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22451845 No.22451845 [Reply] [Original]

>14 hour long haul shift
>Gregory Sadler Hegel playlist up and running
Yep, its go time.

>> No.22451852

That's like so 2019.

>> No.22452495

audio books are great for long drives

>> No.22452519


get the fuck out

if you didn't read the book, it doesn't count

>b-b-b-bbut i have to focus on the road


listen to podcasts instead if you insist on being a philistine

>> No.22452522
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>> No.22452523

Nothing counts. No one is counting.

>> No.22452525

I’m counting.
It doesn’t count.

>> No.22452526

pic rel has an exhaustive goodreads with over 500 books, all of them more complicated then the next.

>> No.22452531

You're no one.

>> No.22452532

He's not, but I am, and I'm counting too.

Books you've read: zero. Books you've listened to: doesn't matter.

This is /lit/, not /mu/, you barbaric pigman.

>> No.22452536

>Books you've read: zero
Wrong. You are evidently not counting.

>> No.22452554

Anon should I become a OTR trucker? Seems like it would be comfy. Im a super schizoid

>> No.22452568

I remember one of my favourite posters on twitter saying he recovered from a traumatic brain injury by reading the phenomenology of spirit while simultaneously running on his treadmill. i never saw any evidence in his posts of a deep familiarity with hegel, but i never saw evidence of a traumatic brain injury either, so perhaps it worked.

>> No.22452570

Everything counts in large amounts

>> No.22452575

It’s called lying for clout, retard.

>> No.22452588

I only listen to audiobooks of books I've already read

>> No.22452740

I was just watching a Sadler video where was passionately saying people who have Confederate flags should be publicly beaten and whipped. He also praised the Milwaukee statue that has Union soldiers trampling a dead Confederate soldier while also saying it's a good thing rebels and secessionists are killed. I was honestly surprised to see a philosophy professor have such a brazen opinion on capital punishment simply for having a certain flag. He seemed to be delighting in the idea of causing harm to these people. Which I suppose shouldn't be too surprising considering his self-admitted anger issues and abrasive behavior. All in all, he strikes me as a man who praises virtue and good behavior but secretly craves an excuse to act like a barbaric animal if he can defend it as acting justly.

And, no, I am not a southerner, nor do I own a Confederate flag.

>> No.22452974

What are you hauling?

>> No.22453676

Yeah its honestly based

>> No.22453679

>All in all, he strikes me as a man who praises virtue and good behavior but secretly craves an excuse to act like a barbaric animal if he can defend it as acting justly.
hegelianism in a nutshell

>> No.22453759

anyone still have that clip where Sadler reads the user comment about Guenon and Parmenides refuting Whitehead?

>> No.22454190

How do you avoid back or shoulder pain?

>> No.22454197


>> No.22454296

I love old greg but can anyone seriously sit through that entire series, jesus fuck.

>> No.22454300

Confederates didn't respect human rights, why should the Unioners respect theirs lmao

>> No.22454337
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To be nice :^)

>> No.22454361

They did, they held them in the highest regard. They just had a higher standard as to what a human was.

>> No.22454378

He also said disparaging comments about the truckers during that big trucker convoy protest thing

>> No.22454435

How much you make?
Im at a point in my life were im such a loser trucking or military look like my only 2 options.

>> No.22454548

How much do you make and how unhealthy are you? And is your ass flat? Wouldn't mind driving.

>> No.22454556

This song is so good it will singlehandedly convert some people to sympathizing with the Confederacy

>> No.22454580

Don't let Sadler find you or else he's going to publicly tan your hide.

>> No.22454619

Any other good philosophy channels like Gregory sadler? I know Michael sugrue.

>> No.22454627

But southerners didn’t respect the self-development of spirit at its moment of United Americanism. Although if he was a true Hegelian he would’ve realized that the civil war was a necessary dialectical movement as a result of the contradiction of slavery and American libertarian principles.

>> No.22454665

Lots of my fellow yanks have some kind of weird hick killing fantasy, surprisingly smart people too

>> No.22454694

This anon >>22452519 is right! You HAVE TO read and drive in the same time. Have you ever heard of someone crashing while reading and driving? Of course not! So get started now!!

>> No.22454702

>All in all, he strikes me as a man who praises virtue and good behavior but secretly craves an excuse to act like a barbaric animal if he can defend it as acting justly.
Hmmmm wasn’t there a philosopher that said that basically everyone wants to do this? I remember the quote on here but idk who it was.

>> No.22454724
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>I’m going to quarrel with you again. You simply don’t speak the truth, you simply are not sincere. The article you send me is a plausible lie, and I hate it. If it says some true things, that is not the point. The fact is that you, in the Essay, are all the time a lie.

>Your basic desire is the maximum of desire of war, you are really the super-war-spirit. What you want is to jab and strike, like the soldier with the bayonet, only you are sublimated into words. And you are like a soldier who might jab man after man with his bayonet, saying “this is for ultimate peace.” The soldier would be a liar. And it isn’t in the least true that you, your basic self, want ultimate peace. You are satisfying in an indirect, false way your lust to jab and strike. Either satisfy it in a direct and honorable way, saying “I hate you all, liars and swine, and am out to set upon you,” or stick to mathematics, where you can be true— But to come as the angel of peace — no, I prefer Tirpitz a thousand times in that role.

>You are simply full of repressed desires, which have become savage and anti-social. And they come out in this sheep’s clothing of peace propaganda. As a woman said to me, who had been to one of your meetings: “It seemed so strange, with his face looking so evil, to be talking about peace and love. He can’t have meant what he said.”

>I believe in your inherent power for realising the truth. But I don’t believe in your will, not for a second. Your will is false and cruel. You are too full of devilish repressions to be anything but lustful and cruel. I would rather have the German soldiers with rapine and cruelty, than you with your words of goodness. It is the falsity I can’t bear. I wouldn’t, care if you were six times a murderer, so long as you said to yourself, “I am this.” The enemy of all mankind, you are, full of the lust of enmity. It is not the hatred of falsehood which inspires you. It is the hatred of people, of flesh and blood. It is a perverted, mental blood-lust. Why don’t you own it.

>> No.22454798

>the democrat/leftist/antifa types with overly detailed fantasies about torturing nazis and confederates
>the conservative/right wing/trump types with overly detailed fantasies about torturing pedophiles and faceless UN goons
It's all the same.

>> No.22454832

Savage violence is the normal state of affairs. We are separated from it by an exceedingly thin veil. This is an historical aberration. I personally don't fantasize about that sort of thing but most people do, especially the less thoughtful NPC types like Sadler.

Moral of the story: don't let it happen to you. Get a gun and learn how to use it.

>> No.22454839

sadle up cowboy

>> No.22456003

he lurks here btw