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22460067 No.22460067 [Reply] [Original]

Its likely that the next Aristotle posts here

>> No.22460116

I've only tasted my own cum twice. Once about twenty years ago and once a few months ago. I have tasted other guys' cum and it's totally different. I guess its like how you can't tickle yourself.

>> No.22460126

How many times have you tasted other guys‘ cum? Is it possible that types of cum exist, and that many others who share your type would taste more similar to yours?

>> No.22460246

a but weird that you’re making threads about me.

>> No.22460247

We don't live in a Zeitgeist that would allow for one to emerge. We are entering the equivalent of the late Roman Empire.

>> No.22460249

What does nigger cum taste like

>> No.22460265

the last Aristoteles was ran over and died in rural Nebraska in the 50s

>> No.22461142

Not likely, but certain, For he is I.

>> No.22461144

no for I am he

>> No.22462118
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Doubt it. Best you're going to get here is some intellectually self serving rationalism from what passes for modern day philosophers vis a vis a 4chan version of Plato and the gang. That is your best outcome. Lately this place has been a dumping ground for /pol/, /his/, and /sci/ rejects and some self perpetuated anti-reading trolls.

>> No.22462122
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Yes and his name is Jon Kolner.