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22466117 No.22466117 [Reply] [Original]

>Wanting to read Hegel
>First page; I don't understand shit.
>This is supposed to be the most accessible book.

>> No.22466234

Start with secondary literature

>> No.22466331

Read the phenomology of sprit with Gregory B Sadler. After 8 years he's about to finally complete the book.

>> No.22466335

Best not to read it, you'll just read the sloppy seconds of some academicuck and his own interpretation of yet another retard

>> No.22466354

start with Kant

>> No.22466364

That guy is a total asshole

>> No.22466371

>pothead faggot
miss me with that shit m'negro

>> No.22466445

It's well known Hegel was an occultist, so, for the sake of your soul, skip it and read something worthwhile.

>> No.22466680

>want to read Hegel
>Realize I have already grasped the essence of Reality and his writings will likely just run parallel to my own insight, if he is actually as insightful as people claim to be, so I just browse 4chan instead
>woe is to the conqueror who has no more summits to climb :^)

>> No.22466710

You have to start with the greeks

>> No.22466718

Read the last book of the Republic, the Appendix to Part 4 of Spinoza’s Ethics, and then kys because you still won’t understand anything about dialectics

>> No.22466724

If you read Hegel you would realise that to grasp the essence of reality is to realise that one cannot grasp it, that the essence of reality is continual becoming and at every summit there is both a new valley to traverse and a further summit that we never knew was there before

>> No.22466746
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Yeah that is something along the lines of my own thinking.
Thank you for proving my point. Now I can relax content and satisfied with understanding Hegel without reading Hegel :D
Still gonna read him though because I like reading the thoughts of kindred spirits