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22471857 No.22471857 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22471860

he can not only do it, but he can mold it and contort it to suit his own aesthetic

>> No.22471877

Yes, of course. It also isn't a deep observation. When you have a non-trivial and non-deep observation which can be understood (and spontaneously re-realized) by adolescents and dumber adults, there's word for this sort of idea: it's called a commonplace. Conventional wisdom, or something that's likely to pop out in the course of daily thought about life. "Banal" is used along similar lines. "Banal" doesn't simply mean stupid. It also connotes ideas which are held to be so obvious that they don't require restatement.

>> No.22471885

It's not really that commonly discussed

>> No.22471886

Individualism is a vile poison and the source of all problems in modern society

>> No.22472629

>my nation is the greatest
>>why is it the greatest?
>look at these individuals we produced!

>> No.22472634

sometimes this strapping young lad just needs to get it

>> No.22472667

There's actually an even cheaper pride, and that is the pride in not feeling national pride.

No one who has any qualities of his own that he could be proud of would need this pride, would repost this quote again and again.

When Schopenhauer said this, he was making a statement as an individual. When you repeat this, you think of yourself as just like him. But you're not. If you were, you would have things of your own to say.

You want to take pride in being a cosmopolitan, but that's an identity, a reason to feel superior for being part of a group of people like Schopenhauer, that no one who had personal qualities would need or want.

>> No.22472670

Schopenhauer didn't understand that you can love something even though it has faults. That's why he hated life and women.

>> No.22472676

I'm proud of both my own personal qualities, and my nation. What now Mr. I-can't-get-laid-so-I-hate-women?

>> No.22472677


>> No.22472681

i assume you went to reddit, and actually got a bad answer. since i have assumed something do i now belong on/x/?

>> No.22472684

no one lives this long

>> No.22473272
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Of course he is. So was Nietzsche.

>> No.22473278
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Incelhauer never said anything right in his entire said life.

>> No.22473290

Fuck me Neetshay writes like an obnoxious ass, studying his books must be pure pain

>> No.22473301

>no u
Holy cope

>> No.22473303

Schoppenhauer fucked women alright. Don't mistake marriage with sex.

>> No.22473335

Imagine listening to women

>> No.22473390

Which work of his is this from? People have posted this pic a thousand times but nobody so far actually fact checked it.

>> No.22473416 [DELETED] 

Schopp didn't have to deal with niggers and spics. Let him experience 2023 and he would find his nation

>> No.22473422

His point remains the same even with foreigners in your country. However, if your country is America, everyone's a foreigner.

>> No.22474198

>"if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud"
Why does it argue that? Because only those people would be able to be proud of something which they share with others? History is full of examples to the contrary: Planck, Frege, Wagner, Shakespeare etc.

This becomes an even worse argument when you look beyond pride in one's nation and include things like the pride of having a good family, or the pride of running a successful business, which are all things that even the greatest man would share with millions of others.
> "The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes."
There are plenty of people who have exhibited great insight in some areas and great blindness in others. Even if we assume that every nation has these faults and that they are indeed constantly before ones eyes it would still not be guaranteed that even the greatest genius would be able to see them.
>"But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs"
There are many examples of great fools with nothing to be proud of who do not adopt this view. Take some random drug addled bum as an example. I'm going to assume that this part was mistranslated since it's so obviously moronic.

>> No.22474210


>> No.22474321

You overvalue your own thoughts.

>> No.22474562
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>blocks you path

>> No.22474571

no contradiction

>> No.22474579

>I-If you don't live like I demand you too. THE WORLD will end.
>This is what true freedom looks like btw, when you do things my way.
Fearmongering idiot with a severe lack of self-awarness. Sounds like my boomer uncle.

>> No.22474915

kek, underrated post

>> No.22474926

where is this guy from...

>> No.22474940

template argument? failure
ERROR: Please make another argument without referring to America and our guns

>> No.22474945
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God can't have sex with females :/

>> No.22475011

Yes I am prideful of the fact that I can go pretty much anywhere in my nation and act freely without some degenerate coming up to me asking If I have read kant.

>> No.22476224

This goes for race and whatever other identity as well

>> No.22476231

God is a virgin

>> No.22476443

Isn't this just a misunderstanding of what national pride is supposed to be?
To be proud of one's nation means to be proud of it's culture, the values it represents and to be happy to be a part of that group. That does mean you are stripped of your individuality, and renounce to see any of the bad things your nation has done or will do.
Ig that there is truth in saying that it's cheap, but that can be said about anyone who bases their identity solely on a group they belong to and accepts everything it does, without question.
This is just an overly complicated way of saying that the stereotypical redneck is dumb, he is criticizing a fucking caricature. And some retard thought it was deep enough to quote.

>> No.22476708

>he doesn't know about pride of being faggit
Poor archie

>> No.22476721

No group can survive without people feeling proud to be a part of it. There is no reason why you cant be both proud of ur own achievements and of ur tribe.