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22483935 No.22483935 [Reply] [Original]

>ah GAWD, ynahmsayin?
>ya gotta HURT dog. your gonna PAIN man. really feel it bruh.
>if your fat, say it. IM FUCKING FAT
>you might be saying "well goggins how about this" im here to tell you FUCK THAT.
>you gotta callous your mind bruh.
>you ain't shit. you. ain't. shit. tell yourself: I AINT SHIT
>stop sleeping. sleep is a waste of time. wake up at 3am to run n shit
>i shit my pants. i said: i shit my pants. real shit dog

You might not like it but this is what peak philosophy looks like.

>> No.22484040

eugh shit nigguh

>> No.22484052

He was dealt a shit hand in life and through the sheer force of abuse victim/autism symbiosis he made physical exercise his bitch. What have you done lately, anon?

>> No.22484059

Spiritually a Heracles
Normies won't understand

>> No.22484084
File: 907 KB, 1144x1186, IMG_0933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is arriving in the post tomorrow, looking forward to getting some motivation to go live my life.


>> No.22484108

>is a nigger

Niggers are spiritually inferior as well, look at voodoo or the state of any sub-saharan african society. His success is the result of white people.

You don't pass btw

>> No.22484112

> Niggers are spiritually inferior as well, look at voodoo or the state of any sub-saharan african society. His success is the result of white people.
No one asked lower.

>> No.22484131

Sub-saharan "spiritual traditions" are literally just jumping around like monkeys while trying to get possessed, and wrapping up the body parts of dead relatives in effigies for "gibs". I'm not exaggerating, that's literally what it is.

Also, out of africa originates as a theory from Darwinism, since European civilization discovered blacks/subsaharans and assumed that these were primitive/undeveloped forms of humanity that just hadn't evolved enough. Modern genetics tell a different story, despite what modern politically correct neo-marxists would have you think.

>> No.22484144

If you think the America's were discovered late, Sub-Saharan Africa was largely unexplored during the 19th Century even. No one really knows what was going on there, no one really knows what is going on there since the last colonizers left. No one knows, no one cares. Except the Americans, who constantly forget that African-European relations are next to non-existant.

>> No.22484171

Hey don't get me wrong, I had a lot of reservations about buying a book written by a black, this is the first one I'll have read and I'm skeptical. But he seems like he could be a good motivator to help me achieve white excellence which is my birthright

>> No.22484176

Good point. Maybe subsaharans/blacks are secretely living in Wakanda, there's actually a movie about that. Maybe they built even bigger pyramids than the ancient Egyptians and they just aren't discovered yet. Actually, maybe they built space ships and flew around the galaxy and evil racist elon musk is just stealing their ideas and hiding them.

Just kidding of course. Anyway, North Africa and even other areas of that continent are full of civilization (from myriad different races, none of them subsaharan/black), but subsaharan Africa, whence "African--Americans", is and always has been /always will be a toilet. The subsaharan genome is a scourge to humanity. See how they destroy any civilization they are allowed to take part in, or how races that mixed with them quickly fell off...

>> No.22484179

Top kek

Did you read michael obama's grift book too, retard?

>> No.22484186

Too bad the Confederates lost. Also most Afro-Americans came from the ivory coast.

>> No.22484199

Do /pol/tards genuinely believe what they type or are they shitposts? The amount of second-hand embarrassment I feel from from these posts. You should try saying your posts in front of a mirror, maybe then you will realise.

>> No.22484224

You must be 18+ to post on this website

>> No.22484266

>Too bad the Confederates lost
Good goy. Btw I don't care about where they came from, other blacks had already enslaved them and were selling them, it was their greatest export by far. They were/are still subsaharans, doesn't matter where they were trafficked from. Subsaharans have plagued africa for a long time and destroyed many other races and cultures that we know almost nothing about.

Cry more.

>> No.22484274

>le /pol
I don't use /pol/, you idiot. If you're offended by free speech, go back to your redditcuck hugbox, poor snowflake.

>> No.22484278


>> No.22484360

>upvoted fellow redditor!
>fuck racism!

>> No.22484448

you sure it wasn't the Irish who emigrated from uk and contaminated all of the southern states? read thomas sowells white liberals and black rednecks, youll soon realize that the problems have been and always were the Irish

>> No.22484459

>endlessly embodies becoming among men who do nothing but ape being (and stew in misery and squalor as a result)
>throws a tree branch into the last man's bicycle spokes
stay hard, we all know most men today won't

>> No.22484467

>read le based center-right black

Irish (of all kinds) are totally superior to subsaharans/negroids. Keep coping, shitskinned simian.

>> No.22484477

kek. I am just embarrassed by you.
The only thing embarrassing here is you considering how you speak.

>> No.22484497


>> No.22484538

>Niggers are spiritually inferior as well, look at voodoo or the state of any sub-saharan african society. His success is the result of white people.
Let's think about what your words mean here, pal.

>Niggers are spiritually inferior...
Okay, so black people are "spiritually inferior"? Does this apply to every single black person, or is it only an average, or some statement about some idealised Platonic Form of Blackness that not all black people may perfectly instantiate?

Does it mean if we line up every white person with every black person in all possible permutations the blacks will always be spiritually inferior?

Well, clearly not, since the evidence you offered was:
>look at voodoo
Which not every single black person subscribes to. Many of them are Muslims or Christians. Just as Europeans gave up their animist traditions to subscribe to Christianity, so blacks did.

So therefore, you must mean black people ON AVERAGE are spiritually inferior, or the Black Race considered as a Platonic Form is spiritually inferior, but this may not apply to every single black person.

Hence the conclusion you wished to draw, ie. David Goggins, a particular black person, is spiritually inferior because blacks on average are spiritually inferior is a clear fallacy. Just because men are 5'10" on average, doesn't mean any particular man is 5'10".

>his success is because of white people.
Everyone is born in a particular place at a particular time, and benefits from the people who came before him. Fair enough. Does that take anything away from him as a man though? I don't think so. He is still providing something valuable.

Notice that you haven't been able to actually attack his ideas, so all you do is attack his heritage. That is the mark of someone with no argument. You're scraping the bottom of the barrel for insults, hating a man for seemingly no reason.

>> No.22484595

>redditors weak sensibilities are upset by racism on 4chan
You have to go back. I'm more embarassed by you simping for niggers, who ruin every civilization they encounter.

>> No.22484613

I'm talking about the collective, you rambling pseud. How fucking stupid are you?

To the particular: he has no ideas, he's a grifting hack shilled by the establishment. If you read him you're NPC-tier. Go read michael obama's latest book next and write a blogpost on it, retard. Just keep it off this board.

>> No.22484614

>who ruin every civilization they encounter.
nigs failed to destroy greek, roman, etc civilizations yet white civilization is so weak that a bunch of bipedal monkeys destroy it
This is natural selection, no?

>> No.22484649

His whole schtick is being some abuse victim who runs away from his problems and makes himself feel pain just to avoid feeling the pain that caused him to be this way.
Litcherally ruining his body doing so. He has not any kind of inner peace that's truly respectable which even his lapdog Josie Rogan admits to.

>> No.22484653

>I'm talking about the collective, you rambling pseud
Yes, in what sense? I gave three options for this:

>(1) The Black Race = the set of all black people.
In this case, anything said of the black race must apply to every single black person.

>(2) The Black Race = the average black person.
In this case, anything said of the black race doesn't necessarily have to apply to every single black person, but only to the average.

>(3) The Black Race = the idealised Platonic Form of Blackness
In this case, anything said of the black race doesn't even necessarily have to apply to the average, but only to the idealised idea of "Blackness". Obviously, this is bound to be controversial.

Now, if you choose (2), and (3) then your argument is a fallacy, as I have shown. For these definitions do not require that anything said of the black race must be applicable to every single black person. Therefore to argue that Goggins is X because the Black Race is X is a fallacy, just as it is a fallacy to argue that a particular man is 5'10" just because the average is 5'10" (this is definition 2), or it is a fallacy to argue that every chicken has feathers just because the Platonic Form of a chicken has feathers (def. 3).

So, if you wish to save your argument, you must choose (1); but this seems like a highly questionable supposition.

>> No.22484654

Argument discarded
Post physique

>> No.22484663

>To the particular: he has no ideas, he's a grifting hack shilled by the establishment
He's a motivational speaker primarily for people who want to lose weight or get in shape. It's not that deep.

>> No.22484664

Sorry, i should have written something like "every civilization that mixes with them".
>natural selection
Darwinian garbage. Degeneration or dissolution is what it is.

>> No.22484668

You don't have an argument boy. The black is basically akin to a teen emo girl cutting herself.

>> No.22484691

nice deflection, cletus. hope your sisters rotten snatch kept you satisfied long enough to come up with such a shitty post

the irish have been a cancer not only in the states and western politics, but in thier motherland also. they didn't leave of thier own volition, they were kicked out

>> No.22484699

>the black
Ooo, you are rotund my friend, I can tell. Is that why you're mad? The emo teen girl put up results you dream off while larping. A Navy seal, kiddo.

>> No.22484701

But whites dont mix with blacks. At most they will mix with gooks

>> No.22484704

I don't care which one, pseud. Make up any reasonable definition you like of how to define the collective. They are inferior.

Goggins is shit and he's black. Coincidentally, there's a high correlation between the two. Just watch the new videos everyday of blacks ransacking stores and assaulting old people or cripples for fun all over the world. As for him personally, as i said: grifting hack shilled by the anti-white establishment.

Btw, I've noticed blacks who are around the 100 iq range tend to overcompensate by over-intellectualizing, and wearing sweaters, scarfs and glasses, drinking tea, trying to read Shakespeare, etc. At least they're trying, which is commendable, but still unfortunate.

>> No.22484716

Yes but culturally Western civilization is being negrified. See the music and fashion that is promoted in popular culture, or the large areas of the big cities resembling 3rd world shitholes more each day.

I'm also referring to possible non-white races which mixed with blacks in the past, like in the middle east and northern africa, although originally the Berbers were white.

>> No.22484718

Keep being his handmaiden boy, you're doing quite well. He can't find inner peace and he will destroy his body doing so. His daddy should've beaten him harder to hit the fag out of him, that's what he needed it seems.

>> No.22484721

He BTFO you and you're coping.

>> No.22484722

>I don't care which one, pseud
So you use words without even knowing what you mean? Wow.

>> No.22484739

Whatever you have to tell yourself, anon.
>He can't find inner peace
Sure, but you can't find your dick. Smug is the wrong feel to go for right now, Diabeetus.

>> No.22484743

No, I'm not interested in defining basic words for you on your own grounds because you have no other recourse.

>> No.22484750

I'm telling you that he BTFO you (a pube-haired afro-simian), and now you're coping. Prove me wrong, you dumb, fat, black ape.

>> No.22484756

I didn't expect you to admit to it this easily....
Anyway, he'll be staring at his dick all day long when his knees go pop in a bit.
How will he then constantly do things to try and deny the fact he is still his father's bitch? His little whore.

>> No.22484764

Dude he refuted you

>> No.22484769

He stares at his little shrivelled poo noodle as he fingers his ruined asshole

>> No.22484772

> Prove me wrong,
Lmao, why? I don't care about what flag you're waving. Good luck out there.
By running and shit. You put so much worth into this inner peace idea, but you don't seem to get it.
Who? You've quoted the same person twice.

>> No.22484782

He BTFO your shitty "argument" and all you can do is pretend you're laughing as people dogpile you. Now, are you black, or a tranny? Answer promptly, boy.

>> No.22484783

No running when you don't have any functioning kneecaps. The problem with Gogg is that he doesn't do things because he wants to do them. He does them to prove to himself he is not an absolute loser. He is on a mad quest to show himself he isn't still that morbidly obese poor black boy who got whipped by his father and left by his mother.
He is still running away from this feeling and he is desperate. It is genuinely just sad to see.

>> No.22484796
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, redditsmileguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about this inner peace you seem to understand as you screech boy on the internet, Cleetus.
> he doesn't do things because he wants to do them.
You don't fuck up your kneecaps without a will. This a retarded sentiment.
>He is still running away from this feeling and he is desperate
His entire shtick is to run at the problem. You're projecting your pussy tendencies onto a person who has proven to break through his obstacles.
>No running when you don't have any functioning kneecaps.
Then he'll crawl. Once again, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.22484824

kek nafrica is literally mulatto land i see moroccans with nappy hair on a daily basis. they average nafri mongrel is 20% black. i’m saying this as someone who hates blacks

>> No.22484826

>Tell me more about this inner peace you
That poster isn't me, you stupid pavement ape. I'm just pointing out that he BTFO you and you're coping. It's pathetic that you're simping for such a grifting hack of an author shilled by the establishment. Do you watch cnn too?

>> No.22484829

is there really a guy that lives for this thread?

>> No.22484830

the average AA is 20% white retard

>> No.22484834

Yes, they were negrified. It wasn't always that way, but they mixed with subsaharans/blacks and ruined their civilization.

>> No.22484838

> even his lapdog Josie Rogan admits to.

>> No.22484839

>It's pathetic that you're simping
> I'm just pointing out that he BTFO
Thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.22484847

it was always that way. they have been mutts from the beginning of time. all arabs and knockoff arabs like nafris are partially black mutts. they share their haplogroups and genetics with other arabs and niggers from the east of the continent.

>> No.22484857

One of his episodes where he talks to some guy who lived with both monks and goggins.

>> No.22484877

>You don't fuck up your kneecaps without a will
His kneecaps are fucked up however. He ran a 10k not even a day after his kneesurgery just to prove he is not a bitch lol.
>He runs at the problem
I bet if you bring up his daddy belting him he will begin stuttering again just like he used to.
>Once again you wouldn't get
Silly anon....
David Goggins does cool things but his trauma still pushes him, not his own will. Almost to the point of dehumanizing himself.

>> No.22484897

I don't think so. See the Guanches, who are the original ethnic stock of the Berbers. The accounts of the Spanish who discovered them isolated on an island for thousands of years describe them as Nordic-looking.

>> No.22484902

>simping for niggers and simping for people who BTFO niggers is the same thing
Idiot detected

>> No.22484901

>to prove he is not a bitch lol.
I feel like I have to spell it out for you or we'll be here all day. I am mocking the fact that you think that you have the answer to whatever inner peace means to you. It demonstrates that you don't get it at all when you mock another person's journey and are simply stroking your own ego at the expense of a fucking NAVY SEAL, kid. Jesus fucking Christ.
>I bet if you bring up his daddy belting him he will begin stuttering again just like he used to
The way you wield others' trauma to smugly present your perceived understanding is pathetic.
>Almost to the point of dehumanizing himself.
Just a human having a human experience. The dehumanizing comes from people like you, You are the cancer you claim to look down on. Ironic, huh.

>> No.22484912

guanches’ #1 haplogroup is literally from the horn of africa. they are mutts with black admixture.

>> No.22484915

It's neat that they're self- detecting now.

>> No.22484921
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 0afe46b2df6dcdfbe2eb783cc435e880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Don't they allow trannies nowadays?
Your pretentious babble aside, you are just a bit too dimwitted to understand he is nothing to admire. He is still his father's bitch. A mental weakling. SAD!
>Pic related:Goggins had he been born a white woman

>> No.22484928

A lot of words to just say "I hate books authored by people of African descent", chud

>> No.22484947

>Navy seal
Fucking based /lit/ enjoyer.
>Don't they allow trannies nowadays?
Anyone who can do the job, as established clearly not (You), has my respect.
>pretentious babble
>too dimwitted
Oh, he mad. Clearly a skill issue.
>He is still his father's bitch
>A mental weakling.
> SAD!
It's so funny it just dawned on me looking at the picture It's exactly how teenage girls behave themselves. They would 100 percent throw someone's trauma in their face to make some smug dumb fuck point. I have been enlightened in this conversation. You are the emo teenager and you just hate yourself. Holy fuck, brain blast.

>> No.22484954

lmao, judging by the butthurt nature of most of these posts, you can tell that 95% of the posters in this thread are obese, hideous, slovenly unattractive neckbeards.

>> No.22484959

How do blacks write books when they can't even read?

>> No.22484970
File: 7 KB, 201x251, images (3) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is gonna swallow the loads, you don't know me son (but can for 9.95 a month link in bio) etc etc

>> No.22484977


>> No.22484990
File: 108 KB, 725x686, IMG_2080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek okay I'm still reading this book since I bought it but you're funny and based

>> No.22485003

kek, based and true

>> No.22485039

Yes they are ironic shitposts welcome to 4chan

>> No.22485067

You get it. The anon you're responding to is a child.

>> No.22485090

Champions are almost always motivated by trauma, even spite. Look at Jordan. You are the same type to complain about others toting their trauma badges, I bet, too. The other anon was right. You are the cancer you think you're above.

>> No.22485176

Having a boring, safe, comfy, middle class childhood is the best way to be nobody, do nothing, and not understand shit about life. You're doomed to a stagnant consumptive hell. It's hard to break out of a situation that's pleasant to be in, harder than clawing your way out of a bad situation. This is why the lotus eaters were more fucked than anyone that had to fight in the Trojan War.
Slum dwellers, abuse victims, and kids that got sent to military school don't ever recognize the blessing they were given until after it has propelled them to greatness. I know, I know, "survivorship bias," but extreme poverty and protracted physical discomfort and danger are prerequisites for world-class characters and the movers of history. Just because most people fail to be shit doesn't mean it's not part of the recipe for a being world-class.
Nietzsche was conveying a literal, factual truth about the pattern of reality when he said what doesn't kill you means you stronger. It might fuck you up, yeah, but it makes you stronger.

>> No.22485248

>Sub-saharan "spiritual traditions" are literally just jumping around like monkeys while trying to get possessed, and wrapping up the body parts of dead relatives in effigies for "gibs". I'm not exaggerating, that's literally what it is
This is the essence of primordial (pure) Aryan Spirituality as well. Why do you turn your back on your spiritual betters

>> No.22485447

Shutup fag blacks aren't human

>> No.22485468

I don’t get why this book is posted weekly. It has to be bots

>> No.22485484

Kek not at all. The reintegration of man into his divine state is the essence of the Traditions passed down from the Aryans. Voodoo is the polar opposite.

>> No.22485490

>people don't like shitty book by a grifting establishment nigger
>"youre all just fat and ugly"
Comedy gold

>> No.22485493

>guanches’ #1 haplogroup is literally from the horn of africa
Yes, they are the original ethnic stock of the Berbers. They are cro-magnon, aka Aryan.

>> No.22485498

I hate grift books shilled by the anti-white establishment. The fact he's black is accessory.

>> No.22485514

>black person makes something g of himself
>still hated by /pol/tard
This is why no one takes you seriously

>> No.22485562

>about to say the line
>this absolute banger of a reply did it first
not even mad.

>> No.22487086

>wh*Toid seethe

don't forget to neck yourself when you transition

>> No.22487092

so what. he transcended. i don't care. that is merely the time in which a change takes place.

>> No.22487108

Go back to /pol/

>> No.22487119

>thread saved by trannies before being bumped off the board
disgusting, just let it die

>> No.22487678

Imagine being a professional exerciser lmfao

>> No.22487742

Gurdjieff's Fakir

>> No.22488399


>> No.22488424

post body + shelf

>> No.22488428

died for it, my sins are immense

>> No.22488435

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.22488442

You sound like a child man

>> No.22488702

>imagine professional exerciser
You mean literally all athletes? Ikr, losers.

>> No.22489781
File: 328 KB, 1280x746, potato_niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irish (of all kinds) are totally superior to subsaharans/negroids.
Nice try paddy.

>> No.22489813

Based. The Irish are albino negroids, and James Joyce was a hack the Ernest Cline of his time

>> No.22489939

You clearly haven't read his books. He directly runs towards his problems. Before his dad died, he met up with him purposely as he knew that was the one thing that was still living in his head rent free. Was terrified of water, so he decided to learn how to swim and then did all the things necessary to be a navy seal. Anyone who disregards him in such an inaccurate way, either doesn't have knowledge of what they are putting their 2 cents into, or, they are purposely being intellectually dishonest - in this case, for racial motivated reasons because blacks dominate your thoughts to such a degree that you can't see a non-white without going into a sperging session.

>> No.22489949

did he really poopy his pants

>> No.22489966
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 0f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So he worked out and got muscles?

>> No.22489968

>you're racist for not falling for my internet grifter surrogate father with whom I have a parasocial relationship
Perhaps reddit is more your speed champ?

>> No.22489991

How are you guys still seething so hard days later? That one comment doesn't even mention race lmao. Absolutely brain broken faggots, the lot of you.
Guess homos need an idol too.

>> No.22489992

Miner's goof

>> No.22489998

>Goggins himself says we shouldn't put anyone on a pedestal
>anons ITT put him on a pedestal

>> No.22489999

gay thread

>> No.22490001

A dubs near a quads
Check em

>> No.22490218

didn't explicitly say you were racist just more race-obsessed.
>...internet grifter surrogate father with whom I have a parasocial relationship.
I'm not that kind of guy and never have been, I have a good father and have never needed or sought for any father-figure or male role-model. That's not to say that I don't see inspirational qualities in other men though, I do - but I'll never hero-worship anybody. I actually have problems with religion for this very reason, I experienced people in churches giving too much reverence to clergy and I found it distasteful, all man has flaws, only gods should be worshipped. Unlike many people on this board, I actually read a lot of books.
I saw the thread when I posted, not days earlier. I don't need an idol as stated in the comment prior. It is also funny how all of you avoid the main part of my comment where I am directly critiquing what the anon said about running away from problems. It showed that he was talking from a lack of knowledge, but then I get two replies which are focused on race. Interesting.

>> No.22490222

I endorse Goggins. Sometimes the soundest path in life, and the most pleasing to God, is to simply chimp out

>> No.22490231

>"I wasn't actually talking about race because that wasn't my main argument"
>"Once again, you do seem like heckin racists though"
retard, get your mother raped a good bit willya?

>> No.22490239

Honestly, you just seem like a retard in all of your posts, I can tell by your typing style that you are the anon that makes up half of the posts ITT if not more, lol.

>> No.22490243

>no u are the samefag
Get her raped with a razorbladed cattleprod.

>> No.22490250

>running away from the problem
>running at the problem
I mean, is there a difference? We all have problems, and desu you can't really fix a traumatic event that simply happened in the past. You can analyze it, you can rationalize it, and it can recede from your mind, but it will always be there. All you can do is move forward. Who's not to say that he did that admirably, turning trauma into fuel for achievement?

>> No.22490295

Getting physically fit isn't a sisyphean task. Being fat and having the willpower to lose weight and build muscles isn't the achievement of the century. In fact, there is something quite trivial about forcing your body to execute a pattern of repetitive motions. Now imagine if Goggins would have wanted to become a mathematician or get a PhD in machine learning from Oxford. This is a task that cannot be solved by simply going to the gym. Having willpower will not get you there if you lack other requirements. Now I understand Goggins became physically fit and then was able to join a group of people who are physically fit (the US military). I'm not trying to belittle his achievements, I'm just not seeing anything particularly great about forcing yourself into physical exertion.

>> No.22490305

agree totally. i used to be the biggest gym rat in my 20s precisely as a way to avoid problems or blow off steam. i was ripped af, so what? it maybe slightly increased my confidence, but so what? i did poorly in school and now have a lame job. i still workout and go running all the time, but it's just a way to procrastinate and make myself feel productive without doing anything valuable. isn't goggin's day job army recruiter? no offense, but that's not a particularly good job.

>> No.22490329

Goggins became a Navy Seal and competitively runs in marathons. he's not just your average shitbag private in the Army (the majority who are just "okay" when it comes to fitness anyway). you are severely and embarrassingly underestimating the amount of willpower it takes to do that.

>> No.22490346
File: 72 KB, 1024x682, IMG_2064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the first few chapters and to be honest I don't like him very much so far
>Acts like a nigger in a small town, refers to them as 'hicks' and 'rednecks'
>Gets called a nigger repeatedly, cries and starts chimping out
>Expects his teachers to devote extra time to him because he's a dumb nigger, uses his victim status to justify this, slanders those who don't
>Talks about wanting to become a black nationalist while crying about muh racism
>Gets fat, marries a white single mum
>Quits his pest control job when it actually gets difficult, just leaves his gear and walks away, typical entitled nigger mentality

Does he stop being a sensitive black when he becomes SEAL? I went in with an open mind but it's becoming clear his fitness and work ethic are a mask for an inner fragility


>> No.22490438

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.22490546

post physiques, all of you

>> No.22490557

im trans btw

>> No.22490566

>doing anything but the bare minimum is LE GAY
I'm sure you're a person that people respect and look up to

>> No.22490568

i can probably write my own sentences lmao

>> No.22490623

How come nobody ever points out the awkwardness of that slogan...?

>> No.22490647

Well, Anon, If you're offended by free speech, go back to your redditcuck hugbox, poor snowflake.

>> No.22490656


>> No.22490697

>Man tries to improve his life
>"Reeee he is fragile inside!"

>> No.22490707

niggers are inherently inferior. read hagel.

>> No.22490716

>Sub-saharan "spiritual traditions" are literally just jumping around like monkeys while trying to get possessed,
Most Sub Saharans are Christian or Muslim you retard. Such practices are either frowned upon or shit you made up.
>assumed that these were primitive/undeveloped forms of humanity
If you think this then you've never read any colonial European account of Africa.

>> No.22490753
File: 1.02 MB, 2327x2674, 4223730F-2F27-4393-9729-D1DA65B70F9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22490754

Does Hagel discuss this and if so in which book does he do so the most? Happy to read anyone who hates these vile beasts.

>> No.22490820

Goggins btfo's you

>> No.22490846

I don’t even lift

>> No.22490865

I admire what he's done but he's no different than an alcoholic that can't cope with the fact that the reason he drinks is because he hates himself. He may call himself a bitch and outwardly recognize it but he's going to end up killing himself because of what he did for as long as he did it. Not because he's unhealthy but because he's not going to be able to use his coping mechanism and it will ruin him.

We gravitate towards people with extremes because they are obviously fucked up. When somebody comes along that's fairly normal, they get shit on and destroyed because they aren't perfect embodiments of whatever it is they got famous for.

Nobody listens to the 80 something grandpa sitting on his porch happy as fuck. They listen to tortured souls like Goggins who do really interesting and amazing things because happiness can only come from extremes.

>> No.22491042
File: 166 KB, 600x800, Haile_Selassie_in_full_dress_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Ethiopians negroids?

>> No.22491060

Sir this is /lit/. Please keep your humanity at the door.

>> No.22491618

I don't understand how people like this get popular. He's made millions of dollars just by telling people to take accountability for themselves. Do you really need to read a book or watch a 4 hour podcast to understand this? Are people this lost now that they need some e-celeb to tell them to go exercise or shower before they actually do it? I know calling people "sheeps" is a little cringe these days but I can't think of a better word for people who cling to stuff like this.

>> No.22491632

Are you autistic? Why would you think people want to 'understand' something? They want to be entertained in various ways, including the motivational rags-to-riches/nigger-to-distinguished-dark-skinned-gentleman story.

>> No.22491637

Shit maybe I do have autism.

>> No.22491683

He just fucking connects to the internet and lies. Who would do that?

>> No.22491701

Nice sexual fantasy, Jamal

>> No.22491844

I'm happy with the way I am.

He can't feel happy unless he kills or tortures himself. Even then... it's probably fleeting.

I won

>> No.22491988

Well it can be both

>> No.22492166

People need to hear the same advice and messages over and over in different ways. Every generation needs to "rediscover" them to have it stick.

>> No.22493440

Anon we're talking about niggers not blacks

>> No.22494244

Remeber he is the definition of ALPHA, whatever the incels here say but they would kill themselves if they were in his place, he is symbol of MANHOOD
He is Hercules of modern times

>> No.22494257

Where else are people nowadays going to learn the concept of accountability from? Modern parents? Modern education? Modern culture?

>> No.22494265

I would have expected this bait to be more successful, but only one (you) so far.

>> No.22494557

It's clear you're talking from the outside. You don't have insight into the matter. You act as if the pain has somehow transformed into some kind of pleasure that alleviates mental pain when he's 1 in half a billion. If what he does was a natural outcome of psychology you'd see a lot more cases with people like him, but at best you see people mindlessly exercising because they have no off button. He very much has an off button and it gets triggered often. He wants to quit often, but he forces himself not to. That is the difference. He uses his past experiences and emotions as fuel, but not in the way that an uninformed outsider like you understands it. It's not that simple. You don't know him

>> No.22494786

Athletes are the best at something
They arent just professional exercisers lmao
David goggins isnt the best at anything he just runs alot and talks big