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22484033 No.22484033 [Reply] [Original]

Celine edition

previous >>22478964

>> No.22484046

Half-breeds lead miserable and pathetic lifes, no matter how rich or successful they are

>> No.22484163

Recently, I’ve realized how important it is for the long term to end up in a good career relatively early. That’s why I feel all the worse at having not done that. Enough time has passed such that chapter is probably over.

>> No.22484164

most of life is window dressing for love.

>> No.22484174

Without even giving me time to be confused, whomp, she hugged me. Or to put it more accurately, she draped herself on me, burdening me with the entirety of her bodyweight. She rested her tiny head on my right shoulder, with our bodies stuck together, her slender arms wrapped around my neck.
Not that she was heavy.
“Um, Miss Kunagisa?”
Evidently she was recharging. Thus, no moving allowed. I gave up on resisting and supported her weight.
But hey, what was I, an electrical outlet or something?

So this is the power of the supposed "best light novel". It's zaregoto btw

>> No.22484182

What is rationally correct will not always be what is right

>> No.22484190

>he says posting on 4channel
Guess you need something to cope with.

>> No.22484198

When will western men realize that their women are their biggest enemy?

>> No.22484200
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It happened yet again: I let my neediness push a girl away, and even if I wasn't in love with her then, I'm suffering terribly now.
I promised to never let it happen again: I'll learn how to deal with girls even if I have to read Corey Wayne's terribly written book 10 times; but the biggest challenge is not even that, but overcoming my broken sense of self-worth, that I carry with me since I was a child

>> No.22484208
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When will incels learn that bitching about women will accomplish absolutely nothing and serves no point?

>> No.22484211

Or she may have found another guy. I'll probably never know

>> No.22484213

i want to fucking get into UC Berkeley in their master's of information management course. i really want it so badly. i am an indian guy , 24 yrs old , was working in an IT company, quit on august 31st , basically jobless now, applying to many job openings ... feeling the fucking heat ... i really want to leave india and go to america and do my master's and become a product manager and stuff ... i want it so badly ... i want to get into UC Berkeley so badly ... listening to some qawali music by nusrat k while typing my rant rn ... i have struggled a lot in my life ... when i was 19 yrs old i was diagnosed with MDR TB the most brutal form of TB ... it was hell ... what did i do to deserve this ? the treatment lasted 2.5 yrs ... never gave up on my comp. enggg. degree, it was all i had ... have ... i want to get into UC Berkeley so fucking badly ...

>> No.22484220

If anything is Germanic in the modern West, it's the political equality of women and men. And the pride with wich the democracies dress themselves for not being a mere 'konungr', an honour once exclusive to the Scandinavian nations, who'se settlements in mainland Europe and England were mere aristocratic colonies. But normies won't understand.
> It was in the particularly intimate living room of the nuptial chamber that these sibyls of the family made their oracles listened to by their husbands. In this life of mutual trust, it was considered that serious and well-founded affection on free choice was not too much; girls had the right to marry only at their own convenience. This was the rule; and when politics or other reasons transgressed it, it was not without exception that the victim brought a relentless grudge into the dwelling, and excited there by those storms which, according to many legends, sometimes ended in complete ruin of the most powerful families, so great and indomitable was the pride of the Germanic wife.

>> No.22484225

I read your entire post in the stereotypical Indian accent.
Also please stay in India, the West has too many of you.

>> No.22484230

Well, I say this because I'm talking from personal experience. Half-breeds are worth less than dogshit even in modern 'progressive' society.

>> No.22484233

That’s why instead of bitching you write theory

>> No.22484241

What personal experience?
Worth less in whose eyes?
Speak clearly

>> No.22484260

I say that being half German/French/British/Swedish whatever and half any other European nation, despite any personal qualities whatsoever, means being worth less that a straight from the jungle immigrant negro who doesn't speak a single word in national, it means sharing old pieces of thrown out dry bread with pigeons and street dogs, it means giving all the effort and still being treated like a disposable piece of illiterate farm servant, it means having no possibility whatsoever to achieve anything in society

>> No.22484273

Ah, you're mentally ill.

>> No.22484283

BASED! I am honoured that you like the indian accent, you will not be able to stop meee from coming to the west aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22484296

Just know that every thinks you smell of curry and you'll be a currycel here.
Maybe you can escape by getting arranged married with another Indian but even then, your children will be currycels.

>> No.22484300

I knew you were going to say that, it doesn't matter if the half-breed has concerns, no one cares, he doesn't even exist

>> No.22484322

i literally dont care aaaaaaaaaaa i will come to your country aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22484347

>being this stoked over middle-management and soulless corporate servitude.

good luck?

>> No.22484393

You're moving to the Caribbean?

>> No.22484461
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I ain’t got no type
Bad bitches is the only thing that I like

>> No.22484470

>Bad bitches is the only thing that I like

>> No.22484612

I hate bringing up ai shit but I found this thread on /pol/ this morning and I am now haunted by the eldritch retardation.
OP is clearly trolling them but he got over 300 posts form 138 ip's. I remember trolling one of them on /g/ or /tg/ and saying so only for that Anon to keep trying to "own" me.
I can't tell if they are so insecure that they straw-man any who would disrupt a savorier fantasy or they can't tell when an Anon getting some lolz. I know they're some stupid people on 4chan but it disturbs me how Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT made /g/ and /pol/ (>implying) flip there values.

>> No.22484740

>being part British
you’re jungle archipelago swine, sorry

>> No.22484825
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have to find some bullshit story about martyred saints from the 4th century and its available nowhere. Oxford database only has a summary but I need details.

>> No.22485014
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ADHD is a special kind of hell where you can't enjoy the most meaningful aesthetic experiences life and culture have to offer.

>> No.22485083 [DELETED] 


>> No.22485169

Yep, it's gonna be another "blast nightcore and get all nostalgic for late 2000s anime" kind of night.

>> No.22485172

Love is window dressing for lust and inability to fuck escorts.

>> No.22485180

You are vulgar and a philistine and I will not have you on this board.

>> No.22485181

>do my job well, me and one other guy actually show up on time every day, everyone else on the team comes in late every day
>manager now wants me to also cover for guy who is extremely lazy or incompetent during the busiest time of the year
>being away from my stuff for even a few hours means I have a mountain of work to catch up on
I wish I could just go in and do the bare minimum like everyone else but I'm a paranoid fuck.

>> No.22485272

I thought summer was over but I suppose we are in the age of perpetual summer

>> No.22485299

Trying to brainstorm a cool way to go out like skyking, mccandless, or mishima that are inspiring without causing harm to others... Thoughts?

>> No.22485321

>What’s on your mind?

>> No.22485396
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no point in trying to top Russell. if you want to kill yourself just do whatever people in your life held you back from doing, whatever made you feel childlike joy in your heart

>> No.22485404

Or assassination

>> No.22485413
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>> No.22485416

best skit hands down

>> No.22485433


>> No.22485436

knife school mde

>> No.22485510

Religion and art are worthless. They are about inventing mythical narratives to cope with suffering. I hate lies. It would be better to believe in truth and be depressed than make up bullshit. Even then, all suffering is downstream of these lies. From the earliest humanity the most mentally deranged members of the species, prophets and artists, have imposed the lies they invented to cope with their own problems onto other humans and this has caused all the problems in society. Maybe now you DO have to invent bullshit to be happy, but only because the natural conditions were destroyed and the deranged made all of us deranged with them through their lies. However, I still hate lies and I will never cope with reality using them. I simply refuse to adopt any narrative. Science and philosophy are the only intellectual endeavours worthwhile.

>> No.22485542

Thanks. It’s true tho. America has so many ppl self delete I don’t know why more of them don’t do this. 20th century cold civil wars had professors and economists and military personnel and journalists getting domed by each side now it’s not even politicians.

>> No.22485557

I'm 27 and I love reading YA, especially sci fi and fantasy. You know what you're getting and there's always a happy ending. I guess I relate a lot to the characters and their struggles as I feel like I haven't matured much past 19/21.

>> No.22485763

I already realized that
Seethe roastie, I have a nice trad Asian woman.

>> No.22485770

Speaking from personal experience, the halfbreeds I know are very happy people

>> No.22485780

I contacted my local government to support climate change education.

>> No.22485785

Was aristotle a substance dualist?

>> No.22485797

No, hylemorphist.

>> No.22485806

How is that different?

>> No.22485854


>> No.22485888
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They probably tried to kill themselves again. Who the fuck cares, I'd be better off without them. No I wouldn't. It isn't like their mind is particularly toward anyone else. The bohemian exemplified, as those people are so fed up with everyone else as to grow inward. How I'd love to take a pair of pruning shears to a narcissistic mind, and cut the neurons that have grown back on themselves like malformed blooms. God, and they couldn't even do it right. Fast enough to snap it in half, to roll their car, and they didn't die. Shows how much they know about themselves. Don't they know cockroaches can barely be killed intentionally, while rotting everything they touch? Wish away.

>> No.22486000
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How does serving my race for the heck of it fulfill my spiritual needs?

>> No.22486054

Post link to quiz

>> No.22486062
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>> No.22486068

Not the ones I know

In other news someone needs to kill these people

>> No.22486075

I feel like I’m the only purebred American that exists. Still haven’t gotten laid in five plus years.

>> No.22486081

Are you okay?

>> No.22486233

Yeah, anyways, unrelated but the beliefs in an essence for all existing persons and animals combined with a belief in free will is basically Duns Scotus right?

>> No.22486249

did you mean inbred ? you disgusting fucking bastard.

>> No.22486272

>suddenly have to deal with more Indians in my day to day life
>become more racist
Wtf I thought the left said racists are just unfamiliar with other cultures?

>> No.22486293


>> No.22486352

Why is homosexuality so disproportionately a rich people thing?

>inb4 gay proles have to suppress it because proles are a lot less liberal in their social values in general

I'm not buying it.

>> No.22486355

Today is my birthday. Getting older but not wiser. A somber feeling.

>> No.22486369
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Happy birthday! You can't change the getting older but you can change the getting wiser.
Here is a fattittied woman as a gift.

>> No.22486373

Pretty simple. Degeneracy often breeds from boredom whereas poor people's brains are constantly filled with money issues or (due to their brain issues) hoe to make it through the day hence the modern boom of it. There is also an element of when you are rich you have to (or are naturally) be more proper, clean and restrained in your day to day life so indulging in some disgusting behaviour is more appealing due to the scarcity of it in your life.

>> No.22486378

Je n'aime guère les youpins ni les nègres.

Enjoy your ching chongs kids faggot

>> No.22486435

ha, its like we can never win with you types, its either "you're a mutt" or "you're inbred"
you can't be both, Pierre, now go have sex with an infant you silly frog.

>> No.22486491

Thanks anon

>> No.22486502

Americans only!
>your state
>best author to come from that state

>> No.22486540

F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.22486566

Have to spread my ass in front of the whole class today. Wish me luck.

>> No.22486626

did you check for pinworms already? Last thing you wanna do is embarrass yourself in front of your class

>> No.22486831

It's not

>> No.22486868


In bed with Rebecca cuddling and she asked if I wanted to have kids. I said of course, so she said let's start making them. Then we made love.
Plus spontaneous love making in different places until the dream fragmented and I was left broken hearted when I realized I was in a dream and reality punched me in the face.

Can I turn this into a short story?

>> No.22486877

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty already exists and is 10x more poignant and reeks 10x less of desperation

>> No.22486885

ok maybe I need to turn it into a reality type scenario. A story of desperation?

>> No.22486888

Passed someone on the street who I felt deeply wronged by and it brought It all back up. I just can't seem to let it go and forgive them as a Christian. Even if they theoretically asked for forgiveness, I'm not sure if I could do it. I should not let morons have this much influence over my mind but I can't help the bitterness.

>> No.22486895

The only desperate struggles that are cool and interesting are heroic ones. Pining after an unrequited love is sad and unsightly to anyone, even moreso if it's relatable

>> No.22486917

Come to think of it, use your desperation and emotion for this girl and insert it into a fictional short story about a commander losing his sense as he begins to obsess over taking a specific hill or other goal in some war. Putting it in an older setting: fictional, historical fictional, or fantasy would be best, because old tactics and research are easier to research, understand, and describe than contemporary or near future ones.
The themes can be about how dangerous confusing passion and devotion with desperation can be, and the terrible results that can come from it. They can look at the charred aftermath of their lost battle (or pyrrhic victory) and dead comrades in the conclusion and dwell on this. Use that "reality punching you in the face" moment during the climax, when some close confidant points out how much they've fucked everything up just to lose.
Actually fuck you I'm writing this, and I'm deciding halfway through if it's gonna be a short story or a novel

>> No.22487182

She might just be the one

>> No.22487195

Stop being christian, retard

>> No.22487499

drinking again

>> No.22487522

What are you drinking

>> No.22487534

I don't wanna die but I hardly call this living. Need to start taking my own advice.

>> No.22487567

just beer, anything stronger just fucks me up

>> No.22487600

No matter where I am, I feel out of place. The only time I feel at peace or at home is when I'm alone. But I still get lonely.

>> No.22487601

I really appreciate this board for providing intellectually honest discourse and debate about philosophy and theology, even if it rarely seems that way. I come from a cultural background (Mormonism) that actively discourages studying philosophy and simply sees it as a Greek/pagan corruption of the "original" Christian doctrine, and those who end up leaving that cultural background usually end up becoming completely braindead atheist types who think people landing on the moon proves God doesn't exist. Having someplace where I can have an honest discussion of, say, the Platonic One versus the Advaitic Brahman without someone popping in (well, popping in very often) to either call everyone retards for not being materialist atheists or screech that neither of those concepts are in the Book of Mormon and discussing them will lead me to stray from the path has been incredibly refreshing.

>> No.22487675

social medias are the worst cancer ever created

>> No.22487764

Nice to see a non-cynical post about this board for once. 4chan is generally very negative. The board has its problems, but occasionally you will find some gold nuggets buried in the mud. Also to post anonymously often means one of two things. You either don't care at all about the topic at hand, or you are sincerely interested about it and so aren't chasing clout or internet points. We get both.

>> No.22487769

How would you go about getting the personality of someone people would describe as “a fighter”.

>> No.22487786

having personal opinion and actively defending it

>> No.22487812

But plenty of people do that and just come off like obnoxious intellectuals.

>> No.22488004
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Is he right bros?

>> No.22488181
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>> No.22488206

What's it called when you have trouble cumming from sex?
It isn't often, but jacking off has a 99% succes rate while sex is about 85/90%

>> No.22488209

Porn addiction

>> No.22488212

it's normal, happens sometimes, depends on your mood and other things

>> No.22488219

I do think it has to do with that. I should just stop jerking off now I have regular sex
I once got soft mid sex because on the way to her place I read The Abolition of Britain and I couldn't get Peter Hitchens his face out of my mind.

>> No.22488238

You realise having sex before marriage is sinful right? And even in the confines of a marriage, it has to be out of sinless love.

>> No.22488243

Red pill me on PhD degrees. I’ve found myself working as staff at a university and I’m kicking myself for not becoming faculty instead.

>> No.22488246


>> No.22488505

It's a ponzi that feeds on the dreams of youth

>> No.22488529

Its been years and I still get nightmares of her murdering me for the most asinine reasons. Is it truly impossible for a beautiful woman to be somewhat stable in this day and age? All the great looking ones I've known were always so fragile.

>> No.22488546

Which industry sounds the coolest to be a businessman in? IT and industrials maybe.

>> No.22488551

Rare earth mineral industry
Those high tech chip manufacturers

>> No.22488570

>oh no save me from Sunday School Wotan I’m going crazy!

>> No.22488573

The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions

>> No.22488634

Yeah that too. Finance also imo

>> No.22488685
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yup, my teenage wife's absolutely gorgeous and she went to a doctor appointment today while i was at work that i had scheduled for her and proceeded to get put on psychiatric hold against her will and i had to leave work early today and they wont let her leave until tomorrow and if her mental health was bad before now it's worse than ever

>> No.22488692

I want to do so much before I hit 30 in 3 years, stuff I'm actually excited about, but for some reason whenever I try and do something productive my body just doesn't seem like its in sync with my brain

>> No.22488707

Christoids with the one projected theory for people not buying their shit

>> No.22488862

Dont bother waiting for the right moment and do it anyway
T.33 centipedes

>> No.22488871
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My professor is making jokes about how hes one of those 'old white men' left

>> No.22488893

I just have to understand Parmenides so I can understand Plato and then understand Aristotle and then understand Aquinas and then understand Leibniz and then understand Hume and then understand Kant and then understand Nagarjuna and then understand Shankara and then understand Fichte and then understand Hegel and then understand Heraclitus and then understand Boehme and then understand Eckhart and then understand Plato again and then understand Parmenides again and then understand Heraclitus again and then understand Hegel again and then...

>> No.22488929

Yeah. I was in a similar place at 27. Now at 30 I haven’t accomplished much at all let alone what I wanted. You have to get moving ASAP. That’s the thing.

>> No.22488976

Going to text her tomorrow even though I am a complete stranger and she won't accept my follow request. But that also means there are no consequences. What have I got to lose? I will just try.

>> No.22489000

Are you in a hurry anywhere, though? Philosophy only gets dumber as time goes on, so really, there's no sense in rushing ahead so that you can read whatever meme-y 20th century philosopher you started all this for as preparation.

>> No.22489009

There's no rush. I have my whole life to understand all this stuff. It's just a little daunting when I think about the sheer volume of thought to understand along the way to my goal.
There's no 20th-century philosopher I'm aiming to build up to, though I might read Heidegger at some point. The last big name in my list will probably be Peirce, and following him (as well as in between all the other big names) I'll undoubtedly end up diving into a smattering of thinkers who I am currently unaware of.

>> No.22489015

The fact you associate religion with commerce makes me think you have an ulterior motive.

>> No.22489019

What do you mean by love?

>> No.22489073

Yes. But it is often for a beginner to distinguish between righteous anger and mere pride and wrath

>> No.22489264

I'm watching this cute jew girl working for the Daily Wire do commentary on viral videos. She keeps saying words like "based" "white/red/blackpill" "incel" and other terms. It's just so jarring though because she's just a normie and using thede words to defend basic centrist and moderate positions. It's jarring to see. It's hard to explain but seeing the words used in such an empty and hollow way is disappointing.

>> No.22489364

I need to do something real with my life. I'm probably the most indolent man alive.

>> No.22489397

What are you going to do?

>> No.22489405

If i knew what to do with my life, I wouldn't be on here.
Probably nothing.

>> No.22489424

Why can’t we write about the smart phone age yet?

>> No.22489475

I need to write everything, read everything, know every language, and be the best at everything. I want to fucking kill everyone.
I'm always in second place, following, always following.
The only way I get an upper hand is through drastically lowered standards and subterfuge.
I'm pissed.

>> No.22489476

Second date she casually reveals she makes twice as much as me. This stuff is important if you are part of the East Coast cultural elite. I’m on the low end of the money hierarchy, but I work for an “institution” and the job title sounds cool, so I’m wondering if that makes up for making half the income of the girl. Everyone is scrambling for the same 3 neighborhoods in my city. There are probably about 3 million of us across the US, maybe less, I’ve been trying to figure out how many there are. If you hang out with consultants and lawyers and post-docs you’re part of this class. How many do you think there are? If you don’t belong we can instantly tell btw. Doesn’t matter how wealthy you are, how prestigious your schooling is, if you don’t have an accent that could be from anywhere you’re out. Poor talk outs itself without fail. Immigrants are generally not let into the inner sanctum of elite hanging unless they immigrated extremely young, children of immigrants are fine.

>> No.22489480

Often, when someone gives me good advice, I intentionally make them upset before putting it into practice just so they don't get the satisfaction. Pavlovian conditioning.
I'm just not good enough.

>> No.22489503

Parasitical lawyer-bureaucrat class clinging like ticks to massive imperial metropolises. They are strange people. Not as unpleasant to deal with compared to minor bureaucrat types, who are genuinely subhuman.

>> No.22489517

I say this because regularly interact with people like that but for satrapies.
I like to think I'm not a member of that class.

>> No.22489518

Based used to mean something. Incel used to mean something. Now they're both being used in the most milquetoast applications. Same with "trad".
>jew girl

>> No.22489531

It's called semantic drift and it's a sad side-effect of being near sources of internet slang/culture
You have to watch it get worse and worse.
I really, REALLY, need to learn nahuatl.

>> No.22489542

Coworker told me I sent a great email today ;_; Am I gonna make it?

>> No.22489546

>You have to watch it get worse and worse
Saw some video of an egirl on twitter spaces say that sleeping with your partner outside of wedlock is "trad" if it's in a long term relationship. It's all so tiresome
It's a nice feeling when your supervisor says you're doing well or you get good feedback, well done anon, keep it up

>> No.22489555
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>(a) our mathematical sentences and theories do purport to be about abstract mathematical objects, as platonism suggests, but (b) there are no such things as abstract objects, and so (c) our mathematical theories are not true. Thus, the idea is that sentences like ‘3 is prime’ are false, or untrue, for the same reason that, say, ‘The tooth fairy is generous’ is false or untrue—because just as there is no such person as the tooth fairy, so too there is no such thing as the number 3.
Do numbers exist bros? Or are we just playing language games?

>> No.22489563

Checked but how did we land a man on the moon if numbers weren’t real?

>> No.22489564

there is an amount of things in between 2 things and 4 things. That's three things, this is without going outside whole numbers.

>> No.22489566
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Idk but those digits are real!

>> No.22489571

Way to break your covenants on a Congolese mig welding forum

>> No.22489572
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Same way a bird creates its nest. They just do it. “Numbers” are just the way humans communicate, but has no basis in reality.

>> No.22489575

That is so cap nigga, you are cappin no rim rn fr fr

>> No.22489581

There isn’t an amount of things in between 2 things and 4 things.

>> No.22489587

I'm on the last third of Nostromo, I like the book and really hope Decoud makes it, I relate way too much to him.
I also hope Nostromo makes it.
Ambivalent on the Englishmen.

>> No.22489599

> how did we land a man on the moon if numbers weren’t real?
Numbers have no real existence in the world, but we can still use them symbolically as representations/abstractions which help us perform certain functions.
>there is an amount of things in between 2 things and 4 things
2 and 4 don't exist either. Explain to me how "one" thing could ever become two--does it partake of the other thing's essence, that is to say combine, or does it remain in essence singular?
If one and one actually combine together, then it does not become two but becomes just another one.
If the latter, then it does not truly become two but remains one, and yet this one itself can be described as separate or continuous depending on how you look at it.
Such that the separation which could ever create "one" does not necessarily exist in so far as things are continuous / contained within other things.

>> No.22489608

I’ve never found either a career or a hobby that I really care about. I’ve just sort of tolerated how I spent my life.

>> No.22489610

Ok, seeing it in this way. It's technically correct, just absolutely pointless intellectual masturbation by pedants. Same as for arguing that randomness or free will doesn't actually exist.

>> No.22489613

thoughts aren’t real and neither are functions

>> No.22489627

More like semetic drift

>> No.22489629

I'm tired of e girls pretending to be reactionary

>> No.22489645

Aren't are is not real and neither is neither.

>> No.22489647

It's such a pathetic grift. They're all crypto-feminists who like the aesthetics of being "trad" while enjoying the benefits of the last few hundred years of "female liberation" and big daddy government. Saw another who said that men who want women to submit must be worth submitting to. I guarantee what she meant by that on a subconscious level wasn't going after the basement-dweller stereotype but demanding her husband reflect the idol in her own mind of what she thinks she deserves. Women can't help but have their narcissism and lack of accountability shine through in their larp.

>> No.22489660

Kinda similar to my situation. Im on holiday and I've realized that I have nothing else going on besides job.

>> No.22489675

Can I kiss you?

>> No.22489727

Let me shave first

>> No.22489744
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well, at least I'm not this guy

>> No.22489790

Idk man look at those suckers.

>> No.22489993

Yeah, hes a manlet.

>> No.22490137

I’m trying to write a resume. Only I don’t have anything worth saying besides what courses I’ve taken. It seems like my peers have been doing internships and personal projects since high school.

>And now the feelings of despair and suicide ideation is setting in.

>> No.22490165

You know it when you feel it.

>> No.22490304

I think I may have some sort of developmental issue.
I feel like in some aspects I act several years too old and in others several years too young.
I suspect my parents may have had something to do with it.
In a way, I think my childhood got robbed a little bit.

>> No.22490307

Where do you act too young?

>> No.22490324

Any woman who decides to get into politics, does video commentary or anything of the sorts is not 'trad'.
If they were trad they'd shut up, marry and make children and maaaaaybe mommy blog about it.
Other than that you're a feminist modern woman.

>> No.22490328

In a way, I always socially behaved like an impulsive child who listened to no one and did whatever except in very special situations when I just followed orders. Up to my teenage years. Even today I think I still behave like an edgy contrarian teen.
Due to this, and also being humorless and generally disinterested in people during most of my childhood, I think I missed several milestones a normal person would have. I've also never had any genuine romantic interest in anyone. Lust I have had, but I never really wanted to "get" with anyone. Bizarrely, I've had this commitment since I was like 6, maybe I will continue being a virgin loner just to be able to tell my parents that around 2 decades ago they were wrong about me not wanting a girlfriend ever being just a phase. Another part is that I have stayed very consistent with the person I was when I was like 10. Even visually speaking, not that long ago some guy I knew when I was like 8 y/o came up to me and said hi.

>> No.22490375

Do you like the job at least? I don’t even like my job. I hate my job.

>> No.22490394

I dont like it, really mind numbing with low pay. I just cant afford to quit it. What do you do?

>> No.22490413

Nobody will care about their “personal projects” unless it’s something that makes them sound really interesting and unique. Just play up your coursework, find an internship, then play up that. See if you can get some work experience from your school.

>> No.22490515

For a woman to get into current affairs, political commentary, conspiracy stuff etc. she has to be masculinised to some extent for whatever reason. They also have nothing of value to say and whenever they engage in discourse they just revert to tfemale tactics of tu quoque, deflecting and getting up in their feelings. The thing is a tradlarper will say you're trying to put women down by saying that they should shut up and get busy having children. Like you said they always revert to the feminism they've been raised in. They'll strawman what you're saying by suggesting you just want a doormat because you're not strong enough to handle a woman. They say they want a humble man but will be turned off when a man displays genuine humility.

>> No.22490544

Puns are smarter than people.
ChatGPT says so...
By virtue of ChatGPT saying literally anything at all

>> No.22490569

This whole fucking Discord tranny subculture is just a culture of grody mirror selfies. That's their whole social currency, and it's as though they nothing else with their time.

>> No.22490583

I'm through with Mormonism and have been for a long time. It's a philosophically, liturgically, and spiritually bankrupt system used as the public-facing front for what is essentially a multi-level marketing scheme. I have no desire to wear goofy Masonic robe knockoffs for the rest of my life, or to take spiritual guidance from a group of leaders who do not even possess the same moral standards which they enforce on the lay membership by virtue of a secret rite initiating them into the Get-Into-Heaven-Free club. (Ask your stake president about second anointing if you've never heard of it - his reaction will tell you enough.)
If you truly understand Mormon history, theology, and doctrine, you will either leave Mormonism or find a way to brainwash yourself into losing your understanding. There's simply no reconciliation for the hundreds of fatal problems in the foundation of the faith, from the book of Abraham translation to the historical inaccuracies in the Book of Mormon to the outright lies and deceit over Joseph Smith's life to the ongoing massive coverups of child sex abuse to the tax evasion and fraud (revealed to the SEC only this year and resulting in a $5 million fine) to the ridiculous doctrines unable to pass philosophical muster to the schizophrenic site selection for new temples to the links between the early church and occultism and Freemasonry to all the other nonsense I don't have space to list here.
It's all smoke and mirrors and disappointing truths and ancient heresies with a new coat of paint. I hope to live to see it collapse.

>> No.22490627

>getting up in their feelings
I wish you guys would at least have the honesty and self-awareness to realize that your whole thing is just as motivated by "feelings." In b4 "that's tu quoque," I don't care. It's usually right to point out that someone is full of shit

>> No.22490731
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Fuck this board, this website and fuck its userbase.
I've learned NOTHING from browsing this cesspool since 20 fucking 15.
8 years of my life flushed down the toilet with nothing to show for it.
Fuck y'all but fuck me for being a loser logging onto here for so long.

>> No.22490750

See you tomorrow

>> No.22490770

I was out of college for 3 years. I used /lit/ to help me keep up with philosophy in that time. I just went back to college 3 weeks ago. My professor yesterday told me that I'm well established in philosophy. I basically learned the equivalent of a BA in philosophy from /lit/. It's not about 4chan. It's about how you use it.

>> No.22490795

Thinking about whether I should ask my company’s CEO for a letter of recommendation to grad school when I quit. I met him once. I don’t think he even knows my name, but he always shouts out my supervisor and my small group’s work every time he speaks to the company.

>> No.22490802

It’s just a fun place to talk to lit nerds in a world where the normal everyday IRL masses are fucking retarded dude. At least some of these freaks actually read books, you know? But if you take it super seriously like this is an Ivy League uni (which are also a joke now) you’re just being dumb.

>> No.22490812

Browsing /lit/ frequently will make you more knowledgeable about literature than 99% of undergraduates. If you actually read a lot, forget about it.

>> No.22490829

Thinking it's time to finally cut ties with my family completely. Ever since my brother died it's been like a nuke went off internally. They're all psychos and freaks. I tried to hold everyone together for years but I'm realizing it's not even worth the effort. I don't even like them. I'm going to just focus on myself from now

>> No.22490831

Gotta find a place to live until January…

>> No.22490834

How would you go about reconnecting with old friends that live across the country and who you haven’t seen in years? Text? Phone call? I go way back with these guys, but it’s really been years since we’ve had any contact at all.

>> No.22490932

For some reason, I find casual social interaction to be contrived and insincere. I can’t have small talk with someone without being on edge and/or feeing like a glib prick. I feel like the less talking there is, the better. But obviously that’s not how the world works.

>> No.22490951

I want to ascend the steps of dialectic and understanding until I set foot on the threshold of the heavens themselves

>> No.22491064
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I learned nothing from fishing
From meditation
From ass scratching
But I am glad I shared these moments with

Hello world, and Anon

>> No.22491068

You sound American
Can you kiss strangers as a greeting in your country and pass the cafeteria test and go without "social lubricant" apetarded degeneracy?

>> No.22491094

>You sound American
Americans unfortunately love small talk.

>> No.22491100
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Gestures themselves even if devoid of consequence even if it is spinning in the air one hand clapping helps articulate thought to crystallized form.
A brush without a canvas can still swing a stroke.

>> No.22491109
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Americans are unlovable golems.
Simple as.
I mention "sportsball" and get unintelligible glares like theyre the crippled head ghouls and Fiends in Fallout. I say "sporting event" and then they also flinch at formality and get lost in the slightest abstraction. David Dees was right.

>> No.22491119
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David Dees created Mr Beast from the tulpa of his own nightmares

>> No.22491169

This. The only “trad” women are third world ones, or professional upper class women who are married with two children in a major city. It’s no surprise a lot of “trad” women are only so online.

>> No.22491366

Really at loss. Having just turned 30 and realizing a couple of things I really wish I did when I was younger, which I can still do, but aren’t exactly advisable anymore.

>> No.22491436

2015 newfag thinks he can form an opinion on 4chan
lurk more

>> No.22491446

Text to start, video call once comfortable enough

>> No.22491450

I've spent the past few years working hard to develop skills in areas I'm interested in in order to give my life a sense of purpose, with the ultimate goal being to be able to leave a mark on the world through literary craft backed up by the discipline to execute it, but even as I develop and improve I end up feeling as hollow as I ever did and feel that I may simply prefer oblivion to what feels like tedious existence.

>> No.22491478
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People's belief in religious faith is a sign of unthinking conformity.

>> No.22491492

Atheist morality: do whatever maximizes pleasure or wealth unless it causes boo boos to other people

>> No.22491504

Can't people accept that sometimes it is better to make up their own opinion?
I suppose everyone can follow an imagined being's tale but not many can make rational decisions on their own without the guidance of someone to look up to for help.

>> No.22491559

Useless strawman.
Why is it so hard to atheists to imagine entities larger and superior to everything on earth?

>> No.22491578

I have so many things I want to do with my life and not enough time to do them all.

>> No.22491612

the existence of a larger and superior entity doesn't imply any morality, you're thinking of religion
it's a matter of priority anon, start from the things you want to do most and go from there

>> No.22491625

Of course I'm thinking of religion. Don't you have anything you believe in? Well technically you're engaging in religious thought then.

>> No.22491666
File: 1.29 MB, 1248x1614, B40E9914-AAEE-4CF0-9B78-38878780D90D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broke up with my girlfriend. She’s psychotic and the most attractive girl I’ve ever been with. She made out with a random dude during a girls night out and claimed she was blacked out.
Ever since I left her she’s been showing up at my house unsolicited several times a week. I never answer. She leaves pages and pages of notes and apology letters and love letters.

Everybody in my life agreed this was the best thing for me as she publicly humiliated me several times.
But I worry if I will ever get a girl as beautiful or as driven as her ever again. She was in Forbes 30 under 30 and a moderately popular influencer. Is it worth it to stick it out with her and become successful? Or is Hell any place that she’s at?

>> No.22491667

I'd like to engage in bride kidnapping.

>> No.22491686

How degenerate are you? If you were searching true love does she get any uglier if she's been either other men, ask yourself. It might sound hypocritic, pathetic and unfathomably cucked to tolerate promiscuous behaviour from your life partner, but look at things this way. What would Sade have done? Think about how many good times you can have with her. Ask yourself wether your are degenerate enough to go down this rabbit hole and tolerate complete degeneracy from your partner in exchange for true love, a real partner, someone you can have a lot of good times with, someone you can philosophize and invent the craziest shit out there with. Think of getting the largest possible reward there is out there for a considerably small price to pay. If you stay the better man compared to her side boys, she will never leave you. Think of leading a life of full master morality, where you tolerate and accept the one thing women are superior to men in your very own life partner.

>> No.22491687

>religion is conformist
>people should be freed from this notion of thinking
You types are too faithful in humanity

>> No.22491707

Slurppity slurppity slurp.
Burppity burppity burp.
I laugh at consent. Like I'm going to ask for permission just before climaxing.

>> No.22491708

You're both retarded cuck shit.
I guarantee you health "professionals" are hiding evidence of "microchimerism" in human beings; non-virgin women who have sex a lot transmit some phenotypes from other partners in the process of producing children.

It's possible a lot of children *look* black because their mothers slept with a lot of black men. When I was younger, I thought many white Americans looked black. I have noticed it is getting worse. Some black features do transmit if a woman has "sex for fun". The DNA test may say you are fully the father, but I believe a more fine-grained analysis would reveal something much more frightening.

In a sense, every man who has sex with a non-virgin is also having sex with all of the men that had sex with her too. It's the truth. If you had sex with a non-virgin, then you are technically speaking bisexual.

>> No.22491717

I have never read anything more based than what I am reading right now. I simply like whores, there's nothing more beautiful my mind can construct than the prototypical whore, but a sort of elite whore, a whore that is a whore without hypocrisy, and nothing would make me more happy than having a real whore as my life partner, make her, if not submissive, at least a loyal partner to me.

>> No.22491735

She didn’t sleep with anyone. She just humiliated me by making out with a random dude when she was blacked out. She’s trying to convince me that she is truly in love and it will never happen again and talking crazy about how I can cheat on her and get back together.

She’s nutty but her ability to bend the world to her will is almost creepy. She kinda manifests her own reality. She’s promised me unreasonable wealth and riches if I stick it out with her. I think mythical succubus’ and witches were based on women like her

>> No.22491743

Can you give me your email address... I want to be your friend.

>> No.22491747

That’s were I worry my retard brain steps in and I’m worried am I missing out by not having access to this nietzchean archetype.
She’s the kinda girl that always gets her way because of her looks. Me cutting her off is literally making her crazy like sending me thousand word emails at 3am crazy.

>> No.22491751

I want that unreasonable wealth... I deserve it more than either you or her... get back with her and give me a share of the business connections and the wealth.

>> No.22491770

It’s not priority that’s hard. Its order. Some things are more possible only after other some things so it’s difficult to know exactly which direction to move in. Either way, I’m quitting my job tomorrow and dedicating the next 6 months to checking some boxes.

>> No.22491773

Women are just women. The mistake men make is thinking there are trad ones and not-trad ones.

>> No.22491780

This is just deranged cuck fantasies given the thinnest veneer of "scientific credibility"

>> No.22491784

Didn't realize how poor I was until I started dating a rich girl

>> No.22491789

They’re trad because they’re just pre-modern, or actually getting along with the social norms, unlike self-identified “Trad” people.

>> No.22491798

It's the funniest thing imo. They insist they aren't that well-off until you bring up creature comforts such as heated flooring. Some double down but most will see the light.

>> No.22491800

>trusting the health professionals after the corona hoax
It's just something I've noticed from observation.

>> No.22491808

Women aren’t like children, but they’re more like children like men. Many will simply do what they can get away with, and they’ll do what they get positive reinforcement.

>> No.22491811

I have this mental hangup where I wish I had spent my 20s different but because I didn’t, I feel like trying to do what I wish I did is just hopeless. It’s not true, I know, but the hangup is there nonetheless.

>> No.22491830

The only people I ever see talking about this kind of microchimerism are anons and "dissident" e-celebs. I've never seen a "medical professional" deny it or even mention it. I have no idea where it originated, and again it just reads like weird fetish shit. Like, "Oh I'm so cucked, my wife fucked a black guy and that's why my kid has a weird looking nose." Sick thinking, no basis in reality, just wallowing in one's lowest fears and obsessions.

>> No.22491846

Cult leaders are therefore public servants capitalizing on a public deficiency that has proven intractable for time immemorial.
I salute all handsome men who date ugly women out of some twisted generosity.

>> No.22491851

I'm sorry to say, but if you married a non-virgin, then you are the cuck, not me. If you read my post again, then you can see how I am arguing it is better to marry either a non-virgin or not marry at all. A woman who is a non-virgin is basically tainted by darkness and much like a witch.
Moreover, if you've had sex with a non-virgin, then you are either bisexual. I guarantee you that if you have sex more mindfully, then you will sense the spirits of every other man who has ever penetrated her.
I simply stating what I feel to be true. I am sorry that you have realized you are the cuck.

>> No.22491863

What difference does it make exactly wether a woman is a virgin or not besides stds? From a religious perspective sex outside of marriage is a sin however you are not arguing from that perspective, saying having sex with non-virgin women makes you a cuck. How exactly? What tells you that she didn't have sex with other men who after quite literally raping her, left and betrayed her, but that it's a definite mark of being a whore? Maybe you are stupid?
> guarantee you that if you have sex more mindfully, then you will sense the spirits of every other man who has ever penetrated her.
Based on what, gorillion hours of porn consumption?

>> No.22491868

What's up with the weird uptick in schizoposting recently? Am I mentally ill for even coming into this thread?

>> No.22491869
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>> No.22491870

I always wondered if pre-marital sex was a sin because Bible times didn't come with contraception or antibiotics so STD epidemics and over population for the area could prove dire. Probably not, who knows

>> No.22491890

>What difference does it make exactly wether a woman is a virgin or not besides stds?
And you called me the cuck? You're free to stick with whores and cope about it, but I, as a real and dignified man, will settle with nothing less than a virgin.
>saying having sex with non-virgin women makes you a cuck. How exactly
I've already explained why I think some DNA residues still persist in that hole.
>What tells you that she didn't have sex with other men who after quite literally raping her, left and betrayed her, but that it's a definite mark of being a whore? Maybe you are stupid?
This is why women should be protected by brothers and other men at all times. Once a woman loses her innocence, she will forever be marked.
>Based on what, gorillion hours of porn consumption
Based on observation. I recommend meditating before having sex with a non-virgin (which seems to be your cucked case). During the process stop and increase your awareness, and you will proceed to sense all of the the spirits of men who predated you whilst in the process of penetrating her. In other words, you are having sex with all the men who had sex with her too, hence why you cannot truly be heterosexual.
I was trying to find that meme of the one samurai calling a non-virgin worthless, but I was unable to find it...
Anyways, you can cope all you want, but a non-virgin women carries the essence of all men who had sex with her. Only the first one is free from any accidental bisexuality.

>> No.22491891

It stems from several ideas. The Germanics, for instance, unlike the great majority of all the peoples in the world, according to many sources, didn't get both their women and their men into marriage until well into their early twenties. There's still descriptions about some isolated tribes in the tribes of the 18th Century of our era who, 20 years of age, were almost indistinguishable from adults, if it wasn't for the fact that their bodily skin wasn't covered in any form of visible hair. They abandoned their childish joyful play in their early twenties and went innocently into marriage, and their fertility was plenty.

>> No.22491892

>I guarantee you that if you have sex more mindfully, then you will sense the spirits of every other man who has ever penetrated her
This is just more cuck fantasy. You're telling guys to imagine other men while they have sex.

>> No.22491897

Shizo babble, will not respond.

>> No.22491904

Unironic schizo shit. You're using mindfulness not as a means to to be present, but as a way to convince yourself that the voices in your head are real

>> No.22491909

I have only had sex with a virgin. You faggots, unfortunately, seem to have landed non-virgins. I'm sorry to say, but you cannot truly be heterosexuals.

>> No.22491910

Of course women have to be protected by their fathers, their brothers, their cousins, it is equally important that their liberties are respected. Do find the abject slavery in wich they are held by the Balagansjajdbjwjsbesjs of Indonesia hold them in preferable or more moral?

>> No.22491912

No, I am saying YOU should do it because it seems you're having sex with non-virgins. I'm saying from my perspective you're technically bisexually and having sex with all the men that also penetrated her. Your children will also have marginal aspects they inherit from the previous men.

>> No.22491932

I don't buy into snake oil. Huckster guru kikes are among the worst kinds of people

>> No.22491959

>Your children will also have marginal aspects they inherit from the previous men
Usually when people say shit like this they at least have one fringe study they can drop to support it. But we're just supposed to take your word for it?

>> No.22491965

It’s not so much a sign as it is suggestive but then again so is non-belief in religion

>> No.22491971

t. 2007 /b/tard

>> No.22491995
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i find it interesting that wicca and feminist spirituality were actually concocted by men like Robert graves and Gerald Gardner

>> No.22492021

If you've only had sex with virgins how are you positive about how the mere act of penetration with a non-virgin girl will bring forth your fore-fuckers like the avatar

>> No.22492029

The only virgin that guy has had sex with is himself

>> No.22492033


>> No.22492041

Stfu faggots. I will tell you the answers soon. I was busy buying food.

>> No.22492081
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Why are the Jews pushing for white women to be "blacked"? It's because there's a deeper sinister conspiracy behind it, perhaps relating to microchimerism. Why would you call me a Jew when I said being blacked should be a criminal offense? The Jews are the ones peddling porn everywhere. I argued that premarital sex basically taints the girl, meaning the proceeding people to have sex with her are also having sex with the other men. Nutting inside a woman is a metaphysically transformative act that transforms every fiber of her being, it's basically like injecting a copy of your soul or spirit into her or whatever. You faggots are basically defending "sloppy seconds" because you have no shame and are secretly bisexual. A woman is just a passive receptacle, and the soil is being sullied and you're okay with it because you're fags.
Have you ever seen a whore's aura? You know the colloquial saying of "one thousand cock stare"? Well, maybe there's more to it? Look at pic-related. It's Gananondorf from Ocarina of Time giving off the "waves of the darkness". Maybe a whore gives off a similar dark aura? In fact, once I encountered one. She had the "one thousand cock stare", and I saw her "child". He had a strange swarthy puggy look. This trashy woman was freely joking about sex in a bookstore. When she looked in my direction, pic related happened, and I also saw spirits of all the men she slept with spiraling around her. Most of them were criminals ofc. She was the literal opposite of a pure innocent maiden.
Executing whores like that would be a good thing. They're more akin to witches. Any man who would settle with a whore like that is asking for trouble, and it's possible there is a trace of some kind of genetic material that will persist in your kids too.

>> No.22492103

In the desolate wilderness of the torrid desert, two formidable Amazons found themselves alone, save for the ominous grunts of an approaching beast. The thunderous footsteps grew closer, until at last, the two women & the creature met their gazes across a narrow valley. “Quickly, Cynthia,” Arcadia commanded, “seek refuge in the boar box & secure yourself with the tassels within.” Cynthia obeyed, making sure to heed Arcadia’s last-minute warning. “And before you enter,” Arcadia added, “remember to lift your loincloth. It is of the utmost importance.” Cynthia reassured her companion, promising to lift her loincloth before entering the wooden box. With that, she entered, exposing her quim to the hot desert air, & soon to the monstrous tusker that loomed near.

The massive male desert swine, known as a tusker boar, sniffed the air, intruding upon the peculiar sight that awaited him. Two nubile young girls, barely reaching womanhood, taunted the creature with their audacious lack of modesty, as if daring it to take offense and direct its aggression towards their exposed quims. The moment of reckoning arrived for Cynthia, as she felt the beast’s heated breath mere millimeters from her haunches and quim, the only parts accessible to the fearsome creature while she remained within the boar box. Overwhelmed by fear, Cynthia lost control of herself, urinating before the beast, possibly splattering its snout with her fear-induced torrent. Yet the hulking tusker boar showed no signs of offense, but rather a palpable curiosity; its territorial aggression gave way to something entirely different.

Its imposing snout, longer than her forearm, finally made contact with her derriere before finding its intimate place upon her exposed quim. The snout explored her, its touch resembling the caress of skilled fingers. Fear still gripped her, but her body betrayed her, uncontrollably lubricating to the point of feeling the desert air caress her dripping quim. Though the tusker boar had likely not mated with a sow in quite some time, if ever, its instinct remained undiminished. Its instinct-driven mind shifted from exterminating intruders to mounting and inseminating this fleshly, pheromonal display before it.

The tusker boar mounted the boar box, with the female’s lithe haunches and quim perfectly fitting through the circular cutout at its rear, and began to explore the air with its impressively girthed corkscrew phallus. Cynthia worried it might enter the wrong orifice, quickly adjusted her position to conceal it with the circular frame of the mounting aperture. The pink, wiry corkscrew snaked between her thighs and followed the partition line of her labia. Finding the place of union, it nudged and easily penetrated her. Cynthia moaned uncontrollably, her voice succumbing to the intense pleasure brought on by the unknown experience. It felt as if her very being was no longer her own but succumbing to the dominance of this alien beast.

>> No.22492105

There was no time to waste for the rutting beast. It flooded her womb with millions of sperm, stimulating its walls with relentless prodding while drenching her orifice with its potent seed. In less than a minute, it retracted and sealed the entrance to her womb proper with a thicker, waxy substance intended to last for days. The tusker boar took its time, massaging Cynthia’s cuntal walls until she experienced a manifold crescendo of fanning orgasms. The fear remained, but her body could not deny the heightened state of her sexual receptivity, drenching the beast with her trembling and uncontrollable squirts. Trembling at the juxtaposition of fear and pleasure, Cynthia resisted the urge to defecate. The giant tusker boar then sniffed her well-bred quim and the residual semen that coated her outer labia, yet the overwhelming majority of impregnating sperm remained trapped and sealed within her: effectively a walking talking aquaria for boar seed.

The boar seemed at ease, lying on its side, occasionally closing its eyes. Cynthia, affected by a sedative effect, fought against the urge to succumb to sleep and kept her wits about her. She knew the crucial importance of vigilance. After half an hour of rest, the boar rose and approached Arcadia, repeating the ritual and thoroughly impregnating her as well. The two sperm-groggy girls began to communicate, somewhat abashedly. “I have far more experience with these mountings,” Arcadia asserted, “let me free myself from this boar box and stretch outside. Yet stay put, Cynthia.”

Before Cynthia knew it, Arcadia not only stepped out of the secure confines of the box but approached the half-kneeling tusker, that had resumed its position of drowsy inactivity. “Look,” she exclaimed, pressing her naked haunches against the beast’s snout and tusks. Curiously, the boar barely paid her any mind, for she had become more than its possession. She embodied its masculine prowess and presence itself, and it cared naught for her taunting actions (for she had become but the outward shadow and symbol of his puissant seed). Thus, she dared to wander around the boar, touching its snout with her bare quim, exploring its ears, and in a daring move, even touching its haunches and testicles. “We are truly one, the great beast and I,” Arcadia proclaimed, “I can rub my quim against its snout and tusks without eliciting any reaction. Such is its satisfaction after completing the union and insemination of both of us. Its primitive mind cannot desire more!”

>> No.22492108

Eventually, the beast departed, perhaps having reached sufficient satiety. However, when desiring to retire for the night, Cynthia and Arcadia searched for and found the safety of the lusty boar that had mounted them, parted their quims, and claimed their wombs as his own. The toll and price of his beastly toleration of them. In any case, they nestled against the massive, hirsute frame of the tusker boar sire. Its tail lazily swatted away bothersome flies. Sleep enveloped them all, and the following day, they expressed their gratitude by offering their quims for union with the great creature should it desire it anew. The boar had taken a liking to Cynthia and Arcadia, and so readily mounted and mated with them once more. Their bodies were again subject to great pulsations of fanning waves of unforgettable orgasms as the tusker boar’s corkscrew phallus skillfully attended to the nubile whims of their quims. Eventually, the two Amazons duly departed, carrying with them, in addition to the narcotic and nourishing seed of the great desert beast, thrilling tales of their sexual encounters to regale their fellow maidens, girls, and even the elder matrons of their village.

>> No.22492267

I recently experienced intercourse alongside my grandfather. He supposed we can depart to the skittle alley on Friday.

>> No.22492366

>Nutting inside a woman is a metaphysically transformative act that transforms every fiber of her being
So if the other dudes used condoms it doesn't count? Anyway, regardless of whether you consider yourself a cuckold, this is still cuck shit. You look at a woman and all you think about is cum and cocks, most of them black. You see a child and immediately imagine a racial admixture based on some crackpot theory about cum. This is making a fetish into your whole worldview. Sure, you're railing against it. But in your fantasy, you are still dominated and humiliated through the supposed domination and humiliation of your race, all while you watch.

>> No.22492374

i think real vs fiction things in novels is so interesting. some things are clearly more prone to being real in (realist) novels than others.

>> No.22492402

i was just listening to recommendations from apple music in the background and this shit came on and i was rocking out to it and checked the name it said blood meridian

>> No.22492415

Moving back in with my parents to save money is my single biggest regret in life.

>> No.22492430

this take is so bad im not going to even post a thoughtful response and just call you retarded

>> No.22492455

And yet the dominant religions of Europe all permitted remarriage of widows. Very interesting. Also, have the ethnicities of Europe have significant Asiatic genetics, i.e. miscegenation.

>> No.22492559

my job annoys me so much just eight hours of cringe but by the time i get home i'm too beat to study or works towards getting a better source of income. this is fairly demoralizing.

>> No.22492599

Damn sounds like youve had a pretty good life

>> No.22492611
File: 159 KB, 369x512, 1676375969648704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mistake men make is thinking that women are not women, but in fact are men
Both right wing and left wing men do that
Left-wing men think that women are men, as in, interchangeable, only different in minor biological ways
Right-wing men want women to be men and begin hating them when they don't live up to male standards and don't fit into masculine metrics

But the truth is women are their own thing with their own properties, for which there's no overlap nor compare with men
Just accept them for what they are
study them like an otherwordly phenomenon
they are from venus and we are from mars

you'll be happier that way
trust me because this wisdom didnt come easy

>> No.22492695


>> No.22492711

What ever happened to QTDTTOT? Seems like most of this board can go under there

>> No.22492713

aww shit less than an hour till uaw goes on strike

>> No.22492730 [DELETED] 

aww shit less than an hour to preorder the iphone 15 pro max

>> No.22492810

how come australian bands go so hard

>> No.22492827

I’ve realized I’m leading by saying and not doing and now I’m ashamed…

>> No.22492831

I can sympathize with that feeling although I haven’t felt it in a few years.

>> No.22492835

It was pretty shitty until I got older actually. It was just not shitty because of my own decision and so there was nothing to regret.

>> No.22492960

Honestly you have a very sober outlook and I admire that, but I think your view is too black and white. Why do art and religion have to be just about mitigating suffering, and not the search for meaning? And if that is what you disdain specifically in art and religion (like Plato)- that it lies- why does only the empirically testable and rational have value to you? Take something like morality, love, or purpose. These are things which can't really be explained in a satisfying way in the rational, discursive way of thought. For me, personally, morality is something that you understand better a Dostoevsky novel, not some autistic treatment of the hedonic principle in a philosophy paper.

And sure, you can say that you are a entropy-reversing machine equipped with advanced intelligence which serves a set of genetic codes, and everything you experience has its origin in a cocktail of biochemistry and all of your higher-level behavior is programmed by collective delusion, but you can't actually bring yourself to believe that. It's an insanely sterile way of seeing things.

If you like science there's a book called The Sleepwalkers which I recommend- the main idea is that many of the great discoveries science (Kepler, Einstein, etc.) came to their insights not through a step by step rational process but through bolts of inspiration which can only be described as irrational. In my opinion man is the symbolic animal, not the rational animal.

>> No.22493025


saying is doing something. whether or not you "lead" by saying i guess would depend on the need at hand. our "leaders" and their pundits mostly just talk bullshit anyway. if you're saying the right things, you're already ahead.

>> No.22493072

i don't remember if i slept last night.

>aww shit less than an hour till uaw goes on strike

best of luck to them. may every union-wrecking shyster be used as a live crash-test dummy.

>> No.22493105

I don't actually read books or write at all, I just come to /wwoym/ and say some stupid shit, read some funny schizoid ramblings, and leave. Reading seems like a waste of my time.

>> No.22493129

L'obsession des français pour Céline confine à la névrose. La possibilité masturbatoire de relire la collaboration comme une réussite esthétique continue de faire vivre le culte du grand écrivain. Si encore il était lu pour ce qu'il était, un écrivain du fascisme... mais non, il faut que les bourgeois se mentent jusque dans leur plaisir.


>> No.22493146

Why does IQ correlates with socioeconomic statue? Why does height? Why does overall hapiness?

Being wealthy means you get to bloom into your best self. Piece it together anon.

>> No.22493147

I took French like 16 years ago in high school, didn’t care about it much, didn’t practice it in the interceding years, yet every time I see French I can always pick up this gist of it. This obviously doesn’t apply to French writers like Rabelais. Is French really that easy or has it just stuck with me more than I thought?

>> No.22493152

It has a much bigger stigma in poor cultures. It’s very underground. Lots of down low hood niggas

>> No.22493159

French is very similar to English, indeed the latter is effectively closer to French than its official sire, German.

>> No.22493170

When I wake up tomorrow I'm going to be reborn in a fantasy world.

>> No.22493245

French has a lot in common with English, and you have a pretty solid context here, but honestly thats still impressive.

>> No.22493277

I need a cute 18-23 yo wife before I age out and have to marry a pork

>> No.22493283


>> No.22493314
File: 951 KB, 200x200, eddie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back into the pit of shame and disgrace. It only took one long vacation to undo all the progress I was seemingly making. I was doing really well, but these past couple of months have amounted to nothing but jacking off, dancing to the same old music i've always blasted, unhealthy power fantasies, and taking the occasional walk. That's it, with nothing else of note. What a total faggot. I still can't figure why i keep getting another chance to fix my shit despite fumbling it so consistently. One day, the valves will be shut. I don't know if I can best my way out of this, or worse ; If I even want to get out of this.

>> No.22493350

After a decade I just faced one of the most painful moments in my life again... and I broke down crying. Luckily I had a friend there, this time there was someone for me to confide in and console me.
But I'm lost, I don't know what to do with the pain and the restlessness this overwhelming sensation brings. I think the only things one can do is just sit it out and that makes me feel so powerless, like there must be another way. I cannot deal with wasting my days healing, but on the other hand I don't think distracting myself will truly remove the trauma.
I started seeing a mental health worker now at least, I don't know if I can bridge the gaps between appointments however.
Just moments ago I had a belt around my neck making the moves of hanging myself on the door handle. Doing so felt okay, I stopped when the rushing blood started booming in my head.

Brothers I wish this existence on no one, truly on no one...

>> No.22493375

I'm very sorry to hear anon. I said a prayer for you. Maybe start praying for God to show Himself you and help you. And can relate to your restlessness.. St Augustine said
>Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee
At any rate, I hope things get better for you

>> No.22493534

>another dream about kissing my sister
when will it end?

>> No.22493551

when you fulfill the prophecy

>> No.22493554

Mohammed is the messenger of God, last of the prophets, peace and blessings be upon him.

>> No.22493728

A good sunset will never fail to make me have butterflies in my stomach.

>> No.22493763

You're reading too deeply into what I've said. What I am saying is simple, "If the woman had premarital sex, then she is tainted." It's plain and simple. Simps like you are fine with settling with whores because your soul, itself, is likewise a whore. Deep down you want other men to join in during your sex with a woman, hence why you settled for a non-virgin. Why would I be the cucked when I simply stick to a virgin?
I am not passing any value judgments. I'm just making it clear you're a whore.

>> No.22493785

When I started working remotely, I was really excited by it because I felt like it afforded me freedom. It turns out that it’s been terrible for my career and thus terrible for me and I so I’ve really come to resent it and hate it. I feel like I just straight up lost a few years of my life.

>> No.22493850
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, dark-wojak-light-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just coomed to Pokemon porn for the first time
> it wasn't of the human characters

>> No.22493904

I used to think I was the funniest person around, I could light up a room with a few remarks and I could have people aching at the sides if I really tried, this was until I started hanging out with my uncle more, he made me realise that I've still got a ways to go. It feels like an accomplishment when I make him laugh but most of the time it's like rubbing your hand on sandpaper, it's painful. Once I get to the point where I can make him laugh effortlessly then I'll know I've got where I need to be.

>> No.22493930

Remember this feeling. Remember it next time that stupid slutty pokewhore is mocking you with her sultry proportions and lurid gaze.
Remember it.

>> No.22494038

I feel for you anon. I hope you find some kindness in yourself and the world.

>> No.22494047

Dude Im a jew and let me tell you I despise your kind the most. You're projecting your own male insecurity on blacks and that's 100% on you. That's half repressed desire for male domination over you, half anxiety about not being male enough for women.

>> No.22494097

>product manager
here it comes
why is it that curries always want to become manager of everything ? it's like Indians are fucking obsessed over it. are managers like Gods to you ? you probably don't even know what a product manager does

>> No.22494123

The Nazis couldn’t write a reply more predictable than this if they tried…

>> No.22494134

I think I might come here out of conveniece instead of anything else. I don't consider some of the people that come here to be people I identify with any longer. I used to be stupid and everyone else were equally as stupid as me, but that was a long time ago. Now I feel like my brain is being poisoned by some of you. It would have been fine if I was having fun, but it's just not fun anymore. It's like everyone I used to interact with in the past no longer are here and now it's a bunch of retards of the highest order and just non-desirables.

>> No.22494189

Dont let the libshits gaslight you about the pandemic. Those fags destroyed hundreds of millions of lives across the United States and Europe.

>> No.22494307

I’ve very worried that the second religiousness analogue to Christianity within the Roman Empire will for us be Islam, some bizarre sort of Evangelicalism, or Wokeism. The conversion of many to Orthodoxy is encouraging. A new sort of Orthodoxy suitable to Westerners in addition to a return to the “springtime religiousness” would be the single most positive option.

>> No.22494326

>conversion of many to Orthodoxy is encouraging
Nah dog this is just a meme. I see a Third Great Awakening happening, American protestant style

>> No.22494413

This is the worst point of the thread. No one wants to post because it's the end, but we still arent at bump limit so we cant have a fresh thread.

>> No.22494425

Make a new thread

>> No.22494435

Every time I do people complain about it

>> No.22494485

It’s at 300 replies. Make a new one. If anons bitch about an OP pic, who cares?

>> No.22494491

Lurk moar

>> No.22494494


>> No.22494523

