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/lit/ - Literature

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22472488 No.22472488 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some interesting lesser known German-speaking writers. Anyone whose fame is equal or less to Hermann Bürger will do. I'm tired of mainstream shit like Jünger, Mann etc.

>> No.22472516

Arno Schmidt?

>> No.22472524

Also Broch

>> No.22472645

Rudolf Borchardt
Fritz von Herzmanovsky-Orlando

>> No.22472671

Hans Henny Jahnn. Ready him now.

>> No.22472697

Who is German's Thomas Pynchon?

>> No.22472797

unironically Jellinek

>> No.22472820
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>lesser known

>> No.22472834


>> No.22472836

i would pick one that makes me laugh

>> No.22472848

Does anyone still read Böll?

>> No.22472853
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>Does anyone still read this Nobel Prize author?

>> No.22472865

>implying anyone reads Quasimodo or Buck or Galsworthy

>> No.22472866

Willy Seidel ("Das älteste Ding der Welt" is his best known story)
Hanns Heinz Ewers ("Die Spinne" is really great, for exampe)

>> No.22472868

i would pick the one where i just eat the porn, because you said for example

>> No.22472873

Just because you just discovered them doesn’t mean other people don’t read them. Do you think your parents disappear for good when they leave your sight only until they come back within your vision?

>> No.22472874
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>> No.22472875

There’s an anon who shills Galsworthy every now and then. Not sure if he’s still around though

>> No.22473098

Pearl Buck isn't going to fuck you anon. You don't have to pretend people read her anymore

>> No.22473101

Karl Ludwig von Haller

>> No.22473123

Hanns Heinz Ewers and Karl Hans Strobl.

>> No.22473307

They're lesser known compared to Mann.

>> No.22473606

Some somewhat historic , semiautobiographic books on Prewar interwar Europe in rural and city settings.This has been an interest thus far.

Hans Bergel , an author who lived in Siebenbürgen in todays Romania which was part if Germany before WW2.It became communist and the author lived under the dictatorship and in persecution.

Similar story from Siegfried von Vegesack - Die baltische Tragödie, in the baltic region.Rural setting with lovely descriptions of their day to day life and traditions.

Horst Lange - Schwarze Weide set in rural setting in Germany, Some magical realism.Great atmosphere.
These can only be found in Germany No translation available.
Some of his non - fiction WW2 journals have been translated I think.

Gert Jonke , austrian author for some lovely imaginery and fun books full of fantasy.It is literature and nothing to do with the fantasy genre.
He has been translated into English.

Peter Stamm, swiss contemporary author.
He has been translated into english.
Has won some literary awards.

Fritz Zorn - Mars Semiautobiography of an unlived life.
There is an old translation into english.

>> No.22473854

Mein Tagebuch, desu.

>> No.22475068

I don't know what this sentence is

>> No.22475400
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