiricists. Which Kant text is best for me if I only want to read one? Is the Prolegomena good enough?

>> No.22503221
File: 74 KB, 585x780, PortableFirstCritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That the Prolegomena is meant to be read before the critique of pure reason is a midwit meme literally refuted in the intro to the prolegomena:

>although a mere sketch PRECEDING the Critique of Pure Reason would be UNINTELLIGIBLE, UNRELIABLE, and USELESS, it is all the more useful as a SEQUEL. For so we are able to grasp the whole, to examine in detail the chief points of importance in the science, and to improve in many respects our exposition, as compared with the first execution of the work.

and also:
>I offer here such a plan which is sketched out after an analytical method, while the work itself [the Critique of Pure Reason] had to be executed in the synthetical style, in order that the science may present all its articulations, as the structure of a peculiar cognitive faculty, in their natural combination.

>Our representations must be given previously to any analysis of them; and no conceptions can arise, quoad their content, analytically. But the synthesis of a diversity (be it given a priori or empirically) is the first requisite for the production of a cognition, which in its beginning, indeed, may be crude and confused, and therefore in need of analysis,—still, synthesis is that by which alone the elements of our cognitions are collected and united into a certain content, consequently it is the first thing on which we must fix our attention, if we wish to investigate the origin of our knowledge.

Analysis always presupposes an antecedent synthesis, and the Prolegomena (the analysis) presupposes it's antecedent synthesis (the Critique).

>> No.22503290

really can't thank you guys enough for soothing this generation of slaves. i personally really need them motivated, willing to work long hours in exchange for an "afterlife" (The part where you close the suicide loophole through sin is a really nice touch by the way!). big props on making god responsible for everything too! can't have them figuring too much out!

>> No.22503307

Oh yes, I started with him…

>> No.22503309

what is your deal, you autist?

>> No.22503318

leftism induced cognitive impairment

>> No.22503335

My good man, do not get confused, you and the leftists are fighting the same fight! The slaves need placation!

>> No.22503360





>> No.22503366


>le opiate of the masses meme

kek we've got a middle schooler here. But you know the cool thing is, it doesn't matter what you think. The truth is the truth. God is real and 2+2=4. Cope and seethe, and keep trying to fill that existential void until the day you die.

>> No.22504060

chink of konigsberg, lmao


>> No.22504134

meds. now.

>> No.22504158

True or false: space is time, but time is not space.

>> No.22504223


Space and time are both creations of the mind.

>> No.22504273

Using "God" to fill an "existential void!" Way to sell your problem before your solution! I have to ask though, do all the slaves you lord over buy into this "existential void" stuff? Or do some of them have other descriptions of their slavishness?

>> No.22504364

Pretty much this. Normalfags arent going to be able to read kant though, so you have to use things like Jordan Petersons maps of meaning series (pre fame). Cringe but it worked for me 8 years ago or whatever

>> No.22504370

why did it take Hegel to separate The Judgement from categories of judgement? where does Kant even try to do this?

>> No.22504420


Nothing I say right now will change your mentally-ill mind. But remember that we all worship something. We do it through our actions. Maybe take some time to think about what you worship and about what you order your life towards. It is probably your own ego. There's no shame in that - that's modern society. But with courage you can push through it.

I said a prayer for you.

>> No.22504474

>Humans cannot know the essence of things
>Experience is appearance
>but it's not subjectivism
The problem with Kant is his heavy reliance on dualism, but one cannot blame him since he was practically trapped in the Renaissance.

>> No.22504612


Schopenhauer provided part of the answer with Will and Representation. But he messed up because he concluded that all Will was undifferentiated without any reason to do so. In fact, the existence of separate beings shows that Will IS differentiated as reflected in the Representation.

>> No.22504646

Excellent performance! Bravo! I suppose all questions are best answered through demonstration, aren't they? But of course! Naturally a slave thinks everyone else is just like them, always begging on their knees. Are the warnings because they usually get quite mad and fall over if they try to stand upright? Well, I suppose existential voids require a bit more thinking by comparison, don't they! Anyway, I know the method to stooping down to their level is a bit dirty, but don't forget to take a bath every once in a while!

>> No.22504650

What's the end goal of phenomenology?

>> No.22504672

good job anon

>> No.22504677

cringe af

>> No.22504713
File: 764 KB, 1080x1066, 1693945302862371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i wrong for starting with neitzsche "the twilight of idols"?
>yes i'm a newfag in philosophy

>> No.22504892


le epic! exquisite use of language fine sir. truly your enlightened mind far surpasses silly concepts of a flying spaghetti sky daddy. bravo, have some gold!

>> No.22504897


Slave status: owned! +1 for refusing to live on your knees

>> No.22504998


>> No.22505298

>starting with neitzsche
neitzsche references shit every 5 seconds. Start with the greeks.

>> No.22505684

I can't make heads or tails of your post. Do you think my proposition is true or not?

>> No.22506264


We'll have you read and understood Kant? The material world is just as "unreal" as time. Both are constructions of the mind from the underlying unknowable reality.

>> No.22506287



>> No.22506299
File: 19 KB, 1000x1000, space under time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is an attempt to illustrate my point. Hopefully you'll be able and willing to pass judgement on it.

>> No.22507216

Kant is indeed a popular initiator but imo solidly in the C tier. I think he works much better as a jungler. Problem is then he's competing with Kierkegaard for that role and at that point why even bother?

>> No.22507232

Kant would have beat you with a mallet until unconscious for this post. How many times does he specifically have to state that we cannot know Noumena at all, even a little bit? You can’t seriously use Kant as an antidote for materialism and then in the same turn use Plato as an antidote for Kant. It makes zero theoretical and practical sense. The obvious turn for a more developed idealism post-Kant would be Hegel who actually attempts a refutation of Kant’s phenomenal schism instead of Plato who would still operates in the naive consciousness. Kant dunked on Plato every single time he got the chance.

>> No.22507743


I don't understand what you're saying. How is space "in" time?

>> No.22507748


And Schopenhauer dunked on Kant and showed how we can know it, through knowing our own existence. Schopenhauer is correct in that regard, and it shows that Aristotelian hylomorphism is true. There is the immaterial form/soul/will and the "material" representation. Different sides of the same coin.

>> No.22507826

Have you read up to the transcendental aesthetic? Time is the formal a priori condition of all phenomena whatsoever.

>> No.22507859

Cringe ass midwittery. Go back to plebbit

>> No.22507887

Structure of your thread:
Baseles assertions, commands, personal opinion

What and intelectualy stimulating thread wow. Bravo OP you are such an third eyer.

>> No.22507890

Substance dualism is only held up by religotards and magic believers, you retarded cunt.

>> No.22508150

kys faggots

>> No.22508248

It's all happening inside your brain tier objectively irrefutable philosophy.

>> No.22508539

I am what?
Gentleman, this is third eye manifest!
Have a good look at the intellect here.

>> No.22508554

>knowing our own existence.
TIL schopenhauer got filtered by Kant

>> No.22508568

Schopenhauer failed to grasp the phenomenality of the self which is necessary in Kant’s system and only best resolved, as the other anon suggested, by Hegel.

>> No.22508682


In your opinion anon, do you finde Kants transcedental aesthethics and implication drawn from it reasonable? (Puting Hegels counterarguments aside).