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/lit/ - Literature

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22493046 No.22493046 [Reply] [Original]

>3rd most populous country in the world for hundreds of years
>one of hte two only superpowers for 70+ years

>Zero good authors/books

What do you call this phenomenon?

>> No.22493047

>Zero good authors/books

>> No.22493052

More like B2, amirite or amirite?

>> No.22493113

A terrorist state can't produce good authors

>> No.22493116

Day of the Oprichnik was great though.

>> No.22493155

George Washington was a terrorist.

>> No.22493181

no u times infinity

>> No.22493198

Russia never had a period of prosperity which is necessary to produce strong artists. Russian history is a 1000 years of suffering and failure.

>> No.22493199
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russia was properous between ww2 and gorbachev, iirc they've even superseeded the us in terms of life expectancy at some point, yet during that same period they've produced nothing artistically unless u count grifters like Solzhe or that clown Tarkovsky

suffering is a necessity without which making art's impossible

>> No.22493232

>suffering is a necessity without which making art's impossible
Biggest meme in history of art, the copium of the masses.
Greatest artistic periods always correlated with eras of prosperity, the greatest artists were always well-off members of the social elite.

>> No.22493238
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>russia was properous between ww2 and gorbachev
Nigga, prosperous countries don't have army shooting machine guns at workers rioting because they can't afford food

>> No.22493243
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>Nigga, prosperous countries don't have army shooting machine guns at workers rioting because they can't afford food

are you underage, or just uneducated? or both?

>> No.22493244

>Russia never had a period of prosperity which is necessary to produce strong artists.
Opposite, prosperity is the death of art.

>> No.22493249

Post-ww1 america was not prosperous because of the West Virginia Coal Wars confirmed

>> No.22493252




>> No.22493255
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>> No.22493274

soviet brain drain

>> No.22493287

>your examples of what is good
>gravity rainbow
>infinite jest

>> No.22493291

better than the soviet slop-core for sure

>> No.22493302

>he simply didn't read because it simply were ignored due ideology reasons
> slop-core
literally impossible due non-commercial nature of publishing

>> No.22493324
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it's tiring to know that while OP is clearly bait, some retard somewhere will believe this and miss out on russian classic literature

>> No.22493331

>cat pic

tell me how i know this anon's ethnically russian

>> No.22493349

> was properous between ww2
Nigga, USSR has lost 26 millon people out of its 198 millon citizens, and only 12 million of these losses were soldiers lifes. 30% of material wealth has been destroyed. Do you have any idea wgat are you talking about?

>> No.22493351

He didn't use terror-attacks on civillians to beat the British Igor.

>> No.22493353

neither have any russian leaders from the past 100 years

>> No.22493356

This. Sorokin is really good, though im not sure a foreigner would be able to appreciate his books.

>> No.22493357

Fart in my mouf nigga. Come onnn. For one last time I need ya fartin

>> No.22493365

:D ok

>> No.22493368

>russia was properous between ww2 and gorbachev
t. someone that didn't live in russia between ww2 and gorbachev.

At any point a westerner could waltz into the USSR and buy 18-year-old virgin pussy with rock CDs and nylon stockings.

>> No.22493370
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i know who you are talking about and i appreciate you trying not to derail the thread into poltardism, but Putin did everything he could to save as many civilian lives as possible, he'd have won quickly if he didn't, but he tried his best because he sees ukrainians as people of the same ethnicity as his, quite unlike the jew zelensky who despises both and is willing to kill hundreds of thousands of both just so that he could get a nice summer house in virginia for himself and his future descendants

>> No.22493374
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where would a westerner even find 18 year old pussy? they were hardly allowed outside their hotels/extremly guided tours, DPRK-style

>> No.22493383
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>This. Sorokin is really good
Russia is.... LE BAd!11; now give me all ur western awards, and remember, I'm Russian (Jewish) so you can't accuse me of rabid Spencerite racism - the author

>> No.22493390

Yeah that's absolutely not the case. Furthermore, Soviet officials (just like Russian officials now) were extremely bribeable. The USSR was like DPRK during the Stalin times. Not so much after that.

Maybe go visit Ukraine and tell them Putin is actually on their side. Go to Chechnya too.

>> No.22493404
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>> No.22493411
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>Maybe go visit [the rebellious province formerly known as The Ukraine] and tell them...
Maybe I don't give a fuck what Putin's enemies think.

>> No.22493414

Schizo-poster. You're supposed to spew your shit on /pol/, this is a literature board retard.

>> No.22493423

Literally the greatest cultural superpower of all time
Literature, poetry, theatre, cinema, fine art, ballet, opera - they had it all
Culturally irrelevant since the 90s, however

>> No.22493426

I read a translation so I know I missed on his whole pastiche thing and his use of the criminal paralanguage, of which I forgto the name.

But the overall hilarious tone and imagery seemed pretty on point. Would recommand.

>> No.22493427

Sorokin is objectively good. I'm kind of a patriot and I laughed and delighted at his works. He's an old dissident, but his books are very masterful.

>> No.22493434

Russian music is a disaster because they aren‘t smart enough to understand form and don‘t have the soul it would require to reach a metaphysical understanding.

>> No.22493436

> go visit Ukraine and tell them Putin is actually on their side
An ameritard doesn't understand the concept of being civil to your enemies, how typical.
Go back to /pol/.

>> No.22493439

>proceed to rape babies
Russians being civil during a conflict is a pretty funny thougvnrw8h

>> No.22493454

>y-you're american
ofc, just build strawmen until you win. Everyone that disagrees with you is American. Kullia lutkuttava hinttari :D

>> No.22493455

Cause of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHakm25yMZo

>> No.22493466

Name particular reasons why they're a terrorist state

>> No.22493470

i can't imagine something worse than this board, it's like being eaten alive by ants

>> No.22493474

dunno man united states has some good authors

>> No.22493475

>greatest cultural superpower of all time
it's france or the united states in a few hundred years

>> No.22493488

>usa is le bad which means Russia is le good
So tired of this brain dead /pol/ dichotomy.

>> No.22493621

> Everyone that disagrees
Disagrees with what? There was no disagreement, Putin is definitely not on modern Ukrainian government's or most pro-EU and pro-NATO Ukrainians' side. It's just interesting how you have thought it would refute the original point in any meaningful way.
That's a very American way of thinking. All their wars of the last century have happened on the other continents, far away from their home. They didn't need to establish lasting and meaningful relationships with these countries, a right-wing dictatorship to genocide the commies and invite American corporations back would do the trick. This doctrine and the belief that a rouge country can always be toppled back into submission again has led to a very egocentric worldview. An average American believes that they have the right to brutally destroy every state that wronged them and that the inability to wreck havoc and level cities is the sign of weakness.
You, being the citizen of a NATO country, must feel proud for how "strong" and "resolute" you are. In reality you are used by the country that doesn't care about your life, culture or freedom and will be ready to gamble them all away at the first chance to weaken China or Russia. Just like they gambled away the Ukraine.

You'd be surprised. Imperial Russia didn't reach that capitalistic stage of development that allows you to establish colonies and murder millions of negroes or indians in time.
When Japan was ending their isolation from the other world in 1850s USA and Russia were the first countries to establish diplomatic and economic relationships with them. It went quite differently. Russian expedition to Japan has been a failure at first, but during the second expedition their ship was caught in the storm and sank near the Japanese coast. Russians were saved and they've spent a whole year with Japanese building a new ship to return home. And that's how Japanese have finally opened up to Russians.
Commodore Matthew Perry has threatened Japan with his cannons, causing panic and forcing them to open the borders for the american goods, toppling and destroying a few Indonesian kingdoms on his way there.
I'm not saying that Russia was more moral than the USA. It's just that USA (and many European countries) were a lot more effective than Russia, and violence is effective.
USSR was basically the same, plus some communist anti-colonial morals mixed in.

>> No.22493628

Yes he did and you are tarded.

>> No.22493630

Yeah nigga gangsta rap is so much better

>> No.22493637

Yeah, before 70 years of dictatorship. Since then, everone in Europe remember what the red army was like, and everyone in the world can see how the russian army behave right now. You guys managed to do worse than Americans in term of warcrimes, which is pretty impressive.

>> No.22493644

Just doing the opposite of >>22493488

It would be so nice if the world hegemonies were not two retards fighting.

>> No.22493648

> You guys managed to do worse than Americans in term of warcrimes, which is pretty impressive.
Can you show us on the doll where the Russians did a warcrime?

>> No.22493688

>Literature, poetry, theatre, cinema, fine art, ballet, opera - they had it all
Being a jack of all trades doesn't make you the greatest. In terms of the area I'm most familiar with, their contribution to fine art is pitiful compared to pretty much any major European nation.

>> No.22493697

Are you faggots not tired of playing intercontinental fantasy football?
>heh, MY <flag> produced more cool people, heh
>I mean, none of them is me, but we share a <flag> so that pretty much counts as my personal accomplishment

>> No.22493716

> everone in Europe remember what the red army was like
I don't understand what are you talking about at all. Red Army has been incredibly civil, especially considering all the things nazis did. Russian civilians have fed German captured soldiers. It was British who bombed the Dresden to the dust.
Other than that, I don't even know what are you talking about. There were a few rebellions stomped down with tanks and a few proxy-wars, but nothing serious.
Also, "the 70 years of dictatorship" is an extremely simplified view. Russia during the Civil War and Lenin's days was a whole different country.
> everyone in the world can see how the russian army behave right now
I mean… no, not really. Nobody gets to see what armies do exactly, we mostly see the results. That's what allows Ukraine to massacre their pro-Russian population or bomb their own cities and then blame it on Russia.
Russia is not similar to the USA. USA does not depend on the Ukraine goods, Russia does. This new bridge to the Crimea, the one Ukrainians are trying to blow up, have you heard of it? It was build from the Ukrainian steel, produced in Mariupol. In 2016-2019.
Russia needs Ukraine, while EU and USA do not, and that fact alone can explain the whole political dynamic around the Ukraine.
> worse than Americans in term of warcrimes
Haha, oh wow, guess I've accidentally forgot about them. Yeah, nothing beats how Russians have used Agent Oranjevyi in Korea, or killed uncountable civilians in Israel, or bombed the capital of the independent Poland with radioactive shells without the UN permission. What a baddies we are!

>> No.22493721

there is no point talking to you but at least mariupol and anything in syria

>> No.22493732

So now you are going to pretend russians don't fight in Ukraine? Remind me how many people died in Donbass in 2021, before the invasion? Remind me, who were the main separatist in Donbass? Probably in your next post you are going to talk about Nuland and cookies and how we weren't allowed to speak russian in Ukraine. BTW Remind me please who destroyed the most pro russian city in Ukraine - Mariupol?

>> No.22493734
File: 903 KB, 1920x1080, Alexander-Kislov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole world celebrates Russian literature

now the moment NAFO redditors invade 4chan they suddenly have zero good authors/books

fuckin seethe and cope and go back to your containment board >>>/pol/ or better yet to reddit

>> No.22493740

> at least mariupol
You mean the Mariupol where Russians have ceased the fire for a hour each day, so that Azov soldiers and alleged civilians, hiding in the Azovstal factory, could peacefully come out and surrender? The same factory that Russians haven't used any sort of gas against in fear of hurting the civillians? (I may remember wrong, but in the end it turned out there were none, Azov has lied about them).
The city was damaged badly, this is true, but it's rebuilding right now and people are already coming back to their home city. I don't remember Americans rebuild anything after the Gulf War. Funny, isn't it?

>> No.22493750

The red army went on an infamously brutal mass civilian torture/rape/slaughter spree to where ethnic cleansing in Prussia and Silesia was practically a foregone conclusion, and officially codified after the war. The explicit command from the soviets was to commit as many war crimes as possible („Kill!“) and even civilians attempting to escape who posed no possible military threat were butchered by the thousands. Wilhelm Gustloff is the most notable but far from exclusive illustration of this.

If you want to be an unapologetic shill, that‘s one thing. To make up statements from the ground up is just a pathetic pretense that everybody here is as retarded as you.

>> No.22493762

Maybe because they didn't occupy the territory of sovereign nations, kinda funny, isn't it? Also quite ironic how the most pro-russian population in Ukraine suffered the most in the war. Maybe the war isn't really there to save the russian speaking population?

>> No.22493953

> Remind me how many people died in Donbass in 2021
Well, a lot, but what does it proof? Russia has been trying to regulate this cituation, while Ukraine has been sabotaging these agreements. I believe some German politician have said how the plan have always been to prolong the situation as long as possible to get ready for the war.
> who were the main separatist in Donbass
I don't understand this statement. Are you talking about Strelkov?
> how we weren't allowed to speak russian in Ukraine
Well, no, the situation was a bit more complex.
The Maidan revolt is a success. The new government is formed in Kiev, with the purpose of temporary holding the position of power until the election is held. (President Turchinov)
This new government immediately enforces a series of laws, including the one that makes Russian schools or universities illegal. Now you can only study in Ukrainian, which is a big problem for many Eastern Ukrainians. The new government also promptly promotes a set of new governors. At the same time a lot of neonazi marches happen all over the Ukraine, Russians are burned to death in Odessa.
People of Donbass and other cities go on a strike. They demand the federalisation of Ukraine, meaning they can choose their own governors and establish their own laws (for example, after the federalisation Russian language could remain in the Eastern Ukraine while being treated as the foreign in Western Ukraine). Russia and USA are both federalist countries.
Their demands were not met and eventually they have occupied the Donbass city hall (GorSovet). In response to that Kiev launches a rocket at it.

And that's when Donbass and Lugansk has gone full separatist.

Did Russia help them? Well, yeah, probably. But their demands were absolutely adequate to the sutuation and there was no reason not to meet them.
The election took place after the DNR and LNR radicalization, meaning they were not allowed to participate. Nevertheless, Russia recognized the new leader (Poroshenko). Why? I guess the trade contracts were more important. I also believe Russian government was sure that Ukraine will deescalate the situation peacefully in the end… which they never did.

>> No.22494009

> The explicit command from the soviets was to commit as many war crimes as possible („Kill!“)
Hahahaha, meit Gott, where did you find this? Are you referring to a speech, maybe? There was a lot, and I mean a lot hatefulness in Soviet speeches in 1942-44.
Any Red Army soldier who have stolen from, raped or killed a civilian was to be shot, of course.
> Maybe because they didn't occupy the territory of sovereign nations, kinda funny, isn't it?
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. No responsibility at all. Occupation is hard and maintaining the civillians' lives is even harder. That's why USA prefers to bomb countries into the Stone Age until there's nothing left. Did they at least sent any kind of monetary help or do they really not care at all?

>> No.22494017
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You were saying troon?

>> No.22494028

Is this how the /pol/ brainrot looks like in action?

>> No.22494065

Do you not recognize the screed of your jewish master ehrenburg? Maybe once you google your way into coherence you can at least begin backpedaling into the usual online faggot‘s irony-poisoned corner position that soldiers in a war zone were supposed to know their instructions didn‘t actually mean what they said; and besides they were mad which makes them unaccountable for their inhumanity. Just at least learn meme German correctly before you come back insisting on this retarded delusion that you can pretend away the events disproving russoids as having souls.

>> No.22494082

russians are germans, retard

>> No.22494117
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>t. ranny

>> No.22494128

>Zero good authors/books
Are you serious??

>> No.22494133
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>He has to count up to centuries in order to justify his baby cries about capitalism
Nigger all those commie genocide happend in less than 50 years. Its like comparing death by car crashes to nuclear bombs. Extremely pathetic.
>Also MUH slavery!
Didnt every communist regime legalize slavery when they forced their entire population to work without payment and forbid them to own any property?

>> No.22494147
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>>He has to count up to centuries in order to justify his baby cries about capitalism

>20 million dead every yeard from hunger & curable diseases

>> No.22494155
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>Communism fails in another country.
>Millions starve and die
>This is somehow capitalism fault
Has anyone ever told you that you will never be a real woman?

>> No.22494168

Stalin put fags and troons in camps. Capitalists put them on the CEO chair.

>> No.22494209

>This new government immediately enforces a series of laws, including the one that makes Russian schools or universities illegal.
Bullshit lol

>> No.22494218

Ukraine went through education reform. I was explained so by several people. They closed up schools that had a low attendance rate. Speaking Russian wasn't banned. Teaching in Russian wasn't banned. Using Russian wasn't banned. You HAD to learn Ukrainian though. It's a big problem to Russians. Russians in Baltics can barely speak Baltic languages.

>> No.22494222

Fucking false flagging tranny using anime gifs to make incels hate anime even more

Fuck you

>> No.22494225
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