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22420030 No.22420030 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the hardship of being a woman?

>> No.22420035

can anyone tell me when exactly it became normal to wear those things and when they got classified as "shorts"?

>> No.22420038

she'd begging to get harded right in her ship, doth ye comprehend my intent?

>> No.22420046
File: 757 KB, 480x852, ezgif.com-video-cutter (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, stop speaking in riddles.

>> No.22420056
File: 1.34 MB, 576x1024, 22222.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women can't suffer unless they are orphaned or some shit

>> No.22420057

No, I cant comprehend or decipher your intent.
Kindly shed more light as to make it apparent.

>> No.22420063

Idk. A poem from my favorite woman author:

Here is to having Anal Sex...
Stick it where she least expects
Fuck her so hard, make her buttcheeks flex
Grab her Sister,
Tell her she's next.

>> No.22420064
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, Dollrust0 tiktok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong file meant to post this one
This is women """""suffering""""

>> No.22420082

it wasn't cool for women to go to (and therefore film themselves in) the gym prior to, say, 2012. yoga pants, a close equivalent to these ''shorts'', took off massively in the late 2000s. but women started dressing sluttily with impunity in the mid 60s, primarily influenced by britain and france's fashion industry.

>> No.22420088

these woman need to be savagely beaten and left for dead in a roadside trough. and in fact, they wish that it were to happen!

>> No.22420093
File: 37 KB, 450x600, self-made-man-norah-vincent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I have a book about the exact opposite.
The author went undercover as a guy to see what their lives were like.
She concluded she's grateful to be a woman; the life of a man is just too difficult.

>> No.22420095


>> No.22420097

The extreme vanity of people in the gym is disgusting and not limited to women.
I wish I could get the base satisfaction my fellow lifters get fron staring at themselves.

>> No.22420099


>> No.22420107
File: 414 KB, 1024x767, MarianModesty_CatholicGura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowed to wear shorts
Pick one and only one

>> No.22420117

I am going to look at women wearing yoga pants in public as much as I please and I'm not going to apologize for it.

>> No.22420121
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unironically yes, problem women?

>> No.22420131

/r9k/ was a mistake

>> No.22420148

post tits or gtfo

>> No.22420183
File: 3.42 MB, 576x1024, dance vanilla.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But being a woman is easy!

>> No.22420247

the first respectable woman posted of this thread

>> No.22420274

She has an unsettling face

>> No.22420281

Never understood how some men are attracted to pounds of makeup appended to a head

>> No.22420290

Judging by her super-tucked t-shirt, I'd deduct that she only shows her as to be filmed.

>> No.22420298

A true honorary man!

>> No.22420299

Can't see her penis.

>> No.22420306

What are you even complaining about here? that she is showing off her body and that men have the hardship of not being able to?

>> No.22420312

>Never understood how some men are attracted to pounds of makeup appended to a head
I'm attracted to Ford Cortinas. People be attracted to art works is much more explicable than my desire to fuck industrial design (bad)>

>> No.22420319

Tell me why they can't be without being a coomer conservacucked incel

>> No.22420320

>Women can't suffer unless they are orphaned or some shit
I've fucked a number of orphans. Women can't suffer.

>> No.22420330

everyone suffers retard

>> No.22420341
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Glad we agree on that!

>> No.22420346
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>women can't suffe-

>> No.22420348

>is that... WOMAN... wearing casual sportswear that makes her confident and comfortable... IN THE GYM?
>the west has fallen...

>> No.22420362

The actual joke is she acting as if showing off while being a white woman is somehow empowering
White women are literally the most privileged kind of human to ever exist, pale women never suffered at any point in history