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22489997 No.22489997 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22490002


>> No.22490003

>Buy my books, thank you.

>> No.22490017
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How does Dawkins debunk this? (serious question)

>> No.22490021

Come on man you can't tell me he is fucking around right. Who tf names himself after 2 smart guys and gets away with it.

>> No.22490025

Eric Rohmer named himself after Eric von Stroheim and Sax Rohmer and got away with it.

>> No.22490044

>posts a 2014 tweet from an atheist eceleb
What did this bored retard shitposter mean by this?

>> No.22490056

facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.22490185

>genetics are the highest biological truth and their differences through evolution create our very reality

>> No.22490399

Seems pretty explicit to me, perhaps start practicing by reading something simpler?

>> No.22490473
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If you respect genetics and you respect natural selection, surely you would become a racist. Race realist.

I'm not, for the record, I think humans are to subdue our animal nature and make genetics even more irrelevant than they are, via technology, but his logic is flawed here. If we're all "African apes", surely the stronger, superior apes should predominate? Surely they should, in fact, for the betterment of us all, subjugate and wipe out the inferior apes? The logical conclusion of this line of thought has to be eugenics. Why is Richard Dawkins not advocating for chemical castration of the genetically impaired.

>> No.22490476

Because he is on twitter not in Auschwitz

>> No.22490478

least cringe anglogroid

>> No.22490480

Based Dawkins getting away with calling africans apes

>> No.22490520

genetically we are only one chromosome off from downies too, less in many cases.

>> No.22490524

He's saying to embrace your inner nigger

>> No.22490534

>muh nature
Truly the most retarded argument possible.

>> No.22490538

I told you I don't support it
I'm just pointing out a contradiction in Dawkins's beliefs. If nature is king, then he should hate niggers and yet he doesn't

>> No.22490550

Babby's first Foucault

>> No.22490552

>What did he mean by this?
That all humans are evil by nature, and not only nigros

>> No.22490556

does this mean i'm allowed to say nigger?

>> No.22490567
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>> No.22490681

The consensus is that eugenics doesn't work. There are thousands of studies that prove this. Also natural selection doesn't necessarily imply that the species is becoming better over time, We should therefore try to maintain a level of genetic diversity to ensure the survival of humans.