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/lit/ - Literature

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22454940 No.22454940 [Reply] [Original]

>there are still people who, despite pdf files and smartphones existing for 15+ years, still willingly pay money for a physical copy of a book for everyone to see

Why do they do this? I think it all comes down to their vanity and desire for prestige of reading a le BOOK

>> No.22454941

I like physical books

>> No.22454942

vanity is good

>> No.22454945

>there are still people who define themselves through what they are not and think that makes them smart

>> No.22454947

I like physical books, I've been reading them since before I could walk. Reading off a screen feels like work.

>> No.22454949

Let us be reality here, times are tough and not everyone is able to afford physical books or a place of their own for a library. Unfortunately it becomes a form of sour grapes

>> No.22454950

Reading digitally is shit for marginalia. The only stuff I read on my kindle is genre-fiction. The rest I buy physical copies of.

>> No.22454953

Lindycheck: reading digitally

>> No.22454954

I just like to own the thing physically, I like collecting. Normally though I will read it online or listen to it and if I like it enough I'll buy it.

>> No.22454955

>Let us be reality
What an odd phrase filled with unintentional implications and consequences.

>> No.22454958

Yeah, why the fuck are books so expensive? Does it really cost heaps to make one?

>> No.22454966
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You can't afford $3.95?

>> No.22454968

Not everyone is a fan of having their books edited. It has already happened to ebook users and will just keep on happening.

>> No.22454979

Where the fuck are you buying books for $3.95?

>> No.22454983

nta but any used bookstore or the online marketplaces which sell used books.

>> No.22454991

>but any used bookstore or the online marketplaces which sell used books.
Not here in Australia. You might find the odd book in an op shop (thrift store) but it'll most likely not be one that you want.

>> No.22454996

Used books don’t count. That’s like buying a bicycle and saying you have a car. Maybe it has wheels but everyone knows you’re poor

>> No.22455010
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Not used. Pristine condition, just bought it myself last month along with The Pickwick Papers at the same price. Also lmfao that bicycle/car analogy is horribly bad. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.22455011

I'd rather kms than read a used book. It's an object that was held in hands of unidentifyingly unwashed degree for dozens of hours, and kept in places of unknown levels of humidity for unknown periods of time. This is gross and unhygienic, these books are soaked in bodily liquids like oils and salts, probably some foodstuffs, it has possibly been sneezed at, slept on, used as a coffee stand, dropped in mite-rich bed etc. Not worth saving a few bucks over.

>> No.22455018

I have thousands more ebooks than I'll ever be able to read. I still buy physical books because I hate reading on screens, I hate being reliant on batteries, and I just plain like physical books better.

>> No.22455025

Australia has proper used books stores, Melbourne has some which are among the best I have ever been to for both price and selection.

t. goes to book stores while on vacation
I am 45 and could buy most cars without a loan and not even notice it but have never had a car or even gotten my license. Would rather be out in the open air and on my bike even when it is 40 below than sitting in traffic getting fat.

>> No.22455026

>there are people who still use pdf instead of the superior format called epub

>> No.22455029
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Power goes out
>Have nothing to read

>> No.22455030

Screens are bad for your eyes and confuse your brain.

>> No.22455033

Thrift books and abebooks and Amazon and eBay. You just gotta look for used

>> No.22455039

Justifying your consumerism with near-apocalyptic scenarios is totally not retarded senpai

>> No.22455046

>power outage
>near apocalyptic

>> No.22455053

Imagine "reading" an art book on a phone or a horizontal screen lmao

>> No.22455074
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>Why do they do this?
I need a reason?

>> No.22455099

Most ebook models need charging per ~10000 pages, so, like two/three times year for active readers. If having access to an outlet twice a year is a fucking challege than yeah, welcome to Fallout

>> No.22455102

Literally who?

>> No.22455103

>oh em gee, this guy's not reading le arte novelle on an appropriate a e s t h e t i c thing, yikes
You're a woman.

>> No.22455188

You can be buy books used; you can use a library; some people inherit books from friends, families, former teachers. E-readers shit the bed, and end up in a landfill. Books can become worn, but they can be rebound. Plus I don't think you can write in them still, though I'm not sure.

Not everyone takes pictures of their bookshelves, so your point about vanity is a little bit hyper-specific to /lit/ and reddit culture.

>> No.22455194

I buy books and I'm a hermit so literally no one sees them so your theory clearly doesn't encompass all the draws of physical media.

I guess the main draw is the permanence, I can keep the book for decades and it's presence can remind me to read it again or simply think about it again. You will probably say you can do that with digital media and I'm just dumb but whatever, you're either larping or are yet to get a real life which fills your brain with competing nonsense. I also have some consoomer drive for collecting as if it represents some progress in life. I also don't have perfect self control so being able to take a physical book somewhere can help me focus.

>pay money
I have more money than I need, get a better job if a few hundred dollars every few months to buy books hurts your living standards

>> No.22455201

You zoomers are absolute adhd-riddled, mouth-breathing mongoloids who cannot even conceive of reading anything not off of a fucking screen. Your opinions are worth less than nothing.

>> No.22455209

It's okay neither did I until realizing who I am the shadow and the watcher of rainbow did I realize Jesus Christ is the SunG.

>> No.22455218

Some books or not in a PDF and I want to support the authors. They get more money with a physical copy.

>> No.22455307

You don't go out much do you?

>> No.22455441

I live in Melb, which used book stores?

>> No.22455446
File: 278 KB, 634x427, 1692861595092411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh who actually gives a FUCK
just fucking read and talk about the books why all this stupid fucking meta chat about books and how you read and whether you read at all
I hate this fucking website there's nowhere to discuss books anymore
you just want an anonymous version of twitter where you can post low effort bullshit and get (You)s because apparently that's more important than enriching your own brain with actual fucking conversation

>> No.22455462

>want to read an ebook
>forgot to charge my e-reader
>e-reader needs to update
>App needs to update
>book needs to update
>book cover is changed randomly to be an advertisement for the shitty Amazon Prime adaptation
>Always a chance your book could be updated to remove "problematic content"
>Screen brighter than the sun, spend time fucking with the brightness instead of reading.
>Don't truly own anything.

Or I can just grab a book off my bookshelf and take it anywhere.

>> No.22455464

it's a luxury industry now, very few people read book prices are driven up to make a profit. They also can price gauge because poor people don't buy books.

>> No.22455471

>I live in Melb
My condolences.

>> No.22455497

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.22455500

Just fucking read instead of much physical books, muh epubs, muh pdffiles, nigger. Read on stone tablet for all I care. Just fucking read and discuss the works instead of mindless and useless debate like these.

>> No.22455511

Only one I remember by name (been a few years) is Kay Craddock which is fantastic but expensive, antiquarian book store. There is one whose name was the name of the owner (presumably) where I bought a collection of Asian short stories from the 60s for the plane ride home, it had a good selection.

>> No.22455515

You've got Stockholm syndrome, I'm so sorry for you, no amount of convincing would make you leave your abuse relationship.

>> No.22455518

You don't have foreskin but I'm not getting bent out of shape about it, smoke a dart

>> No.22455523

>for everyone to see
Poorfag cope LMAOOO

>> No.22455535

Don't feel sorry, just tell me why you don't like it

>> No.22455577

I actually did the math, and for me, buying books (almost always second hand) actually is slightly cheaper than an e-reader. I also print expensive texts myself for 5 cents per page, usually two pages on one side to save costs. My paper books at least hold a tiny amount of their value, which should also be taken into account. Furthermore, I simply like holding the paper books and the ease with which you can turn back to a certain page. Lastly, I can pass down my books to future generations, which is something you cannot do with your e-reader.

>> No.22455827

For my offsprings, friends, families, donations. Bookstores are great.

>> No.22455832

Sometimes it’s nice to have a physical copy. Sometimes I need to get away from my devices. I love my kindle but I still have a little book collection.

>> No.22455840

Electronics are satan

>> No.22455845

Link literature and book threads you have created right now or you're a pretentious bitch nigger yellong at others to elevate yourself like a faggot

>> No.22455847

my kindle battery lasts for months doe. and I wouldn't be able to read paper in the dark ne ways

>> No.22455864

hes talking about books that compile paintings to be looked at you duplicitous nigger

>> No.22455870

Based ,The Satanic Verses, reader.

>> No.22455880

Not the original poster but I live in South Africa friend and power outages can be a part of life. That said it still doesn't make sense because the lights are out too? I still own physical books and they have a positive effect on you, everytime you see them you feel like it's time to get intellectual.

>> No.22455887

Are you still under quarantine? Do you still wear the mask?

>> No.22455897

Better question:
Why do mods/jannies allow these shitheap threads? Again and again the difference between physical books and screens is posted, again and again a discussion about having a book in your hands, again and again people acting like you can't both pirate and buy physical books. It's tiresome, get the fuck off of 4channel and go read, nigger.

>> No.22455957

How do I, a pea-brained retard read more or you know finish a book for once?

>> No.22455988

Isn't that exactly what you're doing with this post, though?

>> No.22456001


>> No.22456002

Jannies and mods haven’t cared for years. I dread what the board will look like in a few years

>> No.22456004

I read books and put them on my shelf if I like them. If I don't they go straight into my fire starter collection.

Bookshelves with books make fantastic acoustic treatment, too.

>> No.22456068

How is buying a Chinese made mass marketed e-reader not consumerism?

>> No.22456078

>Maybe it has wheels but everyone knows you’re poor
A lot of versions of books you can only get used. You obviously limit yourself to whatever pop books you can find at Barnes and Noble. I have "used" books worth more than your car

>> No.22456101

I don't think you know what consumerism means, anon.

>> No.22456141

textbooks are expensive and I don't fancy an older version, so I'm I'm the guy you buy cheaper used copies from

someone has to start the chain of reused books

>> No.22456162

>Why do they do this?
People do things for different reasons. I collect physical books because my kids do not get access to electronics for most things. I probably won't even add Xorg/dwm/dmenu to their computers until they're 14/15, and even then.
Anyways, further than that. I spend most of my working life on screens, I don't want to take a break from work to stare at a screen. I run an archive with more than 4TB of pdfs, but it's for historical purposes. When I want a book that costs more than $30, I will often print it out and bind it myself.
I mentioned my work on screens, I know that technology fails. I know that we, humanity, can lose everything electronically in an instant with just the right/wrong flash. It's a pretty low chance, but there is still a chance. Why take a risk like that?
I'd love to hear your opinion on what makes vanity good/bad. A lot of people say x is bad, but they never really elaborate on why. Fascism is bad. Vanity is bad. Virtue is bad. Why? Do you know what vanity is? Are you only meaning the extreme form, where someone is effectively Narcissus? You don't have to answer, you probably can't.

>> No.22456173

The real question is iPad or e-ink.

>> No.22456190

I unironically like the smell.

>> No.22456192

>Why do they do this? I think it all comes down to their vanity and desire for prestige of reading a le BOOK
how badly do you want this to be real?

>> No.22456421

Books have smell, texture, artwork, flexibility, style, dimension, character, etc. ebooks all the have same qualities of the ereader. Boring, repetitive, dry, dumb, mute.

>> No.22456434

Honestly for the kind of stuff that most people on here read, you don't really need to pay for it, or you will pay like $3 at most

>> No.22456442

>look at screens more, you don't do it enough
Gives me headache to read anything longer than a newspaper article on a screen