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22443305 No.22443305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22443306
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>> No.22443311

If a woman wants to be childless, explore the world and live her own life, what's the issue? Children fucking suck.

>> No.22443374


>> No.22443377

Spoken like a true child

>> No.22443378

There's no issue, women that think like this should never reproduce

>> No.22443410

Once they hit 30, they typically want to do so, however. Then all the bitching and moaning starts. How does one let them live, laugh, love but also avoid the subsequent histrionics?

>> No.22443428
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>pls fuck me reee
no lol

>> No.22443446

>show my wife and I
Nominative, as the object of the verb? I'll show you no respect at all.

>> No.22443491

why do i need children when i have cool avengers figurines and a fleshlight

>> No.22443536

I think that it was Plutarch writing on Sparta that recounted the married couple that had no children and a giant kennel full of dogs. Everyone knew it was fishy.