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22475776 No.22475776 [Reply] [Original]

Ever been caught reading in public?

>> No.22475823

I get motion sick if I try to read while moving

>> No.22475845

You cannot read out loud in public thefore comprehension is worse, also there's a lot of fucking noise and people interrupt you all the time. Why would you do that? Whenever I see someone reading in public I get the feeling they're just trying to look interesting desu

>> No.22475848

Some people can still concentrate in a loud environment, depends on the person.

>> No.22475851


>> No.22475853

only at miller grove

>> No.22475870

i don't really ever read out loud, and noise kind of helps me focus
it's something to cancel out to absorb myself into the book
depends on the noise though

>> No.22475871

>read out loud
is this real

>> No.22475882

Yeah, you should try it

>> No.22475934

>You cannot read out loud in public
yes you can. coward. coward bitch bloody bastard.

kind regards

>> No.22475947

I find I focus better reading in my head. I do read out loud more often, and I read to a metronome. I do this with books I will reread, so if I don’t get it the first time I will get it later anyways.

>> No.22475949

Ouuuu not a good look

>> No.22475979

Once, during my morning commute, I saw another train passenger reading a weird rapey sci-fi erotica book. She looked very normal.

>> No.22475997

>read out loud
the literary equivalent of counting with your fingers

>> No.22476011

Not to derail the thread but I can't believe it's normal for buses to be that dirty in America.

>> No.22476022

why is he trapped against a floating mattress. Was he trying to hide that he was reading but forgot we don't live in a 2D plane?

>> No.22476025
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It's so funny after decades of "Chink shit" "china is dirty" and so on and now China has autonomous brand new train systems that make Tokyo's look old and gross and America has buses that look straight out of 1980's Beirut.

>> No.22476030

lol obsessed chink

>> No.22476033

go spit inside, yellow man

>> No.22476037

I am currently reading Moby Dick to a child.

>> No.22476038

how are you posting

>> No.22476041
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I used to as well, but strangely enough I am now able to. It all changed one day a year or so ago when I was on a plane home from a vacation; we hit turbulance and there was a massive shout in the plane. I thought I might die, the woman next to me even grabbed my arm in fright. I knew it was that flight because on the trip there I tried to read but got nauseated, and after this I just wanted to feel some relief so I tried to read (Dead Souls at the time). Lo and behold, I could and from that point onward, I was/am able to read in any moving vehicle, whether it be car, bus, train, or plane. It unlocked a whole new world for me, especiall since I use public transit a lot in my new city.

>> No.22476045

aw look the yankee mud people are mad. enjoy your crumbling infra while the rest of us split long ago hehe

>> No.22476060

frfr can’t be reading none of that whack ass shit on the bus senpai why not enjoy some real art like some hiphop or the newest Netflix series fr

>> No.22476064

No one cares if you read in public as long as it’s not weird shit. I’ve even struck up quite a few good conversations by people approaching me, I got a few dates, and had coffee with a professor who saw me reading Chaucer. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Pier Plowman though. No need for the persecution complex, it is alright to read in public

>> No.22476067

Oh yeah this sucked growing up since I couldn't just read on long road trips and such. Got over it but don't even how.

>> No.22476075


trains, engines, computers and generally most complex things were conceived in the west and so the infrastructure is older, having been around longer. i'm glad you have a train though.

>> No.22476094

You mean you can't think/imagine inside your head?

>> No.22476116

I only get it when in a ship during storm with huge waves, or when riding a vehicle on bumpy road.

>> No.22476164

This. Not to mention the opportunity cost of forgoing socialization is mentally much worse than whatever midwit scribbles you could possibly be reading in motion. People who read in public are antisocial and autistic and reading to avoid life, mascurading they're somehow more intelligent for doing this. Meanwhile they can't speak or interact with people or put anything they've read to use, and miss out on potential women and networking opportunities. The Twilight Zone captured this well in the bank teller reader episode. An inept low status bookworm who trys to read for the sake of reading. He's a bumbling idiot with nothing going for him and retreats into whatever garbage his eyes go across even at the expense of talking to someone. I remember an anti social lesbian at work who would just read on her lunch break and everyone hated her simply because she didn't have the presence or tact to interact. It's ironic because public readers and phoners are the same, so in actuality it's like 60% of people now. I notice that people raised on phones or nose in a book, can't interact with people, have no social awareness (fails to introduce, can't talk with another person just talks to them, unable to separate people talking in groups or cues to when one should speak).

By the way, most replies to you are all seething copes by the way, reading aloud is fine and was commonplace in most of history (see Augustine being suprirised that Ambrose read silently).

>> No.22476182

thats a school bus. no one bothers cleaning them regularly because the little shits are just going to destroy them again shortly after

>> No.22476205
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never get caught lackin

>> No.22476220

>it's like 60% of people now
Wouldn't that make you the abnormal one stuck in a bygone time?

>> No.22476239

are you, dare i say it, autistic?

>> No.22476306

As a Jew Yorker, reading in public is like black people repellent. Very useful

>> No.22476314

Lmao I just happen to be listening to a song called 'beautiful calm driving' while reading this

>> No.22476322


>> No.22476561

I do not understand.
I do not understand these threads or you lot. What happened to you lot that made you so dangerously self-conscious? I constantly read in public, in the waiting room at the doctors, at the park or office during my break and when I commute which I rarely do because I can walk to work. Are you reading to impress someone else or something? No one cares and I don't care if anyone would care. Are you also unable to speak-up at the bakery because you're so scared what some bloke in the line might think of you knowing you buy bread xyz?

>> No.22476588

Only becaue you are attractive and geomaxxing, fuck you

>> No.22476594

>caring about hollow social interaction
>even putting it above reading
You're a disgrace to this board and humanity.

>> No.22476601

Guess the ethnicity of whoever posted that tweet

>> No.22476616

>read out loud
My six years old daughter do that but at one point youre suposed to read "in your head" buddy.

>> No.22476618

I hate you chinks and yet you're right.

>> No.22476798


>> No.22477026

When and how did reading get so stigmatized? I can only speak for USA.

I hate blue collar families so much it's unreal.

>> No.22477030

The bane of my existence.

>> No.22477042

It's not especially stigmatized, even by lower class people. If you grow up in a ghetto you will get hassled for just about any reason, if you are alone and not trying to be part of the social scene with your peers. True enough, they don't read and don't understand the appeal of reading, but it's more about you not fitting in with the group than anything else. If you were still "cool" by their standards and hung out with them, they probably wouldn't give a shit if you read a book now and then in your spare time.

>> No.22477049 [DELETED] 

after an uptick in untreated insane homeless people pushing commuters on to the subway tracks, nyc is finally installing barriers in a couple stations like the ones hong kong and thailand have had for decades. progress, and all it took was deblasio's wife mismanaging billions of funds intended for mental healthcare programs.

>> No.22477050

Recently got injured at my job so now I'm on "light duty" I have to sit in a room for 8 hours a day and do nothing. I decided to start reading during that time and now I get somewhat bullied by my coworkers and get called "the librarian".

>> No.22477051
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I can talk to people just fine, just don't have the patience or interest, therefore I either zone out or read faggot. Especially if I wanna finish a book, something you sorely cannot because you're "networking".

>> No.22477054

You so rarely see that anymore because of e-books. When I was studying publishing in college, they'd mentioned how for certain genres the e-book format had completely displaced traditional mass market paperbacks. People love to ready trashy books but don't really like to be seen reading them, and don't necessarily want visitors to see those books covering their shelves. The e-book makes it a lot easier to keep your reading interests to yourself, while being a lot easier and more convenient than manually disguising every trashy book's cover with some kind of custom book jacket for mass market paperbacks.

>> No.22477055


>> No.22477056

Plenty of guys play their music loud in public but you can’t read aloud?

>> No.22477058 [DELETED] 

i work at a college and the only other person i've seen reading a book was a chick with a literature masters, but she married some rich guy and quit. so now there are only non-readers. it's not a good school though. i mean you might see someone reviewing a textbook or reading a pdf about dei best practices, but an actual novel? absolutely not.

>> No.22477060

People here are extremely vain and status-obsessed. It's a mindset that prevails when you're an adolescent, but people are supposed to grow out of as they mature, acquire life experience, and become secure in their relationships. People here tend to be emotionally stunted and trapped in adolescence. They never properly socialized, they never acquired life experience necessary to give them emotional security, so they're on a treadmill of continually seeking external validation for everything they do.

>> No.22477066

My motion sickness while reading somehow only happens if the vehicle is under a certain size. Car, nope, bus, nope, tram, yes, train, yes.

>> No.22477092

Buddy of mine told me he got snitched on to management by a coworker because he read a book during their lunch break. Note that all coworkers including the one that complained spend the same break on their phones.

>> No.22477098

College is a place for socializing, for most. They read when they're at home and have no friends around. When they can pry themselves away from their phones. And then most of them still mostly likely use sparknotes or something else to get by without reading.

>> No.22477123

I'm shocked by how little today's students actually read in college. It's definitely phones and internet. Back in the day there was nothing to do on nights without parties so you at least did something, and parties were harder to come by because you weren't constantly scanning the 37 social networks you're peripherally connected to, to see if "anything is happening tonight."

Most people in college today are basically going a few hundred thousand dollars into debt for a four year vacation before they start working. And they spend the whole time depressed anyway.

>> No.22477193

I used to read on the bus ride to and from school in high school. No one cared.
Why would anyone feel the need to whine to management about someone reading on break? Like who cares.

>> No.22478032


It's a school bus but yeah it's kind of dirty. Brings back old memories though. Looks like they haven't changed a thing in half a century.

>> No.22478292

Insane how many people are taking this bait seriously

>> No.22478341

autism website

>> No.22478416

Some twink chased me down after we got off the bus this morning and asked what I was reading. Then he started talking about some Hollywood autobiography nonsense or whatever and I just stopped listening

>> No.22478472

This but unironically unironically

>> No.22478480

It's really not that hard. You get used to it.

>> No.22478494

what bait, i mean it

>> No.22478509
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NTA but my former boss openly discussed the possibility of firing one of my coworkers because he was "too quiet." It's a gay and retarded world we live in.

>> No.22478539

Referring to someone as a twink means you are gay yourself. Not sure why you're proud of being a faggot.

>> No.22478600

That can't be right; I haven't had sex with a man in nearly 3 years...

>> No.22478604

I love you, anon. Have a nice day.

>> No.22478645

Its a joke, calm down chud

>> No.22478663
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>> No.22478703

This would be very very funny if it was bait but the fact that it's serious makes it so much sweeter, like a fine vintage or a real Cuban cigar or some shit. The little details just aren't quite the same when it's artificial, you need that natural touch.

>> No.22478878


>> No.22478889

A nigger. Stop pointing out the obvious and the dirty.

>> No.22478890

Twice in my life sometimes talked to me while I was reading in public, both times it was an older man trying to hit on me. Am a dude.

I guess reading is gay?

Maybe my book choices were gay? First time it happened, I was reading Midnight Children, and the second time I was reading 2666.

I don't mind the gay part, I just hate being talked to in public in general, that's why I got a book and headphones where I go.

>> No.22478978

I get sick if I try to read. Period.

>> No.22479011

This. Also the term "cocksucker". Instantly pegs (lol) the speaker/writer as a faggot.

>> No.22479014

So the US should get carpet bombed?

>> No.22479053

Public transportation takes a few weeks to get dirty.
You guys are just pigs. And it's fine but don't go pretending it's because the trains are decades years old because there are old trains in Japan as well that are spotless.
It's culture, not time.

>> No.22479229

>need to read aloud to fully understand
Is this really a thing? I don't think I've ever heard someone read aloud before so I feel like this has to be bait.
It's good bait if it is. You got me good.

>> No.22479238

Americans do that cause they lack inner voice

>> No.22479246

Shit, this is literally me.

>> No.22479383

I sometimes sneak out at night when my wife is sleeping to read Proust in the car.

>> No.22479396

I wouldn't want my female onahole companion to know that I'm gay either.

>> No.22479450

You probably look gay.

I apparently have a look that tells both men and women that I'm a bisexual which is actually a big hit with girls. Then again I also read and reading is kinda gay when you think about it.

>> No.22479459

Same but my commute to work is so long that I feel I'm wasting my time if I don't try reading while driving anyway.

>> No.22479479

Girls don’t like that

>> No.22479497

I can read in everything but a car. But that might be psychosomatic reaction to my dad's driving.

>> No.22479502

>No one cares if you read in public as long as it’s not weird shit
>Proceeds to show examples of people caring about him reading in public
That said, I haven't had any negative interactions over it myself, either. Only a couple of people acting somewhat bewildered that I was reading an actual book. Unfortunately, anti-intellectualism is on the rise worldwide with plummeting literacy rates and kids like in the OP won't fare as well.

>> No.22479507

my biggest fear is someone striking a conversation with me about what I'm reading