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22495457 No.22495457 [Reply] [Original]

All the UAP/UFO stuff going around has me wondering. Would phenomenological philosophy apply to nonhuman intelligence the same as it applies to us? That is, do the notions of subject/object, noumenon, phenomenon, etc. apply universally to all intelligent beings or have we merely applied them universally because we are the only intelligent beings that we know of? Is there a way to tell, or to prove it one way or the other?
Would an ayylmao be capable of reaching Absolute Knowing? Would the Greys be able to become practitioners of Advaita? Discuss.

>> No.22495473

>Absolute Knowing
do you even know what this is anon?

>> No.22495493

There is a general form of all mind, and causality is universal. Any intelligent entity would need a similar understanding of causality as humans. However, Hegel and Advaita whatever is just a larp leftover from ancient religions. They are purely cultural historical phenomena. So aliens would not be able to experience the absolute because beatific vision/ enlightenment / intellectual intuition / moksha etc is all just made up cope by “philosophers” who are actually prophets trying to preserve their gay tradition in the face of modern knowledge.

>> No.22495514

As I understand it, certainty of self as the object and the object as certainty of self.
I don't think you're very familiar with Hegel or Advaita.

>> No.22495517

>As I understand it, certainty of self as the object and the object as certainty of self.
based. rejected from reddit though.

>> No.22495544

There's an awful analytic essay on this by Conant called Logical Aliens or something

>> No.22495600

Awful because it's analytic or awful because it draws bad conclusions?

>> No.22495714

There's a book, "Kant & UFOs and the far side of knowing" or some such, blues/metals art for the cover. Can't find it.

>> No.22497281


>> No.22497290
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forgot picrel

>> No.22497379
File: 31 KB, 483x600, DerSeher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If, by the complaint of being unable to perceive the internal nature of things, it is meant that we do not comprehend by the pure understanding what the things which appear to us may be in themselves, it is a silly and unreasonable complaint; for those who talk thus really desire that we should be able to cognize, consequently to intuite, things without senses, and therefore wish that we possessed a faculty of cognition perfectly different from the human faculty, not merely in degree, but even as regards intuition and the mode thereof, so that thus we should not be men, but belong to a class of beings, the possibility of whose existence, much less their nature and constitution, we have no means of cognizing.

>> No.22497421
File: 788 KB, 1125x1473, 201787CC-8AA3-48A6-805F-B53ACDB6B711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would an ayylmao be capable of reaching Absolute Knowing?
>t. doesn't know the ayylmaos were the ones that revealed it to us

>> No.22497492
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>They are purely cultural historical phenomena.

>> No.22497523 [DELETED] 

>That is, do the notions of subject/object, noumenon, phenomenon, etc. apply universally to all intelligent beings
Well, certainly not all humans, if niggers can be considered human (debatable). Hegel himself says the nigger is unable to conceive of concepts like subject-object in his philosophy of history.

>> No.22497717

>Would an ayylmao be capable of reaching Absolute Knowing?
an ayy wouldn't wipe his ass with whatever absolute knowledge we think we are capable of thinking of or possessing

>> No.22497722

Knowledge as in facts and the Absolute Knowing described by Hegel are very different things. Whatever technological progress an alien might have reached has little bearing here.

>> No.22497802

Their (aliens) only excuse is their non-existence.

>> No.22497829

What’s with this human inferiority complex when it comes to aliens? So many people assume they’re instantly 100% better then us in every way just because they’re a bit more technologically advanced. It’s pathetic

>> No.22497837

>a bit more technologically advanced
you underestimate them naive brainlet

>> No.22497851

To most normalfags technological advancement = societal progress = progress as a species = movement towards ever more rational, logical thought and ways of being. Thus, aliens who are capable of FTL travel must be vastly more rational and live in a vastly more rational manner than us, which in turn means that they don't believe in silly made-up un-empirical nonsense like religion, philosophy, or any other thing which can't be studied through the senses. In public consciousness they're seen as beings who continued the Enlightenment all the way to its presumed conclusion without getting bogged down by icky idealism or the like.

>> No.22497866
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>they don't believe in silly made-up un-empirical nonsense like religion, philosophy, or any other thing which can't be studied through the senses.

>> No.22498683


>> No.22499203

Well I would assume that if their brain was conditioned by spatiotemporal processes such as discrete and continuous information transfer through vaguely neural network structures then we would probably exist in pretty similar ways. However there is still the large explanatory gap between brain/mind which undermines the ability to actually determine these things in the face of an alien race, even if we were able to dissect one. What if somehow the emergent (or parallel if you so desire) mind of the aliens was completely inverted or disparate from ours while only containing a very minor observable neurological difference. This is a problem which hinges on the idea of qualia and the problem of inverted or disparate qualia is a possibility between every subject. However, if they are capable of any kind of communication, we can be sure that on at least on a structural or formal level their mind must FUNCTION like ours, but of course function is not the end game. Perhaps they could instantly and simultaneously intellectually intuit nondual reality (if this is the case hypothetically) while still engaging in dualistic discourse and experience. Who is to say? We can’t even verify the transidentity of the “contents” of our own minds between one another, partly because they cannot be expressed through function and also because the notion of introspective content is highly controversial and hard to demonstrate.

>> No.22499998

Ever read Blindsight?

>> No.22500045

They are atheists looking for their own version of Jesus. It's SAD!

>> No.22500143

>All the UAP/UFO stuff going around has me wondering
what you should wonder about is why all of a sudden the public servants are talking about UFOs.

>> No.22500708


>> No.22501556


>> No.22501772

Aliens can have knowledge of things on the account that they have consciousness which, as itself, must have knowledge of things. However, we ourselves do not actually understand that aliens’ means of knowing is indeed not by virtue of consciousness’s achieving absolute being, but because aliens are being passively shaped by the fact that their consciousness has the capacity to receive new knowledge. So aliens are considered knowing Beings inasmuch as they “run on empty” to participate in what consciousness will have already been doing, self-cognizing, yet as a mere topic of inquiry it remains a distinctly human activity.

>> No.22502099

No but it sounds very relevant. I will give it a read.