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/lit/ - Literature

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22461254 No.22461254 [Reply] [Original]

Shelf & Stack threads are the Literary equivalent of Funko Pop Displays.

>> No.22461260

Funko pops are nice
I am also massively gay for owning them

>> No.22461263

Times are tough and it’s understandable that not everyone can afford physical books or a place of their own to curate a library. You just can’t turn into a sour grape envious of those who have robust or nice collections

>> No.22461264

It's really only VERY cringe if you post your collection online

>> No.22461270
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Times are tough and it’s understandable that not everyone can afford Funko Pops or a place of their own to curate a display. You just can’t turn into a sour grape envious of those who have robust or nice collections

>> No.22461274

The harshest /lit/ truth is that we all need to get off this wretched board
>not all of us are retards like u
I'm serious!!

>> No.22461279

There is nowhere else on the internet to discuss books which is both funny and also discussing actual western canon writers, and not genre fic Harry Potter Reddit shit or whatever. This board wins by default since it’s the least shit book place.

>> No.22461290

No they're not

If you like collecting stuff then why not collect something less stupid? Even if you just want to own plastic toys of characters from movies and TV shows, why not buy different toys, look for rare specific things or whatever. Put some heart into it.

>> No.22461293

shut the fuck up
>Verification not required.

>> No.22461302

Fine. It's still gay though.

>> No.22461304

his pose makes the picture look glorious

>> No.22461341

r/trueliterature is better content wise but I’m so used to /lit/ and the imageboard style that I can never make the jump

>> No.22461351

It was a joke, obviously

>> No.22461355

I want something which mixes fun and memes with actual serious content. It is almost always one or the other. I tried the Reddit subs for Chaucer and Plato. Both are dead and sometimes go months without posts. Also the latter has dumb threads like “did Plato know about Antarctica???”

>> No.22461359

Shelf? Yes. Stack? No.
I actually use stack threads as a way of getting book reccomendations, if some anon posts a 6 book stack and I like 4 out of them I might be inclined to check out the other two since it seems me and that anon have similar tastes.

>> No.22461361

Oh and posting clearly fake quotes attributed to Plato and asking “which dialogue does he say this?!” I have seen that a lot too.

>> No.22461387

Fuck you funko pops are cool

>> No.22461391

I don't get it

>> No.22461393
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>> No.22461400
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>> No.22461401

If only that was the worst part of /lit/. Too much of the catalog is plainly unacceptable. Reddit has more lame responses but at least they are in topic. And since Reddit is popular, every once in a while you get an expert chiming in, like a professor with expertise in a certain area.

>> No.22461406

No one cares about your wanking over dead philosophers (all cis white men) when we have real problems in the 21st cent.

>> No.22461421

Shelf and stack threads are the only good threads in this shithole. At least they are free of schizophrenic shitposters, religious nutjobs and larpers.

>> No.22461433

physical books have a purpose unlike funko pops, but I agree with the fact that collecting stuff for the sake of collecting is stupid
having shelves full of shit you have never read is the same as displaying funko pops, but having a shelf with all the books you've read is different since they are not only there to 'decorate' your room.

>> No.22461437

All the books I have read are just lying around on the floor of my room.

>> No.22461442

reading books is not the same as playing with little furry things

>> No.22461461

Yes, aside sharing niche research reference material.

>> No.22461489

incorrect your grandchildren can read your books they won't care about your funko pops

>> No.22461492

I’m thinking of reading all future books online then buying irl copies to put on the shelf

>> No.22461528

Without reading this thread I’m going to assume anons think there must only be one reason for shelf threads but there are multiple and shades of each
1) Vanity. Sure you read and it functions as a bit of a trophy room. One should be proud though of what they’ve read. It a dying, tedious, sometimes difficult hobby. Vanity is only a problem is that’s your only reason for posting a collection
2) community. You can tell a lot about a person by what they read. Always nice to get to know other anons’ taste.
3) recs. The odds are overwhelming that if an anon has a decent collection they read. I know there is sometimes some sort of bizarre cope going around where anons believe if an anon has a lot of books they don’t read and just show off. Life doesn’t work like that though. And yes, it’s a book can stay in near mint condition even if it’s been read. Maybe these are just trolls though. Shelf threads are a good place to ask about individual books you are interested in if another has them. If you see another anon who has a lot of books you like, you probably have similar taste so see what other books they own. Favorite threads function the same way. Shelf threads are a good way to throw a lot of shit at the wall and see what gets picked up. Individual book threads usually fail

Out of all the cancerous threads on /lit/, shelf threads have a purpose and are benign. If a shelf thread bothers you so much, it’s probably best to figure out why

>> No.22461544
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>> No.22461551

I can understand collecting nice looking figurines, even if it is just consumerist garbage at the end of the day, but why Funko Pops? They don't even look good

>> No.22461596

Just figured I’d type a few minute reply out answering those complaining about a car not having enough air in the tires as the engine is on fire. I’m just tired watching this board change and go to waste. Soon anons will be complaining about current read threads (why should I care what youre reading?!?), even though those are much more uncommon, which is mind boggling to me. They should be stickied or something. Reading is the basic common tie that binds us, or should be

>> No.22462186

I usually lurk those threads to find new book recommendations. Funko pops serve no utility while books store information. It would be like equating owning a DVD collection with owning a stamp collection.

Not that I'm saying owning stamps is even as cringe as Funko pops since even they have historical value while Funko pops don't until another twenty or so years pass.

>> No.22462196

For some people. I like looking at other people's shelves and looking shit up. It's like browsing at a bookstore. The anon who collects various editions of LOTR is the literary equivalent of Funko. Same for anyone who collects Folio Society shit.

>> No.22462197

I miss those threads where we would go to r/bookshelves and competed to find the cringiest photos

>> No.22462206

/lit/ used to be much more anti-Reddit and anti-genre fic back in the day. Sad to see the culture gone.

>> No.22462209

>having a shelf with all the books you've read is different since they are not only there to 'decorate' your room
yes they literally are

>> No.22462210

It's the unemployed version of disputing who got the best business card

>> No.22462212

I don’t actually hate genre fic or Harry Potter or Tolkien or whatever but it is part of our board culture to insult then and also there’s a million other websites to discuss those things.

>> No.22462234
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Let's see Paul Allen's bookshelf.

>> No.22462240
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>> No.22462242

what is the history of funko pops,?

>> No.22462267
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Yesss I rediscovered THE reddit bookshelf. Boy did I make people mad on /lit/ with that one.

>> No.22462339

What's wrong with trying to collect all the Funkopops and taking up the bum on Friday nights?

>> No.22462342

Damn those are good cabinets, too bad it protect goyslop

>> No.22462349

damn couple of really expensive pops on that stand. I reckon the whole collection could go for like 15 grand to the right buyer. and before you say this is silly, Magic the Gathering collections can go for this much

>> No.22462354
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>she doesn't organize her blue books from light blue to dark blue

>> No.22462369

People who read more than 8-9 books/year are nerd incel herbs

>> No.22463214
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>> No.22463271
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Behold the true /lit/ book storage

>> No.22463274

it's pretty cool when 2 people have bought the same thing

>> No.22463294

they look much better, though
get the fuck out

>> No.22463305

I'm sorry but this is a midwit/working class/mid 20s cope. If you are a professor or intellectual you will have a very large library. Imagine if Noam Chomsky only had a library like the middle pic. There is perhaps wisdom in the idea that studying a few books well is a better than studying many books superficially, but the few books I can make out from the middle pic aren't anything special and are just /lit/ starter pack stuff. Mid-20s /lit/ guys are not smarter than university professors.

>> No.22463312

once you get past 20 books it really depends on the type and genre I suspect

how many humanities academics are truly in the upper echelon of thinking and how many are constructing elaborate unfalsifiable hypothesis using the rubric of literature reviews

>> No.22463314

Holy spaghetti monster I remember seeing this one and being mad. You got the best of me sir.

>> No.22463316

Cringe. Keep coping.

>> No.22463329

>constructing elaborate unfalsifiable hypothesis
STEMbugs think "unfalsifiable hypotheses" are the only way to claim knowledge about the world because they can't cope with ambiguity and uncertainty. Literature is not about that. What we can know via "unfalsifiable hypotheses" are small and they won't help us in the realm of value.

>> No.22463384

Apparently that mofo moved house and now it's somehow worse.

>> No.22463396

okay so you're retarded and like fancy words and emotionally potent but vacuous sociology books

>> No.22463419

at what point did nerd culture become a byword for "stupid people who read escapist trash"?

>> No.22463426

OP got me with his 9/10 trolling. Therefore I must post this

>> No.22463443

My guess is around the time when the ipod touch came out

>> No.22463456

>t. guy who can't afford Funko Pops or a place of their own to curate a display

>> No.22463564

I just stack books inside boxes because I'm too lazy to out up shelves. It's not like I typically read a book more than once anyway.

>> No.22464160

>not only
they are there because they are books you've read and you have to store them somewhere
or do you throw your books away after you've read them?

>> No.22464401

The other day I wanted to participate in the "post your reading space" thread so I cleaned up my room and while holding my phone to take the picture a wave of self-awareness came over me and I said to myself "what the fuck am I doing" so I put down my phone and sat in my now clean room

>> No.22464415

You are self conscious

>> No.22464418

His shirt says fight for freedom but you just know he was masked up for 3 years straight

>> No.22464492

That has happened to me a few times too.

>> No.22464738

based. those threads are gay lol

>> No.22465584

gj anon you cleaned your room and did not participate in the social media circle jerk

>> No.22465589

>but you just know he was masked up for 3 years straight
Let's not act like you weren't.

>> No.22465751

i find reddit practically impossible to use. the interface is so fucking annoying.
that's before i get to any actual posts
4chan is amateurish looking but that's part of its appeal

>> No.22466768

NTA, but I wasn't. I'm also not vaccinated, don't have a cell phone. I'm not on social media, not even the "alt" ones (despite actually contributing to them several times.) I don't fall into trends and you shouldn't either, anon.

>> No.22467245

Lots of people thought the masks were a good idea and wore them without being forced to. I'm unironically convinced the push back against "muzzles" or whatever was actual russian disinformation to create chaos and weakness in their geopolitical rivals.