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22435830 No.22435830 [Reply] [Original]

This man gives me the impression that he's well-read in virtually every discipline and field of study. That's what we should all be striving for, to learn as much as humanly possible through our reading.

How do you make reading attractive to kids again?

>> No.22435862


He seems to like Asimov and Foundation a lot I think he sees himself as a Hari Seldon type pragmatic leader

>> No.22435865

This board is fucking gone.

>> No.22435882

This fag (OP) gives me the impression that he's clue-less in virtually every discipline and field of study. That's what we should all be striving against, to learn as little as humanly possible through our reading.

How do you make reading repulsive to kids again?

BTW fuck you OP you sound like a retard

>> No.22435887

Why waste the time to write this reply?
Get a fucking life you sad sunken faggot

>> No.22435892

kill yourself
kill yourself

>> No.22435907

Genuinely OP you do sounds like a fucking naive idiot.

>> No.22435908

Why waste your time idolizing Elon Musk? That's the most pathetic behavior I've ever seen in my life. OP should be shamed and humiliated for wasting the board's time and space with such an absolute dogshit post

>> No.22435912

There's a differance between marketing yourself as Hari Seldon and being Hari Seldon. The real Seldons of our age are all sitting in that "unsexy" and "boring" academia, passively laughing at popsci hype and laying the theoretical groundworks for shit that snakeoil pedlers like Musks of the future shall shill to our children.

>> No.22435918

Epic contrarians, "famous guy is le BAD!!!"

>> No.22435922

>like a fucking naive idiot.
For making a valid point? Why are you all such depressive and neurotic spastics on here?

>> No.22435932

There is absolutely nothing valid about claiming that elon musk is "well-read in virtually every discipline and field of study". You're ignorant and demonstrating your own retardation by affirming so.

>> No.22435937

I enjoyed your post OP

>> No.22435943
File: 107 KB, 450x442, 0D4FBD74-2818-4727-A687-094B72A437FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're ignorant and demonstrating your own retardation by affirming so.

>> No.22435944

Actual contrarian shows up for the win. Bravo my good man, bravo.

>> No.22435951

This has to be bait.

Saging, assuming there still is such a thing on this site.

>> No.22435953

>I enjoyed your post OP
Thank you. That means a lot

>> No.22435955

>This has to be bait.
What gave you that impression? I'm not wrong. Elon Musk is an inspirational genius. Fucking deal with it, all of you

>> No.22435965

delete this entire board off the internet forever

>> No.22436058

0/10 b8

>> No.22436097

impressive bait

>> No.22436099

i agree on some level
but why is he so cringe then?

>> No.22436365

>This man gives me the impression that he's well-read

That's because you're retarded.

>> No.22436368

Jack of all trades but master of none. His programming knowlege is esp. retarded. He's the kind who listens to audiobooks.

>> No.22436374

No one ever mentions the full quote
>a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one
Specialists vs Generalists

>> No.22436376

You're a retard

>> No.22436378

lol no he's just rich

>> No.22436380


>> No.22436384

this has got to be bait

>> No.22436385
File: 12 KB, 639x169, 5454545454654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the full quote
That's a reddit meme

>> No.22436387

generalism all the way. whence comes the full quote?

>> No.22436392

>whence comes the full quote?

>> No.22436393

ah anon beat me to it

>> No.22436404

Generalists adapt and overcome. If Specialists become obsolete they are worthless. Hence all the whiny autistic incels online. Generalists can adapt. Specialists are useful when you need them, but worthless most of the time. This triggers terminally online autists with inflated egos.

>> No.22436405

Anything to suck off your idol.

>> No.22436409
File: 1.55 MB, 2548x1434, EKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how dumb this nigga elon is

thinks "x" looks so cool, retard gen x silver spoon doofus

>> No.22436416
File: 191 KB, 1491x1920, large_A11_509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon has Wikipedia'd every book that general society has deemed important/that he knows people perceived as smart read. As for actual books he's physically sat down and read, I would wager he quit attempting to read anything fiction in his early teens, and nonfiction went out the window with him leaving college. Despite all of this, I'm sure he owns copies of Infinite Jest, Finnegan's Wake, Crime and Punishment, and Gravity's Rainbow, has them in a location visible to visitors, and absent-mindedly alludes to them being the best books ever written when asked, then quickly changes the subject.

>> No.22436420

Going to Mars is retarded

>> No.22436429

I don't like Elon. Generalist adapt better though. Being the specialist who thinks he's a god for being the best at x will just irritate everyone around you. Autist masters suck at everything that isn't their specialty. It's sad and pathetic. They don't understand why they don't get picked for other roles and why people only deal with them for their specialty.

>> No.22436434

>guy is rich
>poor people project all the best qualities of man onto him
People do this unironically

>> No.22436436

>he thinks OP is unironic
pot called the kettle

>> No.22436503

He apparently also watch a ton of anime and that by default makes him a moron.

>> No.22436508
File: 434 KB, 594x564, F307F01D-38CE-44F5-BC7E-74B82B9667D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s really not that bright

>> No.22436515

Elon's the best.
check the scoreboard

>> No.22436542
File: 352 KB, 1024x538, 1682794498482646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, dipshit had to Moonveil spam his way through the game.

>> No.22436547

What's the strat behind having three spirit ashes equipped when you can only use one at a time?

>> No.22436559

Resentment is slave morality. All of you are slaves. Your tantrum doesn't refute the fact that Elon is successful because he is a well read generalist.

>B-but muhh economic class. It's not fair!
Fairness is an impotent social construct.

>> No.22436570

>Your tantrum doesn't refute the fact that Elon is successful because he is a well read generalist.
He's successful because he's rich. He's a businessman, not an intellectual/scientist/artist.

>> No.22436577

>nepotism baby billionaire business man who got memed on by his own employees on a private (made public) zoom call for being a no nothing moron is supposed to be "incredibly well read"
About as true as trump being 6'3''.