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22473166 No.22473166 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that comments on the inevitable liberalization of societies over time?

>> No.22473177

brave new world

>> No.22473187

mutt moment
History is cyclical. Rome went from ultra-conservative to a degenerate libtard shithole and then back to ultra-conservative within 5 centuries

>> No.22473196

no it didn't

>> No.22473198

>what is Christianity

>> No.22473211

It actually kinda did. It’s more complicated than that however it was noticed and considered a big problem by the Romans at the time.

>> No.22473215

>"on the propagandist delusion of the inevitable liberalization of societies over time"
The end of history.

>> No.22473221

Also OP not liberalism necessarily but you could try Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee, J.D Uwin, and Peter Turchin for general civilization cycle history models.

>> No.22473238

Y'all gay if you don't enjoy some real life fanservice from time to time

>> No.22473239


>> No.22473247

A degenerate religion that glorifies the weak over the strong, basically the spiritual ancestor of trannyism

>> No.22473252

how can a board have a century, or, if you care about a 1000 year kingdom i have bad news for you

>> No.22473265

If anything, this is a trad ritual. These women sense the lurking insecurity of their tribal homelands and their native men and are preparing their bodies for the inevitable takeover of their societies by well-hung black men. Notice the "ghetto princess" label in the back and the not-so-thinly-veiled African mating call animating the young woman's pert buttocks. Who do you think she's practising this ritual for? In fact, you're delusional if you aren't aware that every single woman in that room has already at some point in her sexual career been dilated by a hulking nigger penis.

>> No.22473286

romans were always homoseuals
then came chudtrianity

>> No.22473294

merchants of sin by benjamin garland

>> No.22473296

You mom’s diary

>> No.22473298

why do women love objectifying themselves?

>> No.22473308

But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. (1 Cor. 11:3 NIV)
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. (Eph. 5:22-24)
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. (1 Cor. 14:34-35)
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. (1 Tim. 2:11-15)

>> No.22473316

>men objectify women for centuries
>man shocked that women objectify themselves to get men

Quite the mystery

>> No.22473318

>women have no agency
Ah thankyou for the explanation.

>> No.22473325

This >>22473316, women have internalized the sexism of the patriarchy, they've been told they're only valuable for their bodies so they objectify themselves

>> No.22473330

Why did you repeat him?
At least try to add something, no matter how schizo it is.

>> No.22473338

she's doing it for herself incels

>> No.22473343

>being a whore for men :/
>being a whore for yourself :( )

>> No.22473347

Just how the brain and hormones are wired. Don’t listen to the milieu theory shitwits. Why would you want it any other way though? Are you gay?

>> No.22473375

Being a woman is like if a man got a degree in a sport he can only play until he's 27, but he also has to dedicate every single thought and action to it until that fateful day comes so it absorbs everything about him, and then when it does come, he has to default back to being the featureless nothing he was at 13 before he decided to play the sport

A 28 year old woman is like a 12 year old kid being woken up from cryostasis and being told his body aged to 50 years old, but go enjoy what's left of your life I guess. Try it for yourself, ask a 28 year old woman what she's "into" and she'll say shit like "Having fun" and "Going outside"

>> No.22473424

Rome started out imperialist, and by the time it became conservative, it was no longer Rome, but Byzantium, an empire of Christian Arabs with mixed ancestry. The United States is following the same path.

>> No.22473432

Go outside mate

>> No.22473484
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Look, bro. I'm tired of niggas telling me I need consume e-thottery just to validate my straightness. Like fucking a woman is no longer proof enough. You gotta save and post pics and vid of random hos' thirst traps and help boost their Onlyfans and social media traffic. Like yeah, I ogle at some asses, tits, and thighs when I'm when I'm shopping, at the gym, at work or whatever like anyone else, but you really don't need to revolve your whole day around theoretical pussy you're likely not gonna get into. Nigga, turn off the fanservice and go get some actual IRL service.

>> No.22473520

It’s more like conditioning

>> No.22473549

sex and culture

>> No.22473554

Woman's agency was shoved far up her ass after being brutally sodomized thousands of years ago.

>> No.22473580
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>> No.22473610

>5 centuries
700 years in the first millenium were literally invented according to heinsohn

>> No.22473617

>women are too weak to fix society themselves

>> No.22473633

>being catholic

>> No.22473636

>when an incel imagines a woman after reading 4ch posts for eight straight years

>> No.22473673

>But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
Yes, I already realized my penis is the messiah.

>> No.22473699

Incel subhumanity

>> No.22473731
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>inevitable liberalization
Complete ideological bullshit. This happened in a single instance in our current modern civilization which now intentionally pushes itself (and is resisted) all across the globe. There’s really no examples of the same thing occurring in any previous societies.

>> No.22473753

Collapse of Complex Societies by Tainter
Why Civilizations Self-Destruct by Elmer Pendell

>> No.22473871
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>> No.22473883

>not being a member of the one true faith Traditional Catholicism
How much I laugh at you depends on if youre a pagan or a protestant

>> No.22473888
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everything that he has written

>> No.22473905

>true faith
>90% entirely made up and not in the bible at all

>> No.22473915

History as a whole trends towards liberalization. Just because many older extinct civilizations didn't have typically liberal behaviors among the masses doesn't mean that the direction of modernity doesn't lead to it

>> No.22473936

A society liberalises up to the point it collapses

>> No.22473955

Prot detected lol. Sola scriptura is a heresy and prots do not get admitted into heaven. But I'll give you a Bible verse to bring it down to your level Tebow.
>But there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.
- John 21:25
>Very great, then, says the Apostle, will the number of the miracles that God hath wrought, and altogether without number will the list of His deeds be seen to be, and out of many thousands have these that are recorded been taken, as not being inadequate to profit to the uttermost those who read them. And let no one who is of a teachable spirit and loveth instruction, S. John implies, blame him that wrote this book because he has not recorded the rest. For if the things that He did had been written every one, without any omission, then would the immeasurable number of the books have filled the world. We maintain that, even as it is, the power of the Word has been displayed more than abundantly. For it is open to every one to observe, that a thousand miracles were performed by the power of our Saviour. The preachers of the Gospels, however,, have recorded the more remarkable of them, in all probability, and such that their hearers could best be confirmed by them in incorruptible faith, and receive instruction in morality and doctrine; so that, conspicuous for the orthodoxy of their faith, and glorified by manifold works that make for righteousness, they might meet at the very gates of the city above, and being joined unto the Church of the firstborn in the faith, might at length attain unto the Kingdom of Heaven in Christ; through Whom and with Whom be glory to God the Father, with the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
- Cyril of Alexandria
Convert now prot.

>> No.22473976

>anyone that sees through cath popery and idol worship is protestant
You have really had a number done on you.
Has the pope approved these thoughts of yours?
Have you confessed your latest wank?

>> No.22474031

>History as a whole trends towards liberalization.
What does "trends" mean here?
Arguably for most things to determine the trend, you count the most numerically frequent form for a given period.
If you're given period is all of History then the trend is not towards liberalism, unless for some inexplicable reason you put more weight on the past 2 centuries than all prior history.
>doesn't mean that the direction of modernity doesn't lead to it
Presumes history has an inevitable direction--a pretty big assumption to make absent a belief in some divine power providentially guiding the course of human history.
I suppose we could speak about direction to history in the sense that certain ideas flourish under certain conditions making them more likely.
But to assume that all of History must lead to liberalism begs the question as to how you know you're not zoomed in on a blip, an anomaly like absolutist monarchy once was

>> No.22474069

It goes like this
>Society becomes technological and industrial
>Populations become urban
>Masses become educated
>People start to democratize, demand more political participation, feel that mass consumerism is a good expression of individual freedom
>States gradually become liberal because it's easier to govern a bunch of retarded cattle distracted by pleasure and fantasies of individuality
Even if the actual state doesn't function as a liberal democracy, the people are fundamentally liberal in their lifestyle, ideology, values, etc. You can observe this process from Western countries to monarchies like Saudi Arabia

>> No.22474077

>totalitarian state good
>democracy and liberalism bad
>thrown in jail or shot on the wall for criticizing the government
>this is good

>> No.22474090

*sips* dasrite. Unless you criticize my heckin minorities. Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences.

>> No.22474098

Yes. Might makes right and the majority of people arent willing to hive up their rights to the child fucking Checka and apparatchmik.

>> No.22474107

Whig interpretation of history

>> No.22474116

Read this text, analyze it, tell me, do find a difference to us?
[...] Sculpture and painting suffered the same fate: the two arts deteriorated. Out of a publication without ideas, no real artists came out. Do you want to know in what kind of writings the last spark of original composition took refuge? In history; and by whom was it best written? It was mainly soldiers who wrote the Augustan History. Outside the camps there were undoubtedly also writers of genius of a rare elevation, but these were inspired by a superhuman feeling, illuminated by a flame that is not earthly: they were the Fathers of the Church.
It may be argued from the works of these great men that, in spite of the foregoing, there were still firm and honest hearts in the empire. Who denies it? I'm talking about multitudes, not individualities. Certainly, in the midst of these waves of misery, there still existed here and there, swimming in the vast abyss, the finest virtues, the rarest intelligences, the same fortuitous conjunctions of scattered ethnic elements created, and, as I remarked in the first volume (1), even in very considerable numbers, the most respectable men with solid integrity with innate or acquired talents. We could find a few in the senates, we could see some under the skirt of the legionnaires, we could meet them at court. The episcopate, the service of the basilicas, and the monastic gatherings nourished them in crowds, and already banners of martyrs had attested with their blood that Sodom still had many righteous people. I do not pretend to contradict this evidence; but, I ask, why so many virtues, what so many merits, what so much genius did they serve the social body? Could they stop her rotting for a minute No, the noblest spirits did not convert the crowd, nor gave them heart. If the Chrysostoms and the Hilarians reminded their contemporaries of the love of their fatherland, it was from above; they no longer thought of the miserable ground upon which their sandals trodden. Surely there could have been counted a lot of people of virtue who, [...]
> (1) See Volume 1

>> No.22474117

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence

Exactly. How many /pol/cels are thrown in jail because they don’t like minorities? You can say whatever you want (as long as it doesn’t cross the libel, slander, inciting violence line) without being arrested. People are absolutely free to judge other people’s opinions and if they deem them poor they can shun or ostracize them. You can’t police people’s opinions. Sorry other people judge you for having shitty beliefs but to think they should be forced to accept and tolerate you is absurd

>> No.22474121

[...] who, too persuaded by their impotence, or, living to their best and knowing well how to accommodate themselves to the times, or well, and being the most nobly inspired, abandoned the world and it's decreptitude to devout themselves to catholic heroism to find the means to leave without weakness a society that had become gangrenous. The army offered still an asylum for these offended souls, where moral honour was conserved under the brotherly camaradeship of military honour. There there was an abundance of sages who, with the helmet on their heads, the shield to their side and spear in their hands, going in cohorts, without regrets, held their throats to the knife of sacrifice.
Also, how much more ridiculous is the opinion that attributes the ruin of civilization to the Barbarians of the North! These unhappy Barbarians, appear in the 5th Century like delirating monsters, precipitating like hungry hordes on the admirable Roman organization, destroying it to destroy it, breaking it to break it, ruining it solely to smash her into pieces!
But, even accepting that, fact wrong as it is admitted, that the Germanics had this instict of brutes, these were no disorders to be invented in the 5th Century. Everything of that genre had existed already before, by herself, Roman society had already abolished everything that had once made it's glory. Nothing can be compared to it's stupor other than her impotence. Of the utilitarian genius of the Etruscans and the Italiots, of the hot and vivid imagination of the Semites there was nothing left but the art of making solid monuments without taste, and of plainly repeating, like a rambling old man, great things another time invented. In the place of writers and of sculptors there were nothing but pedants and masons, so that the Barbarians could oppress nothing for talents, spirit, elegant manners, everything was gone before they arrived. What was, in physics and in [...]
[...] and in morals, a Roman of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Century? A middle sized man, weak in constitution and appearance, generally debased, carrying in his blood a little bit of every conceivable race, believing himself to be the first man of the universe, and to demonstrate it, insolent, rampant, ignorant, thief, depraved, ready to sell his sister, his daughter, his wife, his country and his master, and with an incomparable fear towards poverty, towards suffering, towards tiredness and death. For the rest, not doubting that the globe and it's entire procession of planets had been made for him alone.

>> No.22474125
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If you cut your dick off for Christ then you are better than any man or woman according to God. COPE.

>> No.22474131

>"how many /pol/cels are thrown in jail because they don't like minorities"
>looks at England
>looks at january 6 trumptards
heh, you got me good *sips*.

>> No.22474143


>> No.22474148

>everlasting name, that will not be cut off
The hilarious God of OT dropping a double entendre for the eunuchs

>> No.22474154

Are you coy or just regarded as retarded? Jan 6 trumptards burst in on the White House; they weren’t arrested for having politically incorrect opinions

>> No.22474157

The Inequality of the Human Races, Volume 3, Chapter 4, Semitic Rome.

>> No.22474168

Your opinion on the jan 6 chimpout shows you are the averaheAmerican. I have my answer.

>> No.22474174

>>Society becomes technological and industrial
>>Populations become urban
>>Masses become educated
>>People start to democratize, demand more political participation, feel that mass consumerism is a good expression of individual freedom
>>States gradually become liberal because it's easier to govern a bunch of retarded cattle distracted by pleasure and fantasies of individuality
I'm familiar with modernisation theory.
All those conditions listed are just that conditions--i.e conditional, relative to a particular time and dependant on certain conditions.
Moreover even Fukuyama himself acknowledges that many of those modern conditions do not necessitate liberal democracy--e.g pointing to contrary examples like market authoritarianism in Singapore, or Nazi Germany which was highly educated and industrialized. The former has some liberal elements, a free market, but is still governed by a dictatorship.
It also takes an incredible amount of hubris and lack of intellectual humility to assert not just that certain modern conditions tend towards liberalism, but that indeed all of History must head towards it inevitably.

>> No.22474180

>ignores the Britain situation

>> No.22474196

Why should I give two fat shits about Britain, a country I don’t live in? Are you also offended about some warlord taking power in Africa or college student thrown in jail in North Korea?

>> No.22474219

Ah, a true solipsist.
Yes I am appalled by that. *sips*
What a strange assumption to make. Indicating of no morality.
Like your average political brained American.
Carry on cattle.

>> No.22474248

Not political in the slightest. I have never, and shall never vote. I believe politics damage the spirit and brain and I hate what this board has become

>> No.22474272

shut up Eurotard

>> No.22474282

no, I've met plenty of women and they're pretty much all like this

>> No.22474283

This isn't exactly what you are looking for, but Christopher Lasch's The True and Only Heaven has a lot of coverage of the historical development of Progressivism and modern conservativism out of Liberalism.

>> No.22474287
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women admit it themselves

>> No.22474294
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>> No.22474310

Over for christmascakes

>> No.22474324

I think a lot of incels are fags in denial. Yes, women and men have clashed since the beginning of time but it’s a ying and Yang type of thing where you need the other to complete you and make you the best person you can be. A man without a woman isn’t really a man. You /r9k/ freaks really want a man is what it comes down to. The challenge of a relationship has always been part of the appeal

>> No.22474334

You realize even Instagram influencers have cellulite, right? Most women after puberty do.
If that's a dealbreaker for you then I'm afraid you're going to be looking for a long time for a wife

>> No.22474353

Whatever you say, porn addicted subhuman trash.

>> No.22474356


>> No.22474359
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>> No.22474363

Right is better..
If you like left more you are a fat, sorry.

>> No.22474368


>> No.22474371

>All those conditions listed are just that conditions--i.e conditional, relative to a particular time and dependant on certain conditions.
I do not agree, I agree with Fukuyama's argument that many people have an innate desire for recognition and freedom. The behaviors prevalent in liberal societies have always been present in human civilizations. There is a deep human impulse for pleasure, narcissism, participation, etc

>> No.22474377

Because they're part objects themselves.

>> No.22474379

White women get a 5 year headstart on all other races when it comes to attractiveness, then they age like milk in the sun. Sad.

>> No.22474492

not a liberal society in the least. you're probably baiting though so good job you got me

>> No.22474505

>agree with Fukuyama's argument that many people have an innate desire for recognition and freedom
Recognition comes in many forms.
As i understand Fukuyama, he believes liberal democracy to best satisfy people's thymotic desires, the desire to be recognized, though somewhat at the cost of meglothymia, the aristocratic warrior impulse (his shitty bastardization of Nietzsche).
Democracy provides the most satisfying balance between meglo- and isothymia (the desire to be recognized fairly and fully as an equal human being), and thus solves Hegel's master-slave dialectic as both master and slave receive equally satisfying recognition.
Hence no one has any reason to be fundamentally dissatisfied with democracy as everyone receives recognition as a fully autonomous human worthy of respect.
The issue hidden in all the neo-hegelian mumbo jumbo is twofold.
One recognition is not truly equal in any real sense, modern democracy at a large scale is rule by bureaucrats and technocrats. The recognition conferred is superficial as true power always operates on an unequal and unaccountable basis.
Moreover the more truly democratic a government , the more it must rely upon exclusion to more perfectly realize a full equality among its members --its essence determined by exclusion, lack of recognition to those excluded.
Hence a full throated democracy necessitates a rejection of liberal universalism, and the creation of a tightly maintained boundrary, a hierarchy, between those allowed into the democratic assembly and those excluded.
Secondly the drive for recognition from others can receive satisfaction in a variety of ways. It's not necessarily clear to me that a feudal peasant was aware of himself being un-recognized. That recognition had to be activated by others.
Thymos may be a driving force in politics, but that does not show why we ought to organize society in a way which confers recognition onto the greatest number of people. Why this should be the organizing ideal is not shown alone by the reality of the drive.