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/lit/ - Literature

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22452770 No.22452770 [Reply] [Original]

1. Franz Kafka
2. Beau is Afraid

Marathoned this movie today and really enjoyed it, both comedy and drama. Throughout 3 hours of this movie I felt like I did during reading The Trial by Kafka. The protagonist finds himself helpless in a world full of people acting bizarrely and hostile against him. His relationship with his mother resembles a relation Kafka had with his father. A narcissistic, abusive woman who wants to control every aspect of her own son, making him self-conscious and feeling guilty if he doesn't grant her every wish, even accusing him of hurting her. The final scene also draws some parallels to an ending of The Trial, as if from the very beginning the protagonist didn't have a say or ability to choose, he was a mere puppet with already established destination.
Genuinely great movie, truly captured le kafkaesque vibe

>> No.22452778

>/lit/ - television and movies

>> No.22452808

1. Paul Auster
2. Music of Chance (It's based on the Paul Auster novel of the same name. While the novel is nothing short of a masterpiece, the adaptation is pretty good, if nothing stellar. Also, fairly faithful to the source material)
*This is a very jewish thread*

>> No.22453191

that movie is fucking reddit

>> No.22453284

This isn't Reddit faggot
This movie is shit by the way.

>> No.22453294

what a sad fag you are

>> No.22453309

>Henry Miller
>Henry and June

>> No.22453312

>Simping for jews
Why are bitches like this?

>> No.22453334

What is truly sad is your obsession with these quasicapeshit movies and relating it to a genuine piece of art.

>> No.22453342

This is a great movie.

>> No.22453346

You two are really stupid. The movie is a self-indulgent crap, make no mistake. But you two will always remain below average in terms of intelligence.

>> No.22453349

>obsessed with reddit
>muh art
>stop enjoying things
you're worse than redditors, kys

>> No.22453376

Don't get all triggered by me wanting to stomp out your shitfilm. Take your smooth brain shit elsewhere, please.

>> No.22454555

Great film, OP. I like your take on it.

>> No.22454738

anxious little anon consumes garbage

>> No.22455202

I love kafka too but this movie was not good

>> No.22455227

I don't know how actually similar they are as I've not watched the movie, but it always reminds me of Roald Dahl's short story Pig. Check it up OP

>> No.22455289

What's so bad about it?

>> No.22455555

You can't marathon a single film, numb nuts. That term is applied to multiple films in one sitting or one of your gay ass Netflix seasons.

>> No.22455564
File: 53 KB, 981x949, 50fl13ykyy811-3055696442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marathoned this movie
>Bro holy shit I sat still and did the same activity for 3 hours bro holy shit what a labor a true toil of the spirit I need to go recover bro

>> No.22456079

>being this new
>this wasted get
Shit thread and dead board.

>> No.22456348

Mindless Amerifat rick and mortyesque plot with one of the most flawed directors in contemporary history
Stop consuming garbage I'm saying this to help you not insult you anon.

>> No.22456402

Not a criticism and I'm not interested in your personal bias against the director

>> No.22456586
File: 113 KB, 768x719, c'esttoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is making fun of you
>Not a criti-ACK

>> No.22456625

1. Thomas Pynchon
2. Inherent Vice

>> No.22456631

You just proved my point. You can't argument otherwise than by saying buzzwords or insulting. Get off this board, imbecile

>> No.22456653

Beau himself is static and bland, in the kind of film this character is in he should evolve somewhat. The "surrealism" is Mcdonalds tier shit it's devoid of any sort of artistic merit that surrealism does offer.
The film is one for the atheists and the blind. Pure consumerist crap.