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22476566 No.22476566 [Reply] [Original]

Are the occultism charts on the lit wiki any good? I want to see behind the veil

>> No.22476686
File: 46 KB, 667x1000, KantianHolyBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to see behind the veil

>> No.22476698

Good luck piercing the veil with that crap, it is mostly to make you a better DnD player.

>> No.22476711
File: 74 KB, 585x780, PortableFirstCritique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to see behind the veil

>> No.22476786

Thank you. Not sure if trolling or not but I'll give it a read regardless.
Any better alternatives?

>> No.22476799
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not trolling

>> No.22477012

You'd be better off just doing a vipassana meditation retreat. If anything, books will just add more veils.

>> No.22477019

Philosophy, physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

>> No.22477065

Listen to Bach

>> No.22477137
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Bach was the (heterosexual) Andy Warhol of music, churning out a few masterpieces a week and a few children a year
but did he make charts? heck no, he WAS the chart, a living breathing computer that had soul and humor
you should have recommended Bruckner, obsessed with numerology, cute girls, and polishing the same jewels for 15-20 years

>> No.22477147

>Hans von Bülow described him as "half genius, half simpleton".
literally me

>> No.22477285

I meant in terms of seeing behind the veil. I don't know anything about the occult.

>> No.22477289

you are cheap, pythagoras

>> No.22477535

You attempt to troll with this reply, but actually this book is actually relevant to occultism. It is required reading for the Astrum Argentum for the grade before passing the veil, these subjects

Are more relevant to occultism than you think

For more Christian flavoured occultism check out Martinism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9md6qiLdBY which will lead you to the same place as the A.A. does, in fact you can do them both together to get a better understanding of each other (>>>/x/35851161 for more info)

Is a vast library for occult works
>>>/x/35822269 a guide.

The Equinox journal is absolutely key starter reading for intellectually trying to understand what modern occultism is trying to do, and what basis it works with, everything about trying to ‘see beyond the veil’ which will tie in also with your explorations of philosophy, mathematics, science etc. and tie those with your exploration of occultism

Provides a sort of academic understanding of occult history

>> No.22477605

>is required reading for the Astrum Argentum for the grade before passing the veil
what's the required reading to actually pass the veil?

>> No.22477624

Well you have to do the first grades first, because like a house it’s a system built brick by brick. You can’t build a house a house by placing bricks on the air, so the higher grade materials are useless to you right now without the context of going through the previous grade.

Read the texts in curriculum, and read through the page for a better understanding

>> No.22477630

>the higher grade materials are useless to you right now without the context of going through the previous grade.
I already read the full critique at least twice.

>> No.22477726

Critique is the text you are supposed to have read BY the end of the grade of Adeptus Exemptus and you have to write a thesis on it and other books with the context of everything you learnt with the other grades, that’s an extremely high grade. You have to start with the student grade.

Seeing ‘beyond the veil’ isn’t merely seeing the spiritual world and doing magic, that’s easily done at the beginning

>> No.22477734

Goes without saying that even if you read it before, no matter how many times, you would have had to read it specifically for the grade because of the context by which the previous grades would have taught you how to read it and with all other readings you would have read it without that context
>but Kant didn’t do the grades, why would I have to understand it
Because understanding it how Kant himself understood it isn’t the point

>> No.22477741
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>Because understanding it how Kant himself understood it isn’t the point

>> No.22477742

Thoroughly appreciate your response. Thank you anon

>> No.22477748

considering the occult is all made up you hardly need to be formulaic about it

>> No.22477782
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>> No.22477915
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>> No.22477966
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>> No.22478111

Hot take, the category of "occultism" includes tons of bullshit and nonsense as well as tons of philosophy that spooks normalfags and simply aiming to read "occult" literature will lead you to read a hodgepodge of garbage mixed with some things of value. You'll get far more out of reading Heraclitus and Parmenides and understanding their ideas deeply and then following a progression from Augustine to Aquinas to Leibniz to Kant to Hegel/Fichte/Schelling to Peirce (throwing in people like Nagarjuna and Shankara if you feel like it somewhere after Kant) than you are digesting tons of woo woo by charlatans like Crowley and his older equivalents, unless your goal is to impress goth chicks and crystal healing girls at festivals.

>> No.22478436

Except that Crowley allows you to put his theories in practice and see for yourself if what he is talking about is true, and gives you the tools to determine what is true or not. With occultism you don’t just read stuff, it’s not mental masturbation, you actively put it into practice, live through it and test it all out yourself

>> No.22478671
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>test it all out yourself

>> No.22478770

Honestly, no, the charts suck.
Start with Guenon/Schuon
Then move onto esoterism

>> No.22478783

So Crowley could actually levitate or cast fireballs or some shit... right? It's not all just a convoluted smoke-and-mirror way of representing mental alchemy a la Jung or something... right?

>> No.22478790

>Crowley could actually levitate or cast fireballs or some shit... right?
literally yes

>> No.22478797
File: 163 KB, 907x1360, magee handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-schismatic Buddhism
>Advaita Vedanta
>Greeks through Late Platonics

Emphasis on the Neoplatonists, if we're talking Western occult literature. Late comer Qabbalahisms and Rosicrucian glosses owe considerable influence to the aformentioned to the point of marginalizing their relevance. Hermeticism and alchemy thereafter can (and ought) be approached without reference to them. New Age currents from Masonry to Theosophy to Astrotheurgy to Thelema are X-with-extra-steps that are ultimately training wheels and crutches for the less capable.

>> No.22478819

>magee book picrel
>no mention of Hegel
explain yourself.

>> No.22478846
File: 2.96 MB, 1125x1605, 0FBDE536-A618-42B2-A0A9-206D7B4CE2FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same problems which plague conventional science will plague occult science if you end up using the same methodologies of investigation.

>> No.22478852

May I see it?

>> No.22478859

sure if you want to

>> No.22479152

Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig is a very good and practical start.