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/lit/ - Literature

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22410544 No.22410544 [Reply] [Original]

>“I am forty years old now, and you know forty years is a whole lifetime; you know it is extreme old age. To live longer than forty years is bad manners, is vulgar, immoral. Who does live beyond forty? Answer that, sincerely and honestly. I will tell you who do: fools and worthless fellows.”
Is he correct?

>> No.22410594

He was a pedo

>> No.22410619
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In a sense he is right. But at the same time, you could also consider your ages 40-70 as nearly another whole life in which to correct the mistakes of the former--should the Lord see fit to grant one their full portion of the three score and ten promised in Psalm 90. That was the Underground Man's failing, to not look for any sort of redemption of rejuvenation, just petty revenge.

>> No.22410645

Actual life starts at the game of 55, anything else before it bullshit and can be discarded. At the age of 55, boy becomes man.

>> No.22410651

>I will tell you who do
>You do
>Do what

>> No.22410657

>who does live beyond forty?
People who live in the first world
Read: not Russia

>> No.22410660

It starts at 30. This seems totally indisputable to me.

>> No.22410676
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>tfw turning 34 this year

>> No.22410714

it's over

>> No.22410837
File: 13 KB, 550x246, 7ef582f565cb87e531ab7cf9afdb1829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 30
I need more life bros...

>> No.22410842

Immortality will be discovered in 10 years

>> No.22410846

>it's over
it's over

>> No.22410943

the concept of pedo did not exist back when D was alive

>> No.22410949

>>it's over
>it's over
is it over?

>> No.22410950

Always has been

>> No.22411528

Is ukraine first world?

>> No.22411533

For helping to exterminate Russroaches they have been dubbed honorary first world

>> No.22411573

This is pretty accurate.
t. 40yo

>> No.22411580

I’m 39 and i feel he’s absolutely right. I’ve had enough, done and seen enough. Everything beyond 50 or so is going to be shit. I don’t anticipate any of it. I’m planning an exit.

>> No.22411599

I am almost the same age and feel differently. Every subsequent year of my life has been better and better, I am more knowledgeable, powerful, and wealthy, yet also more reasonable, calm, and content. I can't wait to be 100 years old, imagine the possibilities and the fearless will to seize them.

>> No.22411635
File: 256 KB, 707x1000, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Behold, the greatest thinker of western world.
Don't worry, anons... Life only starts at 40.

>> No.22411876

>Dostoyevsky was homophobic and hated basic human rights just like me!

>> No.22411900

felt the same since 25

>> No.22412222

i was thinking about getting old while taking a walk a while ago and i look up and an old man that had to be at least 90, like an old baby, was hobbling along with a walker and i immediately promised myself i would never get to that point. some men look great well into their 70s but the second my body starts becoming a burden i’m peacing out. i’m not going to struggle against my own skin and bones, this world is enough of a hassle as is.

>> No.22412237

That's fair, I wouldn't want to be a complete physical and mental invalid either. What I said was obviously a bit tongue in cheek, essentially I am positive about growing older because Ive seen a lot of benefits and interesting aspects to it, and relatively few downsides. Eventually the downsides will become overwhelming, but generally speaking not at 40.

I didn't destroy my body playing excessive amounts of impact sports as a young man, and I drink tea so obviously my mind is immune to all negative effects for a good while.

>> No.22412238

Guess I'm fucked

>> No.22412251

>believing the degenerate gambler pedo who frequently had epileptic seizures that registered on the richter scale and literally went insane after spending years in a filthy harsh siberian labor camp
great idea chief

>> No.22412259

The ramblings of a sick, religious hack

>> No.22412263

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.22412267

>What no children does to a man
My condolences

>> No.22412478

What's the best Crime & Punishment translation?

>> No.22412527
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>Is he correct?
No, he is R*ssian.

>> No.22412548

What human rights are you referring to?

>> No.22412555

This bs is so tired dude fuck off

>> No.22412564

Im 29 and have been really feeling discouraged about it. Ive always hated boomers and respected youth. Its honestly embarrassing to me to get old and Ive even got a bump on my nose after years of being attractive enough to get beautiful gfs even though I was awkward. What should I look forward to in my 30s? Im married now with two toddlers, for context.

>> No.22412589

is this oldfag cope or what

>> No.22413122

It's poorer than Namibia

>> No.22413251

Getting old is definitely embarrassing, but whereas many women hit the wall toward the end of their 20s, it is very common for men to have 30s comparable to their 20s in terms of physical attractiveness, many men look even better with age, as long as you take care of yourself. You have at least another ten good years if you put in the work.

>> No.22413265

If you live a normal lifespan, you will be “old” for most of your life.

People have always disliked getting old, but I think it’s even more of a phobia now because people have so little compared to what they used do have (I mean communally and spiritually), so they cling to their youth as their most important asset. As a result, the inevitable loss of their youth comes as a shock. Ages 15-30 could be considered one’s youth, but 15 years is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things. There is a certain justice in all this thought: the young people who resent old people for being old become old themselves, and then are likewise detested by new young people. Old people understand the futility in all of this, so they make less of a deal out of it than some butthurt 29 year old who’s just figuring out he won’t be a kid forever.

>> No.22413509

Thats what Ive been realizing I have to be actively concerned with my health and then it should be okay. Drinking every night and eating like shit is fine in the early 20s but its a bad look by my age

>> No.22413521

no worries, I'm going to jump off a bridge before I get old anyway. I'm 30. thinking another 20, 30 max and I'm out.

>> No.22413524

41 here. I feel 65. It's all downhill from 35 or so. Revel in your time. Anyone sitting around waiting for something to happen doesn't deserve the gift of youth, or even life. Do something while you still can.

>> No.22413529

>delusional geriatric

>> No.22413536

Did you take care of yourself though?

>> No.22413596

Yea, I think so anyway. Don't smoke, no drugs. Drink socially. I have done many many things, more than most without boasting. And always tried to be "sustainable". But my mind is very tired and if I didn't wake up tomorrow I would be content, even if I am by no means depressed.

>> No.22413641

I am 31 next year and life has never seemed so brief. I am beginning to understand why villains in certain storiesvlust for youth or seek to restore it via arcane means. The early years are frivolous and the later years wane as your vessel weakens. But that darkness in me is one recent discovery that will not keep me from living that one good day. One good day of mastery is better than 10 bad years.

>> No.22413652

Naah at 55 you’re just a baby. At 80 is when shit gets real.

>> No.22413737

Right to life for one. He wasn't a chud who hated people

>> No.22413781
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>I was a boor and will always be a boor
He is correct in the sense that living as a boor is vulgar and immoral. Be a priest anon
t. Freidank

>> No.22413820

You should probably have some kids if you dont yet, otherwise when youre 50 youll feel totally useless.

>> No.22413823

I bet you are like 19

>> No.22413839

Im 29 with two kids

>> No.22413953
File: 119 KB, 1080x1158, cec180a523588350d31d8d7dab4f5b67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 32 and so far this year has been the worst of my life
>lost 6 figures of life savings on shit investments (spent my 20s living like a monk to make that money)
>fell out with my brother who I will likely never speak to again
>had a cousin die at 44 suddenly from a heart attack
>had the worst Christmas as me and my not-dickhead brother both fell out with our parents, as did some other family
>seriously told my boss I am considering suicide because they were being abusive to me (two coworkers resigned that day in solidarity with me)
>have to sell my dream car and all my vidya hardware because of money troubles
I am tired bros. Please tell me it gets better than this. I feel like fucking Job or something. It's the kind of tired that sleep can't fix.

>> No.22413978

>had a cousin die at 44 suddenly from a heart attack
Sorry to hear that. Please visit the following link for your refunds

>> No.22414004

>You should probably have some kids

If I ever have children it won't be to feel 'useful' by them.

>> No.22414015

>tfw 40

My life is a living hell and only getting worse

>> No.22414027

I'm 31. In another life anon, maybe we would make better life decisions.

>> No.22414054

That sounds exactly like something a pedo would say

>> No.22414059

>If I ever have children
Imagine questioning to fulfill your sole purpose in life.

>> No.22414090
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>Procreation is the sole purpose for humans because "Science" said we are just animals who fuck and shit :D
Imagine being this onions

>> No.22414097

Only one of my decisions above has my own and that was the shit investments. All else has befallen me. But maybe I would have rolled a 10 luck in another life.

>> No.22414205

Science is anti family you retard, and the only reason people dont have kids is to live an easy life of corporeal pleasure. Don’t give me that bullshit.

>> No.22414223
File: 10 KB, 208x243, F4C94E20-6169-4200-83D7-A013252A8A8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty stupid of you to waste the best decade of your life slaving away to save money. Please tell me you at least bought a house. Also youre in your 30s who gives a fuck about the family you had as a kid, grow up and get your own family like a fucking man. It will do you good to sell your vidya you shouldnt be fucking with that bullshit too much anyway. Also dont be a whiney little pussy and threaten suicide over some faggotass bullies, just quit your job dumbass. It hasn’t gotten you anywhere anyway. Why dont you move somewhere new and start over if you’ve got the guts.

>> No.22414273

Not to mention the unironic doomerposting.

>> No.22414308

>man says words
>wow so profound
>many insight
lit fags are an insufferable group just vain enough to think they have profound things to say and just polite enough to delude others into the believing the same. Literary discourse is a literally circle jerk. Rarely do I read something here that hasn't already been said or written.

>> No.22414346

>Please tell me you at least bought a house
Yeah 10 years ago. But my long term partner and I split and had to sell the damn thing. That equity is now lost in the 100K I mentioned. It's all gone. I have a car and some books and a laptop and a TV that is on ebay.

>make your own family
No. I have no relationship and won't shack up with a lunatic woman just to fulfill that biological urge. What am I anon? My dad?

Complicated. It is a family business. I am suppose to be the MD one day. I have been there 14 years. All my adult life. I can't abandon my family.

I haven't played anything all year anyway. I just had it in a cupboard. It's all so boring.

>move somewhere
I will likely do this. Its something I have wanted to do, now little is holding me back. With have to recoup some of the money first. Maybe in the new year.

Thanks for your post anon. I always appreciate tough love.

>> No.22414397

Is he being ironic? Hard to tell sometimes with these doomer Ruskies.

>> No.22414419

t. soulless bugman lashing out at what he intrinstically feels are his betters

>> No.22414461

“From the age of 6 I had a mania for drawing the forms of things. By the time I was 50 I had published an infinity of designs; but nothing I did before the age of seventy was worthy of attention.At seventy-three, I began to grasp the structures of birds and beasts, insects and fish, and of the way plants grow. If I go on trying, I will surely understand them still better by the time I am eighty-six, so that by ninety I will have penetrated to their essential nature.

At one hundred, I may well have a positively divine understanding of them, while at one hundred and thirty, forty, or more I will have reached the stage where every dot and every stroke I paint will be alive. May Heaven, that grants long life, give me the chance to prove that this is no lie. ”

— Katsushika Hokusai

>> No.22414472

/lit/ is really just azquotes for edgy young guys on the verge of nervous breakdowns

>> No.22414683

it never began so it can never be over

>> No.22414688

How many times will Nabokov's opinions be copied and pasted on Dostoevsky threads?

>> No.22414745

same, brother
keep on keeping on

>> No.22414835
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>tfw 28
Oldbros, any advice?

>> No.22414989

How many Dosto threads do we need? The level of Dosto worship on this board is lunacy. READ ANOTHER AUTHOR.

>> No.22415004

>T. 50 year old boy

>> No.22415142

He’s right in the context of being a Russian man. Your life really starts at 15 and ends at 30-35 ish there. Best to do something heroic that kills you at 27 than be washed up with a vodka problem at 50. If you’re not Russian don’t take his comment seriously. If you are a Russian it makes sense.

>> No.22415147
File: 1.32 MB, 640x360, x53uBHkgiqDt_s5h.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that image so much. It's absolutely fantastic how well it encapsulates the absolute state of the Pissident Right: the spiteful mongrel wignat seething at one of the few times normies actually care for and cheer White people defending themselves, too weak to actually do anything about it other than drink himself to death and cope online while fantasizing about make-beliefs, we-wuz and blackpilled "le sweet embrace of death".
Not to mention how, like most Russian nationalists, nothing is really forcing him to live in the degenerate West he hates so much, instead of going back to his trad bastion of Whiteness.

To only thing that comes close to that image is this video. The nigger music, the nigger dancing, the inherent seething at the White man's space endeavors, the primitive "muh demonz" as a shield against the unknown. It's just so poetic but ultimately falls shorts because it can very well pass as a deliberate caricature whereas OP's image lacks any sense of irony pointing towards humor.

>> No.22415177
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>lacks any sense of irony pointing towards humor
In fact, now that I think about it, that's how most of their propaganda is. It fundamentally caters to niggers because it shows no sign of self-awareness, it can never admit any of its flaws and playfully make fun of itself as that would be seen as a sign of weakness.
So regardless of how utterly absurd the situation might get, you have no choice but to simply ignore it and keep keeping on. Maybe whatabout, that's quinetessential since the days of "But you are lynching Negroes in America". By all means, the Russian soul profoundly identifies with and ultimately is the Nigger soul.

>> No.22415178

>any advice?
Stop watching foreign cartoons made for little girls.

>> No.22415248

>Dropped out of my English degree in the 3rd year at 22
>became sparky
>go to sparky school
>pass sparky test and get sparky license
>now make 6 figures with a wife and two boys

>> No.22415671
File: 166 KB, 1600x900, As-Tears-Go-By-1-1600x900-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand beside you fellow 31+ anons.
There were many good moments - moments where I felt like a king. But they are behind me now. Medical problems, etc.
There is still wisdom and even joy - but its a dull flame. The essence of life is all behind me. I'm just floating in the river until the waterfall comes. I'm not mad - I just am.

>> No.22416257


>> No.22416262
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>suicidal feelings since 13
How the fuck do some people make it to 100

>> No.22416282

ausland grindset

>> No.22416383

wow he is literally me

>> No.22416393

Life begins at 110, if you're not that old by now then kys.

>> No.22416403

My diary desu

>> No.22416415
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They don't usually have enough self-awareness for irony. It's golden when they do, though.

>> No.22416424

Yes. Living so old is a novelty of the age, I’m only 27 and I already start to feel like that. Imagine dying in a fucking hospital bed too, absolutely disgusting. I hate hospitals.

>> No.22416427

What is it with you people and telling random anons on the internet to have kids? Shut the fuck up.
Yeah that’s the problem, it’s just a vanity project for people like that.

>> No.22416702

Not in English

>> No.22416942
File: 176 KB, 960x723, infinitejest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Dostoyevsky think about Putin and the war

>> No.22417509
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>brb telling my wife and 3 kids I must -ACK! myself now that I'm 40 because profound Russian man said I'm worthless

>> No.22417730
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>be me
>34yo manchild
>promising kid, smart, athletic, musical, handsome
>went insane around 20
please tell me I can become normal

>> No.22418342

it's joever

>> No.22418365

You sound angry, maybe you should have kids?

>> No.22419315

I think the undeground man didn't buy his own shit but if there's someone who believed that quote it's yukio mishima

>> No.22420236

I turn 40 in December, I am in my prime. No kids, single and happy. No relationship drama, no obligations to society. No knowledge is outside my grasp if I chose to work for it, no feeling like I have to prove myself to anyone. I spent my thirties on myself and now I am at peace with myself. I became a rock but not for any other soul outside my own. Everyone is selfish, few do it correctly and with morality.

>> No.22420243

yes, everyone ITT should kill themselves the moment they turn 40

>> No.22420259

>No human is illegal
>Unless you said something on twitter in the past

>> No.22421317

What do I need to do before 30 in order to not be depressed and prone for a midlife crisis come 40?

>> No.22421324


>> No.22421460

We have discovered that we can achieve biological immortality already. The problem lays in funding the research and therapies. The AI will speed up the research at least, AlphaFold is just the beginning. The next 30 years look very promising.

>> No.22421534

Same anon. It feels as though it's been an eternity already. Maybe we just weren't cut out for life.

>> No.22421955


>> No.22421971

>respecting youth

>> No.22421988

dying alone isnt fun

>> No.22422141

You could have 6 wives and 30 children and still die alone. Almost everyone dies alone anyway.

>> No.22423295

Me since 22 and a half.

>> No.22424884

Me since 13

>> No.22425256

The character that says it is a mad man. A portrait of a pathetic man. It's ironic as in it's a warning to those who choose to walk the same path as him. Unfortunately, he is also very relatable.

>> No.22425262

more ukroids died taking Robotyne than Wagner did Bakhmut, and Bakhmut was a city of 70,000 while Robotyne was a random village.

>> No.22426309
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Lmao I am 48 and live underground quite literally: I'm posting from my basement bedroom in this house which I rent with a few roommates who are between 8 & 12 years younger than me. I have neither wives nor children, just a medley of contacts like my excruciatingly Jewish girlfriend who lives in Manhattan -- I always visit her; she never visits me -- and so I stay here, saving money, NEETing like a champ, because she's expensive both financially & psychologically; I value my solitude, which I've enjoyed for the last... several days, as I've hid from the world underground in my basement bedroom, my roommates unaware of my presence. I've been fasting, too, skipping days of eating. I think I may have been down here for a week... two weeks? Three! Fuck, how time flies! I've accomplished *nothing* down here this last fortnight -- a few hours-long runs playing Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares, each only to end in obviously unwinnable endgames due to subterranean lithovores (Silicoids) overrunning half the map or literal bugpeople (Klackons) simply pumping out more ships than I have missiles to target. Huh. This whole "underground" theme is really sticking.

So, here I am, listening to the sounds of a sunny day outside my dim lair, a roommate & his girlfriend descending the stairs to find the carafe of fresh french press coffee I made & left out with an implied invitation to enjoy by the presence of an empty cup carefully situated nearby, I an absent ghost, like the sasquatch she affectionately compares me to.

She calls me "the mountain man" because I live on a mountain, and look like it, too, being in my forties with a great mane of blond hair and a long beard like a wizard. I stay away because I don't want to make things weird by accidentally hooking up with her, and, besides, I've grown out of needing or even wanting any sort of romantic companionship, or even companionship of any kind.

I thrive by myself here alone in the darkness! I dehumanize myself more & more each day, becoming evermore powerful & invulnerable. The shadow cast darkens less than my vanta black heart pumping infrared blood. Did y'all niggaz think I was gonna write something dope? Cuz y'all're [REDACTED]!

Nah, playah, I'm just gonna ramble this out to the end in order to hit that sweet maximum character count to sooth my 'tism, which tingles more & more the closer I get to the end... ooh, I really feel it now! It's almost unbearable, like an electric current tickling every nerve of my hatesculpted body, a hellishly strong six & a third foot tall mass of coiled springs and blades and things of a heavy metal nature, cocooned in flesh woven all about, a disposable machine once trained for war quite literally by the most powerful army on earth, now quietly biding time until the sociopolitical climate in this country changes past a critical threshold, psychologically prepared for all eventualities, a post-human monster with no particular motives.


>> No.22427358

He would be pro Russia

>> No.22427952
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what the fuck

>> No.22428028

ladies and gentlemen: the literary lifestyle

>> No.22428038
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>>22410544 >>22410619 >>22410645 >>22410651 >>22410657 >>22411580 >>22411635 >>22411876 >>22412238 >>22412263 >>22412527 >>22413521 >>22413524 >>22413781 >>22414308 >>22414397 >>22415142 >>22415147 >>22415248 >>22416424 >>22417509 >>22420236 >>22420243 >>22420259 >>22426309
all of you oldfaggots are out here coping about how you wasted your youth, meanwhile Im sitting here, 18, almost 19, probably going to kill myself right before my 19th birthday if not at my 20th birthday because living old is 4 fags

seriously though, life ends at 20. when you reach 20, you've experienced most you can experience. everything after that point is a strange charade where you slave away until your body gives in.

>> No.22428061


>> No.22428163

>An 18 year old describes life at 20

>> No.22428175
File: 310 KB, 485x437, 1608457294367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, live fast, die young. Way of the Koryos.

>> No.22429201
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>life ends at 20. when you reach 20, you've experienced most you can experience

>> No.22429213
File: 500 KB, 960x768, 1689356251422481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.22429409


>> No.22430413

you know im right big man

>> No.22430516

Compare the animal pain vs human pain
Human pain is nothing
You definitively don't even know the definition of the word.
>Purpose: of the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Now, give me the reason to procreate or dilate

>> No.22430624

I know for sure that you're wrong because I thought exactly like you 10 years ago, now I am 30 and I know how wrong I was.

>> No.22430642

My life didn't start until 27, when I got my first job. What the fuck do you even do below 20? What could you possibly have experienced?

>> No.22431411

teenage love

>> No.22431664

Well I might as well list the shit I've gotten up to in my 18 years of living.
>Dealt with an abusive household
>Gained enough weight to be considered near-obese
>Got into one hell of a fight, a fight that should've killed me - unironically.
>Ended up losing almost 100 pounds in a few months
>Became what the kids call a "menace" in high school, got away with everything too and walked the stage to everyone's shock
>Had wanton unprotected sex with 30 different people
>Been to a BDSM sex party thing
>Got kicked out of a BDSM kink group
>Got banned from a furry convention
>Outed several zoophiles and now know the address and full name of a pedophile/zoophile/furry

>> No.22431776
File: 183 KB, 1062x707, Christmas-Town-England-sm-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is the official geezer thread. What are you fellow grandpas reading right now?

Reading a book for a professional certification and just finished Brave New World a few nights ago. Thinking about reading Anna Karenina or Conrad's The Secret Agent next. Thoughts?

>36 year old boomer.

>> No.22431867

I also need to add on to this, like, I get to basically view into your guys' life. I barely have any friends my age. The people that I have worked with, the people I have socialized with, and pretty all of the people I have fucking slept with have been considerably older than me.
You can sit from your side of this fence, and laugh about how better the soil is in your domain. But I can see it from here, the grass is not greener. Perhaps you have decorated your fields with orchards and flowers, but the blades of grass will forever bear the pale green of a dying lawn.

>> No.22433010

Stop reading fiction, grandpa.

>> No.22433024

Here is Tolstoys list of recommendations


Iliad is both in the 20s and 40s because by 40s you should be reading it in Greek. Also the list ends at age 63 so ideally, you should be dead by then.

>> No.22433082

Do you guys really get offended by pictures supporting Ukraine and Black Lives Matter shit? Bet some Russian made this image

>> No.22434289

Why did one frame of the Ukrainian flag made you this mad, it wasn't even anti-ukraine just showing how ukrainian-russian slavic slapfight is showed downs everyone's throats. It's white people vs. white people, former led by a jew and latter led by an antiwhite communist shabbos goyim.

>> No.22434297


>> No.22434631

>life ends at 20
And begins at 20. Repeating every 20 years. You're approaching your first death. What you do after is up to you. You've got at least 4 lifetimes. If you want to use it all up, how would you go about doing it? Meditation while burning? Building jump onto blank canvas?

>> No.22434679

Cavemen lived till 50 something. It’s natural to live till 50 and more importantly your still useful all the way up to 70. At 70 your a dusty bag of wasted bones it seems like. Why have such a cynical outlook

>> No.22434711

i gave up secret agent halfway through. too many adverbs for me. and conrad was ESL.
try the deerslayer by james fenimore cooper

>> No.22434714

1-25 the years that lay out the fundamentals of your life and your mindset that sticks with you forever at least subconsciously. 25-30 intermediate years. 30-70 real life especially if you don’t fuck your body up. 70+ your done, end of the road. Just enjoy it till the end and the last chance to do the shit you couldn’t do before that you NEED to do.
>t.20 year old
Of course I’m a younger man so I might not know shit. But that’s how I look at things and think of it. Most of the people here have very depressing mindsets. Why? I don’t know.
Remember that cave men lived to at least 50+. Your supposed to get to at least 50. It’s natural.

>> No.22434750

only worthwhile post in this thread

>> No.22434759

kek, this seems to be the only post itt pointing out that this is the fucking underground man talking and not exactly an author stand-in for Dosty.

/lit/ has fallen, millions of threads must die

>> No.22434797

Dude I've been wasting the last 6 years of my life sticking around my family's business ....'because I can't abandon my family'. Half of the reason you're having so much family dysfunction is because you've been stuck around your family for 14 years. Jesus man, can you see that it's clearly not a good system if you're so miserable and unhappy and everyone is feeling terrible? You are living in a cycle of self-defeating self-abuse. You've made this melancholic existence a noble endeavor that will somehow bring you satisfaction 'some day' when it's been nearly 15 years of non-success? Forcing yourself to try and keep making it work when your job isn't even keeping you paid, isn't even keeping your possessions around? Please, before you grind yourself into the dust and die a lonely, angry death - divorce yourself from this toxic family. Free yourself.

It's not complicated. You are simply scared of facing the world outside of this stockholm-syndrome life that you are unwilling to address. Run for the hills, rebuild, learn to love yourself and then others again.

>> No.22434806


>> No.22434951

>conrad was ESL
Was he really? Either way, I already started Dante's Purgatory.

>> No.22435679

Underage sex

>> No.22435697
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 1609185285861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your life begins after you experience true love and then lose it. age is irrelevant.

>> No.22436345

that's all, fatty?

>> No.22436364
File: 206 KB, 851x939, 1679997962291290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life ends at 18.
My grandmother tried to learn to read when she was 22 years old. Her boss was a teacher and put her on a special course for adults. Even so, my grandmother died without knowing how to draw her own name. She was born illiterate and died illiterate.
And all because her learning window had already closed.
Based on this empirical experience, I affirm that nothing complex is learned after the age of 18. Music, singing, drawing, painting, programming, other languages and so on.

>> No.22436654

sorry dude but your grandmother was retarded, and it's likely hereditary

>> No.22436677

I'm a year older than you and I know the variety of experience is too great to pin down. You're just stuck in a rut and depressed. Find something new in your life. I'm not saying things wont get worse, but they're definitely going to be different. Whether or not that difference will be something beautiful and transformative or hellish and inescapable is up to you.

>> No.22436725

Twitter-brain, there's not even anything indicating offense in the pic. (But yes the "science is real love is love" posters are immensely cringe).
In the pic I get more of a sense of blase to the various forms of visual messages/propaganda that bombard the senses on a daily basis while just trying to get to work.

>> No.22436747

At least when you die make sure you’re buried ass up so I can rape your corpse you sniveling little cunt.

>> No.22436756

Uh, From Hermeneutics To Exegesis by Matthew R. Malcolm and The Natural Law by Heinrich Rommen
>41, probably one of the oldest here.

>> No.22436770

Kind of. I live around blacks so it gets pretty damn nauseating sometimes. Never really liked rap music too much either. Have pretty much been a punk/industrial/metal/classical guy with occasional forays into folk, jazz and prog rock

>> No.22436781

I’m two years older and probably in worse circumstances

>> No.22436846
File: 220 KB, 471x1000, 357331f64fc4e4b578efac6d39fb69cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this line said by Ivan Karamazov, and not actually an indication of Dostoevsky's view on life?

>> No.22436977

No. I'm reading the Autobiography of Benevenuto Cellini and he says you should wait until you are at least 40 to write an autobiography of your life. Thus, you have to make it past 40 or else you won't be able to complete your life work.

>> No.22437967 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 600x800, J C A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Statements like the one in the image attached to your post are indicative of spiritual, and philosophical, ignorance, or noviceness.

That trend of belief is as ridiculous & cringeworthy as its apposite: that one should become more sedentary —dissimulated as becoming (more) religious, and/or patriotic— the older that one becomes; the opposite —with all that it implies— is actually true.

Religion without spirituality: dissimulated putrescence; spirituality without religion: effervescent dissipation; religion with spirituality: Catholized senescence.

>> No.22437969
File: 116 KB, 600x800, J C A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Statements like the one in your post are indicative of spiritual, and philosophical, ignorance, or noviceness.

That trend of belief is as ridiculous & cringeworthy as its apposite: that one should become more sedentary —dissimulated as becoming (more) religious, and/or patriotic— the older that one becomes; the opposite —with all that it implies— is actually true.

Religion without spirituality: dissimulated putrescence; spirituality without religion: effervescent dissipation; religion with spirituality: Catholized senescence.

>> No.22439143

Dude, you wanna just fuck me while I'm still living? More hygenic and you don't need to warm my body up beforehand.
Like i can post me getting fucked on /gif/ or something if you wanna see what I'm like in bed.

>> No.22439144

Man, I'm only 30, but I can't get enough of life. Just the daily routine is enthralling to me. I love every meal I have, even if I've had it a thousand times before. I love going for walks, reading new books (or old ones!), just watching tv, playing games, playing sports, hanging out with my gf (we've lived together now for 7 years), everything! This love of live does fuel an intense dread of death though, I can't imagine embracing death and I know I'm going to be like Tolstoy when I get older and death is tangibly nearer. Occasionally I imagine my own demise and the cessation of experience, my being obliterated for eternity, all my thoughts, hopes, relationships, dreams, my experience itself over and done with, nothing more for me. But time is a funny thing, and I like to think I'm etching my life indelibly into the dimension of time permanently. Every moment of joy and connection existing in time somewhere. How is it that you can't enjoy life? Financial problems? Mental illness? A breakdown of close relationships? It seems to me that, while these are all difficult challenges, each one can be overcome and made better if you apply effort and find the right circumstances.

>> No.22439515

>know the address and full name of a pedophile/zoophile/furry
So you're friends with a paedo. Weird flex but ok.

>> No.22439610

Friends? We hate eachother.

>> No.22439614


>> No.22439623

This only happened to me after 30. I have a very blessed fortunate life. I made a promise to myself that I would stop ever saying things like "I hate myself" or "I hate my life" because of all the good fortune I've had.

I also try to look in interesting places I wouldn't or don't normally look everywhere I go, to be more mindful. If I'm walking through the park I always walk through, I ask myself where I don't normally look, and then I look there. I end up finding there are whole areas I've been missing for years, whole aspects of nature and architecture I didn't notice. I stop to look at anything unusual or beautiful, especially natural beauty. I try to think about connections between things like where this nice breeze came from. I think giving in to routine is a mindkiller.

>> No.22439626

we all know you're going to bitch out and not kys though lol faggot

>> No.22439667

lmao I'm going to law school at 28. but yeah, maybe if I didn't know how to read at 22 I'd be behind

>> No.22440136

Mindfulness is a great practice. I think even in the most repetitious routines, there are moments of genuine pleasure you can appreciate, even though they are mundane. There are times I come home at the end of the day and my gf wants to talk about her day which occasionally annoyed me as I wanted to do my own thing, but even in this I can appreciate that she wants to see me and talk, and I recognize how much I would miss her in my life if she wasn't there, so instead of resenting this as an obligation, I've instead come to look forward to this little ritual or routine because it reminds me afresh how much joy she brings me. This strategy has worked for me personally on literally everything in my life. Even taking the trash to the dumpster, I can survey my neighbors' yards and appreciate the work they've done to make them pretty. Every activity of my life has some hidden wonder in it, I feel genuinely heartbroken that some people live without the consciousness of such small joys constantly around them.

>> No.22440173

>Of course I’m a younger man so I might not know shit.
You don't.
>1-25 the years that lay out the fundamentals of your life and your mindset that sticks with you forever at least subconsciously.
If you managed that it probably means you either lack self awareness or found a nice safe hole to live out your life in before you hit 25.

>> No.22440370

I won't weep for you