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22438689 No.22438689 [Reply] [Original]

These books are mid af, even when compared to other sci-fi series

>> No.22438693


>> No.22438700

Dune gets mogged by most genre fiction, unironically. It was only ground breaking when it came out and I only give the first book its credit thanks to its novelty and themes that are relatively untouched in other sci-fi media

>> No.22438716

It just isn't fun. I started reading the Dying Earth after Frank's Dune books and I had a blast. DE civilizations are much weirder than Dune's. Dune is literally the baby's 1st sci-fi.

>> No.22438727

Name 3 scifi books with better intergalactic politics

>> No.22438740

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Culture series

>> No.22438746

"mid" is too generous. The writing, plot and characters are all garbage, the themes are awful, and the worldbuilding is just "dude, Arabian nights in SPACE"

>> No.22438756

>dude, Arabian night in SPACE

only the first, and maybe the second book. From book 3 and onwards it loses all its "MENA" flair, or any flair for that matter

>> No.22438761

Dune > God Emperor > Messiah > Heretics > Children > Chapterhouse

Simple as.

>> No.22438779

“Chapterhouse: Dune” is a bad title

>> No.22438859


>> No.22438865
File: 503 KB, 1791x2015, FrankHackbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse.

>> No.22438872

>we have to fight with swords ... because we just have to ok?!!

>> No.22438875

nothing wrong with taking inspiration

>> No.22438879

>inspiration is when you steal word for word
lol that’s called plagiarism, sonny.

>> No.22438914

I do the same for my romance novels and they've sold for lots

>> No.22438926

This is anti-art cope

>> No.22438929

Yes, he should’ve come up with his own stuff

>> No.22438955

No I mean, the screenshot the retard posted

>> No.22438990

The series turned to shit once gholas apart from the first Duncan Idaho started being a thing

>> No.22439222


>> No.22439822

Top of the bell curve is where the money is, OP.

>> No.22439829

>It was only ground breaking when it came out
What a stupid fucking statement.

>> No.22439839

There is so much romance slop we're probably reaching the probabilistic limit on how much you can write on the matter without replicating another work word for word.

>> No.22439847

>These books are mid af
>even when compared to other sci-fi series

scifi is a quasi-useless genre, it just so happens to have one half-decent series

>> No.22439851
File: 255 KB, 1871x2331, Jules Verne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had one (1) good series and that was the original start of the genre.

>> No.22439904

True genius steals.

>> No.22439910
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>chooses books hoping to "have a blast"

>> No.22439913

Good stealing is when you leave no marks and no evidence. This is a sloppy job because people caught him red handed. He’s a bad and superficial thief.

>> No.22439917

Why else would you read fiction (genre fiction at that) if not for enjoyment?

>> No.22439964

Everyone chooses fiction for enjoyment.
People choose video games to "have a blast."

>> No.22439977

Enjoyment doesn't necessarily mean "having a blast." When I first started reading "difficult" or "serious" (whatever you want to call it) literature, it was tough sledding, but then a kind of enjoyment often started taking hold, and then, further on, the kind of more muted enjoyment that I would get from reading serious literature could actually turn into the kind of thrilling experience ("a blast") that you can get when reading entertainment/plot oriented narratives. I'm not sure if my experience is a universal one, probably not, but my hunch is that it is common enough that this as a kind of rule of thumb.

>> No.22439981

*that this [can be taken] as a kind of rule of thumb.

>> No.22440014


>> No.22440015

>a blast

>> No.22440194
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