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File: 488 KB, 1183x785, Screenshot from 2023-09-12 01-26-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22482480 No.22482480 [Reply] [Original]

Its out. The world's greatest biographer on the world's greatest genius.
Its strange because I think Elon is just getting started. there's gonna have to be a part 2 i guess

>> No.22482488

Please go back to Plebbit.

>> No.22482495
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your opinion is shit, because frankly, elon is no different to those horrible self-absorbed millionares, and is about to lose in a colosseum to a fucking lizard skinwalker.

>> No.22482512

so you're not gonna read it? I have read DaVinci, Einstein, Jobs you bet your ass i read this one too

>> No.22482518
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why would I read someone else's biography when I can just make my own, real time? And to boot, they won't be a part of it because I will not read about them, so even more about me.
pic unrelated

>> No.22482523

you can do both maybe learning about the richest man ever to live will give you insight in how to live your own life

>> No.22482532
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no way, he is overweight, cannot manage his ego, cannot force himself to improve, is a stoner and lacks critical vision. While he is rich, I'll become rich much faster if I don't look up to others but down on myself, focusing on improving what I've got, not attaing what I have not.

>> No.22482535

well i believe in you

>> No.22482550

Hit piece full of slander that he was a homosexual from a modernist poc hoc lense that can't conceive someone would possibly go without sex so therefore they're gay. Accusing some one of sodomy was an extremely common thing and of course someone without a wife would be an easy target for the smoothbrains back in the 1400s. Nothing is a more lowly disgusting pursuit than lust once your mind is active and finds something that seizes it, offering only the potential to drag you down into mediocrity and nothingness like everyone else. For great minds even masturbation is cause for vexation. Overcoming the flesh prison of the body is a sine qua non for greatness. Why would anyone bother to invent or do anything when they could just sit around fucking all day? They wouldn't. Much less they wouldn't be even more perverse than a disgusting normal person by being even more disgusting than they are by inverting this impulse even further so as to maximize the occurance and frequency and sickness by engendering it to the same gender. Da Vinci was great because he did neither. Something simple minds will NEVER understand, which is why an obese unhealthy sensualist who has more money than brains would write such lies.

>> No.22482587

He kept going on about how growing up in South Africa made him qualified to fight Zuckerberg. From this blurb it makes sense now, he has been groomed to getting his ass kicked right from a young age, Zuckerberg will probably show humility and just choke him out instead of making it a bloody ordeal.

>> No.22482873

>He kept going on about how growing up in South Africa made him qualified to fight Zuckerberg.
In Elon's mind being repeatedly bullied like a cuck in high school while growing up in South Africa makes him a qualified MMA fighter.

>> No.22482887

Rofl, inside the mind of the musk.

>> No.22482897

>writing biographies of people who are still alive
Very dumb trend.

>> No.22482919

Elon isn't a genius he's good at disrupting stale industries like finance, aerospace and automotive. The moment he entered the world of social media he began fucking up.

>> No.22482950

I agree with OP, Elon will be alive for decades, this book is incomplete

>> No.22482970

I read the DaVinci one and it was not impressive. Isaacson had some extremely pedestrian takes art history wise, the period background was halting and most of all he had this way of writing like a starstruck toady that makes you distrust everything he says.
I can only imagine that is even worse with Jobs and Musk where their circle of power still exists. He wrote some other wank “The Innovators” too where he jerks off about Turing, Gates, Jobs collectively. Every success is somehow planned and due to just how amazingly awesome fantastic each individual is. It’s just not real.

>> No.22483056

Why? Do you also read biographies of Crassus to model your life after his?

>> No.22483518
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Pretty sure Saudis asked him to kill Twitter out of spite for the LGBT shit
He was happy to oblige because Grimes left him for a tranny.

>> No.22483710
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Latest glownigger cleanup bio just dropped!

>> No.22483924

Anyone got an epub of it or a site with it?
You're probably not interested in spaceflight, but if you want to know more, look into SpaceX's launch cadence, price and how much tonnage to orbit they can do with falcon 9 and will be able to do with starship. Without SpaceX America would be launching less into orbit than China. At the very least, Musk's management and hiring practices got him the best engineers in the world to build the most capable rockets ever made. Or just look into Boeing's and Lockheed's jewery to make you love SpaceX. That alone puts him above the other shithead millionaires and billionaires for me.

>> No.22483960

Elon is a con man. A fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar.

>> No.22483998

I haven't seen any evidence Elon Musk is a genius. All of the projects that make him money are 70-100 years old. He manages twitter like a schitzo woman who consults astrology charts on what personality to be that day and has brought humanity absolutely nothing new at all aside from a bunch of dead monkeys and a version of twitter that is somehow worse than when Jack Dorsey ran it.

>> No.22484007

i'm very interested when people say stuff like this. My instinct is that its a product of media trash talking him and political tribalism. His accomplishments just seem immense. I just wonder for people that think this... who do you consider a genius? and why? and do you think you would still consider them so if they had the same amount of media scrutiny? (arguably biased media scrutiny)

>> No.22484021

Someone who makes advancements in mathematics, science, medicine. Someone who field changing skill in the arts or philosophy. Someone can have a good sense for business but a lot of it seems to be being in the right place at the right time. Once you have money it’s easier to earn more money. I’m not going to pretend I know anything about Musk because I don’t care about him, but what advancements did he himself make that you think he can be considered a genius? And throwing money at projects doesn’t take genius

>> No.22484038

yeah but name a specific person so I can tear into him like you can Musk. The standards are impossibly high probably because he is not in lock step with leftism. I mean he built the largest car company in the world, the most efficient rocket company (with self landing rockets), Tesla is on the verge of making self driving cars viable. Like is Steve Jobs a genius? Are any company heads geniuses? Because he didn't personally do everything at these companies does not diminish the fact they would undoubtedly not happen without him. Like please name a specific person who is a genius. Are we talking Einstein, Darwin, Newton?

>> No.22484060

You must have not read where I said I don’t give a fuck about Musk one way or another. I don’t dislike him or like him, he is a nonentity to me. The only reason I posted is because he is being shilled here a lot recently which is a bit annoying. Maybe you’re part of his team or just a fanboy, I don’t know. The fact you start on the leftism tangent tells me you are approaching this whole thing with a bias or angle so it’s pointless to continue discussing it because when has anyone been rational and open minded about ideologies and tribalism? I’m sure if you look up some of the recipients of the MacArthur Fellowship in the last 20 years you’ll find some geniuses. Not all, but some

>> No.22484072

oh ok

>> No.22484079
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too much faggotry for me. I'll pass.

>> No.22485673

People who hate him are generally shitty so, aside from the fact he's the richest man in the world, you know he's doing something right.

>> No.22485841

>already up on basedgen
We eatin good

>> No.22485877

Eh not right now. Maybe after a while. I like Elon a lot, him making twitter inaccessible for people without an account was a huge quality of life improvement for me, I finally stopped going to that shit website

>> No.22487145

Accomplishments are not functions of being a genius. They simply result from being in an advantageous position in life and having a store of funding and connections and require only an above average IQ. I tested 160 on a psychologist administered IQ test and have done none of the things you highlight and wouldn't because society hasn't done anything for me.

>> No.22487152

As much as I loved Isaacson's biographies, I may skip this one because Musk is just too much of a faggot

>> No.22487164

His only "Genius" is in his marketing.

>> No.22487173

>Largest car company

Maybe according to the inflated stock market

>> No.22487280

>I loved the heckin pop bios with no historicity and just conjecture written by a fat unqualified ex CEO of CNN

>> No.22487488

Kek shut up, historians are lame as fuck. For the people that are alive he does the work of getting as many angles as possible and puts together as comprehensive a picture as possible. You talk as if there is some way to get a completely unbias objective account of a man's life. You can read lifeless facts on google already.

>> No.22487531

>His accomplishments just seem immense
What accomplishments? Making money? I don't see people simping over Bernard Arnault's "genius" here.

>name a genius then
For more or less contemporary people, Lee Kuan Yew comes to mind. Or Andrew Wiles. People who have actually done something that no one else could have done.

>> No.22487778

Great way to out yourself as a redditor. Literal non arguments.

>> No.22487866

he is not the greatest genius but him and Bezos are the best at managing modern american tech companies right now

>> No.22487970

I don’t really rate Isaacson, his biographies smack of glorified journalism and not history, and this would be doubly true for a bio of someone still alive. The biography itself will probably be of more interest in historical value as a mainstream boomer view of Musk at a certain point in time than the actual “history” presented. And people have definitely written better one-off biographies than Isaacson because they’ve studied a single person or topic for far longer than it takes him to knock one out on the production line after spending maybe just a year or two looking into a topic as an amateur. The most egregious one is his Einstein biography, really just a pop-sci jumped up extended Wikipedia article, and that’s an insult to Wikipedia because some science and math related Wikipedia articles can go extraordinarily in-depth. Read the Einstein biography by Albrecht Fosling instead who was an actual physicist. If you want to accuse someone of being Reddit, Isaacson completely “Redditized” Einstein to be more palatable to the mainstream consumer palate.

And Robert Caro is definitely the best living biographer though he unironically probably only has just “two more weeks” (RIP Martin Gilbert, Joseph Frank, Robert K Massie etc)

>> No.22488002

You are such a loser. There were fragments from the biography circulating of engineers claiming Elon went from knowing nothing about rockets to being an expert in the science in a few years. If starship was his only accomplishment that would be enough. Listen to the excitement of astronauts and physicists following the starship trial a couple months ago.

>> No.22488031

>Once you have money it’s easier to earn more money
ultimate poorfag cope

>> No.22488103

He is hated by the most miserable loser communists in the world. Ride or die for Elon just for that.

>> No.22488128

He just had another kid with her. Stop reading goyslop news and think.

>> No.22488199

I only believe posts that have the word "goyslop" in it, you're in luck.

>> No.22488364

Yes it is very impressive and a good thing for the US. But still, he didn't designt the rocket by himself (and I doubt he was even involved). Don't you think that you could have done the same with 200 billion dollars?

>> No.22488884

I literally just saw elons train of lights fly overhead my night shift; lynch all heavens polluters!

>> No.22488932

He really comes across as the sort of guy that tech CEOs really love because he strokes their ego like crazy, someone like Einstein would probably deplore him. His brand of hero worship is a the mark of a little man that looks up to more powerful men as if they're gods.

>> No.22488939

I want to read a biography, not jerk myself off to a borderline pornographic dick worship of some famous rich guy.

>> No.22489028
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are these legit? i know libgen is safe generally but the book just came out

>> No.22489050
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