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22435846 No.22435846 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of book should I read on the sideline of my local high schools volleyball game to pick up chicks?
>they're underage
not all of them.

>> No.22436164
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>>they're underage

>> No.22436507

Your question contains an implicit assumption. You think young beautiful girls are into book-reading nerds. They're not. Duh.

>> No.22436596

try moby dick first, subliminal messages you know?
otherwise say fuck it, read Lolita and hope one has a dad fetish

>> No.22436605

Why do women INSIST on showing me their butts? At the beach, thongs. At the supermarket, form fitting yoga pants. Volley ball games, teeny little shorts that show every contour of their ass. Women NEED to show you their ass. They can't live without it. Look at how much they seethe at Arabs who force their women, on pain of a severe beating, to dress modestly -- American women know these poor Muslim thots are suffering because of their extreme need to show you their ass is going unfulfilled.

>> No.22436629

Reading a book during a game is such a pseud thing to do lol
>hohoho look at than these philistines enjoying their little games, I'm clearly a patrician because I read instead!
Nobody's gonna look at you and think "Wow this guy is really cool for reading in a stadium instead of a library". I seriously hope OP just wanted an excuse to post his pedophilic fantasies and doesn't actually try that in public because that would be pathetic.

>> No.22436636

Have you considered moving to a third world muslim shithole? I heard the women are decently dressed there.

>> No.22436645

I have considered it, unironically. It would be nice to go ten minutes without being assaulted by whore butts

>> No.22436649

You should consider it some more then. Change your name to Yusuf Kumar or something while you're at it.

>> No.22436669
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>third world Muslim shithole
It can be nice when the white devil isn't bent on bombing the shit out of your country for dino juice and sociopathic reasons.
>You cant have a nice country
>ok fine we'll go to yours cyka

>> No.22436680

built by slave labor. neets are forced to work 12 hour days on starvation wages. no disability checks or tendies.

>> No.22436689

It's funny how prosperous an Arab nation can be when it becomes America's bitch.

>> No.22436715
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uh Rome? Uh AMERICA? Hello? The United Kingdom? Maybe pick up a non-fiction book next time ol sport
Isn't the world America's bitch? Until Brics happens or something yeah pretty funny. And some still said fuck you anyway.

>> No.22436740

I bet America lives rent free in your head, Jamal

>> No.22436751

Jamal? Sounds like Blacks live rent free in your head as is typical. Which books will help me understand this fascination?

>> No.22436754
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Petrodollars cannot compensate for lack of soul, Syed Chinkoo.

>> No.22436775
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Honestly you guys should just hire me, I'd do a better job than 99% of you do.

>> No.22436788

Says the dude spouting anti-American rhetoric while benefiting from American foreign policy.

>> No.22436824


>> No.22436851
File: 414 KB, 1024x767, MarianModesty_CatholicGura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because the west abandoned what made the west the greatest people on Earth, Traditional Catholicism. There are rules for what women had to wear to show reverence, humility, and modesty for God. The false religion of protestanism and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind.

>> No.22436856

Surely you have better things to do.

Don't you have a discord to thirst over traps in? Dumb zoomer.

>> No.22436880
File: 164 KB, 572x443, TraditionalCatholicGF_Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You complain about an issue and then you complain about the proper solution. Nice leddit spacing jew, you should go back to your kind.

>> No.22436923
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Women shouldn't dress like prostitutes, doesn't mean they have to wear a black trash bag.

>> No.22436927
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Traditional Catholicism caused the dark ages. Protestant Christianity made the West great.

Do you even believe the biblical account of creation and that the universe is less than 10,000 years old? "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female." (Mark 10:6).

>> No.22436950

>Complains about spacing on /lit/
>/pol/ tourist
>Le funny meme drawing

Unironically kys zoomer

>> No.22436962

I hope your brain gets beaten out of your skull if you’re serious

>> No.22436974
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>Traditional Catholicism caused the dark ages
Oy vey you have no idea what the dark ages were. You are a good little goyim arent you little prot, public school has certainly done work on you.
>Protestant Christianity made the West great
Oy vey they have you by the balls dont they ahahaha. protestanism destroyed europe. Western history is Catholic history, little prot golems could never.
>believe the biblical account of creation
Of course I am not a student of the prussian school like you. I am no sola scriptura heretic

>> No.22436981

Jamal is a Persian name. Blacks stole it.

>> No.22436983

Pick one and only one
Wherr do you think you are

>> No.22437007
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What a very worldly, carnal response.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Ephesians 4:29)
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. (Matthew 5:37)
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:16,20)

Tell me, why do I need Jesus Christ and what must I do to be saved? Can you answer?

>sola scriptura heretic
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2 Peter 1:20 )
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (Acts 17:11)
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. (Matthew 24:35)
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17)

>> No.22437050

2 Peter 1:20
>This shews plainly that the scriptures are not to be expounded by any one's private judgment or private spirit, because every part of the holy scriptures were written by men inspired by the Holy Ghost, and declared as such by the Church; therefore they are not to be interpreted but by the Spirit of God, which he hath left, and promised to remain with his Church to guide her in all truth to the end of the world. Some may tell us, that many of our divines interpret the scriptures: they may do so, but they do it always with a submission to the judgment of the Church, and not otherwise.
- Richard Challoner
>No prophecy of the scripture is made by private interpretation; or, as the Protestants translate it from the Greek, is of any private interpretation, i.e. is not to be expounded by any one's private judgment or private spirit. (Witham)
The Scriptures cannot be properly expounded by private spirit or fancy, but by the same spirit wherewith they were written, which is resident in the Church.
- George Leo Haydock
Acts 17:11
>These were more noble than those of Thessalonica. According to the common exposition, the sense is, that these of Beroea, were of a more noble and generous disposition of mind, not carried away with envy and malice, like those of Thessalonica. Searching the Scriptures, or those places of the prophets by which St. Paul proved that Jesus was the Messias, who was to suffer death (Witham) Daily searching the Scriptures The sheep are not hereby made judges of their pastors, the people of the priests, and lay men and women of St. Paul's doctrine. The Beroeans did not read the Old Testament (and the New was not then published) to dispute with the apostles, or to sanction his doctrines: but it was a great comfort and confirmation to the Jews that had the Scriptures, to find, even as St. Paul said, that Christ was God, crucified, risen, and ascended to heaven; which by his expounding they understood, and never before, though they read them, and heard them read every sabbath. So it is a great comfort to a Catholic to see in the Scriptures the clear passages that prove the truth of his tenets, and show the grounds for his hopes. But this by no means authorizes him to be judge of the true pastors of the Church, whom he is commanded by Jesus Christ to hear and obey, and from whom they are to learn the genuine sense of the Scriptures.
- George Leo Haydock
2 Timothy 2:15
>This he has well said. For many distort the text of Scripture and pervert it in every way, and many additions are made to it. He has not said “directing” but “rightly dividing,” that is, cutting away what is spurious, with much vehemence assailing it and extirpating it. With the sword of the Spirit cut off from your preaching, as from a thong, whatever is superfluous and foreign to it.
- John Chrysostom

>> No.22437078

>Thyself approved, or acceptable to God.
Rightly handling. In the Greek, cutting or dividing the word of truth, according to the capacities of the hearers, and for the good of all. (Witham) The Protestant version has, dividing the word of truth. All Christians challenge the Scriptures, but the whole is in the rightly handling them. Heretics change and adulterate them, as the same apostle affirms, 2 Corinthians xi. and 4. These he admonishes us (as he did before, 1 Timothy vi. 20.) to avoid, for they have a popular way of expression, by which the unlearned are easily beguiled. "Nothing is so easy "says St. Jerome, "as with a facility and volubility of speech to deceive the illiterate, who are apt to admire what they cannot comprehend. "(Ep. ii. ad Nepot. chap. 10)
- George Leo Haydock
Matthew 24:35
>Hom. lxxvii: Because He had said that these things should come to pass "immediately after the tribulation of those days,” they might ask, How longtime hence, He therefore gives them an instance in the fig. He shows that the interval of time shall not be great, but that the coming of Christ will be presently. By the comparison of the tree He signifies the spiritual summer and peace that the just shall enjoy after their winter, while sinners on the other hand shall have a winter after summer.
This analogy also adds credit to His foregoing discourse; for wherever He speaks of what must by all means come to pass, Christ ever brings forward parallel physical laws. All these things therefore mean what was said of the end of Jerusalem, of the false prophets, and the false Christs, and all the rest which shall happen downto the time of Christ’s coming, That He said, “This generation,” He meant not of the men then living, but of the generation of the faithful; for so Scripture uses to speak of generations, not of time only, but of place, life, and conversation; as it is said, “This, is the generation of them that seek the Lord.” Herein He teaches that Jerusalem shall perish, and the greater part of the Jews be destroyed, but that no trial shall overthrow the generation of the faithful.He brings forward the elements of the earth to show that the Church is of more value than either heaven or earth, and that He is Maker of all things.
- John Chrysostom

>> No.22437085

John 17:17
>Sanctify them through Thy truth. This signifies not the beginning of sanctification, but its progress and perfection (Rev. xxi.) Confirm and perfect them in holiness; pour into them by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost complete evangelical truth, that they may be filled with wisdom and holiness, both within and without, and thus become in life and doctrine true teachers of the world, Priests and Rulers of the churches, breathing on all their own holiness, as a fire from above.
>Accordingly the Apostles converted the world, more by their holiness and burning love than by their preaching. Nay, they thundered with their mouth, because they flashed forth in their life, as Nazianzen said of S. Basil. See my sketch of S. Paul, prefixed to the Acts of the Apostles.
- Cornelius a Lapide
You lose prot, do not interpret the Bible by yourself you have no authority to do so. Convert top Catholicism. Now. Love you brother.

>> No.22437099

>D-d-did he just make a joke about being attracted to a… 17 year old?

>> No.22437110

Projection, chaim

>> No.22437114

Hegel was inspired by Protestantism. Dude had literally no equal in his lane

>> No.22437117
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1380, TraditionalCatholicAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add
>Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Outside of the Catholic church there is no salvation. Protestants do not enter heaven. You have a lot of religious vigor, I like that about you but you are misled foolish american. You are so swollen with pride you are unable to see the truth. Earn some humility so that you may understand that you are wrong. I will pray for your conversion.
Nice quote by the way. What did the protestants do to all the native americans? Thats right they genocided them all because they do the works of the devil. What did the Catholics do to the natives? Thats right they evangelized them into the one true faith Traditional Catholicism and they are all still there because they do the works of God.

>> No.22437119

I said if he was serious, if you were literate then the advice of >>22436983
wouldnt be simply misassigned but that’s how it’s turned out

>> No.22437124

Are you trying to say hegel is good? Ahahaha basedgel and kunt are profoundly false, its no wonder they are inspired by such a vile false religion.

>> No.22437146

This thread is a microcosm of everything that's putrid about the internet and the world today. I spit on every last one of you.

>> No.22437159

Let me revise my sentiment then.
>If you meant what you said even if he was joking, then you should kys.
You’ll note that I said *if* you meant that. Just like the possibility the anon who said Based is actually serious, we should consider all possibilities of what you meant.

>> No.22437243

I hope all you pedos die. I hope it’s painful.

>> No.22437333

Not necessarily saying that but rather saying people are still trying to unravel his web, so to speak. First off you should probably not talk in memes, it’s unbecoming and secondly I could never be a truly be Catholic. I’m Anglo, it’s a LARP in my case.

>> No.22437563
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>I could never be a truly be Catholic. I’m Anglo
And what religion do you think anglos were before your heretic king wanted to get a divorce? You are Traditional Catholics deep down, you just need to pull it out to restore order to your country and continent.

>> No.22437773


I'm sure they would rather be dead than Catholic.

>> No.22437911
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So you can't answer what someone must do to be saved, you don't even know the gospel and you can't even answer a simple question.

All you can do is post mental gymnastics to twist scripture and deny the plain truth to promote your effeminate woman-worship cult and their private interpretation of scripture. The rest of what you said is just the typical hate-filled personal attacks and projections you've already been making.

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. (Matthew 5:21-22)

There's no salvation outside of Jesus Christ as the scriptures say, not outside of your pagan cult, and Mary isn't a co-redemtrix or co-mediator nor should you be making statues of her or patron saints and bowing to them, you should be praying to the Father in Jesus Christ's name, not to Mary.

I also forgot these verses before:
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

The Roman Catholic church is indeed full of pedophiles and they cover up sex crimes against children and nuns.

Catholics are dead. They're just whited tombs, fancy and ornate on the outside, and dead on the inside, see Matthew 23.

You can show them plain scripture that refutes their cult's lies and they won't listen. The blind leading the blind.

>> No.22437916

Guns & Ammo Quarterly

>> No.22437922

>What did the protestants do to all the native americans? Thats right they genocided them all
That's odd, there are still injuns around. It's almost like you're blatantly telling lies but don't care.

Funny how the anti-American Catholic on /lit/ tells the same anti-American lies as the demoralized communists/bolsheviks/useful idiots.

>> No.22437928

He got BTFO by Shoppy

>> No.22438021

Get a job

>> No.22438062


>> No.22439580

>there are still injuns around.
All 100 of them on their little reservations. Do you know what a hyperbolic statement is? Meanwhile if you look at the Catholic lands all the natives are still the dominant demographic. You are a good little goyim arent you, fully indoctrinated, keep defending your satanic ways.

>> No.22439793

>hope one has a dad fetish
They all have dad fetishes, anon.
Just need to find one without and actual dad and willing to act on it.

>> No.22439834
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>> No.22440408

Uhm hello? They dress like that because they have to do sports. Sports?

>> No.22440414

When a woman says
>they're underage
just say
>Not in Michigan.
If she says
>We're not in Michigan
>I'm from Michigan and that's where I would take her when I marry her.

>> No.22440422

Women are bitches perpetually in heat. As Weininger put it: male sexuality is an eruption of something foreign into normal male consciousness at puberty, with which he will spend the rest of his life struggling. Female sexuality IS their entire consciousness and personality, it suffuses every aspect of their being. It is less eruptive and less dramatic, so it seems less visible at first, but once you realize women are literally always preening, strutting, and edging themselves, like a porn-addicted coomer but stretched thin and distributed across every second of their lives, many things begin to make sense. Men HAVE sex, women ARE sex. She literally does need to show you her ass. There have been polls that asked women if they'd exchange 25 IQ points for a larger bra size and 50%+ said yes. A woman is just an ape's red ass waiting to be fucked, with a life support system and legs attached so it can sustain itself and move around to locate apes to fuck it.

>> No.22440451
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This is why trans identity is so important. Our Jewish masters have constructed a system which punishes men who rightfully remind women of their place. And so we must become women, dominating them from within, because a woman hitting a woman is never punished as severely as a man hitting a woman.

>> No.22440523

I guess

>> No.22440534

based lolita enjoyer