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/lit/ - Literature

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22489281 No.22489281 [Reply] [Original]

>Your favorite book
>Your MBTI

>> No.22489294

>INTP or INTJ (varying results in free online tests)
>I don't read so I guess the Bible.

>> No.22489392

I came here to say INTP/INTJ and that i don't read but the first post beat me to it.

>> No.22489545

Is this an INTP/INTJ thing?

>> No.22489550

A tie between The Divine Comedy and The Stand.


>> No.22489551

The Sound and the Fury

>> No.22489553


to me MBTI is the world's greatest pseudoscience project to fool idiot

>that just me tho, plz dont get offended

>> No.22489556

Sounds like something a two-faced Gemini would say.

>> No.22489565

>this minority test had a different opinion.

not sure what to make of it. usually it's infbitch though

anyway, i'm not sure what goes into a favorite. i can' identify when a person inscribes book x over y unless they actually say it, and you can't trust what people say thoughnever

>> No.22489579
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Favourite book is a stupid question. I’m gonna make this a dick measuring contest

>the republic
>the metaphysics
>the collected works of Emerson
>the ethics
>hamlet, Coriolanus, julius Caesar
> the structure of scientific revolutions
>a tale of two cities
>the hobbit
>eragon and eldest; the rest of the series dropped the ball
>the bartimaeus trilogy
>the apology
>spring snow
>the buried giant

I’ll stop there. I’m only scratching the surface

I’m an INTP, and I’m better than you because I’ve worked harder, thought longer, and suffered more. Get better

>> No.22489591

get off this board

>> No.22489605

Infinite Jest

>> No.22489665

This feels like a INTP/INTJ reunion. Perhaps it's the personality type more susceptible to a site like 4chan.
Anyways, INTP, and I barely read, as I don't always want to, but my favorites are
>The Prince
>The Time Machine
>Huckleberry Finn
I also like short stories by Chekhov and O. Henry

>> No.22489671

that's not the point. it's just that you're conservative so you can save a few bucks. which of those was done in isolation and which had inspiration?

>> No.22489680


>> No.22489691

The Waves

>> No.22489709
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I don’t know precisely what you mean but the common thread uniting every book I’ve read is a chip on my shoulder, a sense of destiny, and the feeling that if I don’t achieve greatness in this life it will have been a mistake.

Come on you fucking faggots fight me.

The world needs a new religion; Spinoza was right, the mechanistic world and the subjective world are 2 manifestations of a single order. Like a piano and a violin playing the same sheet music.

The whole of reality since the Big Bang is converging on a single point, and that point is utopia. A works in which we have attained objective mastery over the world through science and subjective mastery over the world through understanding the aesthetics of human subjective experience, and as a consequence mold reality into the highest possibility actualizable, a post scarcity society full of beings in what we would consider subjective bliss.

Mankind must unite under a new religion and proselytise over the coming centuries and millennia and create a new intelligentsia whose telos, or purpose, in everything they do is guided by this dogmatic and true religious belief,

Fucking fight me. I’m bored being right all the time and God help me you faggots are my best bet at an actually good argument. What say you??

>> No.22489713

au contraire, for i would have never read the Bell Jar if not for the dancing choruses of Aristophanes. in fact of the metaphysics, were it not for institutions, it would be a point of impression and not competition. that you would imply any of this suggests a chip on your should is merely for WANT of impression, which women are likely to deny unless under the mysticism of academic rigor.

>> No.22489726
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You’re hiding behind obscurantism and opaque language because you have nothing to say. All the other pseuds will invite you to their cocktail parties, and they’ll pretend to listen as they wait for their turn to pretend to be smart


>> No.22489729

>having anything to say at this absolute mess

>> No.22489736
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Other than the reference to Spinoza this is written at a 10th grade level max. If you disagree with my statements explain why I’m wrong. Obviously you have nothing to say so you resort to ad hominem. You are the ignorance keeping man from apotheosis. Ideally you would improve but dying in a car crash is a close second faggot

>> No.22489737

You literally can't be wrong, this is such a transformation.

>> No.22489746

>Posts an image about the truth being objective
>Spouts off philosophical bullshit not supported by evidence or professional consensus, pretending that his worldview is what's real
Only on /lit/

>> No.22489748

So far I haven’t been, thanks for trying

>> No.22489753

>outs himself elegantly
Only on /lit/

>> No.22489755
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Please tell me whatever you can to argue against what I’ve said. I swear to God I expected more.

I left /lit/ years ago because this is literally all you get, a bunch of faggots who won’t do the work and instead just deconstruct everything to try to feel a sense of superiority.

/fit/ is the only board worth coming back to. Pic related is me, so yes I’m better than you faggots in every way. I’ve also traveled the world and been loved and fucked by gorgeous women, and the funny thing is I am haunted by the idea I’m pathetic. If I were you I would be grabbing a noose as we speak

Please begin practicing what you preach, all you have to do is join a gym and read the books you wish you did. I swear to God it isn’t that hard

>> No.22489760

Let’s head your thesis, I am all ears

>> No.22489762
File: 105 KB, 612x491, kymysys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inner world sensing
>outer word thinking

... what?

>> No.22489763

>anyway, i'm not sure what goes into a favorite. i can' identify when a person inscribes book x over y unless they actually say it, and you can't trust what people say thoughnever

>> No.22489767

I mean, I guess you could think out loud to have that outer world thinking trait, but how do you sense your internal world? Like instead of thinking to yourself, you sniff to yourself? Senses are external!

>> No.22489773
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didn't see you without your image.

>> No.22489778

>I am haunted by the idea I’m pathetic.
well, at the very least you're self-aware

>> No.22489779
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See above faggot, I have had pussy and love and I gave it up to try to make something for the good of humanity.

Pic related is an ex of mine. She was married, it’s a regret but I suffered a lot of guilt for it so I’ve done my penance.

>> No.22489785

i don't know where your thread is, so the quantity of you is underdetermined.

oh is this more shit that 'makes no sense' or is this once again me having 'nothing to say'?

>> No.22489787

Your anger is palpable. If you pay attention you may become wiser

>> No.22489795

faust I + II

>> No.22489799

once my anger is sufficiently necessary, what will you do?

>> No.22489804

Good night man, I appreciate the attempt. You can’t go wrong with the classics. Reading generally

>> No.22489816

class dismissed, but people take too long to leave. explain.

>> No.22489852

Extremely embarassing doxxing your ex on 4chan to get one up some incel lol. Makes me think you haven't had much pussy.

>> No.22489933

Augustine's Confessions

>> No.22489956


>> No.22490000

The quran

>> No.22490004


>> No.22490011

Complete works of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (also INTP)

>> No.22490016

INTJ/INTP depending on which test I am taking, always those 2 results though, for as many times as I have taken the test giving authentic answers that is what it has always shot back. Favorite book? I don't really have one, I read a lot, and most of what I read is non-fiction and/or technical. In the spirit of /lit/ I will say infinite jest though, it is probably the best postmodern work I have read.

>> No.22490030

>A board about art
>no feelers

>> No.22490043

>>outer world thinking
factual knowledge, primarily. objective/gross logic. whereas Ti is about subjective logical perception of how the facts connect
>>inner world sensing
subjective evaluation of sense perceptions - pleasant/unpleasant etc., sensing of own body e.g. balance. whereas Se is about perception of sensible traits in objects - colours, shapes. also, the physical manipulation of materia

>> No.22490045

online tests may be inaccurate due to wrong definitions and wrong self-perception by the testee. there should definitely be more feelers than thinkers here, also based on my perception of people here. i expect INFP/IEI/Ni-Fe & ENFJ/EIE/Fe-Ni to be the most common types.

>> No.22490050

Portable Nietzche

>> No.22490052

>divine comedy, paradise lost, narcissus and goldmund, frankenstein (i’m sorry i cant choose just one)

>> No.22490053

Against a DARK ba by Iain M. Banks
ENTP, but the MBTI type inventory in unscientific astrology tier outdated drivel, use the BIG5 instead

>> No.22490057

>I'm better than you because I've suffered more
How does having suffered more make you better than others?

>> No.22490063
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>> No.22490332

A tie between In Search of Lost time and Loving by Henry Green - But also maybe The Waves or Mrs Dalloway instead. I dunno. But if i had to choose, ISoLT.


>> No.22490350

Thanks. I've been seeing this gibberish for years and now it finally makes sense

>> No.22490352

I'm INFP with a virgin INFP gf. Life is comfy

>> No.22490364

imagine boasting such an appalling physique

>> No.22490403

probably. the world used to treat me like a special snowflake until college when i realize not everyone exists to be your friends. t INTJ/INFP

>> No.22490436

>Demons or Lord Jim

>> No.22490712

Why are NT personalities so much more common to find in 4chan than in other places? I know only 1 other person in real life that is INTP like me, but here it seems to be the most common type, followed by INTJ despite these two being some of the rarest types.

What about 4chan is so attractive to these types?

>> No.22490740

Memes, anonymity, and depending on the board very specific topics of conversation. I rarely if ever talk IRL, but desu I don't actually have much need to.

>> No.22490784

INFP, The Iliad

>> No.22490941

Tie between the Phenomenology of Spirit and Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.22491022

I don’t read. I just come here to watch anons fight over stuff I don’t understand.

>> No.22491033

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.22491065
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The Magic Mountain
Ironically the wizard personality type likes a book with magic in the title.
Nice I also like Woolf.
>virgin gf
Anon what are you doing get in that shit now

>> No.22491085

>Poetic Edda

>> No.22491512

>NT are the rarest types
ah, I forgot to include this in my earlier post, but I'm also a sigma male

>> No.22491555

The Collector

>> No.22491567

INTJ, I'm new to reading and have read four books this year all well liked, and hard to pick a favorite. I loved Napoleon, A Life by some dude but I don't know if I'd like it as much if I hadn't read War and Peace, Charterhouse and c&p over the month or two prior. I'm now reading le mort D'Arthur, it's fun but not great

>> No.22491824
File: 7 KB, 183x275, greg egan diaspora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have a favourite book but I've been enjoying some greg egan books lately.

>> No.22491832


Being able to enjoy things without being moralfags, novelty seeking

but also

social rejection and inability or disinterest in emotional growth etc.

>> No.22491854

>standard male physique you get without working out, just by having hit puberty
If your mental/literature work is as half-assed as your physical work, should get started.

>> No.22491861

she is too old to be worth doxxing. What interest could one have in her? Average mom.
Though love makes us blind and it is cute that he holds her in such high regard.

I think my exgf is gorgeous, too. Every few days I have a glimpse of clarity and see her for what she is: a 6 at best. Odd nose and saggy tits.

>> No.22491939


>Parzival (Eschenbach)
>Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)
>Political Theology (Carl Schmitt)
>The Brothers Karamazov (obviously)

>> No.22491994
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>> No.22492073

I don't trust anyone that likes Faust, much less makes it their favourite. Most shallow book I've read so far.

>> No.22492077

Rambling essence glazed novel for boring Love Live Laugh people, good choice dweeb.

>> No.22492093

I don't actually have a favorite yet

>> No.22492140

>Gospel of John

>> No.22492151


Ἰλιάς Ὃμηρου
楚辭 (Chu-Ci)
La commedia, Dante
Works of Arnault Daniel
Works of François Villon
Works of John Donne

>> No.22492155


>> No.22492164

>XNTP - pseudness mediation
>XNTJ - antagonistic pseudness
>XNFP - le Shakesperian
>INFJ - based beyon belief
>rest - normalfags
t. undecided & INTP

>> No.22492179
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Ok this review makes me want to read it badly, but we have one lit person saying it's good and one bad, any other opinions? I'm INTJ as well if it matters at all

>> No.22492188

It's just mashed together rehashes phrased in an alluding way, minus depth or character. Absolute garbage, testament to its readers.

>> No.22492192

Gemini here. What should I read?

>> No.22492195

Read Napoleon, a life

>> No.22492303

Kek ask a bodybuilder you fucking faggot ass pussy

>> No.22492321

In typical Entp fashion, I don't do favorites.

>> No.22492340

>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.22492575

>Incest by Marquis de Sade

>> No.22492582

either the sound and the fury or dubliners

>> No.22492639

If I loathed Ulysses is it safe to assume I'd hate Dubliners too? I half assume he went up his ass with age

>> No.22492645
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Storm of Steel

>> No.22492652

no, I love Dubliners and I've tried multiple times to make it through Ulysses (currently about 1/4 through).
Dubliners reads more like the passages of Ulysses that are fully coherent, and since they're short stories there's no possibility for 20+ pages of Shakespeare historiography
I still recommend getting a version with footnotes (I think most have them) just to aid in comprehension for when he throws out Irish terminology or history, which only happens about once per page.

>> No.22492656

You're not INTJ, you're just losers with no friends.

>> No.22492666
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>Crime & Punishment

currently reading Steppenwolf

>> No.22492672

Blood Meridian (Is this story is based? Yes.)

>> No.22492727


Tender Buttons
Nova Express
Gravitys Rainbow
Songs of Maldoror

>> No.22492916

most people who take the test almost never get the right one. most people who think they are intuitive are realy just sensors and vice-versa, has alot to do with how most people hide insecurity

>> No.22492920

because they want to be those types, the reality is most are very obviously ST

>> No.22492930

Intuitive are also over represented. I would assume alot of people on 4chan are Se users looking to fuck around.

>> No.22493044

Moby Dick

>> No.22493056

>Tender Buttons

>> No.22493164

>standard male physique
post body
>I've suffered more
>means I've spent more time in the gym than you
I thought you meant you had lost friends or family members, you had powered through illness, homelessness, discrimination and made a good life for yourself still
it's my bad for assuming

>> No.22493640

>The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations

>> No.22493647

The Walden

>> No.22493658


cant believe /lit/ is discussing MBTI unironically. bros how did this happen

>> No.22493673

>I am educated

>> No.22493703

Runaway Horses, Mishima

>> No.22493720

MBTI isn't perfect but it works well enough to help inform you on the types of people you'll interact with, their strengths and weaknesses and affinities as well as your own. Reading my results they have me dead on. I'm of course too stubborn to change anything so that earlier comment about knowing my own strengths and weaknesses was simply me arguing in bad faith the merits of something I just find neat and can't defend well otherwise

>> No.22493751

Man I get that, I was obsessed with MBTI during high school, but the more time has passed the more I realized how useless it is in real world scenarios. Made worse by internet making it an "aesthetic" like with everything. I like using MBTI for fictional characters, makes sense as rough archetypes, but for people nah.
I especially hate the "mysticism"/romanticisation it lends to iNtuitives, especially NTs, that feel like these curious mythical beings, while Sensors are reduced to dumb animals.
Even funnier is that I realized I hate being surrounded only by these "intuitive", hyper intellectual, "internet-lurker" types as they can not look ordinarily at the world, everything is deconstruction, self loathing, grandiose ideas and so on. I need more every-man, confident world outlook, while I feel like MBTI has done bunch of people disservice by making their asocial/retarded behaviour seem cool and special.

>> No.22493753
File: 455 KB, 1484x2152, MBTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And almost no posts mocking these people for believing in horoscopes for pseuds. It's over.

>> No.22493761

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the surrounded by x comment but I initially thought maybe finding like minded people would be nice and so I went to lmaoreddits INTJ board and holy fucking cringe, first of all, partially because reddit, they were all atheists, but you're right self loathing cringe shit abounds. I think when it really clicked for me, like you mention with fictional characters, is reading war and peace. Someone asked me what I liked about it and it came to me without thinking I said the way Pierre and Andrew talk reminds me of conversations I had with a prior best friend. I loved Pierre through the book and didn't think much of Andrew despite matching his social profile more or less. I think the key is, if you're going to ascribe any benefit to MBTI (which if anyone doesnt I'd understand that fully), is to find personality types that mesh well and challenge you rather than finding your own

>> No.22493776

>knowing your mbti
Please let everyone in this thread be in London

>> No.22493781

>Maybe I'm misunderstanding the surrounded by x comment
no, you got it right. My whole high school group of 6 (six!) friends was xNTx (holy shit) and I'm so glad I'm not friends with them anymore. Worst "im better than anyone else" self loathing circlejerk/echo chamber etc. We were somewhat "cool" in highschool, but that was most toxic group in my life. Expectedly combined with worst social skills, even more so because they tried emulating the introvert/NT fantasy of being no-nonsense smart guy in every situation.
I consider myself an introvert, but I find the internet idea of introversion one of the worst antisocial retarded things you can teach to a teenager.

>> No.22494834

>blood meridian
>moby dick
>paradise lost

>> No.22495059

War Peace and War


>> No.22495118

ITT: ISFJs thinking they're dom/aux Ne users. SPs thinking they're NTs

>> No.22495159


>> No.22495401

Making of Americans is just too masochistically long. Tender buttons is the perfect book. Namedropping got me into grad school

>> No.22495661


>> No.22495750

>The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea

>> No.22495957

>Phänomenologie des Geistes

>> No.22496059

mbti is western bullshit, look into socionics. ILI, the brothers karamazov.

>> No.22496231

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.22496751

>freud as philosopher
>being and time

>> No.22496769

Les Miserables

>> No.22496782

Revolt Of The Masses
ENTP or INTP depending on mood.

>> No.22496786

Also, I noticed there is a overwhelming amount of. ENTP and INTPs here just like me. Wtf..

>> No.22497064

I looked into that stuff and it was kind of interesting but not really useful

>> No.22497066

Uh we’re confrontational, especially ENTPs. If someone talks to us we tend to hate lying and are strictly business for the most part, rarely casual. Also women are almost never ENTPs which suggests a very male space on here.

>> No.22497262
File: 52 KB, 800x618, Zodiac-Sign-Stories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your favor book
>your astrological sign

warning I am a Virgo so dont @ me if your a Taurus or your going to have a really bad time

>> No.22497396

Aries, Charterhouse of Parma

>> No.22497860

why not read all of them and then come up with your own conceptualization of functions and systems?

btw if you don't do this on the regular you are not entp or intp just fyi

>> No.22497934


Fiction: Lolita, in b4 pedo
Non Fiction: The Mavhivelians Defenders of Freedom.

>> No.22498746

If On A Winter's Night A Traveler

>> No.22499199

Life in the folds - Henri michaux

>> No.22499467

A Feast for crows (Yeah, a simp book) - INTJ

>> No.22499660

Lolita and Moby Dick
Nice thread.

>> No.22499694

Socionics mogs MBTI btw
Typology is fun and useful for self-development

>> No.22499701

Borges Labyrinths

>> No.22499716


>Moby Dick

>> No.22499722

>all the ENT* in this thread
lose my number

>> No.22500180
File: 46 KB, 667x1000, 2341E082-A8D3-45E9-8D31-0E19D0E60198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(By the way, the Myers Briggs test is nonsense, any self reported psychological test is going to be flawed)

>> No.22500624

who cares, it's fun

>> No.22500738

Everybody here knows that MBTI-is shit. But its useful to find people who answered questions in a same manner than yourself.

>> No.22501054
File: 535 KB, 736x1030, f638d900349b2c041fb221c37eb944b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich.