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/lit/ - Literature

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22444433 No.22444433 [Reply] [Original]

>growing up always thought one thousand and one nights wuz le cool stories about chivalry and wisdom from watching orientalist goyslop
>read it
>it's just persian cuckold fanfic
what the fuck?

>> No.22444478

Gonna check it out.

>> No.22444693

NTR has a long and storied history. it's a civilized fetish, for civilized men

>> No.22444811

I think it was Spengler who said that semites are inherently opposed to creating belles-lettres like europeans or the peoples of india and the far east do because in their understanding of the world the Koran is all the belles-lettres a man could ever need. So it's like that anecdote by Gibbon, where the caliph says about the library of alexandria that "if those books are in agreement with the Koran, we have no need of them, if they are opposed to the Koran, destroy them".

Persians are technically not semites but culturally they might as well be, and the 1001 nights are more of a middle eastern best of compilation anyway.

>> No.22444967
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You are just spouting off insane bullshit. There are lots of mythical and heretical creatures such as ifrits and djinn in the Arabian Nights stories. Lots of immoral conduct too. While most of the evil people get their comeuppance in some way there are still loads of evil shit that just happens and the characters are like “oh well. That’s life.” It’s not strictly a Muslim moral play.

>> No.22445159

I believe it was Tom Clancy in that delicious modernist masterpiece, Jeb Storm Rising, who said that Arabs have only two kinds of books: luscious reading lists of the imagination, and the Koran. Fukuyama would add "books of ideology and books of government dogma."

>> No.22445399

Spengler didn't say that anywhere and that has no connection to reality and you need to stop posting retarded shit online actually

>> No.22445646

The 1001 Nights were always considered shlocky children's lit, yes children's, in the Middle East and South Asia. It was guys like Burton who elevated them to high literature, which is like taking a bunch of grindhouse movies and claiming their kino art house.

Belles-lettres was huge in Classical Arabic for centuries. Al-Jahiz, Ibn Hazm, Mutannabi etc. there are too many authors to even name.

>> No.22446748

>Persians are technically not semites but culturally they might as well be
Persians are culturally more non-semitic than you Eurotrash. For one thing, Zoroastrians survived in Yazd. Where are your pagans in unbroken patrilineal continuity to Pre-Christian times? Oh that's right, they're all gone.
Go back to sucking J*w dick.
BTW, Persians will never be your allies, as it has been for all of history, and I'd rather Iran, including all of its cultural artifacts, be nuked than to ever be your allies ever again, you snobbish, self-entitled, narcissistic Jew-dick sucking brat.

>> No.22447124

All Islamic lit is like this

>> No.22447137

there’s literally nothing wrong with being jewish