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/lit/ - Literature

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22453341 No.22453341 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind /wwoym/
previous >>22446087

>> No.22453359

I really love the Horus Heresy series.

>> No.22453361
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I am writing a screenplay to a webseries, trying to condense and make abstraction of all of my experiences and beliefs up to this point, no matter how profoundly silly they might be. I have never felt more fulfilled in my entire life.

>> No.22453407

calling something reddit is not a criticism

>> No.22453414

It's called the loss of virginity, not the acquirement of it

>> No.22453415
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Tell me about the last time you felt genuinely content with life.

>> No.22453425

When I find the time to sit down and crack open a cold one, take a sip, ahh, and then all the successes of the week pass quickly through my inner eye like from a tiny cinema projector.

>> No.22453432

I still need to work out of my dead end job prospects, but trying a bunch of shit I like to see what sticks the last few months has honestly left me feeling pretty good. It's a slow process but I hope I can turn stuff around before I hit 30 in 3ish years

>> No.22453441

I am content right now. I can make my mother laugh everyday. That's pretty good for me.

>> No.22453445

when I forgot this site exist and I live with such retarded people on one planet

>> No.22453448

What separates a good book from a truly great book?

>> No.22453449

1st grade, I think.

>> No.22453450

The Great Canyon. Books are either crap or great.

>> No.22453464

I'm been working a lot recently so I haven't had time to read or anything like that. I've never been the most consistent reader; I'll always go two or three day in between reading maybe only 30-45 minutes at a time. Being a more consistent reader is definitely something I'm trying to work on.

>> No.22453479

I find it weird the things people try to measure their intelligence with. There was a thread on /tv/ about Taxi Driver and there were anons having a argument about how many serious movies they've watched. One other anon also said the books are a lesser art form than movies and video games because those make more time to make. I just think it odd how people use their consumption of entertainment as a measure of how intellectual they are.

>> No.22453480

Not reading is better.

>> No.22453486

They're right though. Watching a movie can be done brainlessly, but considering all those scenes were made, acted, cut, edited, entirely different story.

>> No.22453491

Channeling very different types of energies. Not comparable.

>> No.22453497

Alright then anon, guess you're right. However, books are overrated.

>> No.22453516
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How do I get lots of sex and eventually a gf?

>> No.22453528

I'll cite this anon >>22453450
Do you really question the power of words by using terms such as ''overrated''?

>> No.22453545

It's just words on text to be read quietly. This is one of the reasons I dislike books, I'd rather live in the times when they were read out loud by some scholar and the others listened. It was a more energetic and cultural way of reading.

>> No.22453566

Well that begs the question, where does the true essence of the word lie? When it is laid bare on a dry page, removed from the external elements surrounding their utterance, or when it's married with its context? Some say the former is reductive, others argue the latter is sophistry. The humiliation of the word by Ellul asks some solid questions about this subject. What do you (and other anons passing by) personally think?

>> No.22453567

I fucking hate words. To give a word to something is to simplify and reduce it.

>> No.22453568
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How do you know if you’re starting to go bald?

>> No.22453571

Be tall and with good skeletal structure.

>> No.22453574

You're always reducing your reality by default. You are unable to see it all, let alone make sense of it all. You process what travels through your senses according to your own small and insular experiences. Your conclusion will be relatively reductive. That's inevitable, whether you're using words or not. But i get your point.

>> No.22453575

I think sentences should be structured eloquently, complexly, abstractly, in brilliant poetically harmonic without necessarily ryming, wether it is fiction or non-fiction.

>> No.22453650

Wedian, Xedian, Yedian, Zedian.
Wedlan, Xedlan, Yedlan, Zedlan.
I read the evil books.

>> No.22453688
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>society is not constructed in a way that can easily provide a man with the ability to acquire a 12 year old virgin wife with whom he can begin a family a structure his life around
>he is still somehow expected to drudge away a thankless job and die in war
I'am somewhat confused as to how post enlightenment europe is supposed to work?

>> No.22453697

Congrats little anon. You are finally one step closer to realizing the binding power of words and why jews call their demon entity YHWH and seal him with talmudic lawyering.

>> No.22453712
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When does it get good?
I'm in the second chapter of the second part, and I'm finding it very boring.
I don't want to force myself to read it

>> No.22453717

oh look at me I'm going to die so I better do all kinds of things that don't matter because I'm dying look at me I'm so human because I'm going to die and everything matters so much more because of that
I hate mortals

>> No.22453799

I hate contact lenses.

>> No.22453851
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Deterministic fatalism is the mark of a mediocre intellect.
>hmmm look at this current trend, that means this will happen fifty years from now, it's over
The course of history would be quite different if trends always stayed the same and everything were as predictable as these imbeciles think.

>> No.22453926

It’s not a book for young men

>> No.22453936

What is the point of going to such a length
just to convince others of whatever you think?
Admittedly though I can see the allure
as it would alleviate some of the bore
of having deal with lunatics who
argue plain nonsense, no matter what you do.

Furthermore, if done subtle and with elborate grace
I can see how it would bring a smile to yon readers face.

>> No.22453951

Ive been on chans for 17 years now. Some of them died. I wonder if its time to quit imageboards.

>> No.22453954

You need to find more specific boards

>> No.22453957

Hair at temples start receding. Hair thinning all over. Bald spot on the back.

>> No.22453963

Specific how? Smaller chans inevitably have to deal with botspam, raids, pedos, etc.

>> No.22453964

If, when you dare to descend the stair, they say how your hair is growing thin.

>> No.22453983

you should ask yourself why you even care for the opinions of strangers on the internet in the first place.

>> No.22454000

I guess here I can just discuss anything I want.

>> No.22454023

The urge to connect to other people never goes away

>> No.22454027

Feeling like a total failure.
Only thing i've got going for me is my finances which are pretty ok. Cause Ive always been alone I save an insane amount.
I'm homesick; I miss my family and home.
I haven't seen my brothers in ages.
Just got off the phone with my mom.
It feels vindicative, but I'm jealous of my brother. I've always taken a secret pleasure in the fact that he's a total loser because it made me look better, but now he has a girlfriend.
He's fat, dresses like a homeless person, and spends all his time gaming.
Yet this man has a girlfriend and i've never once had one or had sex.
I live in a shitty neighborhood and have no career prospects.
I live a bare existence, it's not even really living.

>> No.22454082

I am not a very good writer.

>> No.22454158

My cousin is getting married soon
I decided not to go on any more weddings, no matter who is getting married. I had bad experiences on a couple of weddings of my friends ive been. I think theyre phony and hypocritical. This time i think the same. Theyre a couple of yuppies chasing career and money. I despise that. My cousin is phony manager who thinks he dunks on everyone cause he has highest salary and a bmw. I saw his interactions with his fiancee, they just talk about vain things like posessions and they take photos for instagram. He insults me by saying about my job i worked hard to get"it aint much but its honest work". Yes, its fucking honest work, something youll never know anything aboutyy
Dont get me started on his best man. Some hoodlum turned grey area businessman who subtly insults me every time were in a company. They then smoke weed every time they hand out, at 27, "work hard play hard" which is a phrase i despise. Other good friend of my cousin is a literal mason and my cousin went to masonic school of diplomacy.

Ive had enough of his shit and i dont wanna see him ever again

>> No.22454183

I drove about 1000 miles today. At various points during the drive I smelled coolant but it came and went and I didn't smell it after parking the car or when driving to a store after reaching my destination. I still have about 1500 miles to drive this week. Should I be worried? Should I try taking it in to get looked at?

>> No.22454185

My bad, didn't mean to reply.

>> No.22454191

My rule for my car is to always ignore the problem. If you can drive it, it's fine

>> No.22454215

RIP your radiator.

>> No.22454234

I just had sex

>> No.22454250

Kill yourself

>> No.22454252


>> No.22454297

I’ve been thinking of getting into cum sharking. I know the risk is great but the rush would be equally great

>> No.22454347

I hope not.
I just took a look at it again, coolant level was normal, the coolant level under the cap looked right, and I couldn't reproduce the issue even after running the thing for 15 minutes, revving the engine, or turning the heat on full blast. I couldn't find any leaks in the cabin or below the car or in the engine bay.
My guess is either I have a leak that gets larger when the engine has ran for a while, like on a highway, or I was intermittently smelling my air freshener as I adjusted the AC fan direction. I'm retarded so option 2 might be true.

>> No.22454515

I've resisted buying a pizza. I will reward myself by buying something just as bad as a pizza.

>> No.22454519

>I saw his interactions with his fiancee, they just talk about vain things like posessions
People generally don't have deep or intimate conversations with others around

>> No.22454522

>actually put effort into discussion on here, not combative or inflammatory, trying to share relevant knowledge

>call people retarded and tell them to kill themselves
>guaranteed replies
I understand why it's like this but damn is it annoying

>> No.22454529

I agree but still its obvious from their life choices they are moneymaxxing. Money this bmw that diamond this expensive house that. Hes an it business guy and i despise people who work in it who dont know how to program at all but get all the money. I especially hate his snide comments filled with contempt meant to make me feel bad but i never react to them cause i dont know how, only thing i know is when ive had enough i fuck off

>> No.22454559

At a crossroad. One leads to a normie life with family and all the effort/joys that come from it.
The other is the bachelor life where the highs aren't that high but life is always easy and cheap.

Worked to get the first but now reconsidering it. No going back if I do.

>> No.22454561

work is its own reward anon
reach as high as you can

>> No.22454574

But I feel like a bum at heart. It's been my life so far. A mortgage, money for children, a wife...
I chase it but now that it's up for grabs all I can think of it not being able to leave if I want.
I used to be able to quit jobs when I wanted, NEET for months just enjoying the easy things in life.

Maybe I'm just getting cold feet but I like my time alone and will be giving that up.

>> No.22454579
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The last two years I have genuinely deteriorated. I am a genuine alcoholic now. When I am not at sea or at work Im home... drunk. Always. I used to be able to draw. Cant anymore. Looks awful. I write when Im lonely at sea but I always delete and destroy anything I write. Always. Anyways, its always the same shit. Autumnal melancholy. Yet another vignette of a rainy late afternoon or brisk morning. Nobody wants to read that shite. I'm just putting to a notepad the images of yearning and nostalgia that my mind so palpably conjures. Might as well be poetry but I dont have the talent for that. I barely have any talent for prose. Anyways...

>> No.22454615

Do you think he can sense your hatred?

>> No.22454620

I hate spider crickets so much, bros

>> No.22454625

Have you ever considered that your knowledge is paltry and as useful as a wet fart and when you funpost people want to engage with you because you approximate a worthwhile man that isnt a meek soiicunt.

>> No.22454631

Looking into her eyes
Seeing her smile

>> No.22454664

Manhood isn't being an abrasive little shit, that's the essence of an adolescent boy

>> No.22454678

Nah youre a nerdy cunt and no cares that your personality is a walking trivia book.

>> No.22454705

No clue why I keep coming to this board

>> No.22454775

It's amazing how fast it can happen to a good man. Look at it this way, imagine how glad you'd be to go back 18 months and stop this process when you were "only" 6 months in, and then imagine your 6 months in self saying "fuck it I'm already done for, might as well let go." You'd be like nah dude it gets way way worse, you are still in the shallows. Well, that's what yourself a year or two years from now is saying to your now self.

I think the biggest killer for men is not having someone to provide for and keep up appearances for. Even if I had a few bros I wouldn't let myself go to shit for their sake.

>> No.22454784


>> No.22454787


>> No.22454823

>staying with my very Mormon relatives in a very Mormon part of Idaho so I can visit Yellowstone without shelling out for a hotel
>forgot all the weird little cultural rules and stuff since I stopped believing in Mormonism as a teenager
>sister was genuinely offended that I went to buy fast food on a Sunday after driving all day long and skipping lunch
>relatives got visibly uncomfortable when I played a song in my car that contained a single line which referenced the consumption of alcohol
>got more concerned looks from family members when they realized I wasn't wearing my garments under my basketball shorts and ratty t-shirt while going running (not that I ever wear them lmao)
I might cut this trip short. The natural beauty of the area is awesome but I think I'll just plan a trip at another date and eat the hotel costs after all. If I get asked the wrong question I'm gonna fly off the handle and probably end up burning some bridges.

>> No.22454836

Theyre still your kin dude. Quit being a little bitch and just enjoy your time with them.

>> No.22454849

How do you feel about being at sea? I feel similarly but it’s almost the opposite since I have a remote job which makes me always home. I basically never leave home.

>> No.22454851

It's all in my head, right,

>> No.22454854

Feeling like I majorly fucked up not getting this degree years ago

>> No.22454870

My father cheated on my mother and expects me to have a friendly relationship with both him and his girlfriend

>> No.22454889

Nah that's weird as hell. I doubt id be able to tolerate having a family like that

>> No.22454925

You guys have no idea. Little shit like this is the tip of the iceberg. I've seen people's families tearfully tell them they're engaging in evil for drinking coffee, threaten to disown them if they stop going to church, had church leadership tell me I'd be eternally separated from my family if I drank alcohol or didn't pay the church enough money out of my own pocket, and so much more.
I know they're my family and I love them but at the same time I'm not going to pretend to be someone else while I'm staying with them. That kind of thing ends up snowballing and causing trouble down the road, in my experience.

>> No.22454928
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Elvis Lives!

>> No.22455095

Why are women like this?

>be seeing masseuse/whore for a while
>8.5/10 imo. Beautiful, smart, funny
>always going above and beyond the call of hooker duty for me
>after I coom she cuddles me and plays with my hair affectionately (GFE should cost extra)
>she once asked if she could suck my dick AGAIN after I already came
>"How do you not have a girlfriend? You could totally be a model." (I get this a fair amount)
>dances on me all kawaii
>randomly brought up how her coworker started dating one of their clients
>ask if I can kiss her on the lips
>"No because you'll fall in love with me"
>"Uh, too late..."
>obviously doesn't reciprocate
>from that point on bare minimum massage and sex
>cold and distant

Rationally, I know she's a whore and I would never date her, but I did have "feelings" and felt like I was lead on there. Lesson learned. Remain ice cold. Resist their charms. Women are simply fuck holes

>> No.22455108

Why would you feel "lead on" by someone you're paying money to have sex with? You fucking fool

>> No.22455118

>Women are simply fuck holes
Nigga she was a WHORE A LITERARY PAID WHORE YOU DUMBASS. Are you really letting a bad experience with a literal whore taint your pov on women in general and concluding they all act like this?

>> No.22455119

I keep getting heartburn, I really need to stop drinking soft drinks.

>> No.22455129

There is a very high chance the person who would've been the next Borges or Kafka is currently getting groomed on Discord by a guy named Yiffypaws.

>> No.22455136

These. Talk about lack of self awareness…

>> No.22455154

He senses somethings wrong insofar i blocked him on phone for the last year. I dont think he realizes what are the things he does to me that i so dislike and i dont think hes capable of changing

>> No.22455300

>cuddles me
>makes me cuddle her
>sometimes have sex (she's the only girl ive been with)
>doesn't want to be in relationship when I asked
>straight up says I'm not allowed to have a gf because I belong to her
>amplifies everything when she gets word I'm interacting with other females.

It kind of makes me feel warm and pleasant but doesn't feel right at the same time. She makes things feel so intense and intimate when it's just us but it's like she pulls back the very last second. What's her deal?

>> No.22455318

I just want something to die for. Something beyond hitting refresh on my latest Amazon order..

>> No.22455324

Your her concubine, simple as.

>> No.22455394


>> No.22455429

Recently moved into a new place. The neighborhood is semi-ghetto, but rent is cheap and the place is okay.
I've noticed there really isn't as much of a cultural class divide at least among young people.
I think of my roommates as rich poor people. That is to say they've enough to afford all kinds of gadgets, games, and tech devices, yet they all work low-status & low-wage dead end jobs.
But culturally they seem little different from my peers in university.
There's still some subtle differences, but not as noticeable as in a different era I imagine.
The same internet/meme rhetoric is the norm everywhere whether high or low (if you're plugged into the internet that is..)
Though underneath the surface I detect a sense of aimlessness and desperation covered over by constant consumption--whether of entertainment, videogames, memes, or new products.
Like occasionally they get a glimpse of the fact that their occupations arise no respect from others, their lives are going nowhere, will never own a home, and that their high level of consumption edges them ever closer to precarity.
And beyond this material deprivation, a spiritual dissatisfaction as their life seems to revolve purely around escapist entertainment.
Sounds harsh to write, but I actually like my roommates, but can still see clearly this discontent under the surface.
In college I sensed a similar discontent even though most were somewhat more well off.
Like the commonality among our generation is this sense of resignation.
No one is interested in revolution or anything so grand. Even the most virulent activists it's a hobby, almost a game.
There are no passionate idealists.
Even those partisan political minds I remember in school could only ever conceive of things in terms of "interests" or "empowerment"

>> No.22455451

Will Farrell: I have come to fertilize your eggs!
The Woman: Fur too rise mai eggs su so?

>> No.22455532 [DELETED] 

there's a literally a thread on /lit/ where muslims try to convince you that listening to music lowers testosterone. this site is fucking done.

>> No.22455546

Not Muslim, but I believe music is an undiscovered and incredibly powerful nootropic/whatever the opposite of a nootropic is depending on how it's used. It's also the oldest form of mind control magic based on mythology.

>> No.22455581
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this anon's post has been on my mind for a while now

>> No.22455612


>> No.22455628

well, for one, I could name a few of the laureates, yet not all ten. Bob Dylan, Handke, Polish lady, African prof, Modiano, Ishiguro, Ma...

>> No.22455635


>> No.22455655

You work to achieve something and when there's a hint you might get it it just makes you sick to your stomach

>> No.22455657

I've been looking into/thinking about if making a pomodoro timer channel could be a good idea to get a second income in the future. Part of me wants to do it just to have another pomodoro channel to use. I could maybe try putting original content in it too. I would need to avoid copyright, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

>> No.22455713

The only reason you can name Ishiguro is cuz he writes pop novels

>> No.22455716

RIP to the crumpstack

>> No.22455764
File: 165 KB, 1201x841, Motorcycle boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been able to pay attention to an audiobook tonight, feels good. I still have to rewind a bit but not as much as I usually do. How's everyone else feeling today/tonight?

>> No.22455776

The moon beckons

>> No.22455867

monday drinking

>> No.22455868

Biking through the city at night.
Saw a yellowish-shitskinned middle-aged female, neither fat nor thin standing at the door trance as the customer went in, medium-height looserish looking white guy. She was completely naked.
Shameless, indifferent, careless, stupid, this is your prototypical whore.

>> No.22455884

of janny socks with janny skirt the janny god brought janniness into the site the sigh now jannied lost its anonymity in place of the janny the janny that is janny and unjannied shall be but janny of socks and janny of skirt and janny of jannyhormones the janny's whore moans low and full of janny T and janny Transition the janny room of each janny groomed in janny troon a janny to force the thread. of janny socks the janny cocks came harsh like janny cucks jannycucked like a janny banning another janny to make this janny even more janny. reassignment of what the janny used not. of cock no janny sucked but cucked anew this janny board age old janny trooning into the janny thread that thread that once sucked no janny now no longer fucks due to jannies. janny at CIA's left hand come from janny agencies now hacked by janny leakers based jannies based like I but janny underneath. a janny groomed by its maker, also a janny. so from a janny transitioned another janny to procreate janniedom from janny to janny. a job for a janny an API for a janny a rope for a janny and a janny shadowban list to be increased janissarialy in front of a convention of jannies, gooning where the jannies crumble the board now left to jannies. a janny of sock and skirt a skirt of jannies with jannyeloquence and jannyarrogance and janny children groomed and ja-nnies not yet given the janny cocksucking "knees" wherein the faggorty of the janny comes to completion. a gay sound janny to say on a tongue fit only for a janny. with jannygratuity the board comes now full of exhibitionistjannies and narcissisticjannies and jannies who are neither man nor woman but only janny. of janny socks and janny cocks with the janny, CIA brought janniness into the site once without jannies.

>> No.22455983

I’ve never been into cars or motors. Is something wrong with me?

>> No.22455995

Why would that imply that something is wrong with you?

>> No.22456007
File: 2.32 MB, 1779x2184, 1691549144366626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are we readin' this season?

>> No.22456013

Out of this list or in general?

>> No.22456018

Cope. I am tall and have good skeletal structure. I see guys uglier, shorter, and fatter than me with gf all the time. I cant get gf because I have a shit personality and so do you.

>> No.22456022

both is fine

>> No.22456027

can anyone attest for londonfrog? never read a /lit/ author before but he seems most appealing to me

>> No.22456035

You can fake a personality.
Just act like a charming guy who is outgoing and out for a good time. If you’re good looking this shouldn’t be hard to pull off. Eventually you'll see that that version of you is more fun to be than whatever chud/onions type you are now.

>> No.22456038

After I finish my current audiobook I'm going to read Treasure Island and then The Funhouse by Dean Koontz.

From that list, the ones that catch my eye the most are Call of the Crocodile and Nutcrankr so maybe I'll check those out.

>> No.22456042
File: 1.90 MB, 1140x1151, This year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have people believe I'm well read and intelligent. In reality, I only read science fiction, fantasy, romance, ya, and sports. I only seek easily digestible stuff that fits my comfort zone. If anyone asks me a specific question about a classic, I tell them it's been a while since I read it and don't exactly remember.

>> No.22456107

it's ever the same thread but collected and bound together to a book, so, if that's your jam, you're in for some doomerfrog kino

>> No.22456219

rollin down to Mexico

>> No.22456237

If Islam is true then there is so much good to do with my life. There is really nothing to do at all with it if I don't believe.

>> No.22456300
File: 884 KB, 922x1169, IMG_20230904_191053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a NatGeo magazine. It has pretty cool images.

>> No.22456328

my gf has this friend that everyone thought was lesbian
but recently she said she's not sure if she is
my gf is worried it's because of me because we've been getting closer. on call while high with me and my gf she said she'd date both of us, but I think that was more in just a way to hype us up. she was like "all my friends are hot, I'd date you and I'd date you"
either way I hope we can all stay friends cause I love the both of them. I'm also pretty shit at making friends and aside from this white trash kid I grew up with they're the only people in my life I'd be comfortable saying are my friends. i.e. I feel comfortable hanging out with and doing stuff alone with (not family)
anyways I'm drinking a little right now for some reason, and working on some writing
I'll really miss her if things get weird, I really hope we can all stay friends. I feel like a bad person though, because my ego kinda wants it to be true. how ego-boosting that is, to make a girl realize she's not lesbian
but how terrible of me for thinking about that

>> No.22456340

No women are lesbians.
If you want to degeneratemax you should propose a threesome

>> No.22456351

my gf has told me a bunch in the past that she'd never do a threesome with me (i didnt propose one we were just talking). she's too jealous and doesn't want to share me
although she has ended up doing things she said she'd never do. and we've genuinely used this girl in sexual fantasies before
but either way I don't wanna ruin anything, I like my gf and I like having this girl as a friend. I want that to continue however it can. I feel like my gf would freak out and feel awful if it ever happened, even if she was into it at the start.

>> No.22456358

You're headed for disaster. You've driven this girl to such sexual lust that she will want to take it out on you one day.

>> No.22456368

>this girl
the former lesbian?
at most it's a crush, it's probably nothing
I should stop drinking now and finish my oatmeal

>> No.22456385

I need to uglymaxx

>> No.22456392

Why, is life too easy now, you handsome faggot?

>> No.22456399

lol. I'm already ugly but need to max it out. Cannot let it happen where some girl could fall for me. Need to filter out the absolute 100%

>> No.22456482

I want to get someone laid. Like an oldfag virgin. Coach him to some pussy

>> No.22456490


>> No.22456504

A lot of people here get really down because they have no luck with women. I feel like I would really help someone out by showing them how easy it can be. Many men these days are beta males. Even the beta males are more beta than they used to be 20 years ago. Women are up for grabs yet people can be seen wallowing over not being able to get one.

>> No.22456511

I renounce the current education system.

>> No.22456512

I don't How shit works here, someone please point me towards some lit stuff

>> No.22456516

I renounce it because it sacrifices liberty and the best part of learning and sharing knowledge with sitting on a school bank and meaningless diplomas.

>> No.22456520

Do you think that one-night stand could fix a current beta male?

>> No.22456544

I'm not talking one night stands per se. If you can go on a date and get a woman in bed you can start a relationship with them instead.
And the mentality of
>I can't get any girl to fuck me
>Well I can achieve that, I just want X
is a very different one. For men, the idea that you are capable of doing it is almost as important as actually doing it.

>> No.22456551

>dea that you are capable of doing it is almost as important as actually doing it.
elaborate. is it merely fake it till you make it?

>> No.22456567

What you're quoting was basically saying that if you're a virgin with no game, knowing that you could get a girl is a huge confidence boost.
As for the 'fake it till you make it', it is that in large part. If you missed out on early relationship experience then you will have to fake confidence. The biggest turn off for women are weak, insecure men. If that's you, you have to just act like you aren't. Do it enough times and you will gain actual confidence from the results you get (be it sex, a girlfriend, or having successful dates)

>> No.22456603

Loosing your virginity is fine but with every one night stand you become more miserable. Not to talk about the stds you can catch that will make you unchoosable for any serious, long-term relationship. Is that correct?

>> No.22456647

Every other guy is into them and all the men in my family treat my like I’m some kind of freak because I like to talk about books and not cars.

>> No.22456657

>you have to just act like you aren't
I dont like faking it.

>> No.22456660

nothings wrong with you you're just destined to have a superiority complex when you grow up
all other men are classless brutes who do nothing but talk about cars and pussy while you create profound art or whatever
sometimes it's fun to pretend this is true

>> No.22456661

Correct if you’re a woman.
I never implied you have one night stands with a lot of women. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. I even said that you could get the confidence bump from getting a girl in bed and just leave without fucking her.
No, don’t have a body count in the tens or hundreds. But don’t worry, if you’re one of the virgins I’d like to help, you won’t become a chad who gets laid each weekend. Like a fatass who enters the gym once but tells the trainer
>I don’t want to get TOO buffed bro so let’s take it easy
What I want is people who can land a gf
You’re more unchoosable if you’re in incapable of flirting or taking a girl out on a successful date.

>> No.22456673

Would you accept a woman who is *totally herself* by which she means a rude, ungracious whiny bitch?
Cause that’s the female equivalent to being a whimpering beta male.
Be the better version of you. I don’t know what kindergarten teacher told you you were perfect the way you are, you aren’t

>> No.22456689

I feel like shit.

>> No.22456724

man i wish i still cared about this stuff. i wish i still cared about anything.

>> No.22456730

That's one thing that can't be helped. But someone who genuinely doesn't care is rare. Ask if that's really you.

>> No.22456753

Well I say this as a 21 year old virgin but I don't see any benefit coming from hypothetically loosing my virginity and I'm actually glad that all my attempts at women when I was a teen went ridiculously unsuccessful. I say ridiculously because it usually ended in me saying something cringe on text or in real life and fucking everything up for it. But now that I'm more mature I realize that even if I would have lost my virginity then I wouldn't be any more developped than I am now. In fact, I think that my mind would have become corrupted, and that I would have lost considerable amounts of personal developpment for having learned about sex at an age too early. I find this virginity stuff cringe although I gave long learned to pretend not to be a virgin, and even my parents think I already got laid if they were to ask me about it (they didn't).

>> No.22456785

> when you grow up
I’m 30 years old…

>> No.22456790

you missed this part
>sometimes it's fun to pretend this is true

>> No.22456801

i used to care but ever since the pandemic, i have zero interest in socializing. i don't even like posting on 4chan anymore. i had to take a lame full time job to survive the inflation. before i was only working part time and larping as someone with potential. i don't make enough money to support a family, so any relationship would be a destined to go nowhere larp, and i don't have enough time to really try to do anything meaningful either.

>> No.22456829

Well, which is it? Is it true or are we only pretending it’s true.

>> No.22456830

There I was, in the darkness. I had been a while since I saw my favorite cat, a nice orange tabby. I exclaimed how nice it was to see him again, picked him up, hugged him tight, and he purred just like I had always known him. He then wanted to be put down, and motioned as if he wanted me to follow him.

So I did. We went down a long corridor together, until I met an old man. He asked me if I knew where I was, and I replied that I didn't. I told him that I was actually lost, and he chuckled warmly as an old man typically does, knowing more than he was willing to tell me.

Then a serious tone took his voice, as he began explaining the "unique" situation he had. I need your help, he said. Or rather, people need your help, a place far away from here. Do you think you can visit them and lend a hand?

I paused, and with a curious nature asked innocently why me? Surely there are others who are more capable, more talented, better suited to helping these people. He then smiled, and agreed that there are indeed other people, but they are already there, doing their part.

He said, that even as you are, exactly as you are, your services can still do a lot of good in this place, and of course, good service leads to good rewards. He even reassured me that I wouldn't be going there alone, and that there will be a lot of help along the way. Others are already there, but they can't do it all either.

I don't know, I told him. I don't think I had a very good time last time I was there. I didn't feel like I did much, or belonged really. Sometimes I did more harm than good. I'd rather stay here, where I felt strangely comfortable and won't cause any trouble. He explained at last that while this was not the place he had in mind for me, he will not force me either. And more importantly, to think on it.

When I was ready, he said, there is the exit. He then left, and my old cat with him. I never felt so alone afterwards, and so very cold. I sat there, in nowhere, for a while, before I decided might as well. I just hope I don't ever have to do this again.

>> No.22456834

How common is it for men to struggle to get along and forgive their fathers?

>> No.22456838

did smash mouth have any other good songs besides their singles? those songs are so cringe but so good. i'm rocking them on youtube today so they don't get in my apple music recommendations. do zoomers even remember them?


>> No.22456845

The real reason I do it is that I want to

>> No.22456854

i don't care about my dad but my mom really smothered me and she'll still do it if i let her. i'll be really sad when she croaks but also relieved probably feel a new lease on life.

my dad was a stoner-like dude who worked a shitty job in a factory to pay for our house. i don't think he did anything fun his entire life except maybe go on a day trip skiing once or twice a year. other than that renting movies on vhs was basically his only highlight in a life of drudgery. he's still alive but we don't really talk. not saying he was a good dad, he wasn't but i can respect his work.

>> No.22456856
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>every novel has love and sex in it
>all the women on campus are wearing crop-tops and short shorts
>constantly feel horny
it's constant fucking torture. i'm considering taking SSRIs at this point. it's so fucking tiring constantly being turned on and reminded that im a virgin loser by these whores walking down the street. it overwhelms me to the point that i even go outside.

>> No.22456866

Don’t you think that’s sort of natural for moms though? I’ve never quite had the expectations for my mom that I do for my dad and that’s most of the reason why I am so much more disappointed in my

>> No.22456868

i used to be like that in college. i was sooo fucking horny. try to enjoy it i guess.

>> No.22456870

It’s not that big of a deal, dude. You’ve literally been brainwashed by a hyper-Sexualized consumer culture. You’re supposed to have sex with YOUR WIFE. If you don’t have a wife, you’re not supposed to have sex. And you probably have bought the BS so much that you just assume you have to have sex to get a wife.

>> No.22456872

Just stop going to college.

>> No.22456881

and this why i don't post on /lit/ much anymore. place got infested with religious normies.

>> No.22456886

nta but how is that religious?

>> No.22456887
File: 27 KB, 450x300, 2020082614084_9a11e47ea67e0af71541b29d7fe04e1008bb2d373a04c0fd2dbedc9206f14622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the story of Joan D'arc and now I hate the british indiscriminately

>> No.22456892

Maybe stop fucking everything that walks like an animal?

>> No.22456897

>try to enjoy it i guess
You're right, but my lizard brain keeps acting up. I want nothing more than to supress these primal urges and just focus on what's truly important to me.

>> No.22456900

>be heavy smoker 10+ years ago (1/1.5 packs a day)
>quit smoking the first time
>"okay I'll quit"
>pick up smoking again in a moment of weakness due to extreme stress
>smoke 1 pack a day for a few months
>try to quit
>get cold sweats, nausea, panic, head spinning
>threw a pack with 8 ciggies in the trash outside, legit having thoughts of dumpster diving to find them
when the fuck did they start putting fucking crack cocaine into cigarettes? I have never had to fight addiction in my whole life and I am feeling extremely scared to be caught so hard in it over fucking cigarettes. I could go a week without smoking easily back then, now I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind
don't touch this fucking shit in 2023, kids. I am horrified at the power of this withdrawal

>> No.22456904

There’s not a hint of religiosity in my reply. But if you like to run from places that don’t affirm your preconceived biases, go ahead, retard.

>> No.22456911

If that’s big of a deal to you, go have sex. Most guys can get sex without paying for it if they really want to. They’re just so used to pornstars that they have highly sexualized standards.

>> No.22456933

Lol, I don't know what the fuck you have. I'm a regular smoker and I can easily go days without lighting one up. I don't even ask other people for cigarettes when I have none. Try inhaling the smoke less hard.

>> No.22456945
File: 196 KB, 1080x342, atwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Margaret Atwood mentioning 4chan culture in her book MaddAddam?

>> No.22456953

What should you do if you worry that a parent is a negative influence on siblings?

>> No.22456963

>Try inhaling the smoke less hard.
I'm going cold turkey. Nothing really changed in the way I smoke. I've always chain smoked and taken hard drags. Near the end before quitting the first time, I was lighting the next ciggy with the butt of the one I'd just smoked. I never dealt with withdrawal and quitting - even with my mind not fully into it - was a breeze. Now it's fucking breaking me. I am cold sweating and feeling panicked, I feel like a fucking junkie. The only thing that's changes is that I my stress level this time is extremely high, so maybe I'm blaming ciggies when I should just blame my brain.

>> No.22456983

I am literally feeling the power of addiction lifting my body from the chair going GO, GO BUY THE FUCKING LUCKIES, GO GO GOOOO GOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOO like an invisible force tugging at my shirt. And I have this fluttering heartbeat that makes me feel I'm gonna fucking die. Holy shit what do they put into ciggies these days?

>> No.22456986

Well if I can give you advice I felt the symptoms of withdrawal always harder when I was stressed out. But when I'm ultra-relaxed mentally and physically I don't feel anything at all. I smoke for medical reasons however, I'm trying to cure my brain from weed consumption in my teens.

>> No.22456993

Drink a cold beer.

>> No.22457001

I dunno about pot, I've only had a few blunts with friends in high school and that's it. It's illegal here and I never bothered with it
I legitimately never thought about ciggies as something this addictive. I mean, yeah they're addictive, but in that mild "you have to struggle a bit" sort of way, not this brutal shit

>> No.22457003

Done, but I can't become an alcoholic to stave off cigarettes lol
If I get dressed and go out and buy the fucking ciggies I've lost. I've lost the battle

>> No.22457005
File: 33 KB, 264x264, negativland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this grave feeling that loving life will be my ultimate downfall. I just can't help but like people too much, especially when they're willingly indulging in clearly stupid shit. I have spent hours deeply arguing about why certain groups of people are absolutely deplorable and destructive to the goodness of the world, tying it to their misguided beliefs or practices, convinced about my positions ; but right upon bumping into them, all i end up doing is cracking jokes and intently listening to their life stories. Some of them are my complete opposite, where the wrong move or the wrong verbiage could turn things sour in an instant, but it never happened so far. I don't know if this is a testament to my good fortune or what, because i have witnessed abhorrent things from afar, but have not yet been present to it happening with the people that i do know.
The wisdoms we have inherited from the days of yore almost unanimously warn against letting your guard down, and being silent against corruption, be it directly or indirectly. My heart genuinely urges me to give things a pass. Perhaps I haven't fought against my senses hard enough? I suppose this is my vice, but even so, i dearly hope it doesn't lead to irreversible damage.

>> No.22457014

Stay there. Put coffee powder on your finger and lick it. It might bring you back to senses. You're delirating.

>> No.22457032

I can't stand being around my gf. She's so irritating.

>> No.22457033

Like I'm legitimately having shoulder devil thoughts like
>You can just grab the ones in the trash outside
>they're probably still at the very top
>the temperature from lighting one up will kill the germs, it's totally safe bruh
>you get a whole 8 of them, 8 for free
Like I'm fucking trying not to buy cigarettes and my brain is turning into a fucking raccoon
>Put coffee powder on your finger and lick it. It might bring you back to senses.
Is this some grandma remedy? Anyway I did this and you know what I thought? You know what's really good to have after the taste of coffee?

>> No.22457036

I don't think that's possible, but the most content was when I owned a townhome with my ex.

>> No.22457042

Just chill down man. You gotta chill the fuck down. No I had this coffee advice from lit. It's supposed to wake you up almost immediately. If that didn't work try drinking like 8 glasses of tap water at once to get you busy with something.

>> No.22457043

I know it was there at some point, but I don't remember anymore

>> No.22457045

>No I had this coffee advice from lit. It's supposed to wake you up almost immediately.
Man tasting coffee really made me want to have a cigarette. A nice smoke goes so well with it
Maybe I should just limit the amount, taper off (this is another shoulder devil thought, I know it doesn't work).
Fuck I should play some vidya or something akin to turn my brain off.

>> No.22457046

tire yourself out. run or do calisthenics

>> No.22457047

I fucking wish I had the drive to study more. I just get so complacent and bored.

Thanks for reading.

>> No.22457118

Fauci is King.
Fauci is God.

>> No.22457142

---- Solaria ----

To find escape in work
Must be hard on the mind
And easy on the heart, opposite

To menial in command as performance
As play is where tales assume
A certain height.

To develop
At a pace too lax
For neglect of looking,

Or of conversation
Rehearsed on the page
Just enough to sweetly see

The innocence of pleasing color.

>> No.22457162

"You're only supposed to have sex with your wife" is a religious opinion, how else can you support it?

>> No.22457173

>smoking cigs for medical reasons
Lol come on man. What medical reasons?

>> No.22457202

Temperance and chastity can be seen as strong virtues even if you use reason as a background alone. They show discipline and control, aversion to debasement and a sense of self respect and pride, which are all good qualities when not exaggerated. It has been proven time and time again that having multipled, constantly changing partners is bad for your long term health and happiness, so a single, monogamous relationship is what most people should be striving for as those reasons alone are enough.

>> No.22457209

Religion with a fig leaf of rationality, try again christcel

>> No.22457234

>all i end up doing is cracking jokes and intently listening to their life stories.
I listen to the stories people tell about themselves without much heed until they wax rhapsodic or wane into satire. Is there anything more telling, in the confessional sense, than opinion?

>> No.22457243

the future can go many ways, 2000 years ago was the roman empire, the rise of christianity, the invention of math, science, electronic technology, there was oligarchys and queens and kings and royal bloodlines, languages came and go
in another 2000 years so many different things could happen, languages made, new countries, political systems, borders changed, religions made or phased out, maybe a world government, aliens discovered or planets terraformed, technologies, medicines, all of it

I can only write about one possible route that may never happen, I choose to believe maybe we will find aliens or aliens will find us and at least 2 planets will be successfully terraformed, connected in wireless communications, and that money will be used still in an intergalactic stock market, with lower classes existing and being stuck on planets

what may be the governmental systems if they aren't global and intergalactic, not on a scale of hundreds of planets but a young civilization reaching out into the galaxy, only finally terraforming and mining planets within their own milkyway galaxy? what would be tying them together and not causing all out war? one government system for all of the planets they occupy or a handful of major governmental systems which hold neutral or slightly tense opinions of eachother but manage to keep it together to not fall out into the first galactic war? what about the aliens? perhaps they tie their political system into it? I'd like the aliens and humans to practically live among eachother, both being relatively young civilizations reaching out into the universe but friendly with eachother and having trade and living among eachother.

>> No.22457249

I am >>22457243
I don't remember feeling content with life for long periods of time, maybe around 3-5 years old? I lived on a farm back then.

>> No.22457254

The fuck is Golf rumors?

>> No.22457302

I feel like a junkie reaching rock bottom

>> No.22457308

I didn't read the chart, so maybe not related

>all elites and rich people happen to golf
>theories that elites use golfing to discuss secret plans
>some kind of tragedy/murder/crime/etc. that happened while golfing

>> No.22457310
File: 102 KB, 634x800, ad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument
scurry of back reddit, evil COWARD

>> No.22457318

Horrific. Sure there are terrible cunts here, but her attention is selective to the point of paranoia. The passage is too ugly to convince me otherwise.

>> No.22457351

Depending on how much of the given opinion is truthful. But then again, you did use the term ''more telling''. All that would do is add another dimension/layer to the utterance.

>> No.22457411

Untruthful opinion is pretty easily detected by the dullness of its expression. There's hardly anything there in image, by either admiration or animosity.

>> No.22457422

Anyone have that Infinite Jest reader meme? The one was he’s wearing a cardigan or some shit, has wind tussled messy hair, and a beat up copy of IJ

>> No.22457439

---- Solaria ----

The stars and moon lamp was his idea
While hers was the peonies, felt beauty that is.

Subordinate to no purpose but itself
Like the mind of feeling.

Like a mother's love welcoming you home
From slight adventures.

He was a good wizard to a muse quite beyond
Conventional romance

And a pupil to life at such extremes.

>> No.22457553

Talk to me when you hit 25, 28 and are still a virgin.
Those are the people with issues and don't think it couldn't become you.

>> No.22457731

I fucking hate texting women. I hate having to reassure them by putting "lol" or emojis to make sure that I don't come off as being too brusque.

>> No.22457736

Which religion? Because that’s basically how it was for everyone for all of known history.

>> No.22457746

I just switched from cigarettes to cigarillos.

>> No.22457765

Don't. A handsome man can be as cold as he wants and they won't mind. An ugly man can be as warm as he wants and they'll still hate him for irrelevant things. In the end if you're an ugly man they'll fear you anyways. I've lived through this countless times so I don't even bother putting in forms and go directly to the point now. Fuck this game.

>> No.22457804

Cope. You're just a shitty person.

>> No.22457821

Anybody else getting worried about their increasing lack of desire for social interaction?

>> No.22457850

No, I hope it keeps growing.

>> No.22457872

Speak to them how you want to speak. If they want to get upset about it or read into it then so what. At any rate, they don’t want you acting like a woman and stooping to how they interact with people

>> No.22457875

i get all the social interaction i can stand at work.

>> No.22457874

Tacitus even reported on the strict monogamy of certain Germanic tribes. Interesting stuff

>> No.22457882

This happens as you get older and become more independent. It’s normal and clear that many here are young. There is a certain point where you aren’t meeting up with people whenever you have free time. Adult men have a few friends and many acquaintances. Don’t stress but I get that the shift can be depressing or alarming. It is time for you to come into your own

>> No.22457891

>This happens as you get older and become more independent.
Not OP. I'm only 20 and I still live at home and I have no desire for social interaction, what's the deal with me?

>> No.22457894

you get all your social needs met by shitposting with other shutins on 4chan.

>> No.22457904

The same shit- you are becoming an adult. Now get a job and move out. Get your shit together or you will never fully mature

>> No.22457915

>Now get a job
I've been applying and no one is taking me which is unfortunate because I really need a job.
>and move out.
Not possible right now even if I had the money, Australia is going through a housing crisis.

>> No.22457917

I guess so, and I'm OK with that.

>> No.22457932

If you want a blackpill, I know people who make 150k plus who are struggling with buying or paying off a home. I’m sure the importation of more chinks and curries will help with this though.
>t. white collar ausfag

>> No.22457938

Getting a job is a job in itself. Go in person, follow up, apply to many many places, ask people you know. Hardest part is getting your foot in the door

>> No.22457940

I really just want to lodge a shotgun shell in my skull. I’m so fucking exhausted and frustrated with this pathetic and miserable existence.

>> No.22457944

>I know people who make 150k plus who are struggling with buying or paying off a home.
I believe you, the housing market is fucked right now, no thanks to the boomers.

>> No.22457948

>ask people you know.
This is what I've done, my brother told me that he could hand my resume to his boss and that I might be able to get a job with him so fingers crossed it works out.

>> No.22457949

Many upper middle class people live beyond their means and are up to their eyeballs in debt, or are trying to portray a lifestyle or image they can’t afford.

>> No.22457957

I want my own house. It doesn't have to be big, just bigger than a trailer. I want to live on my own without having to deal with loud roommates or 19 year olds down the hall discovering alcohol for the first time or adult children breaking things all the time. I want someplace clean and quiet that reflects my values.
Unfortunately I make $35k a year and that figure will not increase by a substantial measure for the foreseeable future. On top of that loan rates are stupid high right now and while it's obvious there's some kind of trouble brewing in the housing market the nature of that trouble and its solution is not obvious whatsoever.

>> No.22457964

its the same level its always been, only concerned about the growing FEAR about it

>> No.22457967

I don’t disagree, you see it happening all the time. We only recently had historically low interest rates and retards started getting into debt thinking those rates would last forever. The government also started giving first hole buyer assistance which allowed people who have no business buying a home to purchase properties that they couldn’t have off the second interest rate started going back up. Makes me think it was an intentional debt trap

>> No.22457976

>Makes me think it was an intentional debt trap
You're telling me that the government couldn't be trusted after the Robo Debt fuckup?

>> No.22457983

If people didn’t wake up after Covid then they never will

>> No.22458025

I don't like defending our government, but if you look at the statistics you'd see that the lockdowns actually helped in New South Wales or wherever it was.

>> No.22458033

it's so fucking hot out i'm sick of this shit man

>> No.22458045

I feel like I've been shot and is now looking for revenge. Maybe I shouldn't watch too much John Wick

What would happen if I never watched movies at all? Will I be a retard? Or will I Galileo Galilei?


>> No.22458053

>What would happen if I never watched movies at all?
You wouldn't be educated on movies?

>> No.22458097 [DELETED] 

maybe only having linkedin for social media is giving me a warped outlook or maybe living in a big ass city is giving me a warped outlook, but like aren't there any people who just do a bachelor's and get a job and then chill? does everyone have to constantly be doing masters degrees and getting promotions? like has anyone ever said "ya i think i'm good with two masters degrees, i'm gonna pass on that mba"? if those people exist they aren't on my linkedin. at the same time, 4chan is full of people who seethe at anyone who can afford an ipad, so there have to be some slackers around here right?

>> No.22458260

We just hit spring here in Australia, it's still a little chilly but it'll surely warm up.

>> No.22458265
File: 87 KB, 653x485, sleeper mcman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired every single day. I wake up tired and I go to sleep tired, I got good sleep last night but I'm still yawning as I type this, what the fuck, bros?

>> No.22458274

I feel so cheated. My whole life was stolen from me at every point. I'm just so resentful about it. High school and college have just be absolute misery. I'm so angry.

>> No.22458282

>my 52 year old mother referenced gigachad during conversation over the family dinner
That's it. Shut the internet down. Enough.

>> No.22458288

My normie millennial friends have been showing mw memes of chad talking to soijack. Its surreal

>> No.22458344

The chad vs onions memes were originally funny because chad was engaging in some activity that was outlandish or otherwise comical. Normies don’t know how to meme. Same thing with the sigma male thing. It was originally making fun of financebro or grind culture. Normies didn’t understand it and just applied it to things that are seemed vaguely cool

>> No.22458376

>Normies don’t know how to meme.
It seems like most people don't know how to meme anymore. Zoomers don't, boomers don't, the left doesn't, the right doesn't etc.

>> No.22458383

---- Solaria ----
The Constellations

There's something about any view to the stars
That puts one comletely at rest:

The Hyades compared to the Pleiades in any mind casually rigorous,
On vacation in the night sky,

On lawn where almost anything goes.

>> No.22458386

Memes have become too ubiquitous. To be honest I’m not even sure what exactly defines what is or isn’t a meme anymore. The internet no longer has niche corners and everything is a homogeneous mass, just with various superficial differences

>> No.22458398

I have ~a couple dozen books by one author and like 6 inches of shelf space to completely fill that shelf with a single author. The OCD in me says to complete the one author shelf, even if I’m buying extremely minor and niche book of his. Should I do it or is that too autistic?

>> No.22458400

i would rather be dead than take any meme seriously.

>> No.22458416

Reminds me of that lacan shelf

>> No.22458419

I like the bachelor frog memes. I’m old school

>> No.22458425

The only niche corners that still exist are 4chan and Reddit. Unfortunately, Reddit is just a bunch of virtue-signalling ultra-progressive retards that will mass downvote anything that they don't agree with and that doesn't allow for a lot of conversation. There's also a much higher chance that your shit won't even get seen, at least on 4chan no one will be hidden and there's a good chance your post will be seen and responded to.

>> No.22458443

Reddit and 4channel aren’t as different as some think. The same type of brain dead zoomer inhabits both in flocks. What their twist or interest is matters little as they are both coming from a brain that is dead. There are probably hobby based or special interest forums that are good. Probably a pinball forum or musky fishing one in some dark corner of the internet where those that post there are enthusiastic and knowledgeable

>> No.22458452

>There are probably hobby based or special interest forums that are good. Probably a pinball forum or musky fishing one in some dark corner of the internet where those that post there are enthusiastic and knowledgeable
Yeah, but they'd either be really cliquey or basically dead.

>> No.22458454

At the point where I dread being friends with anyone at this point, women in particular. Everyone I talk to for the most part simply wants someone to feed into their narcissism and self obsessive tendencies.

>> No.22458457

Cliques and gatekeeping is a double edged sword. They can define the culture and keep posts at a higher quality level if good, or they can create an echo chamber and drive off any new voice. On old /lit/ certain anons used to dominate threads of their interest and they would basically ignore any new poster or be hostile to them. Even though that was terrible it’s better than we got now

>> No.22458463

>Even though that was terrible it’s better than we got now
I can't think of a single reason why that would be good, that just sounds like they were trying to kill the board.

>> No.22458464

Playing Runescape as my girlfriend slept

>> No.22458471

I actually like seeing these niche memes go mainstream. Its like the culture I built is finally manifesting. It makes me happy

>> No.22458476

It wasn’t like that in every thread. For example there could be 3 anons who would dominate in any Thomas Mann thread. /lit/ used to be slower so threads had more time to percolate and get replies, anons took more time to reply so you would get more and better effortposts, and anons generally stayed on topic. There were way less “books for thing I want to discuss” half assed off topic threads and threads that belonged on other boards in spirit. The quality and focus here is bad now. Old /lit/ wasn’t great but it was better

>> No.22458477

I want to hurtt myself. I want to put out a cigarette on my arm. I want to cut my wrists. I want to feel pain. I dont know why. I dont want to feel this way. I wish I was normal. I just want to watch myself bleed.

>> No.22458483

What do you do when you just don’t like anything anymore?

>> No.22458488

I get what you're saying now.

>> No.22458492

I have a recurring ideation to write a novel, but I've yet to enact myself to write it. I have constant dreams with hypnagogic visions of different constructs of the everyday world, with deep aesthetic meaning, yet I cannot compel myself to write them down, I remember each dream like it was yesterday. From the age of five, I've had these lucid dreams, where the world is deconstructed and rebuilt in a construction of abstract aesthetics. My earliest dream was set in a massive padded room, all white, filled with colorful geometric shapes, I bounced high up the room on a bike, and fell. I feared being hurt but as I landed I realized I was in a dream and felt the anxiety disappear. Since then I've had strong lucid dreams that've followed me my entire life

>> No.22458495

I have felt this way about some of my favorite hobbies, mostly music, I think what typically gets me back in the groove is experiencing something reinvigorating. You need to be invigorated to enjoy things. If you hate life and have a doomer mindset, you are only hurting yourself. What will you think of yourself in the future, will you lose the ability to reach your full potential either physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.

>> No.22458511

---- Solaria ----
El Chichon

Hummingbirds among cardinal vines,
Massive bumblebees where monarch butterflies

Reign, the sense of planetary
Drives, prophecy.

My father placidly listening to this
While pleasant scenery rolls by, with elegant slowness.


>> No.22458535

Was the last friendship that bad?

>> No.22458553

My toes are always so cold, I'm wearing socks and they're still cold, it's not even a cold day, I'm so sick of this shit.

>> No.22458564

Went back to working construction after writing books and articles for about five years.

They just changed the law so you can sell a whole feral hog carcass with a fur catcher's license.

So I'm gonna work the roads for the man as the year cools down, buy me a used truck to drive around.

Maybe an F one fifty or something like that, then go out there and bag some hogs and coyotes too.

Load em up in the back and haul it in, get paid for them hogs and go home that's it man.

>> No.22458597


The first one I'll bag with a spear in the morning light down by the water, just to freeze and eat, but the best time to hunt the hogs is at night, and with a juicy caliber.

An AR-10 in .308 should do the trick, with a thermal sensor optic to see in the dark. A suppressor around the barrel to keep the rifle quiet.

To just slip out into the night with a high powered rifle and a night vision scope, blast a dozen or so hogs, haul em in, get paid, and go home.

That would be alright, can save up to buy some land and build a home. Then live and farm on that home until I die and that would be alright.

>> No.22458601

Unfortunately yes, in the end.

>> No.22458607

As you grow older you become more aware of suffering?

>> No.22458636

---- Solaria ----

I sat before a screen
Into which the Great Bear rose

And the occasional meteor slanted in the near infrared.

20 years on, it seems illegal
As metropolitan libraries, dish relaxed as can be.

>> No.22458658

I've been suffering my entire life, I've been aware of it since I was a youngin'

>> No.22458663

It depends on the situation. I was born to the first of worlds, and sometimes can't believe how fortunate I am.

>> No.22458667

>not being able to impose your imagination on reality in real time, feeling the endless significance of every aspect in any moment

>> No.22458678

But what happened? Realized that he didnt care about you all this time?

>> No.22458704

might be a leak of the gas used to cool air in your AC. Think its called freon

>> No.22458717

have never thought of a poster who says "kys retard" as a worthwhile person to interact with.
the posters i actually use this site for are the ones who give insightful, usually short answers to unusual questions.

>> No.22458720

do the right thing for yourself

>> No.22458723

Ultimately nobody cares, they simply care about how much you can make them exist

>> No.22458725

thats not gonna get to him

>> No.22458735

your personality has to be willing to be fake

>> No.22458738

you could just live a good life.

>> No.22458747

cars are tools, but they are very fun/useful tools. do the fun/useful things and you will become interested in the tool.

>> No.22458762

Thats pretty much given and especially shows when you're talking with a person about him/her and he/she never stops and asks about you or your take on things. In my case, my old friend dropped me once I didnt measure up to his social level.

>> No.22458765

there are some deeper hits that you take, no?

What about mental or moral suffering?

>> No.22458849

>start uni again
>Classes are 95% female
Not sure if good or bad. Already have gf.

>> No.22458874

lacking purpose, everything feels empty, everything feels like a distraction. Maybe need to just sit in silence and contemplate for a while and get away from the digital world.

>> No.22458883

>there are some deeper hits that you take, no?
What do you mean?

>> No.22458916

Is it ever justified to end your life simply because you are not happy with your life?

>> No.22458922

I don't see why not. Sure you could take active steps to change your life but if you don't care to do that or you know that you'll never achieve your goals then I don't see why it would be wrong.

>> No.22458940

does anyone else get this peculiar feeling. It happens below chest, feeling deep inside below lungs, at a similar place where butterflies happen.
It happens usually around this time, time of autumn. It can be described as feeling of wonder, excitement for the things to come, feeling of being 16 and going to the park with your friends after school. I suspect this feeling is connected with feeling of youth. Its a very pleasant feeling
Does anybody else know what i'm talking about?

>> No.22458945

I know what you're talking about but I haven't felt this feeling in a long time and I don't know if I'll ever feel it again. I doubt you can artificially create it.

>> No.22458949

that's so cool that you know this feeling also. may i ask how old are you and when did you last feel it, in which situation?
This morning i felt it pretty strong, it was wonderful, its still lingering. Im 29 and i was sitting in the office when it happened lol, but i cant remember the last time i felt it this hard
Is there a name for this?

>> No.22458951

I'm 20 and I haven't felt it in about 5 years.

>> No.22458952

I can't even remember the scenario where I last felt it, I grew up in a small country town so hanging out after school was pretty much an every day thing regardless of the season.

>> No.22458954

this morning when it happened i was thinking of being 16 again and going to botanical garden with some girl and then going for a coffee. Not a care in a world kind of feeling, just being in the moment and everything is so new and full of possibilities.
Maybe my mind is trying to tell me that i still have some youth in me left

>> No.22458957

i think for me it still happened when i was 20. althought not that much.

>> No.22458958

i love autumn in the city when there's that chill in the air, brown leaves in the trees, a dusk that lingers, a slight relief upon entering a warm shop or bar, and of course it's all anchored in the memories of your college years and the energy of the fall semester even if you have not been a student for some time.

>> No.22458959

oh and i forgot to say, it sometimes activates when i listen to some kind of a song i really like, that hits the right spots for this feeling to happen

>> No.22458962

yeah, you described it really well, its a feeling of a new begining of sorts, new school year etc

>> No.22458964

I just tried to activate it/feel it even a little bit and I just can't, I know what you're talking about but I don't even remember what it feels like.

>> No.22458972

i dont know why it happened to me today but it did
maybe listening to music you listened to in HS can help. Or just remembering the situations where you felt it.

>> No.22458978

It’s probably less a knowing and more a sense of general hopelessness because your life is what it is after a certain age

>> No.22458980

>maybe listening to music you listened to in HS can help.
I still like that music though and I listen to it semi-frequently and it doesn't bring out any type of feeling. I don't know if I care to hunt that feeling down or not, I don't even know if it would do much for me at this point.

>> No.22458984

Really? I have absolutely no urge to connect with anyone, if I could pay a monthly fee to keep people away from me then I would.

>> No.22458988

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/1ZZQuj6htF4?si=IFHjAKEAWHafTKvy

>> No.22458990

yeah i get your point of view. i dont know if it's even possible to chase that feeling. i think it's just possible to let it happen really
>I don't even know if it would do much for me at this point.
what do you mean?

>> No.22458996

>what do you mean?
I don't know if it would even feel good at this point, it would probably just be another weird feeling, it wouldn't make me feel bad or good, it would just be a feeling.

>> No.22459009

ok i think i kind of understand but not really

>> No.22459013

Not tryna sound rude but is English your first language?

>> No.22459020

its not, i know what you've written, i know all the words you've written and what they mean in a sentence but- that's not how i process feelings.>>22458996

>> No.22459031

>that's not how i process feelings
Everyone is unique in their own way so that's understandable. If you don't mind me asking, what's your first language?

>> No.22459032

i think chasing that feeling is part of how the education industry gets people to waste money on unneeded masters degrees. too bad doing some shitty online mba isn't going to bring you back. you can only do your undergrad once. then again i'm sure doing some really expensive masters at nyu would feel quite nice, that area around washington square park is the ultimate autumnal reverie space, too bad the debt will be with you for a long long time.

>> No.22459050

I didn't go to uni so that's not where that feeling stems from for me, it stems from hanging out with my friends after school until the street lights came on which indicated that we had to go back home, I was the only one that lived in town so after everyone got picked up, I would walk back home by myself, it was nice. That last part didn't have anything to do with the feeling, just thought I'd mention it. Also, I'm not even from America so even if I wanted to go to NYU, I couldn't. I mean, that and I'm a high school dropout, but y'know.

>> No.22459055

im a slav so one of the slavic languages

>> No.22459076

I want to get prescribed ADHD meds so that I can focus on shit but that won't happen unless I get diagnosed with ADHD and a diagnosis here in Australia will set you back a few grand which is money that I don't have.

>> No.22459081
File: 126 KB, 551x668, Abraham Van Helsing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor Abraham Van Helsing is a fictional character from the 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula. Van Helsing is an aged Dutch doctor with a wide range of interests and accomplishments, partly attested by the string of letters that follows his name: "MD, D.Ph., D.Litt., etc, etc," indicating a wealth of experience, education and expertise.

lads, I just think I found my one and only 'literally me'

>> No.22459082

You're a Dutch doctor with a wide range of interests and accomplishments?

>> No.22459088

no but I want to be

I don't have much to life for, anyway

>> No.22459096

Well, then how is it literally you?

>> No.22459132

Maybe a better way to describe it is someone I wish to emulate

>> No.22459153

>Literally someone I want to be.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.22459231

Adrenaline spikes

>> No.22459416
