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/lit/ - Literature

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22430423 No.22430423 [Reply] [Original]

And don't tell me that it's not possible, otherwise priests and monks wouldn't exist.

>> No.22430453

pic unrelated? Also you're mistaken if you think priests and monks don't love and are not loved.

>> No.22430468

I'm talking about the love for a woman, not general love for all things and blah blah blah.

>> No.22430492

You can't, love conquers all.

>> No.22430512

It's not possible. Orthodox can and do marry. Monks live in an environment that partially protects them from worldly temptations. You cannot "immunize" yourself to love and if you're looking for some kind of cheat code you shouldn't even bother with any of this.

>> No.22430513

you're 14

>> No.22430521

Love starts as a chemical reaction. It's out of your control unless you use certain substances.

>> No.22430526

It's fucking possible, just extremely hard. I'm sure a few men managed to conquer their own desire for love.

>> No.22430562

Conquering desire and vanquishing it are two different things. Immunization, vanquishing, these things are not possible.

>> No.22430575

avoid lust.
any love that actually exists, which will be extremely rare, is probably correct if you're not clouding yourself with desire.

careful not to confuse the two.

it's a great problem nowadays, confusing desire and lust with love.
that's why so many divorces happen, people just marry thinking of the body, and later are not compatible with one another, and the novelty wears off.
also the reason so many cheat.

>> No.22430636

I just don't wanna suffer for love anymore, no women love me, I always end up getting hurt...

>> No.22430650
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he knew the way

>> No.22430661

lol Kant was gay

>> No.22430663

not even (pbuh)

>> No.22430665

Love is noise. Focus on your work/art.

>> No.22430668

Just be born on Mt. Athos and never leave. You'll never have to encounter a woman your whole life.

>> No.22430671

I'm catholic, sorry.

>> No.22431740

Are you the same faggot who got shat all over in the ghosting thread or are you just another faggot with gf booboos?

>> No.22431760
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What do you mean by love? Attraction? There's no cure beyond willpower. Affection? There's only one cure, prolonged contact. Affection will always die as you see what you thought they were turns into just another sad reflection of yourself. After you put up with someone for long enough you'll either grow to hate each other and/or develop true love which is ultimately very precious and very boring. It's not even an emotion at that point but a inescapable material condition of existence.

>> No.22431781

How is anyone still managing to be in "love" with modern women? There's nothing admirable or beautiful about women today. You need to bury your head in multiple layers of cope to find them romantically attractive.

>> No.22431792

paradoxically to conquer love you must first accept it, realize it's there and never going a way, in islam there's a proverb of the prophet about lust which will imply here, i am not gonna give you the back story, but he said Marry and if you can't, fast (look up fasting in Islam). what i am trying to say, it's extremely hard to even overlook the problem (if it's even a problem) for a while, let alone be immune to it. but are you ready to pay the price? on the other hand the desire for love is perfectly normal, and should not be fought but accepted. if you can't find a woman, do what most of us do, focus on yourself, and stop waiting, be indifferent. your weakness will hit you sometimes like a fuckin rock in the face, but like a fuckin man you will take it and move on.

>> No.22431959

Why would you want to? Why would you want such a cold, heartless life? To gaze upon the world with love is what makes it beautiful. Why build a box around your heart?

Take the world's best man--perfect in all respects--and lock him in a steel box, away from all others. Perfect or not, he will live a horrible life.

The only life worth living is one spent in the company of other people, and you can only do so well if you love.

>> No.22431977

femcel books

>> No.22431985

Spoken like a man who has absolutely no experience dating.

>> No.22431992

>I don't understand why anyone would want to have a pet crocodile. It's a soulless. ancient killing machine that will mercilessly tear you to shreds with its murderous jaws and drag you underwater and crush every bone in your body.
>heh, spoken like someone who never even tried to pet a croc

>> No.22432024

Woah, now! We got a women expert here

>> No.22432081
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Yeah, as always. You kinds of people can't actually say anything of relevance to the conversation so you have to resort to greentexting. Let me guess, next you'll start spamming wojaks at me?

>> No.22432181

because you're not loving, you're pursuing lust and desire.
love doesn't just pop up, it develops.

"instantly falling in love" several times is a telltale sign you're mistaking carnal desire for love.
actual love is pure.

>> No.22432209
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>read War and Peace expecting a russian epic
>get bombarded with depictions of love and marriage

>> No.22432214

It is a Russian epic.

>> No.22432230

I didn't think it was possible to have shit opinions on crocodiles.
Can you imagine a woman falling in love with you after reading that? I certainly fucking can't.

>> No.22432712
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>The Sayings of the Holy Desert Fathers by Saint Palladius
A lot of black pills about women and lust. White pills about God and living celibate away from this satanic ruled world.

>> No.22432854
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>> No.22433406

Romance, not love.

>> No.22433882

Castrate urself already

>> No.22433964

>it's actually your fault bro
Shut the fuck up faggot

only good post itt

>> No.22433973

It’s simple: just start dating. Modern women are so toxic that they’ll burn you out such that you’ll never entertain the idea again.

>> No.22433981

Basically what you have to do is keep women at an arms length. You can be cool with them, even talk to them sometimes, even sex them sometimes. But what you want to do is create a situation where you’re not on the phone with them, not checking their socials and you’re just meeting them out once a week or so for fun and seggs if it’s going well. Where most guys get trapped is these women start using them for validation and ego purposes, so they’ll send you a cute picture or some other shit then probably try to rope you into a phone conversation for an hour. No. Never. 5 minute call max because you’re busy but you want to plan something in the future. Girls will try to rope you into a gay routine like you’re their girlfriend meanwhile only you are really getting roped up with feelings because she’s just getting what she wants which is your validation and presence. Since you’re not taking control she doesn’t want to fuck or anything. Doing this you can pretty much control how things go so they can’t fuck you over like they do all the other betas.

You’re probably just feeling infatuation not love so just get your dick a lil wet unless you actually do fall in love and relationship

>> No.22433985

Didn't we have this profoundly homosexual thread just a day or two ago?
Historically, priests and monks were overwhelmingly gay by the way.
I don't think there is a way to actually turn you physically gay - while you are there spiritually and mentally, that means little for your aims.

>> No.22433998

>all inner strife, discontent, and dissatisfaction with your inherently insatiable human desires is profoundly homosexual bro
I can't wait til you faggots die out, and I mean it

>> No.22434003

just read modern "literature" and you'll quickly become disgusted of human relationships

>> No.22434235

What worked for me was finding a great girlfriend that showed her true colors in the end. You become a hard realist after that.

>> No.22434238

Do tell

>> No.22434403
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>modern women are so toxic
>modern women
What's with this delusion you all have where women only started becoming "toxic" in the 60s? You guys do read books, right? This is /lit/, right? Seems like so many people here are caught up in this fantasy where women were all perfectly submissive, loving creatures before just one odd point in history turned everything on its head. Traditional women are still women, at the end of the day. With all the literature on whores and liars and thieves, you'd think you'd have gotten the clue by now.
>Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us.

Now, what does this mean for us? It means that our fathers and grandfathers and so on all dealt with the same exact types of women as we are dealing with now, so we have no excuse. We either suck it up and start a family, or we give up and terminate the bloodline prematurely, making all their years of suffering to naught.
>Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest,
>Now is the time that face should form another,
>Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,
>Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother.
>For where is she so fair whose uneared womb
>Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?
>Or who is he so fond will be the tomb
>Of his self-love, to stop posterity?
>Thou art thy mother’s glass, and she in thee
>Calls back the lovely April of her prime;
>So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,
>Despite of wrinkles, this thy golden time.
>But if thou live rememb’red not to be,
>Die single, and thine image dies with thee.

>> No.22434436

No, not all inner strife, it's just that yours is such painfully banal early-twenties incel sulking that it merits no serious attention. Twenty years ago you would have been blasting Linkin Park and wearing guyliner and having the exact same thoughts. You are transparently just horny but lack the vitality to do anything about it, so you go off and attention-whore by making numerous threads, trying to turn it into some grand metaphysical or spiritual quest, some massive sacrifice of your own humanity you are making to escape a suffering that is unfathomable, but it's just early-twenties emo sulking based on unfulfilled horniness, and that's what makes it so profoundly gay, so profoundly gay beyond reason, gayer than all the gay sex in the world.

>> No.22434653

Not even remotely funny, insightful, or pasta-worthy. I hate faggots like you who try so hard to put others down so you can look cool doing it. You're not it.