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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 313x499, Unreal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22474763 No.22474763 [Reply] [Original]

Good news /lit/! Tales of the Unreal 2 has been released.
I know you've all been waiting for this.

>> No.22474766

Not really; but cool!

>> No.22474776

Untroon Tales 2 just hecking released OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

>> No.22474788

Oh boy!

What is it?

>> No.22474811

>Zulu Alitspa
Let's hope it's better than Traffic Stop

>> No.22474818

Is this a /lit/ thing? How do I be a part of this?

>> No.22474865

Why make this post without giving us more details about this issue?

>> No.22474866

&amp editor gave it the green in his Tales 1 review and I agreed with pretty much all of his takes

>> No.22474868

are you incapable of looking it up on Amazon?

>> No.22474893

I cannot find it on amazon no matter what type

>> No.22474904

I looked in Books, typed in "Tales of the Unreal 2" and it was the third thing down the list. What were you searching for?

>> No.22474906

Are you aware your web site doesn't work anymore?

>> No.22474908

The stories in volume 1 varied from middling to total crap. Is there any improvement in this volume?

>> No.22474910

i guess not, i can't actually read that book. like it would probably just make me get up and

>> No.22474921

I'm using google thanks for the tip anon

>> No.22474967

No, but as of now, I am not interested enough to check it out on amazon. If you gave some interesting info here though, maybe I would have considered looking at it on amazon and maybe even bought it. This is shitty marketing.

>> No.22474973

>3 days of writing
>1 day of "editing"
>2 months of bickering
>1 suicide over font choices (failed murder suicide, That is failed murder but successful suicide. I mean it was meant to be a murder suicide but he failed to do the deed and never planed to follow through with the suicide portion anyways but that last failure after a life of failure was just too much so he decided it was time to succeed for once in his life. Failure is a good motivator.)
Hope it was worth the wait.

>> No.22474991

idk if it's marketing at all, the pre-order doesn't even fire until 9/11

>> No.22475012

Yeah, this was probably intended to be a shitty drama thread.

>> No.22475064

Someone drop the fucking link

>> No.22475168

Get in, we’re going places.

>> No.22475193
File: 6 KB, 259x194, Andrew McGahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've got another recruit...

>> No.22475238
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Excited to be published in this compilation.

>> No.22475251

>1 suicide
who an hero'd?

>> No.22475260

Kek you mean like the five people who purchased last volume?

>> No.22475321
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Nesmers dead baby

>> No.22475447


>> No.22475471
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>> No.22475499
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>> No.22475789
File: 178 KB, 1207x1920, call-of-united-airlines-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes...an excerpt from my single favorite /lit/ work of all time.
The fact that it makes the groundkeeper seethe just adds to the sweetness.
Read it for free any time you like: https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf

>> No.22475797


>> No.22475879

The book that buck-broke Gardner

>> No.22475987
File: 41 KB, 1025x415, f-gardner-DMCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? I bought a paperback copy before the groundskeeper filed a fake DMCA to suppress it.
Indeed. It caused him to resort to lawfare, and revealed him to be the petty, small-minded, mean-spirited, bullying asshole he really is.

>> No.22475988
File: 33 KB, 1594x480, f-gardner-DMCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, wait, that was the other fake DMCA lawfare move he pulled. (Yeah, he really is that much of an asshole.) Here's the one for Call Of United Airlines.

>> No.22476547

where the fuck do I buy this shit?

>> No.22476624

Don't waste your money it's garbage

>> No.22477015

they've got it in kindle/paperback

>> No.22477284

This bread was baked by an excited associate of Unreal, however the official release isn’t until Monday. Here is the link:

>> No.22477615

>Reading age 11 - 18 years
It's literally YA…!

>> No.22477668

No, it's just juvenile. There's a difference.
Seriously, I hope volume 2 is less crappy than volume 1 was.

>> No.22477669

Weird. Amazon doesn’t even ask that when publishing.

>> No.22477751


>> No.22479164


>> No.22479350

bumping for success

>> No.22479368


>> No.22479415

Australians, full of enthusiasm but not much aptitude

>> No.22479790

Hey, thanks for making this thread! Hope everyone enjoys Tales 2. We had a really good set of stories this time around.

>> No.22479806

Your website has been down for weeks. Is there a free epub version this time?

>> No.22479814
File: 684 KB, 1076x1084, 1689087147491881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be on libgen, just give it a week

>> No.22479819

I'm one of the authors this time and and I really want to know what people think of my story.

>> No.22480036

whoever is in charge of the unreal amazon account needs to consolidate the
"Part of: Tales of The Unreal (1 books)" so that book number 1 and 2 are listed together.

>> No.22480399

The best way to submit a story for publication is to email us at unrealpressandpodcast@proton.me, or join the /wg/ discord server where we have a presence and most people involved in the project can be found https://discord.gg/MQR24wTt

The next issue will have more of a science-fiction theme to it, we're calling it the Space Dandy issue among ourselves, we are looking for stories which pay homage to classic sci-fi lit but you can bring in elements of horror and the weird certainly

This was not an official thread, though we will probably make one if this dies calling for submissions for the next issue and outlining more broadly what we're looking for

Greater volume of submissions has allowed for greater quality control, though there is no need to be so hostile anon

The reason the website is down is the same reason that the two issues aren't able to be listed together. The individual who ran the old amazon account (where can be found Tales 1 and the other /Unreal/ anthologies), and who hosted the site, is no longer working with /Unreal/ and so we have had to move to a new account. We also have a soobstack https://unrealpress.substack.com/ where the free pdf copies of both Tales of the Unreal issues 1 and 2 will be able to be found shortly now the website is no longer up

As of last communication with owner of old amazon account (see above), some 100 copies had been sold. It's nothing crazy but it was a record for the press, and anyway this is just a hobby project when all is said and done

>> No.22480437

Don’t read anything from these hacks. They doxxed two &amp contributors and one of their own contributors. They can’t be trusted.

>> No.22480481
File: 380 KB, 621x889, CaptainBAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Tales from the Unreal series definitely has a heartbeat
and i hope you dudes keep it going

>> No.22480484

Things (You) must do today:
kill self

>> No.22480506

Please come back Lemurnigga I miss you

>> No.22480519

Do you guys split the income with the writers? 100 copies is big if those are all paperback, although there are a lot of people to split it between.

KDP takes 40% plus printing cost, $1.00+$0.012/page, which at 137 pages gives $1.00+$1.644.
$8.99 x 0.6 - $2.644 = $2.75 per book.

Okay, that's a lot worse than I thought. If it was just 13 authors splitting $275, that's pretty much $20 each. Better than minimum wage if you can write a few thousand words in an hour.

I'll guess that whoever edits gets some, and then running costs probably cut this down to more like $10 or $15. Do you guys pay for anything like software? AI generated stuff I'm assuming is pennies, and the defunct domain name which may have been $5 a month, which is a bigger cut than writers if we assume two releases a year.

Plus how far do you guys go with editing? In accepted pieces, do you just fix minor mistakes, or do you do some back and forth with revisions?

I know the &amp editor claimed to be "barely profitable", where they're selling relatively expensive print copies. Really I'm assuming that he's ignoring labour costs. He said a flat $50 for accepted submissions to whatever anthology they have in the works, but that doesn't look sustainable for what they do.

>> No.22480622

Is this true? Why?

>> No.22480699

fake concernfag is concernfagging

>> No.22480737
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No one is at this stage getting paid, including all editors/ core team, we are either slightly in the red or neutral.
Even the previous guy who left and still has sole control over the old amazon account spent more of his own money on ads than he made in sales

The plan is to put all proceeds into ads or to send out review copies to youtubers and stuff like that

>> No.22480794

give me a review of tales 1 bro

>> No.22480885

It sucked ass

>> No.22480895
File: 176 KB, 852x944, greenwizBAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

&amp Reviews: Tales of the Unreal Vol. №1

>> No.22480900

your soul is dogshit

>> No.22481039
File: 72 KB, 1337x866, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where the free pdf copies of both Tales of the Unreal issues 1 and 2 will be able to be found shortly now the website is no longer up
I'd like to get my hands on the pdfs for this to add to my archive, if it's okay (pic related is just my older magazine collection) and so I can check the material out.
I had originally ignored Tales of the Unreal because I misunderstood what it was intended to be. I'll gladly purchase these though, if the stories don't suck. I'm pretty disappointed with most of the newer books I've read that have come out in the last 25 - 30 years.

>> No.22481054
File: 452 KB, 600x900, Have A Fishy Stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got something for you.

>> No.22481075

>The next issue will have more of a science-fiction theme to it, we're calling it the Space Dandy issue

>> No.22481175

new Brenda tweets just dropped, very unhinged content this time around

>> No.22481201

Link? I don't know who Brenda is.

>> No.22481220

can anyone confirm this link won't kill me?

>> No.22481229
File: 6 KB, 424x280, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the fact it doesn't work. Here's a picture. It's just wordpress not functioning properly.

>> No.22481250

Hmm.. Interestingly, there's 63 CVEs that impact Apache-2.4.6 and 31 vulnerabilities that impact OpenSSL-1.0.2k and 1 vulnerability for mod_fcgid-2.3.9
Now I haven't bothered looking them over, that's just what comes up with my quick checkover. They're probably not that bad. It's a shame that wordpress sucks though. They should seriously consider just using OpenBSD's httpd.

>> No.22481265

Jesus christ. Parody is protected by fair use. Either get it back on amazon or shut the fuck up.

>> No.22481270

Holy based
Is your archive public/ available somewhere for others to download?

>> No.22481284

I figured that whoever wrote the thing DMCA'd themselves with a made-up email in an attempt to drum up controversy.

There's an archive at https://www.archive.org/details/weirdtalesmagazine, though anon has a better naming scheme.

>> No.22481328

I don't have anything set up yet. Although, I'm particularly interested in doing so. Currently every domain and server I have is attached to my name... and a lot of my archival stuff is not something I want associated with me. I especially don't want to deal with DCMAs.
I can get three torrents running though if you'd like. I just would need to create an account and then I'd post a link to the text files.
In the mean time
>Unknown / Unknown Worlds (1939 - 1943)
This is a complete set: https://gofile.io/d/50M01D
Unfortunately, this link only lasts for some n amount of time. So, I'm terribly sorry archive-reader that comes across this after that time passes.
Unfortunately, that's an incomplete set. It took some digging around. They are all available through archive though. Keep in mind that mine is exclusively 1932 - 1954.

>> No.22481341
File: 44 KB, 611x668, oldasscrazywhitebitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. as usual, the fat old uglyass white bitch has gone byebye

>> No.22481498

What the hell? I suddenly feel the urge to purchase Behead All Satans. What's their deal though?

>> No.22481535

please report to your nearest gender transitioning booth

>> No.22481551
File: 881 KB, 720x849, media%2FE4rdc8BWUAUnTgL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let trannies zog up your brain, "their" has always been acceptable usage in English. Just because the liberal-right, orange nigger worshippers think they're owning the filthy leftist/liberal mongrel because they're reducing their vocabulary doesn't mean I'll be falling in line with them and I'd recommend you the same.
Followed up after a bit of diving. This bitch is absolutely insane.

>> No.22481591
File: 327 KB, 800x778, 1625883356964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They/Them has always been acceptable for unknown parties, such as you see a stooped figure far down the road and say:
"Who is that? They appear to be walking!"

However when you see the person and can identify their gender, or hear them called "Brenda" and an "uglyass white bitch" you properly say "she/her". Cope all you want my friend, but (You) have been compromised by the CIA brainmelting specialist spooks that run your favorite hee-hee-haa-haa sitcom show on the youtubes. The sooner you accept this and try to unscramble yourself the better

>> No.22481604

We just got the free PDFs rehosted on our Substack

>> No.22481646

>However when you see the person and can identify their gender
I didn't see any images, nor did I care to look for them. Half of them didn't load on nitter
>called "Brenda" and an "uglyass white bitch" you properly say "she/her".
I'm sure you can understand this, I just assume most people are on /lit/ are "pro-troon" until they express otherwise.
>on the youtubes
I don't use social media, I don't use video sites, and the closest I get to pop culture is this site, Thanksgiving, and when I hear a student begin to prattle on about whatever nonsense is happening in the world of niggerdom.

>> No.22481673

Here's my review: >>/lit/thread/22292878#p22294598

>> No.22481680

No need to buy it; you can just download it. https://files.catbox.moe/tssf7s.zip

>> No.22481696

Just bought a paperback copy!

>> No.22481714

Lawyers cost money. Gardner's daddy is a lawyer. In the real world, that means Francis Edward can get away with lawfare.

>> No.22481723
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>> No.22481781

>now fixed
What a horrible nightmare!

>> No.22481902

That's not your only error, by far. There are typos galore, as well as a plethora of grammar and punctuation errors. At least volume 1 was proofread better than this.
I've read the first four stories. They all come across as something written by a young teen Goth boy wearing a Poe t-shirt and dark eye makeup. My intention was to write reviews of all the stories, and post them, but I may not...I don't want to just trash them all, but I fear that's where this is going.

>> No.22481920

Oh no! Bitter anonymous faggot hates it! However will Unreal recover?!

>> No.22481921

Should this collection be renamed "Tales of Mall Goth"?

>> No.22481964

>by a young teen Goth boy wearing a Poe t-shirt
Sounds like Adem kek

>> No.22481968

I didn't say I hated it...at most, I was just saying it's not my kind of thing. Yet you jumped to conclusions and considered it an insult. Being insecure and thin-skinned is not a good choice for a creative.
Nah, the 6th story ("Colder Than Ice") was actually decent. (Is L.A. Labuschagne a.k.a. L.A. Lynch?) Odd that the editors picked this order for the stories.

>> No.22481973

>you just jumped to conclusions!! I wasn’t being presumptuous and disingenuous
Lol kys man, no one gives a fuck, didn’t even write a story it’s just obvious you’re a tremendous faggot

>> No.22481985

I guess the stories of /unreal/'s toxic culture were true. And juvenile, to boot. Thanks to you, I've become more willing to post my unflattering reviews. And BTW, there were /three/ singular/plural errors in the first paragraph of "Saccharine". The proofreader must have been outside taking a whizz.

>> No.22481990

>the stories were true
LOL. You’re so believable, anon. It’s clear you’re just a Good Samaritan with reasoned critiques and not just a stupid faggot chasing these guys around. You sure showed them.

>> No.22482055

It's more like, I want to be a fan, but they make it impossible.
So...was "Saccharine" written by F Gardner, or is the concordantly damaged grammar just a coincidence?

>> No.22482604
File: 3.96 MB, 468x468, cute_doggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anons, I appreciate your efforts in bringing us quality works from other anons. Your efforts will be greatky rewarded one day! Keep up the great work and perhaps one day the next great western novel/author will emerge from our board.

>> No.22482979

Saccharine deserves some explanation, because it is a weird one and I figured it'd get a reaction like this. I talked with this author about his intent and the many, many grammar choices, and he assured me that they were all intentional. I think he was aiming to create a translation of East-to-West vibe, or create the illusion of a language barrier. I thought it effective and unique, so I allowed it as is without changes.

>> No.22483024

Seems borderline racist.

>> No.22483524

based department?

>> No.22483615

I can understand using colloquial language to set the scene and provide some character to the telling, but I feel like that's only accomplished when it's obvious. From reading the first paragraph or two, I don't get the impression that I'm listening to someone's flawed translation, and if that impression holds then every error is going to feel like a clumsy mistake rather than some kind of literary device.

Jumping ahead, I read some lines at random and immediately came across
>Pecking and taking apart everyone’s robes apart
>Close where they to be as near and as amongst the forest’s trees as if mocking the acolyte
These don't look like someone speaking in their second language, they look like fuck ups. I don't mean to dogpile with the other anon, but I figured I should add another voice to the discussion.

Reading nothing else, you guys did a nice job of making it look professional. Like those short blurbs in the table of contents, those are nice. But glaring editing mistakes are always going to pull people out of the writing, and are a way more important mark of competent work than design is. Even to attract authors, I think if people knew they were going to be provided real help with refining and editing, and knew that the final work would be of a certain degree of quality, they'd contribute more and better work (if someone's work is really good and well-edited, why would they want it alongside stuff that isn't?). Even if none of the writing was special, I think having it be free from errors would be a big step up, as it's hard to appreciate writing littered with typos. Think of "litter" literally: it's like seeing trash in the park or finding a hair in your food. Now imagine finding two hairs after barely looking.

Last thing: center the owl at the end so his tail is inside the margin instead of being chopped off.