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22452002 No.22452002 [Reply] [Original]

Holly shit, this book is like if Kaczynski was actually smart and had a background in philosophy

>> No.22452003


>> No.22452013

The book is split in two parts, the first in a sociological critique of 20th century society, based on Heidegger writings on technology and the second one is a critique of the retarded aspects of Western philosophy which lead to that point

>> No.22452063

Supporting sexual revolution is a sign of oversocialization.

>> No.22452094

heidegger is the product of the secular enlightenment, he as zero insight into anything

>> No.22452120

It’s return to monke

>> No.22452125
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>actually smart
>had a background in philosophy
Choose one

>> No.22452131

Any perspective that hopes to understand our current state will inadvertently start from an enlightenment standpoint

>> No.22452149

Based. Philosophy is just a cope for non STEMCHADS!>>22452125

>> No.22452465

I bet OP thinks he blends in really well here. How about you lurk some more before you try this sort of thing? Or better yet, fuck off.

>> No.22452632

^this faggot never read Heidegger.

>> No.22452641

Kek you truly did just start your second year of Uni

>> No.22452694

A jew that fucking ugly really cant be smart.

>> No.22453104

You can cope a feel of deez nuts.

>> No.22453121

>le 1d man is so smart
C'mon n tryharder, faggot. Even hardcore marxists admit that shit is gay af

>> No.22453122

It isn't at all. Marcuse was a subversive Judeo-Bolshevik with a few appealing reactionary tendencies, but they were grounded in his resentment of the European race. Kaczynski's primary source was Jacques Ellul, a French Catholic anarchist. Read The Technological Society and see for yourself.

>> No.22453125

both were CIA ops so this checks out

>> No.22453186


>> No.22453190

at least Marcuse wasn't a troon

>> No.22453261


>> No.22453292



>> No.22453332
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everyone has heard of the unabomber

no one has heard of marcuse

whoever can spread the message farther and wider is more relevant

>> No.22453367

you're wrong, enjoy your deconstruction

>> No.22453412

>a few appealing reactionary tendencies
Ellul on Marcuse:
>I must admit also that
the ideas of Marcuse strike me as drenched in the earliest
phase of Hitlerist philosophy. There we have the one and only
great revolution of irrationality which ever occurred, the great
festival (the greatest by far): what it did to reinforce the
state, technology, propaganda, and all the rest, is history. Any
orientation of that nature will have the same results.
That is why current invocations to irrationalism and to the
mystique of revolution fill me with dread. For their only
possible outcome was demonstrated by Hitler. The conse¬
quences of uncontrolled irrationality are inevitable and pre¬
dictable. There is no intrinsic virtue in Eros, whereas there is
a menace behind those dark forces which were unveiled and
used solely for inflicting on mankind the worst disaster it has
ever known. What Marcuse has done is sow the seeds of a new

>> No.22453459

Eros and Civilization is much better as far as Marcuse’s thought goes. He heavily draws on Bataille and Lyotard with an essentially Freudian framework. Much better than 1D Man imo

>> No.22453525

It was published in 1955 so it predates Lyotard

>> No.22453840

The descendants of Marcuse intellectual tradition are in near total control of the US' educative, entertainment and civil bureaucracies while the descendants of the unabombers are incels and a few lone wolf terrorists. Marcuse has spread wider

>> No.22453873

>4chanbrain moment

>> No.22454584

Spot on desu

>> No.22454659

>t. part of the problem

Frankfurters apart from Adorno were irrelevant even in their own time and degenerated thanks to their cushy 5th column gigs in American academia. For whatever the appeal of works like picrel, it's underscored by this: Left Wing Communism, An Infantile Disorder -- V.I. Lenin.

>> No.22454663 [SPOILER] 
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>immanent to Capital vs. not in influences
If marxists appreciated this, they'd be more receptive, even reactionary. A walking paradox like Zizek is a paragon of the problem.

>> No.22454670

>What Marcuse has done is sow the seeds of a new Nazism.

'The Nazis in Moscow' geostrategically collaborating with Beijing in accordance to the same old fucking plan laugh at this. The fall of Girkin & Prigozhin tell a story that Anatoly Golitsyn & Jan Sejna et. al. already warned you of.

>> No.22454692

>spawns the alt-left (1968 protests were his godchild)
>spawns the alt-right (Paul Gottfried studied under him)
how did Marcuse do it? what was his endgame?

>> No.22454833

So this is the power of Hegelians?

>> No.22455077

Didn’t this guy pionnier the whole minority thing? Ultimately his philosophy didn’t pan out, sorry OP you are just in your first few year in philosophy you will get it in time.

>> No.22455101
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hedonistic Imperative is better

>> No.22455120

Was literally a fed. Retards on the left read him as a critique, when really it was a demystification of continental trends for the easy consumption of American technocrats so they could implement the lessons of WW2 totalitarian regimes non self-destructively on their own population.

>> No.22455130

>whoever can spread the message farther and wider is more relevant
Ted's message is just being a violent faux-reactionary out of ressentiment, which is good if you're an accelerationist but not if you want to make positive contributions to an individual's life.

>> No.22455134

>There is no intrinsic virtue in Eros
>Because... there just isn't, okay?!

>> No.22455153

If capitalism is such a one-dimensional thing then why does every leftie can now have his ebin special snowflake identity and think themselfs the revolutionary subject? This is all from Marcuse btw. That is why he isn't liked by Adorno. Because Marcuse is a capitalist shill that thinks himself a marxist.

>> No.22455160

>Hedonistic Imperative
What a western atheist bugman thinks when he reads about Buddhism.

>> No.22455561

What's this retarded drivel

>> No.22455976

>Hyperthermic people
What is this loonie talking about? Tibetan yogis?

>> No.22456055

How are you all not sick of
> le critique of Western [thing]
Western culture and civilization are the most remarkable to ever exist. If anything should be critiqued it’s the hot takes from non-Western institutional maggots (like Marcuse) that make their name by worming their way into the Western woodwork and feed off of it.

>> No.22456064

Paul Gottfried isn’t exactly the godfather of the alt-right. The alt-right is just a disparate series of right wing groups who deviate from the mainstream “classically liberal” corporate apologists and lame ducks that make up the right in Western countries. There is no ideological unity and no godfather. If there was, it certainly wouldn’t be Paul Gottfried, who by the way, has always been very open about studying under Marcuse and afaik said that he didn’t really influence him very much.