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22432420 No.22432420 [Reply] [Original]

Parentcel here. I live in a town that has a massive, nice library that I take my son to frequently. I was unfortunately not super well read as a kid and we've pretty much reached the limit of books I'm familiar with.
I'm hardly a culture warrior but I am sort of annoyed at how few new books seem geared towards well...WASPs like us. This might just be what the library pushes. For example, they have shockingly few books about the 4th of July and the American Revolution or whatever but every obscure ethnic holiday has a small section dedicated to it.

I feel like "Recommend me based kids books" is being a bit reductive here but maybe that's what I'm looking for. Stuff that's in line with our own values and culture...Cool historical stuff. The kid does like reading and loves being read to - we read all of Narnia for example and he LOVES shit like picrel. He still likes picture books too.

>> No.22432680
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Those picture books are great for nonfiction. Watership Down is a favorite of mine and there's a ton of other great fiction written for children like yours, but none of it's very new.

>> No.22432800
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Since you brought up being a white, you could try Asterix comic books. It's mostly focused on ancient Frenchmen but tons of European ethnic groups make appearances. This one would have your ancestors in it.

>> No.22432807

Ages 10-18:


Then 18+: the actual Great Books series

>> No.22432813
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This book series is fun

>> No.22432818
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can you read?

>> No.22432820
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Googling patriotic children's books brings up several promising results. You might also have some luck browsing through used book stores, stuff from 50 years ago is no doubt less woke than stuff written today.

>> No.22432828
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>> No.22432834
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>> No.22432840

Mark Twain and Jack London.

>> No.22432842
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>> No.22432856

I will say this as much as possible
PLEASE, for ANY Christian parent, you HAVE to FORCE you kids to read these
Otherwise I generally agree with >>22432680, but some of those books are for older kids, and some are too Black.
Swiss Family Robinson is good too. It's also a guide for parenting
My Mom really like Cricket in Times Square, haven't read it though
Everyone raves about E.B. White, but I haven't read her.
Also, read your kid fairy tales (obviously clean them up a bit), and fables (can't go wrong with Aesop)
A Children's/Small Catechism should be somewhere.
BTW, are you homeschooling?

>> No.22432862

Half of this is blackified and gay

>> No.22432870
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The waterbabies should really be on that list, it's ultra cozy.

>> No.22432874

Nabokov’s recommendations

> Between the ages of ten and fifteen in St. Petersburg, I must have read more fiction and poetry-- English, Russian and French-- than in any other five-year period of my life. I relished especially the works of Wells, Poe, Browning, Keats, Flaubert, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Chekhov, Tolstoy, and Alexander Blok. On another level, my heroes were the Scarlet Pimpernel, Phileas Fogg, and Sherlock Holmes. In other words, I was a perfectly normal trilingual child in a family with a large library.

>> No.22432875

We WASC now

>> No.22432882
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Charlie and the chocolate factory had enslaved pygmies in it.

>> No.22432947
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This book 100% turned me in to a history nerd as a kid, I repeatedly checked it out
Lots of illustrations so fun to look at even if you can't read yet. Lots of titties as well

>> No.22432952
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Also related the book you posted, these are fantastically illustrated books about building castles etc.,

>> No.22433543

Thanks for the recommendations everyone. My library has a surprising amount of these. I guess they just get lost among all the copies of A Very Paw Patrol Ramadan or whatever.

Yeah, we read all 7 of the Narnia books, we started when he was still 4 but he followed along very well. He absolutely loved the series and was great about asking questions about words and concepts he didn't understand.
Homeschooling hasn't started yet but we're open to the idea and my wife is a SAHM so we could do it. Our town has an extremely well renowned and well funded school system so part of us feels like we'd be fools to not take advantage of that. But he's been in kindergarten for only a couple weeks and I already have some issues. Going to go on a rant here - there's way too much sitting, lecture and testing for a kid his age. And it seems like all the fun has been sucked out of schools. NO you can't bring treats for birthday parties, NO parents can't visit and eat with their kids at lunch, YES there's only one recess for kindergarteners, YES you have register and fill out paperwork on 6 different apps if you're going to pick your kid up early. And that's without getting into the curriculum (which I don't have any problems with yet). It wouldn't take much for us to seriously consider homeschool at this point - just the kid coming home one day and saying "teacher says boys can get pregnant" or something like that.

>> No.22433571


Chill out bro the protest is over

>> No.22433574


Yes! Me too

>> No.22434352
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what the fuck is wrong with you? how can you possibly be "cel" if you have begotten progeny?