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22438150 No.22438150 [Reply] [Original]

for eg.?

>> No.22438158

brainrotted culture war faggot. never got over girls vs. boys in gym class. I hate america so much

>> No.22438184

Opposite is true, women get things "more intimately but sparingly" while men tend to generalize and get overly attached, and I often see women throw softballs in discussions to men who proceed to collapse at even the slightest divergent idea. Especially in non literature hobbies where most regular guys will just want another person with the same opinions and in jokes as them to serve as a socially acceptable mirror

>> No.22438221

so in order to make friends i just need to mimic other guys' conversational style?

>> No.22438235


>> No.22438362

the average guys fantasy girl one who they think is very different by being them but with some feminine behavior quirks. A byproduct of not understanding how similar the people they consider different from them really are.

>> No.22438372

sounds right to me

>> No.22438375

I mean technically that is true for either sex within their respective cliques.

>> No.22438386

i'm about to have so many friends. what a lifehack, i think i'm going to write a book
(non ironically)

>> No.22438481

You can always fall for the meme and go full Carnegie. Are you trying to get more friends? Are you trying to keep up at the work water cooler? It's not particularly revelatory information, I enjoy the active camouflage provided by mimesis, besides no one really cares what is on my mind anyhow, I don't half the time anon.

>> No.22438502

i'd like to cultivate a friend circle. i currently have no friends because i only have 1 coworker. i don't count internet friends as real friends so i honestly have none (yet)

>> No.22438510

damn /lit/ is full of midwits, never coming back here

>> No.22438513

I have only met one woman who could throw any kind of ball in a discussion. I am like 70% sure I kissed her at the end but it's hard to be certain.

>> No.22438561


>> No.22438569

Find events where people go to do things you are interested in and start talking to people. You can also go to local bars if you are of age and sit at the bar and talk to people. You might be able to find book clubs, I have no idea where you are. People are always a numbers game, and nothing more, if you want more friends you have to talk to more people.

>> No.22438608

i tried bars, but i found them to be a bit overwhelming. all the ones i went to were big dark open spaces (with the actual bar next to the entrance) where enormously loud music played while people danced.
it was nearly impossible to communicate without screaming, so i have to assume there are other, more relaxed bars that are more conducive to meeting people.
i'm thinking of going to my local church's events and chatting people up.
thanks for reading my blogpost

>> No.22439671

OP asked for examples that confirm his bias. Anon delivers an example of fpbp.

>> No.22440158

see you tomorrow

>> No.22440731

Finally, glad to see the tide turning against this autism

>> No.22440742

>a literal tripfag is on the side of something
I don't even know what this thread is about but I know whatever this faggot is agreeing with is the wrong view

>> No.22440788

add yourself in fp world

>> No.22440833
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They really like stuffing sexuality into everything. Even if they aren't horny they simply prefer to discuss issues where sex is involved

>> No.22440923
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>for eg.?
red scare podcast

>> No.22440968

any regular person wants a mirror, its common in all demographic. I haven't seen getting confused by divergent ideas, that it would qualify to call it a common occurrence. I have seen women getting confused with things non repetitive in nature, but I haven't followed them till "intimately".
Are you around people whose background have few similar things?

>> No.22440989

Women's purpose is to birth children while man's is to provide. It is only natural they can only think about sex.

>> No.22441009

>Biographers have generally agreed that Tchaikovsky was homosexual. He sought the company of other men in his circle for extended periods, "associating openly and establishing professional connections with them."

So hundreds of years after his death, a bunch of kikes have decided that the man must be a sodomite because he hung out with his friends. No evidence, no letters, not even a vicious rumor from a contemporary, just baseless fucking speculation and mindless unanimity. Jesus fucking shitty cock christ, i hate the gaynited sharts of fagmerica and all the god awful slanderous dipshit retard kikes who gaywash history and spread vicious rumors about men who are no longer here to defend themselves. Hanging is too good for these people.

>> No.22441016

"He never married" = gay

>> No.22441027

Makes me mad, desu

>> No.22441164

>any regular person wants a mirror, its common in all demographic.
IMO whether someone 'wants' a mirror is irrelevant to the fact that, while you still need something to establish a shared language and common ground to understand each other you should ultimately be complimenting each other with your differences to infinity. Males are more socially safe and go for experiential niches, female are more socially spontaneous and focus more on experiential diversity. It's men who undermine intimacy for "ulterior motives" which may often be unfruitful (see: ideology obsessed retards who never do anything with said ideal), but it's not some rule any individual has to follow, just a correlation you should transcend.

>> No.22441385

humanity comes in different shapes and sizes. Not everyone shares one's idea of living, nor they live accordance one box of generalization. Things they pick isnt random walk but generated from their behavioral trait of a fixed, linear and non- variable mixture, despite its not fully conclusive to view eveyone from a fixed variable.

>> No.22441590

I'm reminded of that jung quote where he says that women's eros is innate and inalienable but their logos is completely accidental, if present at all.

>> No.22441593
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>> No.22442253

woman-man dichotomy is brain rot

>> No.22442315
