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22439867 No.22439867 [Reply] [Original]

How could we abandon

>> No.22439876

You’re not French, Jordy.

>> No.22439887

A church with big windows in a forest? Seems pretty easy, just leave.

>> No.22439889

Brief history of Chapelle de Vic
>In 1885, a rich guy builds a chapel on his property in the French countryside in a faux 15th century gothic style - completely fake and derivative
>Absolutely no reason or purpose for a chapel to be there. No one uses it, it's a vanity project
>Rich guy dies, new property owners lose interest and the chapel falls apart
>The chapel is not old enough for French government to take interest in restoring it
>Jordan Peterson seethes on the internet

>> No.22439912

I think it’s nice desu

>> No.22439923

Rich crypto bro here. How much does it cost?

>> No.22439979

Rural France is dirt cheap compared to USFaggotstan, you could probably get away with it for $500k plus a couple acres

>> No.22439984

What meter is Jordan using in his verse?

>> No.22439988

Practically a bargain. I’ll look into it.

>> No.22440010

all those ""muh culture/antiquity/architecture" accounts on twitter are such colossal faggots and philistines

>> No.22440032

>In 1885, a rich guy builds a chapel on his property in the French countryside in a faux 15th century gothic style - completely fake and derivative
tell me you know nothing about architecture lmao

>> No.22440137

You forgot some parts
>Rich guy creates something he thinks is beautiful based on ideas of beauty absorbed from a historical culture that had a high level of metaphysical insight and moral development
>It is flawed and out of step with the times, but the times are hideously ugly anyway, a nightmare in which most women will die childless and alone for reasons other than war or plague for the first time in human history, and in which men are all addicted to a predatory porn industry based on glorified human trafficking and slavery and nobody owns their own property and everybody is miserable and subject to a global usury empire ("It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - J. Krishnamurti)
>Jordan Peterson comes along 150 years later and himself sees the original beauty of the original model of the cathedral, itself seen only dimly by its original builder, as though "through a mirror, darkly"
>Despite all this, and after what has now been centuries of life in the usury and porn nightmare world, Jordan Peterson, known midwit, still has the instinct, insight, and moral feeling to say "Perhaps we should venerate beautiful things like this once again, I'd like to know more about these beautiful symmetries tho I am now so estranged and distant from them"
And the ending
>Some ugly-souled spiritual nigger with cartoon nigger stink lines visible on the astral plane gets happy that Jordan Peterson is a midwit who can only see beauty reflected through a dead Frenchman's tarnished mirror reflecting a few rays of light from a glorious and gleaming past long buried in usury, porn, and spiritual niggery
>Ugly astral stinknigger says "Hahaha you didn't even get a PhD Degree at Faggot University to know that this is a derivative KITSCH cathedral! YOU LOSE! That was your one chance to hearken to the longing in your breast for a return to beauty in whatever form!! You didn't satisfy the pedantry of niggersouls with faggot degrees!! DENIED!!"
>Niggersmell, supremely self-satisfied, goes for a walk on the cracked and skewed concrete streets between brutalist buildings in deliberately assymetric junkspace, stepping over schizophrenic bums and gypsified mongrels from all corners of the earth on his way to get sewage smashed into a patty for $13.86 at 24.99% interest

>> No.22440140

Meanwhile in alternate reality
>Bus crashes through ugly nigger's usury-rented slavecube domicile, flattening nigger's body and dashing his brains all over the dirty tenement walls before he can finish making ugly 4chan post
>As yet un-niggerfied onlooker doesn't see smug ugly post, and his thoughts are not formed by its ugliness
>Reflects on Jordan Peterson's reflection on this rich Frenchman's reflection of the light of a beautiful past ("13th, Greatest of All Centuries") that took the luminous presence of God in the world so for granted that average people saw God under every leaf
>Decides to study the medieval weltanschauung and habitus
>Ends up writing a book on the symbolism of gothic cathedrals and the real metaphysical vision underlying their design
>Touches the souls of millions, including one Jordan "Midwit" Peterson on his deathbed
>Meanwhile nobody remembers the flattened dead nigger that never was

>> No.22440162

not reading allat
peterson is a midwit
these twitter accounts are for faggots
you probably have a social media account with a david avatar
pack it up

>> No.22440268
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1000, TraditionalCatholicEurope_Kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people abandoned the one true faith Traditional Catholicism. Isnt peterson a jew anyway what is he complaining about?

>> No.22440300

Then buy it, it’s cheap as shit

>> No.22440350

Not bad

>> No.22440372

he's north american. everything good is we, everything bad is they.

>> No.22440377

>my continent think good
>continent I dislike think bad
You are the tribalist you are mocking

>> No.22440390

What if he prayed in it

>> No.22440394

>vsharts LARPing as tradcath
A bigger absurdity of nature than trannies themselves

>> No.22440443
File: 816 KB, 1200x812, RM-AA_008_72dpi_1200px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks better abandoned.
abandoned chads.. we keep winning

>> No.22440472


>> No.22440563
File: 288 KB, 1023x787, 26117510302_70b6a3e05d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally the whole thing, like six people can fit in it if they don't mind the ass grabbing. It is kind of cute but eh, not even big enough to qualify as a folly.

>> No.22440577

fucking lol
this is it. this is the fall of the West right here

>> No.22440703

makes perfect sense since it was built as a rich guy's private prayer room

>> No.22440718

>completely fake and derivative
Like what the italians did during the renassaince? And neoclassicism? And what the romans did, copying the greeks? And colonists in the new world?

>> No.22440724

Proportions are all fucked up

>> No.22440726

No, like >>22440563

>> No.22440728

I was not talking about its sense, just pointing out this is not some grand cathedral and not even a cathedral.
He is referring to its complete lack of consideration towards proportion and scale.

>> No.22440730

well at least he's not posting fetish gooning dungeons and claiming they're chinese torture chambers anymore

>> No.22440775
File: 230 KB, 1099x1536, Turner_Tintern1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks better like that because it's more unique

>> No.22440782

I meant it for OP

>> No.22440817

>what is the gothic revival
Read some Kenneth Clark, faggot.

>> No.22440822


>> No.22440825


>> No.22440966


>> No.22441003

Why do Christcucks think gaudy ostentatious displays of obscene wealth are beautiful when there are so many people suffering from lack of material resources? Imagine how much good could have been accomplished had the labor for this vanity project been dedicated towards housing, food production, energy, medical care, basically anything charitable. This is nothing more than a monument to selfishness, to a cold disregard for the suffering of others.

>> No.22441020

I appreciate what you're trying to say but veneration of decadent, "bad" art isn't going to do society or our environment any favors. I don't have any problem with Peterson appreciating the photo in the Tweet. It's pleasant to look at. His pretentious versification is obnoxious, however, and the actual building in question is quite ugly as shown here:

>> No.22441030

You’re an atheist, you shouldn’t give a fuck about suffering. Suffering is meaningless.

>> No.22441125


>> No.22441165
File: 46 KB, 562x675, my_honest_reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone posts /pol/ bait
>Anon who knows the context points out that the point of contention is a grotesque, cheaply-built folly with no historical or religious significance whatsoever; basically just a stone dollhouse
>Pseud writes a wall of text about niggers
>Gets dunked on for being retarded

>> No.22441330

>Perhaps we should venerate beautiful things like this once again

>> No.22441336


>> No.22441353

>You’re an atheist, you shouldn’t give a fuck about suffering
christcucks actually believe this

>> No.22441356
File: 609 KB, 2400x888, 1662935844121128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruins look much better

>> No.22441358

It’s meaningless. Doesn’t matter. Completely irrelevant whether someone suffers in the atheists worldview.

>> No.22441364

This probably looks prettier in its forested state than it did as an actual McMansion mini-chapel. It looks less like a discarded Christianity and more like Christianity just making itself humbly intertwined with nature.

Also thread's not literature related unless you want to discuss Peterson's X™ benzopost as poetry.

>> No.22441366

stop (You) or ill be that guy who dies of laughter

>> No.22441369

Please take away smartphones from boomers. It's for their own good

>> No.22441378
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