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/lit/ - Literature

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22433430 No.22433430 [Reply] [Original]

name the book

>> No.22433442

Les Miserables

>> No.22433447

my diary desu

>> No.22433449

the bible

>> No.22433453


>> No.22433456

Every book

>> No.22433457
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>> No.22433484
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let’s take this shit down a ton of pegs here…

>> No.22433487

>a /lit/ thread where everyone calls each other’s books midwit tier
how original

>> No.22433498

>thread for midwit books
>posts one of the few books that every retard loves

>> No.22433507
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>>a /lit/ thread where everyone calls each other’s books midwit tier
>how original

>> No.22433547

I saw this shit once in a book store. I study formal logic so I was like, hey, maybe it's cool. Then I skimmed it and realized the author doesn't know shit about math.

>> No.22433565

I actually got 50 pages in so I know you're right I just font know what side of the spectrum im on

>> No.22433568


>> No.22433570

Book of the New Sun

>> No.22433580

absolutely 1984

>> No.22433589

The only interesting IQ memes are midwit filters.

>> No.22433602
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It's like the inverse for the bible, regardless of what you think of the book it seems that the primary enjoyers are either brainlets or really really smart folks.

>> No.22433611 [DELETED] 

the bible

>> No.22433655

Saying the quiet part out loud.

>> No.22433704

It's kinda sad that bait threads get triple digit replies while threads with actual substance die within hours. I suppose it's mostly /pol/tards since responding to bait threads is basically the norm for them.

>> No.22433709

So there isn't as much complexity there as people say there is? Thought about giving it a read but wasn't sure if maybe it was being called "genius" by people who don't normally read complex literature.

>> No.22433721

Nigger: Stop Making Trashy Threads and Stop Being a Waste of Meat, Nigger Press, published 2023, ISBN: N1GG3RN1GG3R

>> No.22433759

Actually it's more like people just don't read. The more advanced your reading is, the less people there will be who can provide insightful commentary. A few years ago I made a thread about Thomas More's Utopia and Satsukianon was the only poster to reply in that thread. I wonder sometimes what he's doing now. I haven't seen him in years.

>> No.22434111
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Any short stories to recommend?

>> No.22434119

a picture book of only photos of my anus

>> No.22434574


>> No.22434774
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ftfy with relation to the bible bro

>> No.22434779

I clearly fall in the low IQ area because I made the image before actually getting to the bottom of the thread. Great take though, high IQ bro

>> No.22434824
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>> No.22434830


>> No.22434847

Infinite Jest

>> No.22434868


>> No.22435610

Seconding 1984

>> No.22435738

Relative to the majority of genre fic it's extremely complex but it's less substantial than most worthwhile literary fiction
Nonetheless, it's still worth a read; it's got more going for it than its density

>> No.22435801

Books in general

The extremes acquire knowledge from pure experience and common sense

>> No.22435812

>reading for knowledge

>> No.22435838

you know its on that cos plot cause the books all about keeping you away from sin

>> No.22436305

kill yourself

>> No.22437031
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>> No.22437637

What makes 1984's readers average in IQ?

>> No.22437645


>> No.22437752

The "ItS LiTerAllY LiKe 1984!!!" or "1984 Wasnt an instruction manual!!!!" Crowd

>> No.22437774

midwits "grew out" of LOTR eons ago when they decided to be grown ups one day
they've long since moved on to grrmslop

>> No.22437902

Unironically I don't get what's supposed to be so scary about both 1984 or BNW. Maybe it's because I'm an eastern european mensafag but BNW seems good and 1984 is just "USSR but British".

>> No.22437933

It might be because in some eastern European households there's still this residual suspicious approach to everything as legacy from communist times, so we're raised with a kind of pessimistic view on things.

>> No.22438802

literally 100 dead even. It's a very superficial account of the nature of totalitarianism that makes stupid people feel smart for recognizing totalitarianism and narrative control exists without having to analyze it in any real depth. If you want to think midwit thought pattern think "huh this seems weird... yeah somethings up. Oh well." smart people do this too, everyone does this with most subjects because humans are limited

>> No.22439263

We have it now. Covid was actually worse than anything in the book. At least in the book it's overt control.

>> No.22439306

what is the graph for Infinite Jest?

>> No.22439460

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.22439476

1984 seems unaplicable here. Normies like the idea of 1984 (a bad thing to call people they don't like), most of them haven't read the book. Ask anyone of average IQ if they've read 1984 and liked it, they'll say yes but it'll be a lie.

>> No.22439669

Prime example of a 1984 midwit

>> No.22439689


>> No.22439749

Anything in the /lit/ top 100

>> No.22440358

1984 falls apart the moment you think about the world more than a second

>> No.22440369

pic rel is grrm slop.
tolkien is hated by midwits but loved by high iq and low iq fags.

>> No.22440388

ready player one

>> No.22440535

game of thrones, retards think its too complicated, smarties realize its just derivative slop, midwits love le dragons and epik characters

>> No.22440739

Not really.

>> No.22440915

real Gs move in silence like lasagna

>> No.22441068

>USSR but British
so utterly horrific?

>> No.22441184

The bell curve?

>> No.22442264
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Only since that Wendigoon video came out and all the edgy normies started pretending to like books

>> No.22442286

Oh wait I thought this was asking for a midwit book. My b. I'll still say BM fuck it.

>> No.22442354
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>> No.22442394

BNW world isn't scary, just empty and nihilistic
1984 is scary because there's no escape, it's global totalitarianism. It seemed like the dreams and hopes of the main character can be fulfilled, it was all going so smooth, until at the end he was crushed and the picutre zoomed him out like one of thousands who got made to love the Big Brother like that.

>> No.22442421

BNW is scary because it's real and we're living in it right now

>> No.22442489
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>> No.22442863

In the book you know something's wrong, people have accepted it. During Covid that act was that we live in a democracy. It's much deeper psychological terror.

>> No.22442884

>During Covid that act was that we live in a democracy
Well we don't where I live, and you don't in Amermica either, but it has nothing to do with covid. That was just an example of the government acting in the best interest of its people, and so perhaps one of the most democratic policies in recent history for that reason.

>> No.22442932

You're one of those that have accepted it.

>> No.22442989

Accepted what? I dislike almost every facet of government except the covid shit, and even then I hate all the tax handouts to rich people. I guess I have accepted that public spaces should close while there's a major diease going round. That's entirely reasonable. You're just delusional and can't imagine people disagreeing with you as anything other than mind-controlled cattle.

>> No.22443609
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>> No.22445022

Master and Margarita

>> No.22445026

i see this very same OP post and many very similar replies to it once a month
get another punchline you retards

>> No.22446114

bible isn't even literature lol

>> No.22446541

Technically? It's so widely read that the readers are likely to fit a bell curve. It was taught to me in 9th grade in shithole, north carolina.

>> No.22446549
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>> No.22446615

>It was taught to me in 9th grade in shithole, north carolina.
Kek same except 8th grade in The Triangle.

>> No.22446623
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>> No.22446774

/lit/ is unironically not smart enough to get the terror of 1984, where The Party gains such absolute power that reality can be bent to their will and no person even has access to the kinds of ideas that would make revolution possible. The boot on the face of mankind forever isn't just police brutality or a funny phrase, it's the total subjugation of man, the annihilation of even the idea of rebellion. If you actually "get" 1984, you wouldn't be so flippant about it.

>> No.22446794
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The Bible is cringe. Imagine thinking a mishmash of ancient Jewish laws jammed in with a fairly stock standard messiah narrative is a highbrow book.

>> No.22446798
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Science fiction

>> No.22447138

All of Hegel's writing.

>> No.22447420

>where The Party gains such absolute power that reality can be bent to their will and no person even has access to the kinds of ideas that would make revolution possible
Even pre-Orwellian discourse has sublated the concept by arguing out that human society is already that way, and maybe always has been - that there is no such thing as a non-totalitarian political power, hence the horror of totalitarianism that Orwell warns of is a doublespeak psy-op in of itself.

>> No.22447443

>that there is no such thing as a non-totalitarian political power
This is obviously false. There is plenty of politician power exercised which is subject to limits imposed by the courts. The whole structure of modern democracies is built to have democratic checks on "totalitarian" power. When those checks are subverted is when there is cause for concern, but to suggest the checks are useless or ineffectual is simply to capitulate and advance the interests of real totalitarians. In short, you've succumbed to doomerism designed to stomp out the one thing totalitarians actually fear, a strong democratic spirit engaged in the defense of fair and representative political power. You are essentially a useful idiot.

>> No.22447453

anything C. Darwin related or about hydrogen energy sources

>> No.22447487

Speaking of 1984 when I read it in high school years back I remember one of my classmates saying how unrealistic it was that a government could have people be brainwashed to the levels they were in the story because of social media and whatnot.

I thought her point was stupid then, and years later I think its laughably ironic.

>> No.22447594

The worst of 1984 for me is the utter erradication of relationships of any kind. There is no family, no friendship and no love. All emotion is devoted to the Party. The ever present atmosphere of mistrust in which Oceanics lived was uneasy to digest. Supporting your idea, it's impossible to rebel if you cannot trust anybody. You're a simple helpless unit, a monad shapen since birth by devious brainwashing.

>> No.22447609

hey fuck you

>> No.22447621

Spot on lmao

>> No.22447633

Unironically the Bible

>> No.22447667


I mean, they explain the steady dumbing-down of language and its purpose very explicitly in the book. It's not a deep concept, I understood it perfectly well during my teenaged reads (two of them, re-read it once) of the book.

Currently, China is slowly doing something similar, but not quite as devious: they want everyone speaking the same language. They've already simplified and modernized some of the written language (shared by all) besides.

>> No.22448380

Were you intentionally attempting to be the epitome of the type of person he was referring to?

>> No.22448549

And the first fixed graph vindicated

>> No.22448752

>There is plenty of politician power exercised which is subject to limits imposed by the courts. The whole structure of modern democracies is built to have democratic checks on "totalitarian" power.
A person sincerely believing this to be true is the real totalitarian terror.

>but to suggest the checks are useless or ineffectual
The are useful and effective - they make you love the Big Brother. Reminder that US has the world's highest prison population, per capita and absolute. Reminder that US has been involved in the Forever War since the 1950s, and that You Have Always Been At War With Iran. Reminder that US is still a colonial economy. Reminder that US has higher wealth inequality than fucking Zimbabwe. Reminder that you are ruled by literal pedophiles nobody wants to have in control, but everyone still accepts because there is nothing to be done about them.

But hey, it's all some "subverted checks", overall they are definitely working and we all be free proles living in a free society, safe from all oppression. But we must stay vigilant, for It Could Happen Here - since of course it hasn't happened already.

>> No.22450005

If you knew the first thing about USA history, you'd know that the founding fathers literally and directly warned of (1. the eventual take over of the political system by two parties and how that would devastate the democratic integrity of the system and (2. that the moneyed corporations were already gaining enough power to challenge the government to a trial of strength and defy the laws of the country.

All the things you mentioned are literally the government being controlled by private centers of capital. Who benefits from forever wars? Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and other military contractors. Wealth inequality? That's explicitly a metric of centralized economic power. A free society can only exist when political and economic power is decentralized, so appealing to the modern USA is a moot point. The doomerism is thinking things were always this way. Another way to think about this is the operation of the free market. The ONLY benefit of the free market comes through competition, where businesses compete to win over their customers by lowering prices as much as possible or increasing value as much as possible. This system requires regulation in order to preserve fair competition, otherwise you get captured markets like today where basically every company is owned by Vanguard and Blackrock. Competition can't exist when the same group of owners own the competing companies. It undermines the reasons for competing, which is why a major portion of modern inflation is straight up price gouging that goes to pad the corporate profit margin (around 35% of current inflation is accounted for this way). an impartial judiciary and an educated, empowered populace is required to counteract these forces of creeping control, but make no mistake, they come from private centers of power intent on growing their wealth and influence at the expense of the public.

>> No.22450098

Please explain i dunno whether to spend my time on it

>> No.22450515
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Pic related

>> No.22451175
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Just download it from libgen/annas-archive and read the introduction. If you like it, it's worthy of purchase, but be aware that you'll be buying a few hundred pages worth of that introduction. Whenever you feel that the (((author))) plans on synthesizing the admittedly interesting topics he touches on, abandon that hope. He never does. The whole book is just brainfood, interesting ideas logical and structured enough to be written down and make sense, but not enough to form a complete picture of anything. If you are, unlike the author, intellectually gifted, then perhaps you'll succeed at synthesizing the ideas of GEB into something concrete, but even on the off chance that this happens the book will serve as at most an inspiration, not a precursor. I advice you to not waste your time on it, but if you do MIT has a series of lectures on it available for free on youtube.

>> No.22451386

lmao get btfo

>> No.22452841
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>> No.22452875


>> No.22453614

Contemporary American culture and education does almost nothing to prepare people to appreciate art, but (at least until recently, don't ask me about gen alpha) tended to produce a lot of officially Smart, but profoundly ignorant young people who sort of felt that they should have a serious Favorite Book. And they all picked 1984. Sometimes they wanted to distinguish themselves and said Brave New World. I remember one time reading a videogame forum, and seeing someone try to show off his erudition by condescendingly suggesting his interlocutor read "anything by (Aldous) Huxley". Talking about politics and how politics can go wrong is a familiar subject, the message of these books is completely surface-level, they don't have complex characters or fancy prose or any ideas that would seriously challenge the Smart Person's worldview, which of course they would fail at because he lacks the humility to let an author actually teach him something.

>> No.22454711

holy kek, a well deserved (you)

>> No.22454730
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You sound like my parents saying I am not really hungry because there is food in the fridge. I could just as seriously willfully starve myself to death with no drama. Real life is not nearly as dramatic as fiction for the gesturing of ingestion and theatrical play together even in a novel or any medium. No amount of terror makes a strong man more scared than his max fear of being burnt out on being scared. There is nothing I can study or be taught to defeat globohomo because technics are those means and those means are known and those knowers are sorted into impotent bribed displacement from each other to keep the guilds indoctrinated. I am hoping for cumulative luck, persistence, and entropy to help me and all. If not I did what I could with what I know in my own pace and step and risk appetite. Also Orwell wrote O'Brien to be James Burnham of the Managerial Revolution to describe the Anglo American establishment he himself existed in not just da ebil nazis and commies

>> No.22454733

Also im not that Anon
Maybe you inferred correctly idk

>> No.22454951

Isn’t this an impossibility in real life? No matter what propaganda is fed to a people if the living conditions are quite obviously and physically shit(or at least imperfect) then there is room for sadness, then hatred for the system, and then sabotage.

>> No.22455004

china having a universal language is good though, since they have literally a billion people and like 50 ethnicities
not like regional languages are banned, they're still taught in schools

>> No.22455016

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.22455096

>The whole structure of modern democracies is built to have democratic checks on "totalitarian" power.
This is a totally ideological statement. The mythology that liberal democracies (The US and its satellite states) are free, fair and peaceful mediators of political conflicts exists to obscure the fact that they are class dictatorships of finance capital. If a railroad strike would threaten GDP, the strike is declared illegal. Major bank failing? The bank is bailed out.
Even our amazing "free" press is all wired into the same elite networks. In 2022 virtually every "respectable" publication ran the same line on Ukraine and Zelensky with the help of the same PR agencies which orchestrated the Nayirah testimony. All political opinion is mediated away from material issues and toward meaningless cultural resentment. Your ability to select one or the other cultural affect at a ballot box is not freedom, it's ritualized submission.

>> No.22455219

> be aware that you'll be buying a few hundred pages worth of that introduction
>but not enough to form a complete picture of anything
The core themes of the book are loops and incompleteless. Like that's literally explicitly stated multiple times. Did you even read it?