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22465139 No.22465139 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>meet goth woman
>become friends
>become close
>want to ask her out
>instead she unloads her socialist/lefty political worldview
Anons, what do I do? I get all my political opinions from memes.

What are some books I can read to comprehend politics?

>> No.22465157

>I get all my political opinions from memes.
So does she. The only ones who read books about politics are edgy young chuds, old redneck chuds, edgy antifa teens, and undying Marxist philosopher lichlords.

>> No.22465162

Das kapital, then mein kamph.
Communism and fascism are the only 2 real political idealogies,

>> No.22465166



>> No.22465179

Socialism by Ludwig Von Mises

>> No.22465185

Start with il principe
Then platos Republic
Then the bible

>> No.22465205

right wing goth women are superior

>> No.22465209

Any time she brings up politics just laugh and change the topic. You don't need to entertain her childish opinions.

>> No.22465212

State and Revolution by Lenin
Socialism: Utopian & Scientific by Frederick Engels
Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo
Selected works of Ho Chi Minh
Motorcycle diaries by Che Guevara

>> No.22465213

I wish this were true but unfortunately every socialist goth girl I’ve met is addicted to theory. It’s usually the men who haven’t done any reading

>> No.22465251

>become friends
lmao shes never going to fuck you dude

>> No.22465314

Yeah I feel like you already blew your chance at getting a date at least twice based on your post. You can start reading Marx and Engels, throw in some Lenin and Che, and become more acquainted with that political group ideologically speaking so you can present yourself as one of the tribe so to speak. Mimesis will only get you so far though, lefties respect Stalin, so eventually you will want to learn about him and his writings. Overall I'd say this is alot of work based on your starting point just to get something like pic related which is unironically not that expensive of a sex commodity on the open market. I would just move on and find other pussy. If you are interested still read up on all of that, could help you in the future.

>> No.22465319

Try starting from CIA classic: The Machiavellians. It's well written and will generally work for you no matter who you are ideologically.

>> No.22465326

ask her out first and only if she says yes go through the hassle, what's the point in doing it beforehand?

>> No.22465327

Men develop policital thought, women adopt it.

>> No.22465330

If you don't have any political opinions of your own then just pick hers. I really don't see what's supposed to be the problem here.

>> No.22465716

Start with the foundations of ancient political philosophy. The ancient Greeks and Chinese. Read Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics. For the Chinese, go with Confucius's Analects, the works of Xunzi and Mencius, and then the legalist school of Shang Yang and Han Feizi. Political philosophy always trumps political ideology. Idealogues think in systems, which system achieves the best results, they never think in terms of first principals. What is justice? What is the good life? etc. If you study the classics, you'll be able to think in those terms and get an advantage over her.

>> No.22465767

Adopting a woman's political opinions is a social dead end.

>> No.22465790

This isn't /pua/ gen, but your entire dating strategy is wrong. Should have asked her out in the first to third time you met her. Doing the long-term on a marked target - "the sniper" - never works.

Best rec in thread.

>> No.22465802

>he says, quoting something verbatim he saw on the internet

>> No.22465823

Goth women are stupid and stinky.

>> No.22465839

Whenever she brings up socialism just shrug and say
>yeah but why would I change the rules of the game when I know I can win?

>> No.22465882

>Should have asked her out in the first to third time you met her. Doing the long-term on a marked target - "the sniper" - never works.
Do Americans really? Real dating strategy is to hang out a couple of times then get drunk and fuck, if all goes well maybe you fuck again and then perhaps you can become a couple.

>> No.22465893

Too bad they don’t exist.

>> No.22466042


>> No.22466057

Rousseau The Social Contract followed by Marx followed by Mein Kampf. You will then be based and understand politics.

>> No.22466197
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>Vehemently socialist
> Dolled up with marketable clown makeup and clothing that caters to a profitable subculture.
These people are insufferable.

>> No.22466302
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If you think you need to read left wing political books in order to bang a goth chick, you have already lost.

>> No.22466304

My friend who's fucked around 50 girls used to be a raging commie and he uses all the theory he read in politics class to pick up artwhore socialist chicks. In day to day life he's very conservative but when talking to girls he comes across as a massive liberal. Truly inspirational.

>> No.22466313

This is totally real and actually happened

>> No.22466444

Hardcore friendzoned she's just gonna use him to brag about politics and her problems

>> No.22466471

politics or all philosophy/humanities is you get your opinions by the feelz and try to come up with mental gymnastics to justify it

>> No.22466483

if you focus hard and align your chakras, you can astrally intuit this guy's linkedin where he tries desperately to make his second rate STEM degree and gay thesis on "neuroadaptive technologies" make him sound like a silicon valley zuckerqueer genius

>> No.22467223
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I don't want to just read leftist political books, right-wing is fine. But I meant more like, I don't know anything about politics, and I'd like to know more to base my opinions on something
Side note, I always felt Sam and the "red pill" community he's gathered would be above women, or at least simping. But after Fishtank, I was pretty surprised at how everyone buckled for some random women

>> No.22467300

Not just an American phenomenon. But yes, it is cringe.

>> No.22467303

punch women

>> No.22467374

no mentally ill woman is right wing

>> No.22467507

>What are some books I can read to comprehend politics?
you don't
>I get all my political opinions from memes.
just say exactly this
she'll have a reason to be easier on you (+ normie fags are very common,she will not be surprised)

>> No.22467663
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yes they do.
find yourself some qt that’s into edgy industrial, neofolk, noise and stuff like that. guaranteed insane but irrestible

>> No.22467710
File: 35 KB, 394x630, ThePrince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this to understand the entire heart of politics. If you liked it, then his Discourses on Livy.
This is all you actually need. Then perhaps a specific book on whichever political theory you're interested at the moment.

>> No.22467755

They do, but that bitch is one of the worst examples you could've posted.

>> No.22467792

Um, Spell is based

>> No.22467802

She probably got her information from social media so trying to understand her views from a "intellectual" and actually logical way by reading about her views is already a dead end, just skim some commie blogs and you'll get the gist of it.

>> No.22467818

Don't listen to these idiots. Pretend you have no knowledge or opinions about politics at all, a blank slate. Ask her questions. Ask her what to read. Go from there.

>> No.22467823

You're an NPC and shouldn't really bother with anything. You're a tiny little bug with no opinions of your own, and your only motivation to be opinionated on something is a sad attempt to engage with the other souless automatons such as yourself. Honestly, you'd be better off watching or listening to any type of popular Netflix slop or flavor the month artist to improve your chances with women, instead of whatever you're trying to do now, or you should just kill yourself, that would be the first admirable thing you would ever do with your life.

>> No.22467856

Yeah, just act really eager to hear what she has to say with nothing to contribute of your own. Make sure to hang on her every word. Women love that. Especially modern women in their 20s love to sleep with a guy who will randomly let them grandstand and show off how much of an arthoe they are. They really have real opinions that they want heard and that are worth hearing, they aren't just trying out saying shit they overheard some e-personality they actually want to fuck saying. By bowing down at their feet and letting them use you as a soapbox while they blather about the books they know from a TikTok that they're supposed to like, you are sure to get laid immediately. ALWAYS respect women and act receptive by default to everything they have to say, they like a man who treats them as interesting by default, that shows the man has standards and options. You know this is true because women say it, and you can always trust what a woman says.

>> No.22467861

Read history, politics is just a scam anyway you think politicians are intelligent people? Literal fucking lying weasels.

>> No.22468104


>> No.22468236

Boiled it down very nicely

>> No.22468260

the gender ratio has to at least be 1:1000 women to boys and you know it

>> No.22468488
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>What are some books I can read to comprehend pathocracy and its characteropath fellow travelers?

>> No.22468575


>> No.22468587

brother she's not looking for a co-conspirator, she's looking for a slave follower. Just listen to her and ask questions and never give your opinion or feedback ever. This will give her nothing about to you to dislike, then one day she will get bored and fuck you. Let her feel intelligent and morally superior.

>> No.22468588

I'm currently dating one.

>> No.22468674

Fuck off Netflix shill.

>> No.22468782

well that's a bit of a loaded subtitle

>> No.22468797

Try to emulate Nick Land (but go easy on the hard drugs). You'll be the Dark Intellectual bad boy that every goth socialist qt craves

>> No.22469198

>emulate a squalid jew worshipping grifter
Yes, I suppose that might get you quite far in today's society. Worked for the Tate brothers.

>> No.22469213
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I feel like it's a waste. That girl doesn't suck cock. All that metal in her pretty face would probably just obstruct decent blowjobs. Deep down she wants a guy with a fat wallet and to eat his ass, but not before she's a single mom from some beta. Probably, a complete waste of time.

>> No.22470864
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If you want to understand politics read
>star spangled crown by Charles Coulombe
>De regimine principum by St. Thomas Aquinas
Dont fall for democracy, republic, communism etc those are all the same jew memes. The only political theory you need is a Traditional Catholic absolute monarchy.

>> No.22470905

Monarchy relies on 86000000000 neurons. Democracy relies on 86000000000000000000 neurons. Which is smarter?

>> No.22470924

I’d tell you to do the sensible thing and not discuss politics with women (esp. women you’re romantically interested in) but, honestly, if you didn’t realize this yourself it’s probably over for you.

>> No.22471018


>> No.22471072
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>thinks millions of "people" can make the correct choices
>the same people are willingly physically and chemically castrating their children
>links to wikijew
I can see your nose from here

>> No.22471147

>Traditional Catholic absolute monarchy
I'll take you seriously once the Holy Roman Empire of Ohio-Pennsylvania is up and running. Until then you can be filed under fanfiction ideologies

>> No.22471284

I was joking. Obviously the "wisdom" of crowds only comes from accurately guessing the number of marbles, and if you've ever seen the news, then you know crowds are mad (mob mentality) in important judgements, which is why the US has judges, an electoral college, presidents, etc., not a direct democracy.

>> No.22471444
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>he wants judges, an electoral college, presidents, etc who are drawn from the same pool of amoral, non-Christian, 70 iq zionist degenerates who castrate their children and want you in jail for not agreeing with them

>> No.22471453

ctrl-f jared taylor...

>> No.22471455
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1380, TraditionalCatholicAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanfiction ideologies
Have you converted to the one true faith Traditional Catholicism? Do you pray the rosary everyday?
>And in all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.
- Matthew 21:22
>Because no word shall be impossible with God.
- Luke 1:37
Do you doubt what is possible anon?
>And he said: Come. And Peter going down out of the boat, walked upon the water to come to Jesus.
- Matthew 14:29
>But seeing the wind strong, he was afraid: and when he began to sink, he cried out, saying: Lord, save me.
- Matthew 14:30
>And immediately Jesus stretching forth his hand took hold of him, and said to him: O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt?
- Matthew 14:31
Don't come at me with your weak faith. Repent and become Traditional Catholic immediately.

>> No.22471481

Lol, antifa teens have never even read Marx, let alone any other political theory

>> No.22471827

Austria - Hungary was an absolute monarchy, and also an absolute disaster. Monarchists have a romantic vision of a government type that is totally unsuited to the needs of the modern world

>> No.22472879

Do you think you're actually going to understand anything? Just watch YouTube and let her peg you

>> No.22472969
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pic related