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22499159 No.22499159 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that the Nazi shit for brains dullard ghouls on this board have never read the Iliad so they don’t understand that it is in fact a critique of war; but sadly they’re too stupid to know this and just think it’s about “LE EPIC MARVEL SUPERHEROES FIGHTAN FOR DA WHITE RACE XDDDD”

Also, then just as now, the Greeks had dark skin and had no clue what the fuck a “white race” was and likely would have felt much more natural kinship with the civilized Ethiopians (their word for everyone of very dark “black” complexions) than the subhuman pale savage celts to their north west who lived in mud huts and practiced cannibalism

>> No.22499160

Troll or cope Achilles is blonde. Read the book.

>> No.22499165
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I have, in Homeric Greek too.
Multiple times the skin of the heroes is called λευκός aka the color of γάλα, milk

cope + seethe + dilate + go back to the sewages, coproderm

>> No.22499167

I read the illiad when I was in elementary school. Imagine believing ancient people couldn't identify race just because you read a communist secondary source

>> No.22499171

be this man

>> No.22499179

huh? Literally who thinks the Iliad is about white supremacy, I have never heard anyone interpret it like that. Anyway, it isn’t about war either.

>> No.22499207

Iliad is a glorification of genocidal war, if anything.

To be fair, although OP is a tranny, Achilles is described as xanthos which is used to describe a range of colors. In art he is always depicted as brunette.
OP also doesn't mention Achilles at all, and throughout time there were several intermediate or even dark skinned people with blond hair.

Where? Wanna post the stanza? Do you mean λευκοχέρα referring to a goddess, which translates to "magic-handed"? Since as you know there's no such skin color and the skin tone of all the ancient DNA doesn't show any such thing.

>> No.22499222

not even ancient Greek, way to show yourself, I'm guessing I'm communicating with a local brown squatting insect convinced by anglos he's an Hellene

>αὐτὸς δὲ Τρώων καὶ Ἀχαιῶν θῦνε μεσηγὺ
>ἱστάμενος· τὰ δὲ δοῦρα θρασειάων ἀπὸ χειρῶν
>ἄλλα μὲν ἐν σάκεϊ μεγάλῳ πάγεν ὄρμενα πρόσσω,
>πολλὰ δὲ καὶ μεσσηγύ, πάρος χρόα λευκὸν ἐπαυρεῖν,
>ἐν γαίῃ ἵσταντο λιλαιόμενα χροὸς ἆσαι.

>χρόα λευκὸν
and this is talking about both armies
there's also a common adjective of λευκώλενος i.e white armed applied both to goddesses but also e.g Andromache the wife of Hektor

>> No.22499236
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Yeah, im sure the most of them looked like this but its not like there wasn't diversity on how people looked. Some people in Greece, Turkey do have lighter skin. Race is a modern concept

>> No.22499238

>it is in fact a critique of war

The Greeks built shrines to Trojan War heroes and made sacrifices to them, but "you're not supposed to sympathize with them" lmao

>> No.22499240

learn what critique means

>> No.22499243

>I have, in Homeric Greek too.
>Multiple times the skin of the heroes is called λευκός aka the color of γάλα, milk
sounds like an unnecessary thing to add in.

Agesilaus, btw, mentions the pale carriage-riding barbarians north of the danube having skin like laca for being unused to the elements.

Maybe in Homers fictional story he's making the point that they were all soft and unused to war.

>> No.22499244

Apparently it means celebration, who knew

>> No.22499255

>Iliad is a glorification of genocid
that would mean the roman imperials were claiming descent from a people unjustly persecuted in ancient-ancient times :o

>> No.22499256

Xanthos is used by Aristotle to describe the colour between red and green on the rainbow, no ambiguity there. What art from what period are you referring to, genuine interest? The hair is also remarked on as particularly beautiful in the Iliad.

>> No.22499259

>sounds like an unnecessary thing to add in.
I add it because the kinds of copes I hear often try to desperately invoke dictionaries to try to de-construct what a word might mean, but in this case you have the same adjective associated in the very same poem with milk and bones, so very little doubts there what it means

>Maybe in Homers fictional story he's making the point that they were all soft and unused to war.
my fucking sides
he's literally describing the skin of fucking gigachad Aias in one place and both armies in the other
in fact, the line is repetitive, as it's common in Homer, appearing in two different books, meaning that such poetic line may have been of common usage by bards, i.e calling skin white when arrows are trying to taste it

>> No.22499267

It can yes. Like a music critic will often praise a piece etc. Critiques are just analysis, good or bad. I do see how its confusing when "critics" is used to describe people who are against something

>> No.22499270

also there's no such "critic" of war, war is part of that life, it's bad especially for weak men, women, old and children, but it's a chance for glory/kleos and booty/geras for the well born

>> No.22499272

So the Iliad really is about white people and an ode to war. Best the libs just try and make people forget about it then.

>> No.22499277

>I add it because
no no i mean the action of adding that into the story sounds unnecessary; it hadn't dawned on 99.99999% of literature, theatre, poems, etc., to expressly state the skin colour of the protagonists and antagonists.

>meaning that such poetic line may have been of common usage by bards, i.e calling skin white when arrows are trying to taste it
i don't remember this, but i'll trust you.

that's a fucking hilarious idea btw, i'm going to use this, "DO NOT LOOOOOSE HART MY WARRIORS, SEE THE BREETEESH MUSKEETS ARE TRYING TO DRINK THE CHOCOLATE FROM OURRR BLEK SKEEN" i'll think of something better than that at the time obviously

>> No.22499279

Anon, in case you have missed it the modern Greeks are indeed the closest people to the ancients, down to the Bronze Age. Try to keep up with race science

>Aias would now be mindful of his furious valour, and wheeling upon them would hold back the battalions of the horse-taming Trojans, and now again he would turn him to flee. But he barred them all from making way to the swift ships, [570] and himself stood between Trojans and Achaeans, battling furiously. And the spears hurled by bold hands were some of them lodged in his great shield, as they sped onward, and many, ere ever they reached his white body, stood fixed midway in the earth, fain to glut themselves with flesh.
No, Book 11 line 531 is for Aias. It can also be said that it's a metaphor for "pure". Again, we have DNA from this time eriod, in fact from all the Balkans. But hey maybe Aias (assuming he existed) was an albino. This occurs from time to time.

>Andromache the wife of Hektor
A West Asian.

By the way, what makes you think that ancient Greeks didn't perceive their skin color as white? They were aware of Ethiopeans, so they simply said, "I'm white-skinned compared to them." This perfectly explains why there's no such reference when comparing Greeks and more northern peoples barely 300 years after Homer.

>> No.22499280

nice critique of war

>> No.22499289
File: 10 KB, 650x650, 1617581520874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH the fucking copes are pure comedy
I just know exactly the kind of turd I'm talking about, these little brown kids from /his/ think because they half-assedly vaguely understand a bit from modern genetic papers they have it all figured out, hilarious

>> No.22499294

Not sure where you're going with this pedantry. The Iliad is what it is, it's a celebration of heroism and aristocracy. It's not anti-war. Homer's politics are substantially to the right of Hitler.

>> No.22499295

it's a "critique" only if you take the opinion of weak men and women as your point of reference, which isn't what the Iliad is about nor its reference frame

>> No.22499307

This is true, there a couple of Mycenaean samples with pale skin if I remember correctly. (DNA was the same as the others'.)
I never understood how phenotype remained as an argument when we literally have the DNA of these people kek.

Also for Aristophanes to describe roasted pork/meat, which is brown. Not that there aren't blond Greeks. In fact there are more alive now than in the past, although the blondness is always dirty blond. And Achilles is generally depicted as dark haired though.
>What art from what period are you referring to, genuine interest?
Iirc it's from various periods. There are many depictions over at theoi.com

>> No.22499309

>the modern Greeks are indeed the closest people to the ancients,
thats not trueee nigga jigga, the bretons/cornish/welsh exist.

'modern' greeks also resemble nothing of the statues, that's why they all followed lord byron, who did.

>> No.22499311

Several jews have white skin, are they white?

>> No.22499317

american racialism destroys a perfect legitimate topic once again,

>shit for brains dullard ghouls on this board have never read the Iliad so they don’t understand that it is in fact a critique of war

>> No.22499319
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, averagetrojan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the descriptions of color were just comparing things to the colors things and were exaggerations like how you might hear someone say "green with envy". Wasn't achilles described as having honey colored hair? I doubt that is blonde

>> No.22499324

>Also for Aristophanes to describe roasted pork/meat
here it is again the modern greekturd lying like no tomorrow, the line in Aristophanes is describing Eel meet, not red meat; guess what color white meat turns into when you roast it?
and keep ignoring how in the absolute vast majority of cases it describes golden-flame-like things as well as the color of the hair of people to the north of Greece anyway

>> No.22499323

Critic and critque are not the same thing, retard. The former is someone who analysis a work. The latter is a work of *criticism*. A critique, therefore, cannot be a celebration of that which it is supposedly critiquing. Even looking past the definitions, OP was clearly using it in a way which indicated negativity towards the subject.

>> No.22499331

>xanthos which is used to describe a range of colors.
Xanthos/Xanthous means yellow or blonde.

>> No.22499334
File: 92 KB, 685x611, 41586_2017_Article_BFnature23310_Fig2_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for your frantic distress anon but it's not hard to grasp. It was already known since Harvard's 2017 genetic study.

You can also find plenty of new Mycenaean samples here in the supplementals, including many royal ones. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10064553/
Contains several Bronze Age and Iron Age Balkan samples too.

>> No.22499339

I'm not even arguing myself something like ginger irishman tier white, they were probably not much different from Italians on average. But once internet was spread to the turd world, you have this tug war of retards trying to sort of push back against extreme nordicism by trying to make ancient Greeks into a bunch of turds

>> No.22499340

Ive never read it myself. Im just going off the wikipedia article which calls it critical of aspects of war

>> No.22499345

yup, there he is, thanks for confirming exactly the specific poster I had in mind and the classic halfwitted shitskin smugness associated with it

>> No.22499346

they're doing what the tranny group is doing i think, reaching back for colloquial descriptors to equate the insults with representations of their group;"he was weak like a woman / he was a tranny" "he sucked cock / he was a gay" "they were soft and had skin like a newborn baby / they were people from denmark!"

>> No.22499348
File: 71 KB, 575x262, eel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek the genetic studies have really buckbroken you, wonderful to see all that resentment piling up
>guess what color white meat turns into when you roast it?

>> No.22499349
File: 167 KB, 300x741, 1693240358443809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Whiteness was associated with femininity. Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazeusae 191-192 has Euripides criticising Agathon as λευκος (white), γυναικοφωνος (woman-voiced), and ‘απαλος (soft). His Ecclesiazeusae 428 similarly has a young man described as λευκος proposing that women should rule the city. Xenophon’s Hellenica 3.4.19 records Spartan soldiers, on seeing that their enemies are λευκος, deciding that fighting against them would be ει γυναιξι δεοι μαχεσθαι (like having to fight women). Euripides’ Bacchae 457 has Pentheus describe Dionysus as λευκος, and also ουκ αμορφος […] ‘ως ες γυναικας (not ill-formed […] as unto women, 453-4). The association is quite consistent.
> Meanwhile, Aristotle’s Politics makes a ‘golden mean’ argument about geography and ethnicity, if not precisely skin colour, claiming that Europeans and people living in cold places are θυμοῦ μέν ἐστι πλήρη, διανοίας δὲ ἐνδεέστερα καὶ τέχνης (‘full of courage but lacking in intelligence and skill’), and thus are too disorganised to conquer their neighbours, whilst Asians are διανοητικὰ μὲν καὶ τεχνικὰ τὴν ψυχήν, ἄθυμα δέ (‘intelligent and skilful, but without courage’, Politics 7, 1327b), and that Greeks occupy the perfect mean between the two and thus have intelligence, skill, and courage. Pale-skinned northern Europeans, then, he represents as inferior.
> As with Ancient Egyptians, Mycenaean Greeks and Minoans generally depicted women with pale or white skin and men with dark brown or tanned skin. As a result, men with pale or light skin, leukochrōs (λευκόχρως, "white-skinned") could be considered weak and effeminate by Ancient Greek writers such as Plato and Aristotle.
> White skin was so strongly associated with women that Aristotle felt compelled to offer a biological explanation: women lose so much blood during menstruation, that it makes them pale.
> The examples given in LSJ indicate that leukos, meaning "white-skinned" (entries II.b and c), is "a sign of youth and beauty" (II.b) when applied to women, but means "weakly, womanish" (II.c) when applied to men.
> Furthermore, Agathon's effeminate good looks feature white skin (leukos, 191). Stehle notes that "His mask was probably white, the standard type for an effete male in Aristophanes"
> In Xenophon pale skin comes to signify 'physical debilitation,'
> Aristophanes’s schema is simple and essentialist: white skin = woman, tan skin = man, and suggesting the opposite = comedy.

>> No.22499351

>posting meat with dressing
completely fucking braindead, no wonder your cesspool of a turk cum receptacle state is what it is

>> No.22499352
File: 781 KB, 2985x2647, fixed europeanphenotypemap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were probably not much different from Italians on average
there's no need to guess about it, try to find where the modern dwarf tiny eyed euro mutt is represented on this fun infographic

>> No.22499354

judging by the condition of modern white people it's clear that white skin is associated with weakness and meekness

>> No.22499355

The Iliad is the supreme achievement of poetry yet spoken. To try to contain it in any single agenda would be a sin against art.

>> No.22499356

Theoi didn’t have any depictions of Achilles I could find. Without contemporary depictions of Achilles, I’m going to continue believing he was blonde like the text says. Please refer to one piece of art, I can look up, that isn’t long after Homer.

>> No.22499357

It can mean different things and has different connotations. Translating Greek colors is tricky.

>> No.22499361

>by trying to make ancient Greeks into a bunch of turds
Wanna post examples of anyone who has done this? I haven't seen it, ever. Or do you think 50% of Germans are pakis because they have brown hair?
Genetic studies don't support it either, literally nobody does it except in your imagination.

>> No.22499364
File: 154 KB, 1000x669, mid_00097950_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can help you there, notice pic related the single detail that distinguishes Achilleus on the left and Hektor on the right

>> No.22499365

No he is described as having blonde hair. The word used is xanthos. His hair is also fixated on as a mark of his particular beauty.

>> No.22499366

The smaller cock?

>> No.22499372

I know exactly the kind of resentful third worlder I'm talking with, Anglos should've put you out of your misery, quit playing and go back to that cesspool of /his/

>> No.22499374
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>> No.22499376

No it isn’t. Aristotle helpfully goes through the rainbow and uses the same word Xanthos for the colour of yellow on the rainbow.

>> No.22499384

Can I get a source on this please. I’m not sure which side of the arguement this is coming down on? His hair looks ginger or strawberry blonde here.

>> No.22499386

ah but which is which?

i have go with the evidence actually look at the swords; the blonde has a flat hilt, the blackbeard has a rounded hilt; which would make him the greek and the blonde.....


forget what i said in this thread beforehand


>> No.22499388

It's light brown or dirty blond. It's not pale/Nordic blond and we know this because the Greeks had different descriptions for Northerners and their hair (how it was "like an old person's hair", that is pale color).

>> No.22499389
File: 264 KB, 485x450, 1680124232094396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have this color which is used throughout all literature mostly to describe things of a gold-like, flame-like, grain-like nature
>this one single instance mentions roasting of fish meat, could it be it's referring to how white meat turns to golden, perfectly confirming ALL other meanings?
>no, it obviously means brown just like the mongrel gyro seller I see in the mirror

>> No.22499390

wow sorry, i'm half drunk on hot wine

cos FLAT hilt is CELT SWORD

georegion: galatia nextdoor was always thought to be a celt colony, trojans probably celts then, yes rom invictiaaaa romanm aia amnmd victaa

>> No.22499394
File: 1.04 MB, 1024x831, sc2514621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, from 550 BCE about 200 years after Homer, The arming of Achilles. I'll look for older ones too

>> No.22499397

although i agree with this, jigga, imma have to fuck off at you that those inscripts could have been added at any time

>> No.22499399

it's significant because they appear in the same picture and this one detail precisely corresponds with their descriptions in the book, Hektor as indeed a dark haired man, Achilles' hair as light

>> No.22499400

An Archaic era one, 520

>> No.22499401

but he black there bro, and he wearing a dress, and ... more seriously... that's obviously perseus with the shield of aegis

see what i mean about inscriptions

>> No.22499405

Looks light brown. Look how it's a different shade from the helmet.

>> No.22499409

Also here is one with lighter hair. This one's more recent

>> No.22499412

Race is such a low hanging fruit that you apes would grasp at it. Imagine reading Homer and the main thing you take away is race baiting talking points

>> No.22499413

I thought this image was provided by someone arguing he was not blonde. The Achilles on that artwork looks strikingly blonde. That is not light brown.

>> No.22499414
File: 46 KB, 1358x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still pretty broad. it might have just been fairer than most people and got exaggerated.

>> No.22499423

Looks light brown to me. The color is different from skin or helmet.

>> No.22499424

It is the word used to describe someone with blonde hair.

>> No.22499428

It was definitely not pale blond. See >>22499388

>> No.22499433

A pretty old one, 575-550 bce

>> No.22499437

given that they didn't add any colour on those vases it's obviously been added in later, and badly at that.

hard to tell which deface came first though, the inscriptions of the blonde pubes..

the lack of the beard on "achilles" is also strange, along with (i know this is over yourheads) the celtic sword hilt.

hektor was 'older' than achlles? achilles is being presented as a beardless youth?

>> No.22499440

To an ancient Greek, blond hair and light brown hair are both ξανθός, both light-colored (especially compared to black hair, which was probably most common in the Mediterranean basin). In any case it wasn't pale/Nordic blonde.

>> No.22499442


>> No.22499450

you can see someones tried to chisel out medusas eyes and mouth as well, the lines are still there - the nose, the brow, the smiley face

fucking hell, this fakery is ancient

>> No.22499453

and ..... the shape of that shield is the celtic-etruscan-roman ancilarum sacred shield

>> No.22499454

Resentment over what anon? Not going extinct unlike you?
>no, it obviously means brown
Like 50% of Germans?
Yeah pretty much. Not sure why this is used as an argument, we literally have ancient Greek samples with fair hair, even Minoans, and they are all more southern than modern Greeks.
I'm beginning to think it's a low IQ tell from people who can't understand genetics kek

>> No.22499458

Western Europe never had a classical tradition. All of its high culture and scholasticism came from somewhere else. In the Middle Ages, this wasn't controversial because Christianity had its roots in the Orient. How could this be? China had Confucius, the Arabs had Mohammed, the Persians and Mesopotamians and Indians had a long archaeological record while Europe remained barren. This created a huge problem for 19th century racial theorists (many of them were very liberal), and so they dealt with this by retroactively making the Greeks white. Paradoxically, white Europeans are the most insecure people when it comes to their own racial identity.

Put a /pol/tard in front of an ancient Greek and they'd probably drag the savage northern slav off as a slave while he screams about white unity.

>> No.22499460

>Put a /pol/tard in front of an ancient Greek and they'd probably drag the savage northern slav off as a slave while he screams about white unity.
kek true

>> No.22499461

>>>22499401 (You)
again I've just debunked this, call the british museum, it's obviously a vase of perseus that's been badly defaced and made into a superman theme: >>22499450

>> No.22499469

It did, anon. The Christians destroyed it, by Ogmio's chained tongue, they led us all astray to the evil merry song of Bacchus. By Larans and the ghosts in the mirror I wil rip out their eyes for this.

>> No.22499474

>medusa's smile
It's the gorgoneion grimace with exposed teeth. Zoom in

>> No.22499477

>Like 50% of Germans?
as we all know, german family names were brown and black head, so these people are all obviously african deseenntttttt skkkkkhx hahahahaa

no u kek

>> No.22499478

>Put a /pol/tard in front of an ancient Greek and they'd probably drag the savage northern slav off as a slave while he screams about white unity
kekked and true

>> No.22499481

Germans are famously the highest melanin-skinned people in Eurasia. All arguments against this is just cope from pinkoids.

>> No.22499482

nah, she's grinning, she's grinning in every image, you can find this in all medusa imagery, it makes that this would be some really ancient relic that was jizzed up for the illiad market at some point. greeks have no sense of respect.

the people of palmyrene and antiocha preserved the memory of perseus, founder of greece, better than these people.

>> No.22499487

Daily reminder that you are a nigger and you should go back to africa and quit reading our stories

>> No.22499490

fucking comicbooks, OP is right, what gets into your skulls, you fffucking people you

this made me sad

lol hahaha wha, germans are black people? whaht shba jhahahaha

>> No.22499494

Achilles is blonde though and all the Roman emperors with a hair colour description have light coloured hair. Shame they imported so many brown slaves during the decline and the Ottomans conquered Greece.

>> No.22499499
File: 65 KB, 400x395, PERSEUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw bro, if he blek he should return to germany, according to schwarze anon here: >>22499481

>It's the gorgoneion grimace
see img.

doens't matter or anything, we both agree it's medusa and the aegis shield, so it's perseus on that vase.

>> No.22499510

romans were etruscans, next door to the gallo-celts, of course some of them had blonde and red hair... although they didn't like blonde hair and it was unfashionable.

now i'm sad again, i want to be a ginger

>> No.22499513
File: 637 KB, 1492x1479, 1625784857843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all Roman emperors are also Meds... oh no...

>> No.22499526

Given that they were obsessed with the Greek culture that idolised a blonde haired hero Achilles we can safely say that’s not true. His Niger est.

>> No.22499527
File: 3.86 MB, 2156x2184, 1630017963029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is extremely easy to refute, do you get off on saying such obviously untrue things? Does it give you hope about your nonexistent birthrates and being a loser within your own country? Grim.

>> No.22499532
File: 112 KB, 250x252, yo saturnalia domitian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22499538

>Germans idolized Hitler who had dark brown hair. They were clearly Moroccans.

>> No.22499539

That's a logical fallacy

>> No.22499540
File: 87 KB, 613x750, Sulla the Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can safely say
you can say anything you like sadly, but historically no: the romans thought blonde reminded them of the slaves all around, or something like that. it was frowned on, they died their hair red though, as sulla and nero were famous for.

>idolized greece

half the history of the republic is about burning down greece

>idolized achilles

half the history of the early empire is about believing the were the trojans not the greks

>> No.22499543

hitler wore legged trousers, he was clearly a parthian.

>> No.22499548

daily reminder that blonde germans were literally the negroes of ancient rome, caesar was abe lincoln trying to bring them in, the racial pollution led to crazy sjw idoelogy called christianity, rome fell

>> No.22499553
File: 708 KB, 2466x790, figure_1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this? They're all exactly, exactly, exactly the same! There is no difference! Don't try to group them at all! Ancient people thought these guys were all the same!

>> No.22499555

not saying this out of anti blondie spite or anything, i was white blonde when i was a little kid, i went dark brown like most of my lot do when we age a bit

it's just not fookin troo
nigga ma shigga

>> No.22499556

Actual mental retardation right here

>> No.22499567

achilles, helen, hekotoros and .. last but not least .. mary magdalene

give me sjw point

>> No.22499571

u clearly never read primary source history book in u loife,

"step away from the fountian, german, if you see a roman youth waiting to drink, it is not ight that you should drink first"
marcus martialis epigrammmb, "it rhymes in latin"

>> No.22499579

All of the written descriptions in Suetonius and historia Augusta are of light hair. Why are there all these computer generated images? Tacitus praises the Germans for remaining untainted by race mixing probably because of his anxieties with all the foreigners pouring into Rome.

>> No.22499590

"a jew is preaching and begging in the street, filling the heads of women with impossible fantasies,"

"a jew in the bathouse, he wears a bag over his penis, people stare, it falls off, people continue to stare and are now laughing, his deception is uncovered lol"


"ah these jews, .. let me tell you about their prophet.. a great trickster.."


>> No.22499594

Daily reminder that it was swarthy Jews and Syrians who were the Christians and not the Germans

>> No.22499600

I'm glad you realize this, what's the excuse for a central european clinging onto simple judiasm for goys?

praise the gods, brother.

>> No.22499603

>probably because
Translation: I inserted my /pol/ take

>> No.22499604

>that it is in fact a critique of war
Why did anyone use such retarded bait? Homeric greeks had no concept of critique. When someone actually did critique (Thales, Xenophanes) it was revolutionary. How gay

>> No.22499607

your namefag is an offense against nature

>> No.22499608

ah you're right, i'll change it when i can bothered

>> No.22499614

this is cool ? >>22499607

>> No.22499615

I think it’s a reasonable interpretation. Why else would he say they are free from the taint of mixing with foreign nations?

>> No.22499628

this better?

>> No.22499638

>Homeric greeks had no concept of critique.
Why did anyone use such retarded bait?

is you for serious? no concept?! all socrates and plato did was critique and undermine their betters - many ofwhom were dead and respected.

>> No.22499687

>(owned x3, silence)
stupid nigga opinions, how many stupid people are on this board? pretending to be literature... ffffffffffffffffffffffucking fuck off to jordan peterson commets sections u larping trash hahahaha

>> No.22499689

>What constitutes the ground of all these noble races is the predator, the magnificent blond beast roaming about lustily after prey and victory; a discharging of this hidden ground is needed from time to time; the animal must emerge once more, must return to the wilderness:-Roman, Arabic, Teutonic, Japanese nobility, Homeric heroes, Scandinavian Vikings-they are all the same in this need.
>I once drew attention to the embarrassment Hesiod experienced when he thought up the succession of the cultural ages and tried to express them as gold, silver and bronze: he knew of no other way to deal with the contradiction posed by the magnificent but like wise so horrific and violent world of Homer than to make two ages out of a single one, which he now placed one after the other - first the age of the heroes and demigods of Troy and Thebes, as that world had survived in the memory of the noble races who had their own ancestors there; then the bronze age, as that same world appeared to the descendants of the oppressed, pillaged, abused, abducted, sold into slavery: an age of bronze, as mentioned earlier; hard, cold, cruel, bereft of feeling and conscience, crushing everything and drenching it with blood. Supposing that what is now believed anyway to be "truth" were actually true, that it is simply the meaning ofall culture to breed, from the beast of prey "human being," a tame and civilized animal, a domestic animal, then undoubtedly we would have to regard all those instincts of reaction and ressentiment with whose help the noble races along with their ideals were ultimately wrecked and overwhelmed as the actual instruments of culture; this would of course not necessarily mean that their bearers simultaneously represented culture themselves. On the contrary the opposite would not only be probable - no! today it is obvious! These bearers of oppressing and retaliation-craving instincts, the descendants of all European and non-European slavery, all pre-Aryan population in particular-they represent the regression of humankind! These "instruments of culture" are a disgrace to human beings, and rather a suspicion, a counter-argument against "culture" generally! We might be entirely justified in clinging to our fear of the blond beast at the core of all noble races, in being on guard: but who would not rather fear a hundred times more if he could admire at the same time, than not fear but then no longer be able to escape the nauseating sight of the deformed, dwarfed, atrophied, brown and poisoned? And is this not our doom?

>> No.22499697

chssssssh i shouldve known your copycat prick was getting wet over some trash revenge porn fanfic like this

you know what, i'd have some respect for this mentality in its ambition if you guys weren't so fucking workshy.

btw, left u a sick playlist in the other thread

>> No.22499706

*sips hot alcohol*
i'll tell ye something else, Sexraed, you saxon, you're emulating greek comicbooks, too embarrassed to look up your own real ancestry and learn lessons from the things they left for you.

one who has no respect for the spirits, stands alone, sexraed.