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22419702 No.22419702 [Reply] [Original]

is it still worth reading today?

>> No.22419704

Not quite. It has been refuted by historians. Only good thing is the prose.

>> No.22419708

Yes. Nonfiction prose peaked with Gibbon. The innacuracies are easily outweighed by the truths.

>> No.22419710

what would you recommend for modern studies on the topic then?

>> No.22419711

Absolutely. It has been ‘refuted’ by ‘historians’ so you know it’s good.

>> No.22419718

so you know it’s bad*

>> No.22419724

based beyond calculation. 'historians' BTFO.

>> No.22419728

>you vill truzt ze (((conzenzuz)))

>> No.22419730

Gibbon was a 'historian' (although a bad and ugly one)

>> No.22419732

This, if a book doesn’t make contemporary “””academics”””” seethe then it’s not worth reading

>> No.22419736

>you vill truzt ze (((anglo))) """historian"""

>> No.22419743

>christianity is le bad!
A real mystery (((who))) is behind this book

>> No.22419763

>this book was written by jews, dont read it
>This book is hated by jews, read it
So i should base all my opinions on what jews think?

>> No.22419767

>read “””””accurate””””” history written 5 years ago by disabled genderqueer bipoc
>it’s an utter snoozefest
>you won’t finish it
>read “””””inaccurate””””” history written 250 years ago
>it’s fun and you actually finish it

>> No.22419772

both are boring

>> No.22419777
File: 178 KB, 643x864, chad jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always da jooz, chuddies don't realize how much of themselves they're sacrificing for their sake

>> No.22420029

What is inaccurate about it?

>> No.22420069

Something on the WW2 Eastern Front.

>> No.22420079

oh man, are you a woman?

>> No.22420100

It's better written than anything you'll find in the last century, but Gibbon was working with less information than the modern classicist has. If you want the history, read something more modern. If you want a pleasant experience, try Gibbon out. He was pretty based as well.

>> No.22420192

No. I simply prefer better history writers

>> No.22420246

Anyone here read a history of the crusades by steven runciman?
It seems pretty good
I am generally pretty sympathetic towards Muslims

>> No.22420252

The (((Christian))) author, Edward Gibbon.

>> No.22420283
File: 92 KB, 450x538, Gibbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to agree, however I'm afraid that this is what he looked like.

>> No.22420289

The (((Anglo))) author Edward Gibbon.

>> No.22420326

Is it never?

>> No.22420464

>I simply prefer things that serve no purpose
In an alternate dimension fiction writers behave similarly to their predecessors as non-fiction writers do in our dimension. Your ability to make—LORD Jesus Christ please forgive me for my aggressive language here—fat fuckin stacks of cash money is dependent on your competitors being inferior. What better way to ensure sales than to convince retards that old thing is synonymous with bad thing? Indeed.

>> No.22420471

I actually prefer older history writers than Gibbon. Greek and Roman ones for instance.

>> No.22420482

That's understandable, though those men suffer translation issues just the same as all other foreign works. Homer has been abused most egregiously in this regard.

>> No.22420491

he was anglo

>> No.22420521


>> No.22420912
File: 320 KB, 1244x1600, Edward-Gibbon-oil-painting-Henry-Walton-National-1774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's going to take his knowledge of Rome from this midget doughboy Anglo

>> No.22421427

english is a foreign language, latin is the true central language

>> No.22421496

Durant is more accurate and also has really good prose. Both the Life of Greece and Caesar and Christ are good.

>> No.22421582


>> No.22421946

Yeah, it's pretty enjoyable
The whole "it has been refuted" thing only matters if you are writing academic papers

>> No.22421953

He was a francophile and only wrote it English because I think Burke or Hume insisted.

>> No.22422088

Nice 90 IQ shitskinned leftist take. How stinky are your immigrant parents?

>> No.22422092

Anglos are based and make shitskins seethe.

>> No.22422098

How was it refuted? Blindly "trusting the experts" is for cattle.

>> No.22422133
File: 11 KB, 256x256, smug kot trying not to laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mutt projection, I'm pretty comfortable in my 98% white European country

>> No.22422149

>Blindly "trusting the experts" is for cattle.
Just like you trust this lying anti-Christian Anglo goblin.

>> No.22422185
File: 246 KB, 564x740, Mary_Beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a good modern author on Roman history? I've watched a documentary where she explained the entire history of Rome in over 3 hours and she seemed very cheerful and passionate about it

>> No.22422192


>> No.22422196
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>> No.22422197

Nothing. Its a masterpiece. These faggots just don't read it so they complain instead like little girls

>> No.22422203

Mary Beard is a specialist on roman religious practices which are vital to understand the republican state.

>> No.22422207

Wow what a devastating comeback comparing me to the greatest historian since Hume.

>> No.22422215

Why mention that he was ugly,that fact in itself cannot disprove anything he says.

>> No.22422222

Like others have said, it is worth reading for the prose alone. Gibbon is a better writer than any modern historian and it's not close.

>> No.22422224

I don't need to disprove anything. The pros have already done it numerous times lol

>> No.22422229

Based polish.

>> No.22422243

Name one

>> No.22422258

I'm sure you love being compared to a goblin. Probably an improvement.

>> No.22422281

You've really got nothing else

>> No.22422358

I never tire of pseuds shitting on gibbon yet of course can't articulate any reason why besides the most vague and general rubbish

>> No.22422371

Outdated scholarship

>> No.22422384

He lies left, right and centre.

>> No.22422407

>vague, inspecific, no evidence given

>vague, inspecific, no evidence given

>> No.22422447

It's still an extremely important book for historians, but not in the way Gibbon likely intended. We use it today to study how academics and others in that time period treated history. It's a good book for the study of the study of history rather than for the history itself, if you will.

>> No.22422467

>rather than for the history itself

Your equivications disgust me. You could say this for LITERALLY EVERY HISTORIAN WHO HAS EVER LIVED

>> No.22422489
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Even Gibbon admitted some of his mistakes and was planning to revise his work. And later historians found other mistakes. Unsure why his fanboys are so aggressive. It's a good work of English prose, just not completely accurate history.

>> No.22422528

Dude, he's literally saying he should have just started with Nero instead of Commodus.

>> No.22422535

Gibbon's work is horribly outdated. It has little value if you want to learn about the Roman Empire. It's only use is to show how people thouht about the Roman empire 300 years ago. An example would be that Gibbon calls the time of the 5 adopted emperors (2nd century) the most happy time in history ever. But this was also the time of the antonine plague which caused one in three people to die in some parts of the empire.

>> No.22422573

What would you read instead?

>> No.22422582

>Gibbon calls the time of the 5 adopted emperors (2nd century) the most happy time in history ever.
It was.

>> No.22422586

>Gibbon's work is horribly outdated
it's not.
>An example would be that Gibbon calls the time of the 5 adopted emperors (2nd century) the most happy time in history ever. But this was also the time of the antonine plague which caused one in three people to die in some parts of the empire.
19th and 20th centuries were the peak of Europeans but bad shit still happened but that doesn't take away from the rest. What a garbage example.

>> No.22422617

>20th century
>peak of Europe

>> No.22422632

>I'm pretty comfortable in my 98% white European country
That's why you don't care about jews

>> No.22422640

Ya they haven't actually made any arguments, it seems like his detractors are just bugmen and non-whites who "trust the science."

>> No.22422647

Not an argument. And how did he lie?

>> No.22422648

I want the truth, not lies by anglo goblins.Simple as.

>> No.22422657

Phew, I almost buy this set. Had no idea it was outdated history and jewish dishonesty. Thanks guys.

>> No.22422679
File: 170 KB, 1053x685, plague.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But this was also the time of the antonine plague

>> No.22422804

yes the early 20th century was the peak of europe's influence in the world

>> No.22422819

Not even close and has nothing to do with happiness necessarily. Europe suffered a lot in the 20th century and the good does not outweigh the bad.

>> No.22422872

This doesn;t deserve it own thread so I'm asking here. What is a good book about the Spanish Civil War?
I voted for Trump if it helps narrow down a recommendation I will enjoy.

>> No.22422911

No. Every sensible man already knows that empires fall as a natural part of their life cycle, and reading about the specifics of an ancient empire's collapse is pointless, because that empire is not coming back. Concern yourself with your own empire and try to discover what stage of its life you're living in.

>> No.22422949

For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.22422989

This is how nazis actually think
>just be ignorant and make the same mistakes bro
>how did my fascist empire collapse???????

>> No.22423010

I enjoyed reading Mine Were of Trouble and Homage to Catalonia, to get two diametrically opposite perspectives on the war. Mine Were of Trouble has the issue that the guy barely talks about ideology, so it's a big elephant in the room for him, but it was certainly interesting meeting all those Nationalists, and in the end, he even meets Franco.

Also helps reading up on Franco's regime on Wikipedia afterwards, so you see the aftermath of what happened.

My opinion of the war is that the entire country went insane, but the Republicans were crazier, what with burning down churches and killing priests and nuns.

>> No.22423016

Northrop Frye uses it as an example of how the meaning of a text can evolve over time. It is from a different perood when history was written differently. Besides giving you an overview of facts it gives you an idea of how people in Gibbon's period created narratives about Rome.
Shut up, retard.

>> No.22423030

I was going to say the exact same thing. MWoT (which I'm reading right now) and HtC. They're both a pleasure to read, although MWoT has quite a bit less talk of ideology, politics, and psychology (so far), which is unfortunate imo.

>> No.22423571
File: 272 KB, 1100x1700, 81555ZPkaFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also read Mommsen:



>> No.22423618

But it is.

>> No.22423624

go back

>> No.22423627

Can you name one lie?

>> No.22423635

Christianity being a main cause for Rome's downfall.

>> No.22423639

>Gibbon calls the time of the 5 adopted emperors (2nd century) the most happy time in history ever.
It was.

>> No.22423645

But it was.

>> No.22423675

Nobody reads this to learn about the Roman Empire. They read it to learn about the Enlightenment and the liberal values that define the modern world. So yes, it's worth reading. Just not as a history book. The work was always a propaganda screed.

>> No.22423678

It wasn't. It was a non-factor. Way bigger issues.

>> No.22424000

Thank you. I wrote these down on the piece of paper I keep in my wallet of books to look for.

>> No.22424154

SPQR is a pretty decent book imo

>> No.22424220

Holy fuck no.

Why would you want to read Beard about roman religion when you could read Wissowa, Rüpke, Scheid, or fuck, even de Coulanges?

>> No.22424227

That's like saying bolshevism was a non-factor in the collapse of the russian tsardom. Why are you lying?

>> No.22424249

Not at all the same. His lies have been refuted by later historians and academics.

>> No.22424259

not for any Christian.

>> No.22424264

>refuted by historians

>> No.22424279

Why wouldn't you read them all? Are u stupid?

>> No.22424281

That isn't a real answer. How could the internal strife generated by the new up and coming christian elite trying to grab power from the old pagan elite not be a contributing element in the overall picture of the collapse? How could the gospel of weakness, passivity and submission, an oriental cult which turned vice to virtue and virtue to vice, being forced on the subjects of the empire by the elites during a time of grave crisis. when they should have mobilized themselves the hardest, not be a contributing element?

>> No.22424287

>Also helps reading up on Franco's regime on Wikipedia afterwards, so you see the aftermath of what happened.
>on Wikipedia

>> No.22424329

Ah, you're delusional anti-Christian arguing in bad faith. People have won wars and battles while being Christian, empires have spread while being Christian. But sure Christianity was to blame for the downfall of Rome, not the other different things affecting it. "Christianity = fall of Rome" is a lie from the Enlightenment era. Only retards still fall for it.

>> No.22424333

what? you don't like reading lies from anglos and trannies?

>> No.22425371

I will now read it because I'm not a christcuck

>> No.22425378

We get it, you’re trans and a redditor. Don’t be so loud, mate.

>> No.22425466

>if it's le fun it means it's le correct

>> No.22425732

This thread was yet another utterly disgraceful display by illiterates harping on Gibbon for no legitimate reasons whatsoever.

>> No.22426583

>Uh I'm actually even more of a massive philosemite faggot than you thought, gotcha

Creatures that use animals for reaction images are letting you know in an unconscious way that they're subhuman.

>> No.22426839

You didn't even understand what he said.

>> No.22426844

Gibbon was a lying redditor.

>> No.22426855

and also fat

>> No.22426883

Can you even read and comprehend sentences?

>> No.22426891

Samefag. I already replied to you and your strawman of Christianity.

>> No.22426901
File: 2.47 MB, 1163x1080, 1163px-Montesquieu_book_Consideration_sur_les_causes_de_la_grandeur_des_Romains_et_de_leur_decadence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gibbon just ripped of montesquieu anyways

>> No.22427067
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The madness of living with a two digit IQ.

>> No.22427133

Nice edit, fag.

>> No.22427153
File: 246 KB, 720x540, dog nose concerned stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people this obviously idiotic are allowed to vote
>"why is my country going down the drain? it must be uhhh da jooz and animal self-insert posters on my mongolian basket weaving forum!"

>> No.22427235

>thread is still active
Holy shit


>> No.22427498

What compelled you to type this child?

>> No.22427511

If these morons haven't read gibbon what are the odds they've read montesquieu?

>> No.22428276

SPQR is terrible airport pop-history.
t. bought it at the airport and read it on a long flight

>> No.22428307

It's an overview of Beards vast career and experience, what do you recommend instead? I'm looking forward to your plebian choices.

>> No.22428336

Other anons are in a better position to make recommendations than myself. All I can do is give you my personal opinion on SPQR and say it's a undetailed survey that doesn't particularly offer any real insight into Ancient Rome. It's the definition of an airport book. Maybe she's written specific essays/journal articles that are great but SPQR is doesn't work even as a popular survey of the overarching subject.

>> No.22428474

>but SPQR is doesn't work even as a popular survey of the overarching subject.
Compared to what?

>> No.22428508

>Compared to what?
Other popular histories I've read (e.g. Robert Gellately is the most recent). It's a survey but doesn't dip into details that flesh out the subject in any way. A good survey will still do this and SPQR doesn't. So, based on my personal experience with the book and reading history, it's not something I'd recommend to others. Maybe she has some really good essays and journal articles that are worth checking out, I'm not attacking her as an academic, but SPQR was disappointing.