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File: 96 KB, 980x576, 88.-GettyImages-3247205-f84b6be-e1567001931829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22433553 No.22433553 [Reply] [Original]

>Now, I need a name for Saruon's right hand man....Sauron's man....Sauronman!
>Next, I need a name for an Elephant like creature...
Tolkien truly was a genius

>> No.22433586
File: 12 KB, 360x240, JRRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm...now... what to call this city on the edge of the Long Lake
>not really a city . . . just a settlement
>a town at most
>I have it!
>by the Nine, John Ronald, you're in fine fettle this morning!

>> No.22433595

>Mhmmm, now I have my villain, but how do I remind the reader of his villainous nature?
>Ah, I have it, he shall live in a volcano called... hmmm... Doom Mountain... in the land of erhhhh... Murder! Brilliant.

>> No.22433609

I'm pretty sure an academic philologist has a better understand of language than you do

>> No.22433619

> calls to authority
> completely disregards that the other guy is right
> fails to notice how it's also funny

good job

>> No.22433629
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A genre shitter turd was stupid. Alert the presses.

>> No.22433632

>> calls to authority
first of all, it's "appeal to authority" not "call to authority".
Secondly, an appeal to authority is not a fallacy in itself. You can appeal to authority if the individual you're appealing to is an expert in his or her field.

>> No.22433738

Lake town
Mount doom in mordor

>> No.22433743

Seething christcuck detected

>> No.22433745

Mount DOOM in the land of Murder ehm... too edgy... in Mordor
Yes, perfection!

>> No.22433861

What does that have to do with a lack of creativity?

>> No.22434432

If you had a brain you'd realise I wasn't naming a logical fallacy, but rather listing what >>22433609 (probably you) did wrong. Learn to read.

>> No.22434504

All of this is organic and believable. Touch grass for an hour and you'll see that most towns have incredibly basic names.

>> No.22435001

Open up a map of Germany and you’ll see everhing is just ‘town down the hill’ ‘town on the edge of forest’

>> No.22435033

the overwhelming majority of towns get their name because of this
only in the new world do towns have weird unique names, and even then they only seem unique because they're injun names and not European

>> No.22435043

No one mentioned creativity

>> No.22435047

So what? In German they call gloves "hand shoes".

>> No.22436098

Tolkien's work is best enjoyed when you're aware that he was very fond of puns. Even the ones you think are obvious actually have many layers to them, each more worthy of a groan than the last.

>> No.22436144

And a nipple is a "breast wart."
Poetic people, the Germans ...

>> No.22436180

>Hmmm, now this character acts as a trusted advisor to the king, but is not in fact as trustworthy as he seems. How may I convey this fact to my dear reader? Aha! I shall christen him "Slimey Grimey Liar Liar Pants on Fire Snakemouth", by God, John, you've done it again!

>> No.22436185

Kek don’t forget to roll the r’s

>> No.22436191

no way lol

>> No.22436198

Reddit is right this way.

>> No.22436203
File: 157 KB, 409x409, nukkuapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, this Kalevala book is very inspirational
>Now, I want to name a character in honor of the Finnish people, let's see... Finns... Mongols... Fingolfin!

what the fuck

>> No.22436870

This. Also Tolkien liked simple words, in one of his essays he talks for awhile about just how much he likes words like bread, fire, leaf, drink and such.

>> No.22436922


>> No.22437490
File: 610 KB, 843x839, tolkien thinkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm...now I need a name for the cousin of Bilbo Baggins, who has a large afro...

>> No.22437570
File: 61 KB, 1105x738, yikes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHNONONONONO reddit bros... how do we cope?

>> No.22437607 [DELETED] 

This meme is fairly funny but I don't know why no-one has mentioned yet that Tolkien was essentially writing allegory or at least deeply influenced by medieval/early modern Christian allegories, and this is the naming convention of allegorical literature. Tolkien doesn't go quite as far as Piers Plowman or Pilgrim's Progress in calling characters "Holi Chirche" or "Christian" but in perhaps more Spenserian mode sometimes disguises the names in other languages.

>> No.22437627

This meme is fairly funny but I don't know why people don't talk about how this is a naming convention of medieval and early modern Christian allegorical literature which Tolkien was clearly influenced by, even if he claimed the books themselves were not allegorical. He's not going as far as Piers Plowman or Pilgrim's Progress where names are literally "Holi Chirche" or "Christian", but maybe a bit more like Spenser where names are often disguised.

>> No.22437696

Yeah, there is a lot of butthurtedness in here. This is probably the kind of exercise that Tolkien would have enjoyed.

>> No.22437723

There are a million neat ones. Telescope is ''far pipe''.

>> No.22437792

>oh my god did you just question the guy who has a piece of paper from institution? you are so fucking problematic! A FUCKING WHITE MALE!

>> No.22437869
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>King King

>> No.22437884
File: 156 KB, 544x795, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S72707,_Heinrich_Himmler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, I need a name for Hitler's right hand man....Hitler's him....Himmler!

>> No.22437994

defending someone like Tolkien is the white-malest thing one can do.

>> No.22438197

>So this "television" device, it can send a picture of ANYTHING?
>Say, that gives me an idea...

>> No.22438301

>I need a name for these sinister figures in black who fly... Nazi...bird...naz...

>> No.22438322
File: 12 KB, 300x240, donald regan ronald reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald Thomas Regan (December 21, 1918 – June 10, 2003) was the 66th United States Secretary of the Treasury from 1981 to 1985 and the White House Chief of Staff from 1985 to 1987 under Ronald Reagan.

>> No.22438421

>Now we need a Deus ex machina but gotta make it believable
>Americans jumped in to save the world in WW1 and WW2 at the nick of time
>Their symbols are eagles
>By gosh golly my good chap, Ronald you've got it

>> No.22438437

Hmmm the country is about industrialization not nature. So many made structures. What do men use? Brick and.... Mordor by gun you've done it again old chum!

>> No.22438441

>Brick and.... Mordor
Fucking kek

>> No.22438466

and turtle is a shield-frog.

>> No.22438480

In English a sharprat is called bush-pig.

>> No.22438486

Any sex-related ones?

>> No.22438493

Names of characters in The Hobbit:
>Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Dwalin, Balin, Dain, Nain, Thorin Oakenshield and Gandalf.

Names of characters in the Seeress’s Prophecy (Voluspa) found in the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda:
>Fíli, Kíli, Oin, Glói, Bivör, Bávörr, Bömburr, Dori, Nóri, Dvalinn, Bláin, Dain, Nain, Þorin Eikinskialdi and Gandálfr.

>> No.22438496
File: 616 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He invented, like, many languages, bro! All out of nowhere and shit

>> No.22438606

Does one of the R in J.R.R. Tolkien stand for rip-off?

>> No.22438633

>And a nipple is a "breast wart."
Same in Swedish. It doesn't sound any stranger to a native speaker than e.g. "eyelid" in english.

>> No.22438638

"Telescope" means" far-sight" in Greek. Many words like this in German are loan translations from either Latin or Greek.

>> No.22438643

That’s different. It’s not a pipe

>> No.22438667

Middle-Earth is literally on Earth in the past. It's not supposed to be original. His languages are older mythological versions of our languages. It's the whole point.

>> No.22438671

B-but he’s the father of fantasy??Why do his fanboys lie? He invented everything one day after Catholic Mass.

>> No.22438672

dunno. Also, potato is earth apple (some dialects).

>> No.22438684

Clitoris is woman-penis

>> No.22438922

>Yes, for the land of these nigger orcs I believe Niggerdor would be apt. But hmm it doesn't flow so well. Let's see, what's another word for nigger?

>> No.22438995

Half true. Brustwarze (breast wart) exists, but so does Nippel (nipple) and the latter is more commonly used today.

>> No.22439006

This is not true. But the real world is also funny: Kitzler which means tickler

>> No.22439136

One cope to rule them all!
One cope to find them!
One cope to bring them all!
And in the seethe, bind them!

>> No.22439146

I like how the first big bad guy was dressed in all black stuff and called Morgoth (more goth)

>> No.22439166
File: 500 KB, 585x780, Elena_Kukanova_-_Finrod_-_First_Encounter_with_Edain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now this here Elf was a just, wise and trustworthy character...he was by all means a good fella....hmm let me see, his after-name should be uh...Felagund!

>> No.22439177
File: 21 KB, 500x500, artworks-000321069375-des5mu-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can appeal to authority if the individual you're appealing to is an expert in his or her field

>> No.22439249

True. All white boys do is defend Tolkien, and get all their shrimp dicks in a rage when you pick apart Tolkien.

>> No.22439252
File: 320 KB, 634x760, 1692641893710188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True. All white boys do is defend Tolkien, and get all their shrimp dicks in a rage when you pick apart Tolkien.
chang can't help but think of shrimp

>> No.22439664 [DELETED] 

devastating blow

>> No.22439673

And that makes it based

>> No.22439774

Okay but when joyce does rip-offs its litrature

>> No.22439831

>derives languages that are cognate with ancient Nordic tongues
Holy fucking based.

>> No.22439835


>> No.22439861

>Names of characters in the Seeress’s Prophecy
Not just characters, dwarves. Those are all dwarf names. Tolkien created a race in his setting loosely based off of norse dwarves, and when it came time to name them, he looked to a section of the poem voluspa thats often referred to as "dvergatal," which literally means "a list of dwarf names."
I don't think there's anything lazy about that. Gandalf's usage is the least lazy of all. Gandalf is listed as the name of a dwarf in the dvergatal, but the name means something along the lines of "magical staff wielding elf." Based on the fact that one of the god Freyr's alternative names, Yngvi, appears in the dvergatal, it would seem that some of the dwarves listed in voluspa might actually be the gods disguising themselves as dwarves for whatever reason. Gandalf may be an allusion to Odin, who Tolkien's Gandalf is partially inspired by, as Odin would have used magical staffs in performing magical rituals. So even if he didn't create the names himself, their usage is still fairly clever.

>> No.22439873

> I don't think there's anything lazy about that
lol come on

>> No.22439895

>meticulously obscure research is lazy
You come on FFS.

>> No.22439901

Stealing from a known work of mythology is lazy.

>> No.22439919

Not when you're portraying the very world that gave rise to that mythology. It's a Chad move.

>> No.22439999

>ancient Nordic tongues
m8 that's modern Finnish lol

>> No.22440004


>> No.22441383

yeah a basedguzzling funkopop collecting white male thing to do