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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22454006 No.22454006 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on him ?

>> No.22455086

Insipid fag.

>> No.22455229

My favorite writer of all time. Unironically the only writer you need on your bookshelf. His books have everything you could ever need from religion, politics, philosophy, history, art, self help, nature, sex, masculinity, magic, meditation, fashion, and more.

>> No.22455233

Atheists try to cope that their religion is nihilism with 2 ways.

The first one is ''traditionalism'', ie ''everyday I want a bureaucratic daddy to tell me what do to in his fascist republic while I am pretending to be wicca witch doing magikkk in my sparetime like Evola''.
Second, with the atheist called Nietzsche and his retarded idea to delude yoruself further and create and fight for your own values.

>> No.22455238

What is the alternative?

>> No.22455240

Read about actual religion.

>> No.22455242

And that does what exactly?

>> No.22455247

You put it into praxis.

>> No.22455249
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So something like this?

>> No.22455255

Idc if you want to larp as a gay racist wizard just don't be a pseud like Ebola.

>> No.22455263

the most based man of the 20th century

>> No.22455276

Ok my point is you should have said you want worldwide liberalism in the first post. Don't make us work for it

>> No.22455310

Unbelievably OP of an author, I think very highly of his works. I unironically have to stop myself from reading the trads too much since it sort of just goes against the grain of everything society has raised me on and I don't if I can handle it so fast.

>> No.22455311

*think I can handle it so fast

>> No.22455317

Can't think of a more retarded "philosopher"

>> No.22455364
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>> No.22455485

Stormtranny graphic design never fails to make me kek.

>> No.22455486

omg I LOVE chudola

>> No.22455530

The portions of his writings that deal with metaphysics are wholly unimpressive compared to Guenon, Schuon and Coomaraswamy, but he has interesting insights on a range of other topics and he is an entertaining read.

>> No.22455610

Can you elaborate?

>> No.22455642

Here are people who subvert the values. More life! More Dyonisus!
>this song hits twice as hard now that i've medically transitioned. i spent my childhood wishing i was lighter, my eyebrows were smaller, my eyes were blue, that i looked like the girls the boys liked. when i figured out i was trans, i didn't think it would be a problem anymore. but now i feel like no one will ever want my brown, trans body. i don't regret transitioning, and i know it was the right choice. but it just hurts.

>> No.22455644

Evola is Mysticism lite for people who can't read, Guenon is a Catholic who abandoned his faith for Sufism when he realized the Vatican was a lost cause. Both of them made shit up and basically shilled for political views: Gueon was a Theocratic Monarchist and Evola was a Fascist Neo-Feudalist.

Much like Blavatsky, who was a Theocratic Socialist, and Crowley who was a hedonistic anarchist, they knew quite a deal, spent a good amount of time with primary sources and distilled existing ideas into their own understanding.

I'm going to get a response saying that Crowley and Blavatsky were frauds, but abandoning your faith for Islam, and being a Magical Tantric renegade Fascist ostracized by your own tradition is pretty much the same as saying you're giving birth to the Anti-Christ or in contact with magicians from India. If we view all 4 of them for their works alone, ignoring the personal problems and insanity, they were all quite well spoken, did good work, and had a strong grasp on some of the material they talked about. Blavatsky was intimately familiar with Gnosticism, Vedanta, Hermeticism and Tibetan Buddhism (in fact this has been confirmed by 20th century Tibetan Buddhists, she very clearly did meet Dzogchen and Mahayana adepts). Crowley had a good grasp on Taoism, an incredible understanding of Kabbalah/Qabbala, Tarot, Numerology, Alchemy and other mystical currents. Guenon was an excellent metaphysician echoing the Geometric-Mathematical metaphysics of Volume 1 of Blavatsky's secret doctrine, a sign that he did indeed understand the perrenial wisdom, or the Secret Doctrine as she called it. It seems that Evola had a good grasp on Vedanta, though inserting his own views as well, strong grasp on Tantra, and a strong grasp of initiation and its relationship with esotericism. Actually taking anything the four of them said on faith is extremely stupid.

Read what they read, and come to your own conclusions. Modern spirituality is marred by a few things: the existence of Christian culture and theologians; Atheism and rationalism in academia; Anglos translating Eastern ideas improperly; Jews suppressing ideas; Fascists polluting Eastern and Western Esotericism with anachronistic nonsense racial science and racial teleology; Metaphysics as a talent dying off with the 19th century. It is absolutely best to go to the texts themselves while using these people as biased encyclopedias and as foils to your own understanding. I agree with Evola's Kali Yuga, Crowley's Age of Horus, Blavatsky's universal brotherhood and cosmogenesis and Guenon's ideas about the degeneration of spiritual principles. I reject most of the rest of what they say. Doing that has helped me considerably in my studies.

They all had bad things to say about each other too in the end.

>> No.22455760

>I agree with Evola's Kali Yuga
Evola's Kali Yuga? I haven't gotten around to him, but does he have a different Kali Yuga than Guenon, and especially eastern traditions?

>> No.22455763

Yo! Someone who gets it. Damn. Post ye discord id and I'll add you.

One complaint:
>christianity le dead
Tomberg, equally problematic to take on faith alone tho a good distiller like those mentioned and his mentor Steiner, is not wrong methinks to say trad is not dead and that it is moreso hidden... in heart of hearts or heart of world / axis mundi of initiate.
>evola n tantra
For example, I would consider this strain far more "dead" than Catholicism and Christianity altho there are certainly both "pseudo-initiatic" and "counter-initiatic" of the latter altho also the former. I'd say Crowley had a similar not bad grasp of subject too likely from same sources.
Eliade is perhaps best source for this IMO. I need to read Otto perhaps tho. Hear Eliadean theophany is rip off of his numen.

Kinda unrelated but wrt initiation I was reading some article the other day n it said how all initiation is auto since atman is brahman and that cracked me up (and then is liber al on the level of vedas? do you end up in what Deleuze would call "flat" ontology?)

>> No.22456364

Though I am Catholic, this is well said.

>> No.22456449

I prefer Arthur de Gobineau, even if he was wrong on some things his world history book studied from a racial perspective remains a masterpiece, and he goes through all the counter-arguments and all the relevant civilizations that have ever existed. He wasn't even a fascist and he called the Germans inferior to the French. This speaks even more against the idea that he was anywhere close to a fascist. Even if you disagree with the main argument there's a lot to be learned from the essay.

>> No.22456826

Evola doesn't even practice magic you fucking idiot. His meaning of magic is different, read a book some time.

>> No.22456828

>actually crying about racism on 4chan
Fucking kek

>> No.22456894

Dude you don't pass

>> No.22456940

I enjoyed his conception of world history that he wrote about in Revolt. Nothing else I read interested me much

>> No.22457031

>real magic is not real magic

>> No.22457709

>but abandoning your faith for Islam, and being a Magical Tantric renegade Fascist ostracized by your own tradition is pretty much the same as saying you're giving birth to the Anti-Christ or in contact with magicians from India.
Retarded take desu. You may not like Islam but comparing it to practicing tantra or magic is pretty idiotic .
It's also evident that the "post-Christian" west is the largest enabler of the Anti-Christ while the Islamic and Hindu east remain at least somewhat traditional.
>Guenon was an excellent metaphysician echoing the Geometric-Mathematical metaphysics of Volume 1 of Blavatsky's secret doctrine, a sign that he did indeed understand the perrenial wisdom
Are you a perennialist? Why do you think Islam and Hinduism are giving birth to the Anti-Christ? In my understanding they are traditional forms representing the first and last traditions in this cycle.

>> No.22458775

>I agree with Crowley and Blavatsky
>I agree with Guenon's ideas about the degeneration of spiritual principles

>but abandoning your faith for Islam is pretty much the same as saying you're giving birth to the Anti-Christ or in contact with magicians from India
You are beyond hopeless. Imagine writing a wall of text when you dont even understand the basics of what Guenon or Evola discuss, because if you understood the basics you wouldnt make such a stupid comparison.

>> No.22458785

Ok Putin.

>> No.22458788
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>Evola was a Fascist Neo-Feudalist.

>> No.22458791

Fraud. His writings on philosophy and ancient religions are mostly wrong.

>> No.22458924

When he writes about metaphysics its usually subordinated to his political and/or aesthetic concerns as opposed to examining the truth of the idea itself and its full implications.

>> No.22459567
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Closeted homo.

>> No.22459610

Jorjani retroactively refuted him.

>> No.22460157

>we need an epic trad font
>I know, Tempus Sans ITC!

>> No.22460195

Not everyone can be 60000 IQ like le hecking based Marxerino

>> No.22460377

The fact that you use this retarded shit as a copypasta is disgusting. Couldn't even bother to come up with something better. Absolutely disgusting.
That's reasonable. I binged it all as fast as I could, then I digested it. Now I am trying to find a way to apply it practically. But I suppose a more gradual study would work just as well.
You probably don't understand his metaphysical writings because it's not for you. Evola is in complete agreement with the other Traditionalists, the only difference is the perspective.
Doesn't even deserve a (You).

>> No.22460415

His Neoplatonic framework works for Western and Hindu traditions but not for Eastern ones, which are typically more oriented towards a process philosophy like Alfred N. Whitehead. Evola tends to ignore and misinterpret everything that doesn't fit into his Neoplatonic sociohistorical framework of involution.

Perennialists are misguided. There were no Hyperboreans. There is no One Primordial Tradition. There are genuine irreconcilable disagreements among various Traditions, and their concord does not point to any shared transcendent narrative. Some parallels in myths about giants does not necessarily mean anything.

And no, immanence is not defined as being matriarchal or feminine. All of this is due to totalizing the thought of Bachofen, whose scholarship was far from perfect (though understandable given his time). For example, the Varna culture was highly patriarchal and pre-Aryan, Not all of Europe was full of hippy gynocentrists prior to the Aryan incursions.

Also, the Aryans saw the moon as masculine, the sun as feminine, and the daylight sky as the masculine primary gdd. Already that's a big blow to Evola. You're better off reading more up-to-date scholarly sources and sticking to the tradition whose metaphysics you find the best. Esoteric garbage like this leads nowhere.

>> No.22460457
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>not for Eastern ones, which are typically more oriented towards a process philosophy like Alfred N. Whitehead.
>Perennialists are misguided. There were no Hyperboreans. There is no One Primordial Tradition. There are genuine irreconcilable disagreements among various Traditions
>And no, immanence is not defined as being matriarchal or feminine.
Your post is also riddled with inaccuracies btw. It would appear that you have never heard of Cybele and that you mistake the ancient Aryans for Germans alone and no other. From among the civilised nations, only the Germans and the Japanese have the Sun as feminine and the Moon as masculine, and Evola makes a point to criticise this confusion, and it is an obvious confusion if you understand anything about metaphysics at all.

>> No.22460469

Germanic and Baltic paganism are closest to the original Aryan traditions. The point is that there were pre-Aryan patriarchal peoples too (such as the Varna culture I referenced).
The personification of the sun as a masculine figure in Hinduism most likely derives from non-Aryan elements.
>it is an obvious confusion if you understand anything about metaphysics at all.
Kys, smug anime poster pseud.

>> No.22460476

Aryan weren't patriarchalists. Women had the right to free marriage.
In this life of mutual trust, it was considered that serious and well-founded affection on free choice was not too much; girls had the right to marry only at their own convenience. This was the rule; and when politics or other reasons transgressed it, it was not without exception that the victim brought a relentless grudge into the dwelling, and excited there by those storms which, according to many legends, sometimes ended in complete ruin of the most powerful families, so great and indomitable was the pride of the Germanic wife.

>> No.22460491

>Germanic and Baltic paganism are closest to the original Aryan traditions.
Cope and seethe. I sure hope to God you're not a Balt.
>The point is that there were pre-Aryan patriarchal peoples too (such as the Varna culture I referenced).
NOBODY CARES RETARD. Pointing to a patriarchal culture in a sea of matriarchal ones doesn't prove anything, nor does it prove anything to have a patriarchal culture that is non-Aryan.
>The personification of the sun as a masculine figure in Hinduism most likely derives from non-Aryan elements.
And in every other Aryan culture it's the same, right, my mentally challenged friend? Surely it's not the Germans who are the exception, but everyone else?
You're wrong about everything, but at least you can talk a big game. If only everyone was a smug retard like you, there would be no need for "smug anime posters" like me to show contempt, nor would there be need for writers like Evola, since their words would be wasted on your lot.

>> No.22460496

>Aryan weren't patriarchalists
Have you read Evola? He argues they were very patriarchal. Granted, I'm not saying you are wrong though. Evola is not a good source for scholarly information, which is the crux of my critique.
>Women had the right to free marriage.
I don't know. Reconstructing it for the original Aryans is very difficult. Granted, the original Aryan tradition was *closest* to Germanic and Baltic paganism than it was to Persian, Indian, or etc. traditions. For example, in the case of Persian traditions, there was a lot of local BMAC (Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex) elements that influenced its construction (e.g., there is evidence fire temples may have predated Aryan incursions). For Indians, there was there was IVC (Indus Valley Civilization) elements.

>> No.22460505

Kys, you stupid fucking pseud. Go seethe elsewhere.
>Pointing to a patriarchal culture in a sea of matriarchal ones doesn't prove anything, nor does it prove anything to have a patriarchal culture that is non-Aryan.
Yes it does. I recommend looking up how existential and universal quantification work. Pointing to an exception in this regard points to far more nuance than Evola's myopic work.
You're most likely full of intestinal parasites, hence the lack of emotional regulation with all caps. I recommend a parasite cleanse for your shit zoomer self asap.
> like Evola, since their words would be wasted on your lot.
Why don't you print out a picture of that swarthy Sicilian and lick it because it's obvious you have no mind or intellectual integrity outside of your cult leader.
> Surely it's not the Germans who are the exception, but everyone else?
Modern reconstructions and scholarly research is pointing to Germanic and Baltic paganism as being *closer* to original Proto-Indo-European mythology.

>> No.22460518

Here, shithead.
Pgs 270
[...] OF the unshakable axiom that this principle was the strength of the social body, and that, since man had power over the children born, nurtured and raised by him, the prince had full authority over his subjects, whom, like children, he watched, guarded and defended in their interests. and in their lives. This notion, in itself, and if one looks at it in a certain way, is not, strictly speaking, Chinese. It belongs very well to the Aryan race, and precisely because in this race each isolated individual possessed an importance which never seems to have had in the inert multitudes of black and yellow peoples the authority of the complete man, the father of the family, over his members. i.e., on the people gathered around his home, had to be the government type.
Where the idea is altered as soon as Aryan blood mies with species other than whites, it is in the various consequences drawn from this first principle. "Yes," said the Hindu Arian, or Sarmatian, or Greek, or Persian, or Mede, and even the Celt, "yes, fatherly authority is the type of political government; but it is nevertheless by fiction that the two facts are brought together." A head of State is not a father: he has neither the affections nor the interests. While a family head wants only very-difficultly, and by some sort of reversal of natural laws, [...]
Pgs 271
[...] the illness of his offspring, it may well be that the prince, without even being guilty, directs the tendencies of the community in a way too damaging to the particular needs of each one, and therefore the worth of the Aryan man, his dignity is compromised; it does not exist, the moreso, the Arian is no longer himself: he is no longer a man.. This is the reasoning by which the white warrior simply stopped the development of patriarchal theory, and, consequently, we have seen the first kings of the Hindu states as merely elected magistrates, fathers of their subjects in a very restricted sense and with a heavily guarded authority. Later, the rajah gained strength. This change in the nature of his power came about only when he commanded far less Arians than mestizos and blacks, and he had the less free hand as he wanted to use his sceptre on whiter subjects. The political sentiment of the Aryan race is therefore not absolutely repulsed by patriarchal fiction alone, it only comments on it in a cautious manner.
Moreover, it is not only among Hindu Arians that we have already observed the organization of public authorities. The States of ancient Asia and the Nile civilization have also offered us the application of this pacific formula [...]

>> No.22460536

Keep seething.
>Yes it does. I recommend looking up how existential and universal quantification work.
Bro, never call anyone a pseud again. You're the type of guy to memorise keywords and then waltz up in a totally inapplicable context and just start mouthing off. Absolute state of you. How about you start citing any of Evola's "myopic works" where he states "every single culture in pre-Aryan Europe is patriarchal"? If you could, your inane objection would have *some* value. It would still not address the central point, but it would be an interesting peripheral argument. But you can't do that. Because he never makes any such statement. Therefore, all you've done these past two posts is reveal that 1. You don't read Evola 2. You're seething really hard right now 3. You are an arrogant pseud desperate for attention and the appearance of a crumb of intelligence, which you unfortunately lack.
>muh caps
I saw you say something really dumb and anticipated you would follow up with something even dumber (which you did), so I was trying to warn you that you're about to embarrass yourself. As is typical of your kind, you failed to even notice my generosity. Oh well.
Modern reconstructions and scholarly research is pointing to Germanic and Baltic paganism as being *closer* to original Proto-Indo-European mythology.
Oh really? Which ones, and on what points? Since you're so informed on the matter, I expect you have the citations readily available.

>> No.22460544

>"every single culture in pre-Aryan Europe is patriarchal"
He argues most cultures in pre-Aryan Europe were matriarchal. I was pretty clear about that.

>> No.22460554
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Hence why I said this:
>NOBODY CARES RETARD. Pointing to a patriarchal culture in a sea of matriarchal ones doesn't prove anything, nor does it prove anything to have a patriarchal culture that is non-Aryan.
Which still continues to stand as a valid statement, now perpetually, since you've decided to kneel down and admit that citing one example of a patriarchal culture does not contradict Evola's position.
Toodles, queer!

>> No.22460558

Pointing to a number of exceptions proves it too much of a generalization to say the pre-Aryan cultures were defined by being matriarchal, you stupid fucking brainlet.
>citing one example of a patriarchal culture does not contradict Evola's position.
there are more, but you have to be aware that research is always increasing and we're looking at ruins and making inferences based on the burial sites and one's hierarchical status.

>> No.22460565
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>Pointing to a number of exceptions proves it too much of a generalization to say the pre-Aryan cultures were defined by being matriarchal, you stupid fucking brainlet.
(Which you did not do btw.)
(Also it still doesn't, as per the definition of the word "exception")
Read more or seethe more. Your call!

>> No.22460572

>(Also it still doesn't, as per the definition of the word "exception")
Yes, it does matter because it reveals that the trend Evola argues for is inaccurate. It's inaccurate to say these Pre-Aryan groups were largely defined by being matriarchal.
>Read more or seethe more. Your call!
Revolt was enough of him for me, low IQ zoomer frogposter. You don't even follow his Path of Action or Contemplation, and I don't think Evola meant "shit posting on imageboards" when he said "ride the tiger".

>> No.22460617

>Yes, it does matter because it reveals that the trend Evola argues for is inaccurate.
I literally just pointed out that you don't know what the word exception means and you still went and said this stupid shit. I don't know if I should feel more embarrassed for you or more embarrassed for myself for still humouring your stupid crap.
>It's inaccurate to say these Pre-Aryan groups were largely defined by being matriarchal.
Ah, an empty assertion. Very compelling argument. Perhaps if by "Pre-Aryan groups" you refer only to this Varna culture and to other exceptions, then we would be in agreement. But that would be a very desperate attempt at a verbal trick this late into the argument. Either that, or you still struggle to keep up with the main relevant points of our conversation. I honestly feel like it would be most charitable of me to just assume you're making an empty assertion here.
>Revolt was enough of him for me, low IQ zoomer frogposter. You don't even follow his Path of Action or Contemplation, and I don't think Evola meant "shit posting on imageboards" when he said "ride the tiger".
Well clearly you got filtered by whatever little bits you've read, since you've only said three things about Evola in this thread thus far and they were all wrong. You made an inane comment about the sun/moon issue in German mythology, claiming it is a "big blow to Evola" (he actually discusses that very point), then you made a non-sequitur about pre-Aryans since you were under the impression that it somehow had relevance to Evola's framework, and now you're making pretty uneducated comments about Ride the Tiger too. FYI Ride the Tiger makes the case for absolute freedom of action, regardless of whether that is becoming a warlord, posting on imageboards, or committing suicide. So yeah, I guess that's your third strike, huh? You're posting in an Evola thread, you've only made three comments about the author, and all of them are completely ignorant of the author's works. The fact that you're not even embarrassed is the most concerning part of it all. If you at least felt the need to correct this or at the very least shut your trap, that would speak volumes about your integrity - in a positive way.

>> No.22460631

oh no the coke addict gay jew is totally gonna deconstruct our world! it's over

>> No.22460671

>I literally just pointed out that you don't know what the word exception means and you still went and said this stupid shit. I don't know if I should feel more embarrassed for you or more embarrassed for myself for still humouring your stupid crap.
If there are at least 10, 20, or more exceptions, then one can call into question the trend. It has to be viewed proportionally.
Regardless, I do not see evidence that most pre-Aryan civilizations were matriarchal. Yes, it's true that a lot of Southern European Pre-Aryan civilizations like Minoans were matriarchal though. However, that is an exception *more in your favor*. What would be needed, in this regarded, is a statistical analysis.
>they were all wrong
I've only read Revolt, but he was pretty clear in his claims and he was wrong. The original Aryans, prior to contact with other peoples, most likely did not see the sun as a masculine figure or the moon as a feminine figure -- it was the inverse. Furthermore, there were no Hyperboreans. Involution is a nonsensical theory and evolution is an undeniable fact. All of biology rests on evolution, which does not necessarily imply having to accept a Neo-Darwinian approach though.
Also, Evola is pretty clear man > woman. He defended Sati after all, the practice of burning Indian widows. He creates constant dichotomies and decides superiority on this basis: the patriline over the matriline, being over becoming, transcendence over unity, elitism over egalitarianism, masculine over feminine, solar over lunar, North over South, white over black, human over animal, heroism over cowardliness, centeredness over ecstasy, order over chaos, and form over formlessness, among others. At least according to him.
I also do not agree with the Being versus Becoming metaphysical dichotomy as a primordial sociohistorical Traditionalist framework. As I've explained, absolute transcendent Being, on the peak of existence, was not the defining feature of ancient traditions. There were no Hyperboreans or any transcendent force that interacted with this world valuing Absolute Being.
I did like Evola's criticisms of Protestantism as being behind the Anti-Traditional industrialized world order though.

>> No.22460720

Here are ~45 pre-Aryan civilizations. Only 6 were possibly matriarchal:

Sumerian - Patriarchal
Akkadian - Patriarchal
Babylonian - Patriarchal
Elamite - Patriarchal
Egyptian Old Kingdom - Patriarchal
Egyptian Middle Kingdom - Patriarchal
Harappan (Indus Valley) - Patriarchal
Shang Dynasty (China) - Patriarchal
Xia Dynasty (China) - Patriarchal
Minoan - Possibly Matriarchal
Canaanite - Patriarchal
Phoenician - Patriarchal
Olmec - Patriarchal
Badarian (Egypt) - Patriarchal
Naqada (Egypt) - Patriarchal
Uruk (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Jemdet Nasr (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Kish (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Lagash (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Umma (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Ebla (Syria) - Patriarchal
Mari (Syria) - Patriarchal
Yamnaya - Patriarchal
Corded Ware - Patriarchal
Bell Beaker - Patriarchal
Maikop (Russia) - Patriarchal
Varna Culture - Patriarchal
Vinča - Patriarchal
Cucuteni-Trypillia - Patriarchal
Linear Pottery - Patriarchal
Funnelbeaker - Patriarchal
Pitted Ware - Patriarchal
Globular Amphora - Patriarchal
Halaf (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Ubaid (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Hassuna (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Samarra (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Natufian (Levant) - Patriarchal
Khiamian (Levant) - Patriarchal
Obeid (Mesopotamia) - Patriarchal
Çatalhöyük - Possibly Matriarchal/Matrilineal
Norte Chico (Peru) - Possibly Matriarchal/Matrilineal
Iroquois (Native American) - Matrilineal
Various Amazonian Tribes - Possibly Matriarchal
Various African Matrilineal Cultures - Matrilineal

>> No.22460723

This is gonna be my final post in the thread. You obviously don't care about Evola and I doubt any of the other posters in this thread read books either anyway.
>What would be needed, in this regarded, is a statistical analysis.
You still haven't done this, you are just talking shit ostensibly in order to persuade the other illiterate posters in this thread.
>it was the inverse.
This is just plain wrong. I genuinely don't know what to tell you. Belief in the inverse is retarded because it is genuinely incoherent and this can be easily seen by pondering the symbolism. The Sun is the pollinating principle because without the Sun no life can bloom. The Moon merely bears and nurtures its light. This is the exact relationship between the masculine and feminine on every plane, and it is obvious. In order to even think that a masculine Moon is sensible, you already need to have an inane, folksy perception of mythology where it is just "stories". Which you probably do, and don't even care about the meaning and purpose of mythology. And I guess that's fine. I am done caring. You don't. Why should I. Anyway. If the Aryans universally maintained a masculine Moon, then they would have been an idiotic degenerate people.
>Furthermore, there were no Hyperboreans.
The Hyperborean is an archetype and a symbol, not a historical people. Evola has repeatedly stressed the mythological nature of the Hyperborean. By this definition, there are Hyperboreans alive *today*. But you don't care about the definition, you just hate Evola so you're here to trash him anyway. So whatever. Moving on.
>Involution is a nonsensical theory
You reveal your assumptions when you say "all of biology rests on evolution". Your highest horizon is the bios, presumably because you're a materialist and acknowledge nothing that can't be measured in centimetres or kilograms. The idea of honour or personal autonomy, for example, probably means nothing to you. Without that, even the first step to understanding Evolian involution is lacking.
Next point. Evola cares nothing for historical form, only for principle. I am the same. Spirit is superior to matter. Every sane nature ever has agreed on this. Full stop. If you disagree, by all means enjoy the time you have as matter.
>transcendence over unity
Transcendence is moving towards unity in Evola's framework. You must mean some kind of social, humanitarian "unity".
>absolute transcendent Being, on the peak of existence, was not the defining feature of ancient traditions
It wasn't a feature because it was anterior and superior to all of them, yes. That is the Evolian claim.
>There were no Hyperboreans or any transcendent force that interacted with this world valuing Absolute Being.
There are such people living today. Even Buddhist monks protesting via self-immolation are evocative of the image. They certainly don't justify their actions as attachment to the samsaric world.
This is all I can give you. I am tired. Goodbye.

>> No.22460733

IDK who you are but we were obviously talking about pre-Aryan Europe. Very cool of you to cite Egypt and Akkad and Sumer and Canaan, but a cursory glance through your list combined with a cursory knowledge of geography demonstrates just how terrible it is. Also, you have cited the fucking Yamnaya culture as a "pre-Aryan" group. They are literally Aryans.
Many early Semites - matriarchal peoples - are also conspicuously missing from your list. You have zero integrity as a historian, researcher and person. I would've appreciated not having you butt in on my conversation. I guess I can't expect more from this board.

>> No.22460759

>You still haven't done this
I just did above, pseud.
>If the Aryans universally maintained a masculine Moon, then they would have been an idiotic degenerate people.
Look up the reconstructions of *Seh2ul and *Meh1not and then compare to the Batlic and Germanic peoples' mythologies. After all, they have the most Aryan admixture as modern population genetics show, and in their mythologies the sun is personified by a female figure and the moon by male.
>not a historical people
Maybe Ancestral North Eurasian would be a good contender if viewed symbolically. They did come from Siberia, and the Aryans themselves had significant ANE ancestry. The Ainu also had ANE ancestry.
They weren't mystical giants though.
>Retarded pseud zoomie gibberish
I'm actually a panpsychist and was pretty explicit that one can critique the Neo-Darwinists.
>Transcendence is moving towards unity in Evola's framework.
Evola is pretty clear that he is anti-pantheist. By transcendence he means going "above" and "beyond" the profane material world.
>Even Buddhist monks protesting via self-immolation are evocative of the image.
Many of them are nondualists who do not see a metaphysical hierarchy inherent in the Universe. Buddhanature is fundamentally equalizing. Not saying I agree, but I am just taking issue with your oversimplifications.
>They certainly don't justify their actions as attachment to the samsaric world.
Nagarjuna literally says samsara and nirvana are not separate, not two. If you need the quote from the MMK, I can give it.
Fuck off and eat shit, pompous smug faggot.

>> No.22460767

"There is no distinction whatsoever between samsara and nirvana; and there is no distinction whatsoever between nirvana and samsara."
-- Nagarjuna
>Yamnaya culture as a "pre-Aryan" group. They are literally Aryans.
I know. My list wasn't refined.
>Many early Semites
There are many Semites on the list. You can go ahead and list the matriarchal ones. I don't know every single goddamn pre-Aryan civilization, but from a cursory glance, most were patriarchal.
>I guess I can't expect more from this board.
You can leave indefinitely and won't be missed.

>> No.22460768

>His Neoplatonic framework works for Western and Hindu traditions but not for Eastern ones, which are typically more oriented towards a process philosophy like Alfred N. Whitehead.
Why can't Neoplatonism gel with process philosophy?

>> No.22460809


>> No.22460839
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He is alright. bit short of the really top tier dudes who ever walked this planet.

>> No.22460954

i liked the intro to magic series
mask and face of contemporary spiritualism was really good as well
i think evola is a pretty cool guy. i would have like to hang out with him in post ww2 rome. wheeling him around the streets and pointing at women with big tiddies.

>> No.22461069

Kek, I wish I could do that too, he had to be a fun guy to be around.

>> No.22462050

>Doing that has helped me considerably in my studies.
How so? Based on what I read in your post it seems like you struggle with basic reading comprehension, given that you called Guenon a "theocratic monarchist."

>> No.22462241

lol most of those aren't even pre-Aryan, you idiot.

>> No.22462270

>hence the lack of emotional regulation
from the guy who can barely type a sentence without telling the other guy to kill himself or insulting him personally in some way, this is quite hilarious
>Modern reconstructions and scholarly research
an absolute joke, yet you take it so seriously. Evola definitely isn't for you. maybe go read about how whiteness and the patriarchy helped the rise of fascist donald trump.

don't even bother with the faggot, pretty sure it's the same mentally ill brownoid shut-in in every Evola/Guenon/Trad thread sperging out over how Guenon and Evola's understanding is out of date because of muh modern-day academia and muh new research, which for him is the only way of knowing things, because he's profane.

>> No.22462284

>i liked the intro to magic series
ya, it basically filters everyone, people rarely even understand the main point of it let alone practice it seriously or delve into the material introduced. haven't really found much else like it...magic stuff readily available in English basically smothers the truth behind a veil of trash, people think it's just about "magically" getting money or a girlfriend using a ritual lol. or maybe contacting a demon (usually for the same purpose). on 4chan i've never seen anybody come close to revealing anything or showing they know anything beyond remembering theories they read, except for once or twice on /x/.

>> No.22462441

I really hope this is written by an AI given how littered it is with inaccuracies.

>> No.22462879

bump for visibility

>> No.22462886

Why are you back?
Actually, I support patriarchy, retarded cunt.
A lot of them are pre-Aryan.
>mentally ill brownoid s
Probably whiter than you, twiggy zoomer shithead. Go jump off a cliff, dumbass.
>how Guenon and Evola's understanding is out of date because of muh modern-day academia
Not my argument, illiterate faggot. Fuck off to your Discord.

>> No.22462895
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ITT: trad chud cucks seething over being called out ha

Lol. Lmao even

>> No.22462928
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He is a goldmine of quotes

>> No.22462961

Only now realized you faggots seem to think that patriarchal is when men and matriarchal is when women, like any society has ever been matriarchal and as if the true meaning of patriarchal isn't the idea that the politcal leader is the fictional father of his subjects. Soijacks should be banned from social science.

>> No.22463189

Uhhhmm why are you still here, fellow enlightened redditor? go read academic and scholarly publications. Your to intelligent to read Evola, he's for racist nazi science deniers who burn diesel fuel and make fun of trans folx and BIPOC like you.

>> No.22463195

How is he so based?

>> No.22463200

Thanks for the blog update

>> No.22463205

I think human beings were meant to live in small-scale homogeneous groups in connection with the land, and mankind has deviated too far from this default evolutionary state. You can't get more anti-Reddit than that. Kys, pseud.

>> No.22463245

thank you Hannibal.

>> No.22463260

People who don't know shit about his work seethe about him nonstop as we can see in this thread. People who actually know his writings think of him highly and hold him in great respect. That's because he is the ultimate pseud filter.

He's the greatest of all time.

>> No.22463275

>human beings were meant to live in small-scale homogeneous groups in connection with the land,
to the contrary, this is essentially a feelgood, inoffensive, politically correct worldview you will find promoted by small-minded communist university profs, redditor numales and sjw hogs, maybe apart from the word homogenous.
>evolutionary state
do i even have to say it?

what do you mean by "meant for" btw? that isn't how evolution works. any way, evolution is an inversion of the spiritual reality of man, it was concocted by a weirdo in contact with demons, advertized by anti-human scum like the Huxley's. guessing that the freemasons are involved in its proliferation.

>> No.22463279

Idk about greatest of all time but he's definitely on another level and the average person will never understand.

>> No.22463287

"aristocrat of the soul" is an extremely cringe concept

couldn't possibly take him seriously

>> No.22463326

He never even used the term, shows how little you know

>> No.22463354

>maybe apart from the word homogenous.
It was an essential part of what I'm saying, you low IQ trash. Human beings lived in homogeneous villages in connection with the land for most of history. Our earliest hunter-gatherer ancestors were more nomadic though.
Nothing like multiracial, multicultural groups existed.
>that isn't how evolution works.
Evola's concept of Involution is brainlet desert schizo tiered bullshit. There were no Hyperboreans who degenerated (via miscegenation) and whose vestigial traces persist among certain groups of people. Human beings evolved from the primate family. This is not to say I condone race mixing, but I simply do not see any evidence for schizophrenia of Evola or Robert Sepehr.
There may be a decent argument for maleficent, nefarious extraterrestrial influencing or mixing with human beings though, but they wouldn't be "spiritual" at all. I do see some evidence in the Kabbalah in favor for this since some of the earliest rabbis were discussing the integration of Judaic "wisdom" with transhumanism even before the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.22463413

>influencing or mixing
influencing, synthesizing, or mixing*

>> No.22463440

you're interpreting spiritual matters from a materialistic/scientific standpoint
same thing here

>> No.22463462

>you're interpreting spiritual matters from a materialistic/scientific standpoint
I mean, Evola already conflates them given how he ties patrilineal ancestry to his metaphysical conception of caste. They would have a kind of dual relationship of sorts.
>same thing here
If something Saturnians or Hyperboreans came here, then they would be an invasive species that were more of a net negative to the Earth. Moreover, this does not entail all world traditions reflecting their intent or design.
The way Evola frames his Being vs. Becoming dichotomy feels very anti-life in many ways. At the end of the day, our lives depend on cyanobacteria that produced oxygen and phytoplankton, and so one cannot be considered as metaphysically superior to them. I find claims of metaphysical superiority grounded in esoteric narratives very suspect, and it is fundamentally adharmic and against both Mahayana teachings of prajnaparamita and Daoist teachings of Wu Wei.

>> No.22463584

Not him but who is greater? I've read (skimmed) thousands of writers especially right wing ones and I can't think of anyone better. People have written better books yes but as a singular writer I can't think of anyone better.


As I said in this post there is no one who writes seriously about this many topics. Out of the like 400 conservative writers I read maybe Thomas Carlyle, Joseph De Maistre, and a few others would be in the ballpark but again Evola wrote about so many different things if you were going to pick a single person to read the rest of your life it would have to be him

>> No.22464369
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>> No.22464498

>Not him but who is greater?
Idk, he's my favourite too and if I had to pick a writer to read for the rest of my life it'd probably be him, like you. I'm just not going to say something as far-out as "best of all time" when I don't actually know and haven't read everything. Guénon and others are up there as well if you're interested in the esoteric aspect.

>> No.22464512

>Human beings evolved from the primate family
Is there any hard physical proof of this at all? No, there isnt.

>> No.22464597

Don't care about esoterics, but everything he says about the n****fication of America is correct, it's probably the best short political essay of the 20th century, the one which correctly predicts the character of the world in the 21st.

>> No.22464628
File: 82 KB, 800x1067, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen. It's 16 minutes long, and describes the situation perfectly.
Only Americans will deny he is correct, because they cannot distinguish a n****fied culture from a non-n****fied one, since the former is the only thing they know, and quite possibly the only thing they are capable of knowing -- even when they listen to a Beethoven symphony or read a Shakespeare play, they tend to feel it and interpret it in a n****fied way whose ultimate result is John Williams and the Hollywood action movie, it's inevitable for them, it's the only way they know of experiencing the world.


Anyone who is European, Japanese, Latin-American, Chinese, Indian, Arab etc., unless they be already Americanized by mass media, will agree with him.

>> No.22464638

>Is there any hard physical proof of this at all?
Actually, there is strong evidence like fossil records that show transitional forms between primates and humans. DNA studies also confirm that humans share about 98% of their genetic material with chimpanzees, our closest relatives.
We also act alike in some ways, such as how we use tools and communicate. These similarities are more clues that show we come from the same family tree.
How can you deny evolution when breast-feeding is done by all mammals?
Also, orangutans already resemble Evola's path of contemplation and gorillas resemble Evola's path of action: >>/lit/thread/22218099

Evola's disdain for the natural world prevents him from seeing certain intersections with his own philosophy.

>> No.22464653

>How can you deny evolution when breast-feeding is done by all mammals?
Checkmate religitards!

>> No.22464658

I am actually very religious but anti-Abrahamist.
Mahayana tradition values solitude, preferably in natural scenery, and contemplation more than your petty esoteric garbage that leads nowhere.
I would be fine with all Abrahamists being executed for being icchantika.

>> No.22464676

Typical tr*ditionalist servile mindset. God is everything, I am nothing, the worst think you can do is to disobey the orders coming from above etc. etc.

>> No.22464680

>Also, orangutans already resemble Evola's path of contemplation and gorillas resemble Evola's path of action
No they don't. Not even close. Once more you approach things from the most profane, materialistic point of view. Some of these critiques are so stupid it's like you're trolling.

And where does Evola say he has disdain for the "natural world"? He says one must not get emotionally attached to it like hippies or neo-pagans or like you possibly seem to be; rather, one must intuit spiritual forces acting in the "natural world" which man is connected to through his inner world.

>> No.22464691

That's only possible if there is no distinction between church and secular power as in early Islam. If the ruler is not simultaneously the high priest, politics are above spirituality in terms of their power within society.

>> No.22464692

Am I suppose to know who this is?

>> No.22464693

>Mahayana tradition values solitude
Then why can't you stfu and leave? I get it, you're lonely, but it's unhealthy to substitute 4chan for actual socializing, and you're not technically in solitude, you're just being anti-social, being mean to people and sperging out.

>> No.22464697

We share 50% of our DNA with trees
We share 97.5% of our DNA with mice
This means literally nothing

>> No.22464712

Back to /pol/, racist fascist asshole.

>> No.22464717

O-okay . . .

>> No.22464722

>rather, one must intuit spiritual forces acting in the "natural world" which man is connected to through his inner world.
Infinity is basically a fractal of the real and unreal, and the quasi-border
between the unreal and real is Infinity. The whole universe is one body breathing in fractal complexity, but you cannot separate the motion of fractal complexity from itself. There is only the motion occurring, which means I privilege Becoming over Being.
>Once more you approach things from the most profane, materialistic point of view.
A mysterious irradiance permeates everything, so it's not good to dismiss natural phenomena, many of which our lives depend on, as meaningless and not imbued with a sacred dimension. In fact, it is you who is nihilistic and materialistic in not seeing a deeper meaning in the social organizations of gorillas and orangutans. The social organization of gorillas, indeed, leans more towards the "Path of Action" whereas orangutans, being more solitary and contemplative, leans towards the "Path of Contemplation". If mankind were evolutionary closer to either gorillas or orangutans rather than chimps and bonobos, who tend to be crazy, then they would have most likely had stronger Traditional inclinations. Something like the Anti-Traditional cancer of industrialization would most likely not emerge then.
>And where does Evola say he has disdain for the "natural world"?
He says it frequently in Revolt (p. 204). He views Earth as inferior to the Spirit, but I am arguing the Spirit is inferior to the Soul. Infinity is found in the quasi-border of both.

I think I'm closer to Klages, but I disagree with his matriarchy and feminism. I like gorillas and think we should imitate their patriarchal social organization. The way the Silverback gorillas treat the females in their harems, who are completely submissive, is based. This aspect of Evola I tend to like.

>> No.22464748

Greater Apes are obviously related to us, dumb cunt. Just study their social organization, look at their anatomy, study their brain structures, look at their fucking hands, their facial features, etc. Gorillas and orangutans are actually more civilized than negroes and Abrahamists.
I work on the computer and get distracted, and I like to teach dumb icchantika cunts like you. Know your place. I am both your intellectual and spiritual superior, and I am being humble in this claim. I have better taste in literature, film, and much more than you. You should revere me instead of damn Evola. You bastards should make me into a cult figure, not faggots like Evola, Jorjani, or whatever. I bet you watch crappy Blockbuster films instead of sophisticated European art-house films like me. I am the greatest intellectual on this cesspool of a site. Maybe if you took more high-quality krill oil for that shit brain of yours, you wouldn't be a complete faggot. I bet you haven't ever done a parasite cleanse either, and I know for sure you're full of tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, and etc. You are a wormy irascible scoundrel, a bitch in the truest sense of the word. I, myself, am like an iridescent avian god. I am the culmination of the wisdom of Empedocles, Heraclitus, and all of the Pre-Socratics. You're just a little bitch who watches trashy anime. It's obvious from my library, my decorum, my class, my general way of being, etc. The book I am writing is far greater and impressive in scope. Each one of my posts should be cherished like polished lapis lazuli. My mind is far more centered and luminous than the sewer that is yours. Stupid fucking faggot. You're the negro, not me. Be wise to ever challenge someone as magnificent as myself ever again.

>> No.22464779

I don't watch tv/movies and haven't since getting into Trad writings a couple years ago. Also, primates (like you lol) are related to humans. They descended from ancient man-like beings in past cycles long ago. I kek'd at your long-winded post though. Good job. Yet I worry for your mental health.

>> No.22464787

>A mysterious irradiance permeates everything, so it's not good to dismiss natural phenomena, many of which our lives depend on, as meaningless and not imbued with a sacred dimension
Evola also believes that there is meaning to everything in nature, there are chapters in his books on this. He doesn't disdain it, but he doesn't irrationally worship it like hippies or neo-pagans. I don't recall what passage you're referring to, but everything in Evola's worldview has a higher meaning.

>> No.22464788
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You're just jealous that I am more virile than you. Pic-related.

>> No.22464800

Liberal here
He's alright. Worth reading for a different angle, though he should never be your only stop.

Really gets people bitching though, like most philosophers that people don't read. This board doesn't read philosophy. They talk about philosophy but they don't read philosophy.

>> No.22464807

Did you read his philosophical works in Italian? They haven't been translated into English.

>> No.22464810

Bears are more virile. Also apes don't possess spiritual virility, just animalistic.

>> No.22464811

lol what the fuck are you talking about of course they have been translated into english

I read the metaphysics of war and some of the magic stuff. Have a traditionalist buddy with whom I converse about this who has read other things, also not in italian. I'm sure are things that haven't been translated, but I'm indifferent to looking far into this

>> No.22464830

Bears are cool. I have a book on bears I plan to read soon, Bears: A Year in the Life by Matthias Breiter. I've watched several documentaries about bears already.
I am more of a bird person. Many species posses a regality and refined elegance. A lot of traditional European royal fashion have something avian-like about them, which is a shame because they are no longer regularly worn.
>apes don't possess spiritual virility
Gorillas and orangutans do, but I don't particularly like bonobos or chimps. The former are more stable, amiable, and not prone to sexual frenzy and cannibalistic violence like the latter two species. I see such a duality among the Greater apes.

>> No.22464909

I'm referring to his early philosophical works. Theory of the Absolute Individual and Essays on Magical Idealism i think they're called.

>> No.22464910

>Greater Apes are obviously related to us, dumb cunt
Similarities does not equal relation.
Their social organisation also means nothing as it's so wildly different to ours. Applying human concepts to the way they behave does not make them the same.
Its an incredible stretch to believe we are descendants from apes. And all studies done in this regard are performed with the belief it is so.

>> No.22464912

>Gorillas and orangutans are actually more civilized than negroes and Abrahamists
Didn't even see this. Lmao. You are pathetic.

>> No.22464930

>Its an incredible stretch to believe we are descendants from apes.
We are apes and share a recent common ancestor with them. Why is it so difficult for you esotericists and Abrahamists to accept this obvious fact of existence? Accepting it does not imply materialism or nihilism.
Let's start with a cell. Do you know about mitochondria? Do you want to know how it got there? Via endosymbiosis, the process of one species of bacteria devouring another, but instead of digesting it, the two formed a symbiotic relationship. The DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts is much more similar to bacterial DNA than to the DNA in the cell's nucleus, strongly suggesting they originated from bacteria.
This process of complexifying symbiotic interactions led to a multicellular organisms.
A process philosophy that sees evolution as a creative symbiotic force would be more correct in this regard.

>> No.22464934

It's not an obvious fact. There is no definitive proof. It's a belief that was held before "research" was done as "proof".
You may choose to believe you are descendants from an ape. But it's simply not true.

>> No.22464968

>Mahayana tradition
Refuted by Evola and Guénon.

>> No.22464974

>It's not an obvious fact.
It's an obvious fact. It's only due to Abrahamism and esoteric nonsense you are unwilling to accept it. For example, in isolated geographic patches of land in islands, we see the beginnings of speciation with various bird species. With cutting off the gene flow from other populations, genetic diversity is increased in isolated populations, which leads to a greater movement towards speciation as studies show.
>You may choose to believe you are descendants from an ape. But it's simply not true.
No, it's more that you are a Greater Ape. The evidence is overwhelming, and it's kind of obvious from an unbiased, honest perspective too.
Also, even Evola argues that Hyperboreans were of otherworldly origin but they mixed with the telluric humans, who were most likely apes, and this is the basis of his theory of involution.
I don't agree with this theory, but for the sake of argument, let's say it were true: Then this would not be something positive. The Hyperboreans would be akin to an invasive species, on an interplanetary level. If something like Hyperboreans truly did manipulate human evolution, then I believe that would argue more in favor of Ulrich Horstmann than anyone else.

>> No.22464979

manipulate or intermix"

>> No.22465000

>It's only due to Abrahamism and esoteric nonsense you are unwilling to accept it
Even if I were agnostic, or an atheist, I would still be sceptical of it. There really is zero definitive proof. It's as simple as that. Birds having differences, or dogs being bred a certain way is not proof that we are descendants of monkeys lmao.

>> No.22465003

And its curious how desperately you are trying to prove such a thing lmao. Typical evolutionary cultist.

>> No.22465039

Why are evolutards such midwits?

>> No.22465043

What are you going to argue for next? Flat earth?
>Even if I were agnostic, or an atheist, I would still be sceptical of it. There really is zero definitive proof.
There is definitive proof. We see it all the time with microbes. They evolve much more rapidly.
Granted, the "telos" or lack thereof in evolution is a metaphysical question. At most we can say "speciation definitely occurs and all life shares a common ancestor".
>Birds having differences, or dogs being bred a certain way is not proof that we are descendants of monkeys lmao.
As I've explained, if the bird is in a geographically isolated area, with gene flow cut off from other populations, then those differences become more pronounced over time and lead to speciation due to greater genetic diversity.
When I read Revolt, I saw there were two potential ways to interpret Evola's Involution, which I will have to revisit: 1) all life derived from various otherworldly Hyperboreans; their corpses yielded primordial forms that degenerated over time, or 2) telluric lifeforms evolved into complexified forms and otherworldly Hyperboreans then intermixed with humans, who were/are greater apes, leading to preservation of vestigial traces with the higher castes having more Hyperborean admixture.
#1 is wrong and nonsensical.
#2 might be true but does not refute evolution -- it just points to man as having some kind of introduced extraterrestrial essence, which I do not view as a good thing. I think Evola is arguing more in the direction of #2.
If cats are invasive species, which destroy endemic wildlife and threaten ecosystems, and immigrants are invasive humans, which destroy local cultural integrity, then the Hyperboreans are invasive species of an order we cannot conceive.

>> No.22465051

See >>22465003
Keep seething evolutionigger.

>> No.22465059

You're the midwit, fag. Empedocles was more right than you faggots like to admit.
You're the one coping, invasive demon.

>> No.22465064

>evolutionary cultist
It's a fact. It has no bearing on any other views. Accepting evolution doesn't mean you should become a multiculturalist pro open borders tranny (aka Redditor).
Anyways, kys Evola cultist fag. Even critiquing his views is enough to make you retards go haywire. Fuck off to your tranny Discord.

>> No.22465067

jk rowling of philosophy

>> No.22465072
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>create and fight for your own values
oh what an awful idea—I suppose we should all listen to you instead

>> No.22465143

Im sure it made sense in your head

>> No.22465149

It's not a fact. It's a belief that cannot be proven.

>> No.22465164


>> No.22465170

You mean "Everyday I want a bureaucratic daddy to tell me what do to in his theocratic church"?

>> No.22465184

It's really easy to typo his name as "ebola"

>> No.22466098

Watch this


>> No.22466112


>> No.22466182

>in contact with magicians from India
Sirs hmu on whatsapp

>> No.22466190

There has been no infighting amongst my monastic noble friends
Namo avuso
Abuso a homosexuales puto puto puto

>> No.22466228

It's already been proven.
It's mainly the shitskins who can't accept the fact of evolution. I guess you're one.

>> No.22466393

Vin Diesel says

>> No.22466698

Only read Hermetic Tradition and its alright. Although I find Bardon and Atkinson to be superior in a practicality sense and Manly P. Hall in a theoric one.

>> No.22467167

>crypto-Mahayanist "refuted" Mahayana
lol okay

>> No.22467175

Icchantika poster mind explaining to me that if humans are so close in resemblance to apes, why "Spirit" even plagues us to begin with? Wouldn't this suggest there's a characteristic in humanity innate to just humans that makes us diverge significantly?

>> No.22467353

Voices who i talk to a lot told me they are traditionalists.
So now im thinking, fuck it, where do i start with Evola?

>> No.22467384

Not a single one of these people could defeat me in a fist fight.

>> No.22467504

Revolt Against the Modern World. I thought it was going to be /pol/-tier edgelord Nazi bullshit but it was really interesting and profound, even if a little out there. Completely different from what I expected. He's an excellent writer.

>> No.22467545

Ok heres my issue and its a big one
Im christian. I skimmed evolas wiki and he dabbled with occultism, left hand path, esotericism etc.
But i read some of his quotes and i read couple of dozen pages of revolt and im very into it
Wat do

>> No.22467559

>an incredible understanding of Kabbalah/Qabbala
Crowley could not read Hebrew. He spent half his career reformulating goyim diagram fetishists and couldn't even perform simple gematria for lack of basic familiarity with Hebrew pronunciations. Literal F-tier occultist.

>> No.22467562

And like i said i hear voices a lot. And to my shock, in the first pages of revolt evola claims the invisible part of the world was acknowledged as very much real, even more real than the material world, in the traditionalist societies of the past

>> No.22467565

Idk, just read it? He was anti-Christian earlier on but endorsed Catholicism later in life. If you're more interested in the spiritual stuff read Fall of Spirituality as an intro to this side of him, i rarely see it talked about but it is great and a pretty quick read.

>> No.22467572

He saw the sun at midnight like Apuleius.

>> No.22467581

Reevaluate your impulse to dredge intellectual history for heretical midwits, etc.

>> No.22467600
File: 85 KB, 680x671, 41476 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did he not receive mystical revelations from Isis but he was also a faggot. Your move, they/themelite.

>> No.22467665

Also the voices told me once that the leaders of the tribe were appointed there by God either through birthright or through proving themselves through extraordinary tasks against all odds. They live in the centre of the village and are responsible for the village, they need to help fellow villagers because of their superior intellect, wealth through which they realize their altruism. They also live on a more metaphysical plane, which means they partake less in ephemeral things and live more through mind, experience things with mind so that they dont necessarily have to do thing physically, only think about it. They are more lonely because of this cause they dont relate that much to plebeians. Its as if they live their life with a veil that covers actual things, the veil doesnt let them experience those things more concretely, only metaphysically.
Both my mom and dads families are from centres of the villages/ towns which explains my aristocracy.
All of this relates to evola so heavilly, its uncanny

>> No.22467698


>> No.22467736

Am i wrong though

>> No.22467793

Evola isn't racist, at least not in the crude midwit /pol/ way

>> No.22467813

>It's already been proven.
It hasnt. Theories put forward by people who already believed it to be so before performing their 'research' is not proof.

>> No.22467817

bEcAuSe ThE mOnKeYs AtE tHe MaGiC mUsHroOmS DUH

>> No.22467898

I've already elaborated on several possibilities. Regardless, evolution is an undeniable fact even with the ancient astronaut hypothesis, which I do not agree with. I cannot believe I am debating a white man who does not accept evolution. *You* are closer to Arabs, really. You'd be helping your race by offing yourself.
Also, *that* characteristic is not necessarily a positive one unless you're willing to go the Nick Land route. Dumb cunts like you can stick to Evola, I guess.
Stfu, you retarded spiritual Semite low IQ trash. There is enough evidence in favor for evolution. There was no desert god that created each and every lifeform which increases in diversity and complexity based on processes like genetic drift.
Kys. Slit your throat and eat shit in hell. Monkeys are smarter than ingrates like you. You're an icchantika without a glimmer of Buddhanature, so to crush the skull of a moron like you accrues no negative karma.

>> No.22467920

>seething shitskin

>> No.22467931

You're the one spreading shitskin narratives. Go back to worshiping your shitskinned god.

>> No.22467933

the work of an atheist doesnt filter anybody

>> No.22467938

No one is saying God created chihuahuas and poodles. He just didnt create a water bug that turned into a fish that turned into a walking fish that turned into a lizard that somehow turned into a monkey and then into a human.
Monkeys also dont have 'spirit' or a 'soul'. So explain the evolutionary reasoning for that.

>> No.22467960

Did "God" create every single fungal and microbial species too? You're an idiot.
Also why do we see such neuroanatomical parallels between lizard and human brains? For example, there are significant structural similarities between the limbic systems.
You're honestly stupider than any animal. At least they adapt to their ecological niche; all you adapt to is the egregore of your jealous, angry Semitic god. Kys.
>Monkeys also dont have 'spirit' or a 'soul'. So explain the evolutionary reasoning for that.
That's metaphysics, retarded cunt..I've already explained I am a panpsychist.

>> No.22467966

>Also why do we see such neuroanatomical parallels between lizard and human brains?
Why does a human share 50% of their DNA with trees? Why do we share 60% of our DNA with a banana?
It means nothing other than the foundation of life being the same, as all life was created by God.

>I am a panpsychist
Probably also a pansexual too. Keep seething, tranny.

>> No.22467972

>Why does a human share 50% of their DNA with trees?
Because we share a common ancestor. It just goes back farther in time.
>It means nothing other than the foundation of life being the same, as all life was created by God.
It means we share a common ancestor in a complex evolutionary process.
>Probably also a pansexual too. Keep seething, tranny.
Kys and eat shit in hell with your beloved Jew or Bedouin.

>> No.22467973

>trees evolved from a walking fish
Kek. Keep seething, tranny demon.

>> No.22467977

What makes you think I am a tranny, you low IQ Abrahamictard?
>tranny demon
You'll suffer for thousands upon thousands of kalpas for spreading retarded delusions.

>> No.22467984

>What makes you think I am a tranny
Because youre a seething atheist and are telling people with faith in our Creator to kys which is exactly what trannies do.

>> No.22467987

That isn't the reason why I am a tranny, you braindead Abrahamicuck.

>> No.22467988

>seething dark-skinned shudra angrily telling people to kill themselves insists that others lack "buddha nature"

>> No.22467992

>are telling people with faith in our Creator
Your God is a jealous and angry one. Christopher Jon Bjerknes is more right than you think. Crucify yourself like your beloved Jew.
Also, evolution does not reject the existence of God. One can adopt a more nuanced Greek influenced approach.
>seething atheist
Not necessarily.
>which is exactly what trannies do.
Trannies reject basic facts such as how there is only a man (XY chromosome) and woman (XX chromosome) with human beings. I don't.
Also I am not a reductive physicalist and spent many years studying the Hard Problem of Consciousness. Calling me an atheistic materialist is disingenuous.
How old are you?

>> No.22467998

Slit your throat, you stupid faggot.
Lighter than you, spiritual Semite trash. Kill your entire dysgenic family and redeem yourself in hell.

>> No.22468001

>How old are you?
Why? Are you trying to groom me?

>> No.22468003

>Doesn't understand evolutionary phylogeny
How old are you? Also, where were you born?

>> No.22468007

Answer my question, Zoomer shithead. The only people of your level of retardation I've ever encountered are from SE USA, literal evangelical Spiritual Semites. There is no way you're European.

>> No.22468020

I don't care to study fake science.

Born in 1994 in Sydney, Australia. Keep seething trannoid.

>> No.22468021

>Born in 1994 in Sydney, Australia. Keep seething trannoid.
You literally descend from the low IQ criminal trash of Britain. No wonder you're so retarded. Literal the bottom of the barrel of your race.
>fake science
You just care to study whatever confirms your biases. I see.

>> No.22468025

I wouldn't be surprised if a retard like you starts accepting flat earth in the future.

>> No.22468028

My ancestor 'stole' a loaf of bread, but it wasn't actually theft as we apparently share a common ancestor. It was just a family reunion. Nothing low IQ about that.

>> No.22468034

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. If you spend your entire life trying to count to 1 billion, you wouldn't reach it.

>> No.22468259

Btw, I recommend a high-quality krill oil supplementation to help with your retardation.

>> No.22468372

>Regardless, evolution is an undeniable fact even with the ancient astronaut hypothesis
I'm not an Evola fanboy nor did I argue against evolution you neurotic fag, I asked that question because I wanted you to clarify some Klagesian thought for me. We all have a perfect, vitalistic, immanent nature but we seek to stray from it? If you say Abrahamism is the issue, then what was wrong with the people who created Abrahamism to begin with?

>> No.22468407

>and every lifeform which increases in diversity and complexity based on processes like genetic drift.
"Complexity" is the opposite of what evolution strives for.

>> No.22468418
File: 96 KB, 1920x1080, Angel Flying (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was I supposed to know you were different from the person I was debating? Anyways, I apologize for my mistake. You could have at least made it clear you were a different person.
Anyways, that's a very difficult question. I was writing a book about that very same topic...
My conclusion is that something from Saturn came to Earth, blended with human beings, and it constitutes an invasive species. If you study the Kaballah, it does argue in this direction. For example, YHVH's abode is described as being in Saturn, and the hexagram/hexagon of Judaism and the heavy prevalence of black cubes can be likened to Saturn's hexagonal storm. It could be that Abrahamism was calibrated to destroy the Earth and the construction of cities can be likened the northern hexagonal storm of Saturn. Moreover, Muslims also circumambulate a black cube, which is fundamentally Saturnian. Furthermore, the Trinity of Nicene creed only makes sense as a cube whose shadows hit three walls, given modalism is considered a heresy and questioning it cost many their lives throughout history.
Moreover, I have had an out of body experience where I have met King Solomon, who was an extraterrestrial and still alive. He had a kind of yellowish aura, a placid face, and lived in a skyscraper somewhere. I determined this by remembering my dream and looking at some aesthetics of Freemason ceremonies.
If you check here: >>22465043, I actually strongly believe in something like number 2. In other words, I see the "Hyperboreans" as a kind of invasive alien that fabricated logocentric Messianic myths to bring about the 4th industrial revolution. Their goal is to destroy the Earth and eventually eliminate man in order to make the environment more like their home planet.
The earliest Transhumanist was in fact a Kabbalahist named Vilna Gaon. I talked about it in my book. Adam Greene and David Skrbina also talked about him in one video.
This extraterrestrial force seems to aim at severing man's connection to both his body and earth. Consider how Big Pharma has in fact disconnected man more from his body, and as we both know, the body is nature's church. Big Pharma aims as destroying natural immunity.
Abrahamism emerged as a rejection of tree cult worship as the abode of the gods. The first thing Muslims and Christians did was chop down sacred trees.
Part of the reason I am Buddhist is because I found evidence there was originally no historical Buddha. Rather Buddha was born from a tree shrine cult that was euhemerized and molded into a tradition to unify his empire. I substantiate these claims more in my book.
Anyways, my own occult system is called "Hylo-Zurvanism", and it is still a work in progress. I would say I am much more masculine and aggressive than Klages. I view Abrahamists as pests that need to be eradicated kind of like how Australia culls cats due to being invasive species.
The goal of the Saturnians to promote the domination of mechanism over life.

>> No.22468430

That's a difficult question. At most we can say "speciation definitely occurs and all life [on Earth] shares a common ancestor". Actual questions about whether it "strives for simplicity or complexity", whether it is "aimless or has inherent creativity", whether its seamless flow constitutes a living (super)organism, and so on are metaphysical and philosophical in nature. Suffice to say, I am not a Neo-Darwinist.

>> No.22468448

Okay I think I get the jist, but there's just as much reason to believe that the jews are merely *deluded*, rather than withholding to some myth of the jewish race being in contact with space ghosts, and if the jews are just wrong about everything, it would still fail to explain where Geist stems from. I have no doubt that jews likely believe in these things but I'm not sure why.

>> No.22468455

> rather than withholding to some myth of the jewish race being in contact with space ghosts
Which to clarify, I only take issue is bolstering the mystique of jews because it lends credence to them being a 'chosen people' - whether they are chosen for good or evil, it marks them as being of great significance.

>> No.22468466

Well one way to avoid this is via Deleuze's concept of virtuality which is coiled in difference; virtuality is real but not actual. Differential processes unfold from the virtual, which is immanent in all processes. Perhaps, with man's greater creativity and cognition, there are potentialities in man's virtuality that are not aligned with the telluric life, hence Geist. This can avoid claims of aliens, and I was thinking of rewriting the later sections of my book based on this.
Regardless, I do lean towards immanent process philosophies, which also tend to be hylozoist or panpsychist. I do plan to study Whitehead thoroughly in the future. Better time spent than retards like Evola.

Anyways, this book might interest you:

Adam Greene and David Skrbina start discussing it around the 40 min mark (maybe a little before or after):

>> No.22468471

I see your point. Perhaps rewriting my metaphysical theory from the angle of Deleuzian virtuality or another similar idea would be better.
A lot of Abrahamism feels like the bleak and alien paintings of Beksinski but brought forth to this earth, which simply does not jibe well.
Anyways, writing philosophy is not easy.

>> No.22468476

Thank you for clarifying, this is all very interesting but I'm not well read on the topic to say much about it.

Is Dark Souls Klagesian?

>> No.22468504

I haven't studied the lore of Dark Souls as much as Sekiro and Bloodborne. I would argue Sekiro and Bloodborne have Klagesian elements. In Bloodborne, Laurence can be considered a tragic figure that embraced Geist. He believed he could use the old blood and help Yharnam "progress" by consuming it, but that backfired with Yharnam's denizens turning into beasts rather than Great Ones (like Ebrietas). Master Willem, seeing the danger of using the Old Blood for a "greater purpose", such as facilitating the evolution of man, sought more of a balance between Seele and Geist in his research.
Sekiro's lore is very much like this too, and if I remember correctly, it's about clans trying to attain and abuse the immortality bestowed by the Divine Heir's blood. Due to their vain conception of immortality, they ultimately give into Geist. Another example are the corrupt Buddhist monks in Senpou Temple. I don't remember the details well, but ultimately they're experimenting on a girl in order to attain immortality.
This parallels the "cash-crazed" technocrats who abuse life-extension technologies, like cryogenics and perhaps even adrenochrome farms (a conspiracy but one that may have significant truth to it).
Any figure that aims at "progress" by abusing and twisting what is sacred, full of life, can be considered as a Klagesian tragic figure to some extent. It also culminates in the corruption of Seele such as what we see in Yharnam, Senpou Temple, or Fountainhead Palace. A parallel is how cities are cesspools of mechanized, de-souled people.

>> No.22468593

Absolute, unfiltered, undeniable kino. Let all the midwit, liberal, christcuck faggots seethe for all time.

>> No.22469315

The Judge can also be interpreted as symbolic of Geist. Logocentrism or Geist stems from the desire to control, to disenchant and mechanize the world, as everything is dissected like the Judge's obsession with recording history or nature from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian: “Whatever exists, he said. Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent."
Overall, I consider Klages a better thinker than Evola, and I have far less issue with him.

>> No.22470071

You're a pseud

>> No.22470094

I am far wiser and contemplative than you.
I have better taste in literature, art-house films, and more than you.
I have had far more awakening experiences than you.
I have far more creativity, contemplative depth, metacognitive awareness, and much more than you.
You're just a woman.
Me, I am a man.

>> No.22470320

Was Evola a monist?

>> No.22470342

You're an egoistic fool.

>> No.22470349

Not as much as Evola.
Also, you're an brainless buffoon.

>> No.22470482

>Not as much as Evola.
Evola never bragged about being more "awakened" than people and didn't throw temper tantrums like a nigger child because people disagreed with him. You're delusional.

>> No.22470547

>Evola never bragged about being more "awakened"
He brags about being of Kshatriya descent all of the time. He acts like he has unshakeable evidence he is in unbroken patrilineal continuity to warriors of Ancient Rome. I don't even know how one can go about establishing such a claim with certainty.
Evola is pompous. In Revolt he said everyone chooses their caste or race before they're born. This is somewhat similar to Schopenhauer's "intelligible character", which exists outside space and time. Even if such a Platonic essence existed, which I heavily contest, it is nonsensical to act as if one can speak with absolute certainty about it. The fact is, most (Neo-)Platonists are pompous as hell, they "get over their heads". Evola frequently says many pompous things in his grand narrative such as his nonsense about Hyperboreans and Involution, which I arduously explained.
>temper tantrums like a nigger child
Almost every Evola thread has pompous faggots mocking others for expressing some criticism of his esoteric beliefs, or they scream slurs like a bunch of buffoons. I retort back calling them the trash that they are. If I drive such pompous zoomer shitheads to suicide with my vitriol, then I would consider it an accomplishment. You people are dysgenics who can't even accept basic facts like Evolution. You are indistinguishable from Arabs in mentality, just with a flavoring of retarded esoteric Spiritual Nordicism.

>> No.22470561

rich coming from eternal slave pagancuck

>> No.22470564

he would probably want me dead eventually, i don't know, this stuff is sooooo scary oh no

>> No.22470587 [DELETED] 

Wrong. You're proof of shitskin inferiority. You have no self-control and you got brutally filtered by Evola. You're just a low class (in terms of inner character) mutt/jew pooman who doesn't belong in the first world. Your idiot opinions on "spirituality" do not even hold a candle to Evola. You're actually bragging about your "awakened" "experiences" (lol) to people on 4chan to satiate your vulgar ego. You do know how pathetic that is, right?
You mean like you? You're an incoherently raging, classless, brown midwit pseud. Have the last reply, I see how desperate you are.

>> No.22470617

>You're proof of shitskin inferiority.
Who is the shitskin? The one who can't debate without petty insults that are against the rules or the one who remains within the confine of the rules. I would say a racial slur in response, but I don't want to be banned.
>You have no self-control
I'm not a criminal. In fact, you're more likely to be a criminal given you can't handle any contention of your beloved fag.
>you got brutally filtered by Evola
He's honestly not that hard to understand.
>You're just a low class (in terms of inner character) mutt/jew pooman who doesn't belong in the first world.
Even to Evola's philosophy, the first world is Anti-Traditional since industrialization. Moreover, you're twisting Evola to support your modern political positions. For example, Evola himself was very pro-Islam. He called Islam superior to Christianity and Judaism. I do not agree with that. I dislike all of Abrahamism.
Evola has many fans in the Arab world fyi.
>Your idiot opinions on "spirituality" do not even hold a candle to Evola.
If you want to make a cult out of Evola, feel free, but if you don't want actual critiques then fuck off to your tranny Discord so people can continue to confirm your biases. As I've explained, I agree more with Klages than Evola. Klages himself was far right also, but I disagree with Klages on MINOR points.
>You're actually bragging about your "awakened" "experiences" (lol) to people on 4chan to satiate your vulgar ego.
Nigger, read your fucking post. It is far more snobbish and arrogant than anything I've said thus far.
You're just using Evola to stroke your ego, but due to your poor reading comprehension, you don't even realize Evola wouldn't agree with you. It's ironic. Evola would call the modern West even more vulgar than despotic, backwards Saudi Arabia.
>You do know how pathetic that is, right?
I read more thinkers than just fucking Evola and even Klages. I have my own damn views. It just so happens I don't agree with Evola much. Stop treating him like a prophet, you stupid zoomer shithead.
>You mean like you? You're an incoherently raging, classless, brown midwit pseud.
Arabs tend to like Evola more than me average. Also, fuck off to /pol/, you stupid fucking ingrate. I'm not brown, but even if I were, hypothetically speaking, it wouldn't matter.
>Have the last reply, I see how desperate you are.
Slit your fucking throat, you pathetic snobbish pseud. You have the reading comprehension of a nigger. You just twisted the one thinker you jerk off to in order to agree with you on everything.

FYI, if Evola were alive now, he would probably encourage Europe to become Pisslamic or seriously consider it. He had a very high things to say about Islam. In fact, while reading Revolt, many parts reminded me of the Koran, which I despise.

Klages is the thinker I choose, and what's hilarious is Klages looked more Nordic than Evola.

I am influenced by diverse thinkers from Christof Koch to Deleuze.

>> No.22470653

Cope about this, retarded illiterate trash:

"In these organizations, and in general in the shia, the recurrent notions of the masum, of the double prerogative of the isma (doctrinal infallibility), and of the impossibility of being stained by any sin (which is the prerogative of the leaders, the visible and invisible Imams and, the mujtahid), lead back to the line of an unbroken race shaped by a tradition at a higher level than both Judaism and the religious beliefs that conquered the West" (244-245).

Your beloved Evola literally calls Pisslam better than J*daism and Christcuckery. Go ahead and cope about it by twisting what your prophet said to suit your own present inclinations. Pathetic pseudointellectual garbage fag.

>> No.22470678

>You mean like you?
And another quote from the same page in Revolt where Evola literally praises Arabs, lol. You are a low IQ, illiterate moron. In all seriousness, just kys.

"As in the case of priestly Judaism, the center in Islam also consisted of the Law and Tradition, regarded as a formative force, to which the Arab stocks of the origins provided a purer and nobler human material that was shaped by a warrior
spirit" (244).

You chimp out this much over Evola, yet you don't even remember his views that go against your "pepe race war now" bullshit.

>> No.22470685

how well prepared are you for next week?

>> No.22470686 [DELETED] 

>how well prepared are you for next week?
I'm not sure what that's supposed to me, faggot. Is that a veiled threat?

>> No.22470692

>how well prepared are you for next week?
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, faggot. Is that a veiled threat?

>> No.22471279

Haven't seen someone this mad on here in a while

>> No.22471281

no, my consciousness was reproduced into don't look up, which i probably did

>> No.22471334

Being a pompous and snobbish faggot is far worse than a direct and intellectually honest man who doesn't take shit.

>> No.22471391

A product of his time, largely irrelevant in the modern day. His real issue is he didn't actually understand what the spiritual nature of the world was so starting from a bad premise he came to wrong conclusions.
If you're from a wealthy european family that descends from minor nobility and have been able to assume a protected if obscure position in society then you'll probably find him useful.
Anyone actually in the meat-grinder should avoid him because it won't give you anything useful.

>> No.22471884

Why does anybody reply to the retard? His "muh racist nordicist icchantika" has been in quite almost every single thread for years, and he himself admitted to never having even read what he spends years of his life seething about (or maybe he changed it to one book so people would stop making fun of him). I'd wager zero, considering that threads about his actual works have a conspicuous absence. Also, what kind of bizarre racial complex is this? Calling people shitskins, shitting on Arabs, but also ranting against "Nordicists"? Definitely not Nothern European, definitely not Med, because Evola himself was Med. Balkan? Eastern European? Some variety of deluded brown?

>> No.22471899

He's middle eastern but almost white-skinned, he's posted his face before. And ya he's a turbosperg and rambles on about things he thinks Evola wrote but never did write. He's whining about /pol/ and racial slurs while seriously telling others to kill themselves for no reason and attacking arabs and jews and saying nigger, he's mentally ill.

>> No.22471912

You're conflating several people together.
I've read Revolt and gave decent criticisms of his views. I gave nuanced criticisms of his theory of Involution, Hyperboreans, some of his Neoplatonic metaphysical views about the transcendental character, and more. Evola also frequently gets certain mythological details wrong, which I haven't mentioned. He also gets historical details wrong such as the sweeping generalized trend of pre-Aryan cultures were largely matriarchal, which I criticized also.
Evolatards just want a safe space, so they can spread their twisted interpretation of him for modern alright purposes. Evolatards are retarded schizos who can't accept basic facts like evolution and like to LARP as kshaitrya. They are the dysgenic trash of their race on the level of tranny liberals. All of them would be better off dead along with every single last Abrahamist.

>> No.22471924

Everybody recognizes your uncontrolled seething arab sperging lol

You don't have anything to offer in these threads, you just misinterpret his (not even his, just Traditionalist) writings and give your midwit "critique", then wish death on people because they laugh at how retarded you are. You have what, 45+ long-winded rageposts itt? And you call yourself a buddhist? Get it together.

>> No.22471931

>thinks Evola wrote but never did write
I read Revolt and it's somewhat fresh in my mind. Which of my claims is wrong? I'd have to scour my copy again to substantiate it. Regardless, Evola did argue these things, which I disagree with:

1. There was a strong trend of matriarchal cultures prior to Aryan invasions. This is only true for Southern Europe to some extent.

2. That prior to birth one wills themselves into existence including their own caste.

3. That evolution is a fiction and otherworldly Hyperboreans intermixed with humans, leading to a degrading cycle of degeneration and a tension between the telluric/feminine/Mother and solar/patriarchal.

4. That Aryans considered the sun masculine and the moon feminine when there's better argumentation for the inverse.

5. He also omits certain mythological facts that go against his narrative. There is such a thing as "lying by omission". For example, he never mentioned how the Vendidad claims the abode of Ahriman is in the North. Of course he wouldn't mention something that contradicts his theory, from a text he cited a lot, because he is a disingenuous faggot.

I did like some things about Evola. For example, his discussion on Roman games and how the sacred imbued the whole atmosphere and interior design, second-birth rituals in traditional cultures, etc. were good. I also enjoyed his scathing critique of industrialization and modernity near the end of the book. It's you faggots who worship this guy like a prophet. You're on the level of tranny liberals.

I also agree with his misogynist views (at least for humans) and the importance of rigid caste structure for a stable Traditional society, but ofc I should be near the top unlike you low IQ pseudointellectual depraved faggots.

I'm a much better thinker and mystic than Evola and people should revere me instead. You're just megalomaniac faggots.

>> No.22471944

What makes you think I'm an Arab? I'm pointing out that in the context of Evola's philosophy, which you unquestionably follow, it does not make sense to Arabs.

I don't personally like Arabic cultural legacy.

>misinterpret his
Are any of the 5 claims and others made here wrong? >>22471931

>And you call yourself a buddhist?
You have a superficial understanding of Buddhism. Maybe read the primary sources (preferably good translations) instead of relying on fags like Evola for all your information.

>> No.22471951

>I'm pointing out that in the context of Evola's philosophy, which you unquestionably follow, it does not make sense to Arabs.
sense to hate Arabs*

>> No.22471965

You aren't even interpreting him correctly. You're arguing over historical facts when his book (the 2nd half) is a metaphysics of history. This is one reason why people don't even care to argue with you. You bring up little factoids like a leftist science numale trying to pwn the religitards, it's petty.

I also guarantee you are nowhere near the level Evola was spiritually (how would you even know? You only read one book not even on the topic.). You're incredibly delusional. If you care enough and aren't all talk (false), go read his books on the topics. You probably think taking mushrooms and "feeling" things or evening opening up latent psychic abilities is a spiritual experience. Or having a dream that "came true" or had a weird symbol or whatever. You are just part of the problem the Trads identified 100 years ago.

>> No.22471967

let's just say anyone can fire a missile

>> No.22471975

>middle eastern
>not arab
>hates muslims, christians, so not either
>but apparently hates jews too
>zero mention of the several historical traditions of the middle east (zoroastrianism, chaldean, whatever), so has likely feels that he has no legitimate connection to them
>promotes some chimeric abomination of scientism and buddhism
Figured it out, he's a self-hating, psychotic Persian jew. Mystery solved. Explains his "visions" (>>22468418) and extreme neuroticism.

>> No.22471976

You're from the middle east. Evola's book on Buddhism used the oldest primary sources and was lauded by the Pali society of London at the time. Personally I'm not that interested in Buddhism. Arabs are low-trust/shifty, easily angered but not strong inwardly or outwardly, and are pretty stupid and selfish overall. The only good stuff from Islam came from the Aryan Persians, as Evola has noted.

>> No.22471978

an example obviously. this guy has his meal prepared for him and he didn't even eat it

>> No.22471979

>my own occult system
Oh no...

>> No.22471984

he's a disapora-turd that doesnt even speak persian btw. Hes been around for years. I remember this time when he had a massive sperg out about dark souls because of its zoroastrian themes

>> No.22471986

>You probably think taking mushrooms and "feeling" things or evening opening up latent psychic abilities is a spiritual experience.
I was a Soto Zen Buddhist who did 7-9 hrs of Zazen a day during Zazenkais, 3-4 day retreats. I do have issues with the school though. I attended like 3-5 Zazenkais.
>You aren't even interpreting him correctly
This is literally the only thing you Evola drones can repeat.
You have no agency or mind of your own. It's just "you don't understand Evola". You retards don't know how to speak concretely or defend your views without resorting to pompous posturing.
I understand Evola perfectly fine. I do not agree with his Platonic Philosophy. As I have claimed in the beginning, I side more with Whitehead. Some retarded fag then posted a smug anime meme saying I don't understand Evola..I do understand Evola. I read the goddamn book and wrote a review.

Honestly, I respect Whitehead poster unlike you morons. Unlike you faggots, he is much closer to the truth and argues with integrity and honesty. My philosophical journey lead more towards a PROCESS PHILOSOPHY that is tilted towards panpsychism like Henri Bergson, Deleuze, and Whitehead. There is no eternal unchanging Being that one has "to look up" to apprehend. Rather, prajnaparamita is about seeing the true nature reality right here, embedded in one's processual immanent experience.

Even Nagarjuna makes clear that samsara and nirvana are one and the same, that they have no distinction. Perennialism is absolute garbage nonsense. I want nothing to do with Abrahamists.

It's fine if we disagree, but understand that not everyone worships Evola like you brainless fags. You morons can't even accept basic facts like evolution. At this rate, you will start arguing for flat earth. Did you know Aryans believed in flat earth?

>> No.22471988

>otherworldly Hyperboreans intermixed with humans, leading to a degrading cycle of degeneration
Evola said this? I only remember reading this in Serrano's autism

>> No.22472001

>The only good stuff from Islam came from the Aryan Persians, as Evola has noted.
I'd bring back scaphism for retarded cunts like you while changing from the Zend Avesta. I hate you far more than all Arabs combined. Stop demeaning me just because I don't suck the dick of your favorite thinker. Fuck off to your Discord. You're the bottom of the barrel of your overrated race. I'd rather have your chagrin than praise, subhuman.
>Arabs are low-trust/shifty, easily angered but not strong inwardly or outwardly, and are pretty stupid and selfish overall.
That's not what Evola says. I value intellectual honesty. If you disagree with Evola that's fine. In fact, I disagree with him considerably.

>> No.22472006

>psychotic Persian jew
I don't think I'm Jewish. You Evolatards are annoying as hell.

Who cares what I am? I don't agree with Evola. I understood Revolt. I said minor criticism. Then I get a bunch of retarded pompous posters, including a smug anime one, claiming I don't understand him. I fucking hate you disingenuous faggots. I hate all of you schizo Neoplatonist garbage thinkers.

>> No.22472009

Thanks for the blogpost. I've heard quite a few horror stories of people losing their minds at those retreats. I made an argument right in the post you replied to with your rambling paragraphs, i guess you missed it because you're too caught up in sperging.

Did you experience anything when you meditated 8 hours a day?

>> No.22472020

Evolatards are a fucking cult. I don't want to bother reading any other traditionalist after this. All of you are insufferable twats, and I am wasting my time. I just don't like being told I don't understand something after investing my time into it. It was ultimately wasted time just like posting here and debating retarded evolution denialists, stupid fucking Nordicist subhumans, historically illiterate jackasses, etc.

>> No.22472023

this is aduible

>> No.22472024

Let me post what I said above AGAIN relating to that. I am losing my patiencd:

When I read Revolt, I saw there were two potential ways to interpret Evola's Involution, which I will have to revisit: 1) all life derived from various otherworldly Hyperboreans; their corpses yielded primordial forms that degenerated over time, or 2) tellk3kgauric lifeforms evolved into complexified forms and otherworldly Hyperboreans then intermixed with humans, who were/are greater apes, leading to preservation of vestigial traces with the higher castes having more Hyperborean admixture.

#1 is wrong and nonsensical.
#2 might be true but does not refute evolution -- it just points to man as having some kind of introduced extraterrestrial essence, which I do not view as a good thing. I think Evola is arguing more in the direction of #2.
If cats are invasive species, which destroy endemic wildlife and threaten ecosystems, and immigrants are invasive humans, which destroy local cultural integrity, then the Hyperboreans are invasive species of an order we cannot conceive.

>> No.22472027

>That's not what Evola says.
Yes, that part was my opinion after dealing with them and seeing how they behave overall. Evola doesn't write much about Arabs, I guess he'd classify them as semitic. He just liked that Islam retained some of its esoteric elements and warrior Tradition passed down from the Aryan Persians.

>> No.22472031

>tellk3kgauric lifeforms
telluric lifeforms*

>> No.22472033

It's time to log off man

>> No.22472037

Ah, Evola the dreamer

>> No.22472041

Any good discords?

>> No.22472049

>Evola doesn't write much about Arabs
He basically called them pure and noble as I have quoted above. I quoted what Evola said about Arabs here:

>"As in the case of priestly Judaism, the center in Islam also consisted of the Law and Tradition, regarded as a formative force, to which the Arab stocks of the origins provided a purer and nobler human material that was shaped by a warrior spirit" (244).

I don't agree with him. I don't like either fetishizing or vilifying a people because they change throughout time. Everything changes throughout time. I do despise Islam and all of Abrahamism due to a number of reason. I prefer to look at the actual cultural fruits in the form of the literature, religious tradition, etc.

>He just liked that Islam retained some of its esoteric elements and warrior Tradition passed down from the Aryan Persians.

This is not true and Persians did not have as much steppe admixture as the Bactrians and Sogdians, but a better question is why the living hell does this matter in a metaphysical discussion? Moreover, I am not in the mood of getting into the autism of modern population genetics and ancestral components.

Zoroastrianism was not a great tradition anyways. It was not contemplative at all. It was a low IQ ditheistic tradition full of metaphysical issues. I've read the Gathas and more. Zurvanism was interesting however, but Evola would most likely disagree with it because it seems to lean more towards a process philosophy. I think Zurvanism may have developed in Balkh where there was a lot of Buddhist syncretizing influence.

Something like Mahayana or Daoism is obviously richer and doesn't have logocentric nonsense of Orthodox Zoroastrianism. Its metaphysics is much more robust.

I have "Eastoxification". I would have preferred to have been a Chinese literati living on the mountains like Han Shan or something. Persians were retarded unlike the Sogdians and Kushans.

>> No.22472076

>He basically called them pure and noble
Kek. He's referring to their elites, at the origins centered around a metaphysical center you retard. You really did not understand Revolt.

>> No.22472083

>This is not true
Yes it is, he talks about it some of the Metaphysics of War essays and probably Revolt as well. If you disagree on who the Aryans are or if they existed or not that's fine. It matters in a metaphysical discussion because arguably the point of his work is that initiatic "Solar" Traditions came from the ancient Aryans and were passed down/degenerated through aristocratic lineages in different forms but retaining the same core. Read Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.22472088

>He's referring to their elites, at the origins centered around a metaphysical center you retard.
Yes, he seems to care only for Kshatriya and to a lesser extent Brahmin. He dislikes the Vaishya as much, but does not view them as subhuman if they stick to their roles after initiation. Granted, they should all undergo 'second death' via invitation. Evola made clear that those that do not go through initation are on the level of shudras.
>You really did not understand Revolt.
Yes, I did. I simply do not agree with his philosophy.
Listen, instead of acting like a dumb Zoomer screaming people don't understand Evola, just agree to disagree. I wasted my time reading this fag, and I simply do not agree with most of his philosophy such as those five points I've listed. This entire fiasco would have been avoided if faggots like you didn't constantly scream I don't understand your philosopher. He is honestly not that difficult to comprehend.

>> No.22472096

If you understood him you wouldn't ask why the Aryans are important in a discussion relating to metaphysics.

>> No.22472105

>he talks about it some of the Metaphysics of War essays and probably Revolt as well
I've read the primary sources. I don't need to read all of Evola to learn about every goddamn thing. When I said, "This is not true," I was expressing a disagreement with how you've a certain belief you've conveyed of Evola.
>It matters in a metaphysical discussion because arguably the point of his work is that initiatic "Solar" Traditions came from the ancient Aryans and were passed down/degenerated through aristocratic lineages in different forms but retaining the same core
Yes, he made that clear, but I disagree.

For example, Zoroastrianism developed largely from BMAC influence. Fire temples predated Sintashta incursions. One can also make the argument that Zoroastrianism was an anti-Aryan tradition due to its critique of excessive Scythian cattle raids by devising a moral dualism. It was also more critical of sacrifices. In fact, Survive the Jive called Zoroastrianism a reaction against the Aryans, which I am compelled to agree with based on my studies of the primary source materials. Orthodox Zoroastrianism is very much concerned with the morality that surrounds the raising of cattle, which extends to both a communal ethos, purity rituals, and a strange ditheism.

I have not read Evola's book on Buddhism, but based on a cursory glance, I do not agree with a lot of it either. Going to Evola for all the answers to these complex questions, when scholarship is always improving, is ill-advised, given he is approaching these complex traditions pre constructed framework that is highly contentious. Ofc I would need to read it in full to make a more proper and fuller assessment, but I do not like how he frames everything according to that degenerative cycle you've just referred to.

For example, there is evidence early Buddhism developed from a tree shrine cult that was later euhemerized and Ashoka used to unify his empire.

When Aryans made contact with different peoples, it would lead to different religious traditions that have their own *different* focuses. Contact does not imply unidirectional influence

>> No.22472113

There was more than just the Aryans. I am not saying Aryans were not important, but to reduce cultural development to a unidirectional influence reducible to them is disingenuous and ignores the full complexity. One example I referred to is how fire temples predated Aryan incursions in BMAC. It is just too simplistic to reduce it to just Aryan influence.

Furthermore, a metaphysical discussion deals with questions such as the nature of Being vs. Becoming, nature of mind, nature of time, nature of essential vs necessary properties, nature of personal identity, nature universal vs nominal properties, etc. Evola adopts a Neoplatonic framework where Becoming is feminine and Being is masculine, becoming is relegated under being, and Being is absolute. I don't agree with this as I have made clear by initially arguing for privacy of Becoming. Furthermore, I do not see how migration patterns of ancient peoples has any metaphysical importance.

>> No.22472118


>> No.22472335

Why? Is there anything you do take seriously?

>> No.22472350

Not serious nor comprehensible as a political theorist. As a social writer, he is a curio, and pleasantly novel. However, if you ARE a self-proclaimed fascist know that Evola had little to do with originating your ideology, defining it's aesthetic, and is basically (and forgive me for gratuitous current allusions) a proto-Jordan Peterson, though certainly more sincere and likable.

>> No.22472822

You seem to at least think you know what you are talking about, so what's your opinion on the theory that germanic paganism (specifically the Vanir) has origins in the paleo-European inhabitants of Scandinavia/northern Germany?

>> No.22472859

Can't agree or disagree, I haven't interacted with blacks enough to say.