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22463019 No.22463019 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite text that you like to reread?

>> No.22463021

>tats aren't stupi-

>> No.22463031

The Psalms
The seventh circle of hell is being force to fix her.

>> No.22463048

The Prince
t. dark triadic corporate degenerate

>> No.22463054
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>Men’s natures wrangle with inferior things, Though great ones are their object.

>> No.22463063

Going by that monitor, already >akked

>> No.22463078

It would be hell for sure then.

>> No.22463130

why do mentally ill people make it so obvious? not that i'm complaining

>> No.22463157

I'm not that kind of chud, but those are some particularly hideous tattoos.
Regardless, who is this semen demon?

>> No.22463191

nevermind, it's just another russian whore

>> No.22463210

Tattoos are awful. Don't be afraid to have an opinion because you want to be seem as progressive and open minded.

>> No.22463211
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>Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

>> No.22463258
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Cats are so cute. Here's another

>> No.22463263

Tattoos can be a very meaningful and beautiful thing in the right social context.
but in the decontextualized posthuman hellscape we inhabit, they are nothing more than cheap cosmetic addons/reskins for our simulated personas

>> No.22464440
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>> No.22464442
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>> No.22464452

Ovid's Metamorphoses. A great work, plus it's useful to remember a lot of Greek myths.

>> No.22465001

"The Things" by Watts, i specially enjoy the final soliloquy from the delusional alien.

>> No.22465100

Every couple of years I'll usually re-read one of Robin Hobb's trilogies.

>> No.22465118
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I read aphorisms from out of Cioran’s On the Heights of Despair multiple times per day.

>> No.22465168

All tattoos except mine are cringe btw

>> No.22465271
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>> No.22465283

T. Hasn't read the Prince or plato

>> No.22465291

Thus spoke zarathustra during my teenage years

>> No.22465295

If one cannot be loved AND eespected/feared it is better to be respected/feared.

>> No.22465308


>> No.22465309
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>Fahrenheit 451
>The Call of Cthulhu
>A Farewell to Arms
>The Hobbit (very good for the autumn)
>Psalms 22 & 23 (together they are very impactful)
>Pot Stories for the Soul edited by Paul Krassner

>> No.22465320

How do I stop ruining myself by trying to fix bpd
Also I can save her.

>> No.22465341

Those clearly aren't tattoos, just doodles with regular pens. I honestly find that far more attractive, I feel like the main difference between adornment and mutilation is the permanence.
The thoughts, feelings, and sentiments 'expression' is meant to represent are always transient. What might have been a meaningful badge of 'authenticity' at the time becomes a reminder of how much we are no longer the person we were all too soon.

>> No.22465366

Augustine's Confessions
Ada, or Ardor

>> No.22466088

Riddley Walker

>> No.22466094

This woman is not real.

>> No.22466126

I'd give anything for a hot white girlfriend. eurobros you have no idea how lucky you are. skinny white women are so goddamned rare nowadays in the states, literal unicorns

>> No.22466135

this excerpt from the album artwork for "Songs About Fucking" by Big Black

>oh, you think that was a nice piece there, eh? i'll tell
you something. i got an exit book here, shows the bes
steak on any mile of interstate in the whole pig-
friggin' country. shows every decent motel and a few
indecent ones. shows where to get a new axle at four
in the morning. fucking bible. well, i got another little
book i wrote up myself. sort of an exit and entrance
book, if you get me. shows me where every piece of
ass i ever picked up is. i can get laid inside ten
minutes just about anywhere in the fucking world. it's
all in the book. this one chick though, i'll never
forget it. moved her ass like a blender. bitch simply
could not get enough. buck and scream like a wild
animal. every time i go through jersey i stop in for a
taste. the one thing i can't stand is when they get
emotional about it. want you to call 'em and write
'em. when i'm gone, i'm gone. i'll take 'em with me for
a while, we ride, then fuck, then ride. i've burned out
three mattresses in the cab-over up there. that one,
though. she was wild.

>> No.22466384

Patrician taste

>> No.22466427

Ontem à tarde um homem das cidades
Falava à porta da estalagem.
Falava comigo também.
Falava da justiça e da luta para haver justiça
E dos operários que sofrem,
E do trabalho constante, e dos que têm fome,
E dos ricos, que só têm costas para isso.
E, olhando para mim, viu-me lágrimas nos olhos
E sorriu com agrado, julgando que eu sentia
O ódio que ele sentia, e a compaixão
Que ele dizia que sentia.
(Mas eu mal o estava ouvindo.
Que me importam a mim os homens
E o que sofrem ou supõem que sofrem?
Sejam como eu não sofrerão.
Todo o mal do mundo vem de nos importarmos uns com os
Quer para fazer bem, quer para fazer mal.
A nossa alma e o céu e a terra bastam-nos.
Querer mais é perder isto, e ser infeliz.)
Eu no que estava pensando
Quando o amigo de gente falava
(E isso me comoveu até às lágrimas),
Era em como o murmúrio longínquo dos chocalhos
A esse entardecer
Não parecia os sinos duma capela pequenina
A que fossem à missa as flores e os regatos
E as almas simples como a minha.
(Louvado seja Deus que não sou bom,
E tenho o egoísmo natural das flores
E dos rios que seguem o seu caminho
Preocupados sem o saber
Só com florir e ir correndo.
É essa a única missão no Mundo,
Essa existir claramente,
E saber faze-lo sem pensar nisso.
E o homem calara-se, olhando o poente.
Mas que tem com o poente quem odeia e ama?

>> No.22466442

Al otro, a Borges, es a quien le ocurren las cosas. Yo camino por Buenos Aires y me demoro, acaso ya mecánicamente, para mirar el arco de un zaguán y la puerta cancel; de Borges tengo noticias por el correo y veo su nombre en una terna de profesores o en un diccionario biográfico. Me gustan los relojes de arena, los mapas, la tipografía del siglo xviii, las etimologías, el sabor del café y la prosa de Stevenson; el otro comparte esas preferencias, pero de un modo vanidoso que las convierte en atributos de un actor. Seria exagerado afirmar que nuestra relación es hostil; yo vivo, yo me dejo vivir, para que Borges pueda tramar su literatura y esa literatura me justifica. Nada me cuesta confesar que ha logrado ciertas páginas válidas, pero esas páginas no me pueden salvar, quizá porque lo bueno ya no es de nadie, ni siquiera del otro, sino del lenguaje o la tradición. Por lo demás, yo estoy destinado a perderme, definitivamente, y sólo algún instante de mi podrá sobrevivir en el otro. Poco a poco voy cediéndole todo, aunque me consta su perversa costumbre de falsear y magnificar.

Spinoza entendió que todas las cosas quieren perseverar en su ser; la piedra eternamente quiere ser piedra y el tigre un tigre. Yo he de quedar en Borges, no en mí (si es que alguien onions), pero me reconozco menos en sus libros que en muchos otros o que en el laborioso rasgueo de una guitarra. Hace años yo traté de librarme de él y pasé de las mitologías del arrabal a los juegos con el tiempo y con lo infinito, pero esos juegos son de Borges ahora y tendré que idear otras cosas. Así mi vida es una fuga y todo lo pierdo y todo es del olvido, o del otro.

No sé cuál de los dos escribe esta página.

>> No.22466477

Tu crois au marc de café,
Aux présages, aux grands jeux :
Moi je ne crois qu'en tes grands yeux.

Tu crois aux contes de fées,
Aux jours néfastes, aux songes.
Moi je ne crois qu'en tes mensonges.

Tu crois en un vague Dieu,
En quelque saint spécial,
En tel Ave contre tel mal.

Je ne crois qu'aux heures bleues
Et roses que tu m'épanches
Dans la volupté des nuits blanches !

Et si profonde est ma foi
Envers tout ce que je crois
Que je ne vis plus que pour toi.

>> No.22466486

Poggio Reale

Una breve finestra nel cielo tranquillo
calma il cuore; qualcuno c’è morto contento.
Fuori, sono le piante e le nubi, la terra
e anche il cielo. Ne giunge quassú il mormorio:
i clamori di tutta la vita.

La vuota finestra
non rivela che, sotto le piante, ci sono colline
e che un fiume serpeggia lontano, scoperto.
L’acqua è limpida come il respiro del vento,
ma nessuno ci bada.

Compare una nube
soda e bianca, che indugia, nel quadrato del cielo.
Scorge case stupite e colline, ogni cosa
che traspare nell’aria, vede uccelli smarriti
scivolare nell’aria. Viandanti tranquilli
vanno lungo quel fiume e nessuno s’accorge
della piccola nube.

Ora è vuoto l’azzurro
nella breve finestra: vi piomba lo strido
di un uccello, che spezza il brusio. Quella nube
forse tocca le piante o discende nel fiume.
L’uomo steso nel prato dovrebbe sentirla
nel respiro dell’erba. Ma non muove lo sguardo,
l’erba sola si muove. Dev’essere morto.

>> No.22466627

oof, pls more modern babes by 90s/00s computer setups

>> No.22466648
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For me it's the Last Messiah by Peter Wessel Zappfe. A damn shame the rest of his work wasn't translated into english.