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22459048 No.22459048 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22459053

How long ago did he actually live?

>> No.22459063

Mr. Robertson? He's alive and well!

>> No.22459067

>How to Market an Ancient Roman Writing As Some Hip Corporate Hustle Culture Self-Help Book

>> No.22459097

>look at me, I've not read it but I'm gonna make a quirky comment about it

>> No.22459102

You fucking idiot. You had one job. And that was to read the fucking greeks not this faggy wishwash of what he said. Read the fucking source first.

>> No.22459108

Just read Marcus Aurelius instead of this dime-a-dozen self help shit

>> No.22459119

bad bait

>> No.22459126
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>Ryan Holiday

>> No.22459156

Step 1: consume Opium

>> No.22459222

Rome was a cringe state. Much like the US, it was founded by Etruscan colonizers who were then banished by the descendants of these Etruscan colonizers themselves and claimed independance. They incorporated all kinds of people into their empire from day one and gave them seats in the parlament either as Plebians or as Patricians. Rome has been a multicultural shithole from day 0.

>> No.22459232

Why do you assume I didn't, you absolute cretin, the author is a psycologist and his comments are a valuable addition, muh grEeKs shut up subhuman

>> No.22459260
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>Valuable addition

My sides

>> No.22459262

Question is, why should someone that is not a Roman Emperor think like a Roman Emperor?

>> No.22459288

>thinking like a roman emperor
How the fuck would that help me as a humble wagie? I'm pretty sure Marky Mark's stoic ideals would've crumbled if he has to 9to5 and listen to obnoxious cunt bosses every day

>> No.22459312

It's Kali Yuga
Talking is enough to be considered intelligent and as having good qualities

>> No.22459314

Muh kali yuga so I don't need to better myself

>> No.22459318

Text book projection

>> No.22459322

It's because of the Kali yuga bro
Let's not even attempt to give rational explanations on why things are wrong

>> No.22459325

It's one of the characteristics of the time, hence Kali Yuga
I'm not playing your game, so whatever

>> No.22459334

Maybe people became degenerate?

>> No.22459339


>> No.22459342

How is it kali yuga for the non-degenerates

>> No.22459348

Ask them, I'm not one of them

>> No.22459359

How are you a degenerate if you know about the kali yuga?

>> No.22459366

Due to vasanas, mainly
Knowledge of Yuga doesn't have much to do with it

>> No.22459374

Ok but these are things that can be done away with meditation and feasting.

>> No.22459380

Do you think Marcus Aurelius was Greek…?

>> No.22459386

Maybe, I don't think of it that way

>> No.22459389

So you just... are a degenerate because the times are dictating so?

>> No.22459390

No, because of vasanas mainly
That's what I said, by the way. You're projecting again.

>> No.22459405

Just because the devil tempted you doesn't mean you have to fall for the temptation.

>> No.22459409

Interesting but I didn't speak about that

>> No.22459437

Well you talked about Vasana, the channels through wich your actions flow.

>> No.22459451

I guess diversity truly WAS their strength huh...

>> No.22459452

I didn't speak about "having to fall for temptation" or for a particular way of behaving. That was another projection of yours.

>> No.22459456

Well that's how I interpreted it. I did research about the vasanas and it's literally just former habits influencing the current ones (?)

>> No.22459469

Pretty much. Even if you take the Eastern flavour out, you may find out that some of your behavioural tendencies just come out of whoever knows where. They influence the behaviour nonetheless but not necessarily dictate it.

>> No.22459478

Most Roman Emperors were fucking losers, in part because the Roman Empire was gay. The GODLIKE Roman Republic, however, was perfect in its early days, and one should look for the men from there.

>> No.22459479

What behavioral tendencies if I literally just sit and do nothing? Other than getting up, dress, get to work? Where's the degeneracy?

>> No.22459491

If you do nothing except for sitting and going to work, then you likely work in exchange for something - money, material things. If you don't work in exchange for something, then that's likely more acceptable in terms of attachment to that activity. In general, attachments make that degeneracy.
Not doing anything is also a tendency by the way.

>> No.22459518

Money is just a byproduct of work. I use it to buy groceries and books, pay the bills. Not like I could just survive without any money. It builds the basis of a civilized life.

>> No.22459532

It's part of this Yuga. Particularly ways in which money is made and how valued it is. If you don't have money, in some way you do not have a right to have a roof over your head. You are cast out due to it or lack of it.
I suppose you buy more than just things needed for survival, so there you may also find your behavioural tendencies. Another level is emotional and thought tendencies for example.

>> No.22459543

But that has always been like that. Do you think anyone could thrive in ancient India without exchange items, day labour, real estate? I mean during the times before the yuga.

>> No.22459562
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>it calms me

>> No.22459565

I've no idea of other Yugas, in terms of imagery. Suffice to say Ancient India is still Kali Yuga.
It hasn't always been like that. Our way of working, evaluating material things and evaluating things has changed thorough history. What I suspect is that this is going to just keep getting worse.

>> No.22459594

Well I see it more as in differing from nation to nation. The West has a lot of materialism but it also has many other representations of civilization. Liberal colleges, one of the last bastion of evident civilization, primary civilization, non-passive, massively degenerate and in a form almost unrecognizable to the ancient world, and yet when one goes just one inch out of the Western world you find myriads of nations autistically concerned with just industry, manufactury, masonry and agriculture, and nothing else. These are the truly materialist societies and the Western civilization has nothing in common with them other than that the fact itself of it's industrialization comes from ancient split-offs of it's autistic materialist neighbours settling it's territories.

>> No.22459644

Some countries are healthier than others in that way. Though most societies are materialistic.
You reminded me of the documentary Baraka (1992), which illustrates a lot of things really well.

>> No.22459661

>read the fucking greeks
Marcus Aurelius was Roman retard

>> No.22459664

Disagree, all societies have a materialistic element, obviously, there's someone having to do the job of industry and economy, but the West is not materialist as in people get up every day to improve their material state of being in every way possible. There's many people like that in the West, for example economist bankers, but I'm thinking more of the nice guy in a blue suit who thinks classical liberalism is the greatest form of society and not some evil materialist guy just not to confuse things up. Anyways, entire societies outside of the West live and breathe like that but the West itself? Westerners like the weekends, the parties, the gatherings, watching movies, visiting sites, tourism. They live for the feel rather than for having as many things as possible. Hell, people who think like that in the West are total social rejects.

>> No.22459718

>reads a book on stoicism and still doesn't have any idea what stoicism is, because the author doesn't
It's not even a challenging topic. How about you read the actual texts and academic literature? Nothing to be proud of in reading trash. Otherwise scrolling social media would be commendable.

>> No.22459808

>How about you read the actual texts and academic literature?
I did, and I prefer the addition of comments by a knowledgeable author (who you don't know and talk shit about). Do you read tHe OriGInAl tExtS just to brag on an anonymous site? Damn you're miserable