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File: 111 KB, 640x871, 640px-saint_augustine_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22480336 No.22480336 [Reply] [Original]

>Perhaps you are asleep, and do not know it, and you see things in your sleep. For who does not know that what people see in dreams is precisely like what they see when awake? But he who is certain of the knowledge of his own life, does not therein say, I know I am awake, but, I know I am alive; therefore, whether he be asleep or awake, he is alive. Nor can he be deceived in that knowledge by dreams; since it belongs to a living man both to sleep and to see in sleep. Nor can the Academic again say, in confutation of this knowledge: Perhaps you are mad, and do not know it: for what madmen see is precisely like what they also see who are sane; but he who is mad is alive. Nor does he answer the Academic by saying, I know I am not mad, but, I know I am alive. Therefore he who says he knows he is alive, can neither be deceived nor lie. Let a thousand kinds, then, of deceitful objects of sight be presented to him who says, I know I am alive; yet he will fear none of them, for he who is deceived yet is alive. But if such things alone pertain to human knowledge, they are very few indeed; unless that they can be so multiplied in each kind, as not only not to be few, but to reach in the result to infinity. For he who says, I know I am alive, says that he knows one single thing.
Saint GOATgustine already answered the question millennium before Kant

>> No.22480369

I read some articles about Augustine and apparently he was a bright scholar before falling for the semitic memes, what a fucking disaster, this guy could've been the next Plato but decides to worship jew on a stick instead.

>> No.22480447
File: 130 KB, 1000x803, St.-Augustine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

>> No.22480726
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-to-fall-in-love-with-god-is-the-greatest-romance-to-seek-him-the-greatest-adventure-saint-augustine-36-33-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All truth is God's truth," Anon.

He advanced way beyond Plotinus because of his faith. Instead of just parroting him and Proclus on the hypostases he invented semiotics. He also single handedly invented the modern conception of the will in response to theological issues.

>> No.22480742

He was even a well adjusted normie before going monk mode. He was a rising star in the imperial court and had a long time GF and son. He had to dump the GF to get betrothed no a noble girl and he was slated to get a qt loli when she turned 12. But instead, he sold all his family's property and built a monestary and canceled the wedding.

He was going to do a whole philosophical system but we went to Hippo on time and the crowd at the church carried him up to the altar and forced him to become a bishop due to his reputation.

Had the makings of a Chad and instead chose to be a volcel stuck on perma nofap.

At least he didn't chop his dick off to avoid sinning like that one other theologian.

>> No.22480751
File: 20 KB, 220x261, 220px-Origen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origen probably didn't really cut his dick off. It was more a slur leveled at him by those who thought he was too gnostic, even though he was fairly adamant against gnosticism.