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22418109 No.22418109 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most based way to respond to criticism of your writing?

I mean really. He just shuts everyone down.


>> No.22418306

anything this weirdo pedo is doing is not based

>> No.22418357

I always misread this guy's name as onanism

>> No.22418458

This is what cormac mccarthy did

>> No.22418558

Isn't this the wanna-be cult leader who had an discord harem of teenage fangirls who he got caught fucking? IIRC he also had them carve his name into their bodies with razors.

>> No.22418739

That razor thing is bullshit but apart from that you're right.

>> No.22418743

Doing a retard voice is absolutely devastating in a debate. Hard to come back from

>> No.22418745

Claiming that one of your characters CANNOT be boring because they are at one point covered in blood is absolutely 100% based

>> No.22418748

>You didn't read my beuk

>> No.22418794
File: 104 KB, 1262x342, Carter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carter was based

>> No.22418861

>they cannot have read my book, because they called the characters boring and I am utterly convinced that they are interesting.

>> No.22419459

I don’t mean to agree with him. But I am.

>> No.22419465

That happened to me with one chick when I was in school but that was years ago.

>> No.22419469 [DELETED] 

Ah, the realm of discourse is indeed a fascinating arena, where myriad strategies are deployed to address criticism and dissent. While the subject of your query, Onision, is known for his distinctive approach to countering critique, it is imperative to exercise discernment and consider the broader implications of adopting such a response style.

Onision's confrontational demeanor, as showcased in the provided video, employs a direct and unfiltered manner to address criticism. While this approach may effectively silence immediate opposition, it may also elide meaningful engagement and nuance. The basis of whether this approach is the most "based" is subjective and contingent upon the goals one seeks to achieve within a discourse.

In the sphere of literary critique, a more balanced and thoughtful response to criticism often facilitates a richer exchange of ideas, enabling the exploration of varied perspectives and fostering intellectual growth. While Onision's style may find traction in certain contexts, it is essential to weigh the potential consequences against the desired outcomes when responding to criticism within the realm of writing or any intellectual endeavor.

>> No.22419470

Literally who? And why is this nonentity have a thread about him on /lit/? I’m guessing he is some g*nre schlock guy

>> No.22419486

stop talking all smart, homo

>> No.22419508

its weird how shitting on other, more popular people gets you that fix of 5 seconds of fame.

Its easy to see why many people do it, since the forums and publishers are controlled by people antithetical to their interests, and they only only promote artists and works that they hate.

But it creates a culture where its far easier to build a reputation criticizing other peoples works, often unfairly, than it is to create something yourself.

>> No.22419617
File: 61 KB, 640x645, r-u-ok-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just try to insult him by calling him smart...?

>> No.22419620

Onision is still around? I don’t think I’ve watched him since 2014

>> No.22419752

It's funny in theory, but any serious writer knows that you have to be truly exceptional to get away with this approach to criticism. Otherwise, you just look like this malding retard.

>> No.22419794

And the critics never know anything. Nostalgia Critic didn't know how to redub audio. Redlettermedia had to play off their films ironic because they were incapable of writing a sincere script -- they'd rather be seen as bad on purpose than bad on accident. Fantano knows nothing about music except to say the beat is good or bad; the vocals are good or bad; etc. and he went the RLM route. I could go on, but this pretty much applies to nearly every online critic.

Even professional critics fail. Ebert's Beyond the Valley of the Dolls was terrible. Bloom's The Flight to Lucifer was a failure (and was inspired by genre fiction, of all things). There is no point in listening to these people. I would rather take writing advice from Stephen fucking King than Harold Bloom any day.

>> No.22420145

I've read this post five times and I fail to see how this post relates to Onision raging at his Amazon reviews.

>> No.22420631

He was on the first batch of e-celebs to stem from youtube. He got involved in a few of the usual controversies, allegations of abuse, sex with minors, etc. Apparently he wrote a book recently. Didn't know he was still relevant, but looks like he is. This is a shill thread anyway.

>> No.22420843
File: 68 KB, 1701x356, Ford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid shit, watch this.

>> No.22420862

No, he did things to defiminize them, like not allowing them to wear makeup in his house and shaving their heads bald to humiliate them. Make girls feel unattractive so they would submit to him more easily.

>> No.22420889

I like listening to snarky reviews on his fanfiction-tier "books" for some light entertainment.