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22415794 No.22415794 [Reply] [Original]

I train to become strong and capable of defending myself if the situation requires it, but could this be considered vanity? Does training go against the buddhist principles?

>> No.22415806

A man should be strong physically, intellectually and emotionally. Like one of the greatests said "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable"

>> No.22415809

You are doing it with violent intentions so obviously yes.

>> No.22415813

You aren't actually a Buddhist and will find some other LARP to pursue in a few months so it doesn't matter.

>> No.22415823


>> No.22415832

Said it better than I could have.

>> No.22415834

*sigh* it's getting harder and harder to post on /lit/ these days...

>> No.22415851

How is my post retarded? His violent intentions contradict half of the eightfold path.

>> No.22415853

Probably because you are the retard who posted this shit here instead of /fit/.

>> No.22416072

It's not violence if it's self-defense and not harmful.

>> No.22416077

/fit/ doesn't know shit about buddhism.

>> No.22416083

if you ever want to go into monasticism it will be a waste of time.
but as a lay person it isn't a problem however if you want to work on yourself, fasting and meditation are preferable

>> No.22416089

You should stop pursuing it. But you shouldn't stop it. Zen lifting.

Before enlightenment lift weights, drink protein shake. After enlightenment, lift weights, drink protein shake.

>> No.22416091

Go watch Nyanamoli's vids. He and all his disciples are swole.

>> No.22416426

Buddha killed a soon-to be murderer out of compassion, to save him from bad karma. Le be a cuck is christianity, not buddhism, buddhists should be violent out of compassion

>> No.22416432

Guy didn't sit under that tree nearly to death for you to be asking that.

>> No.22416453
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>I train to become strong and capable of defending myself if the situation requires it
>I'm a buddhist
What a cringe ass larping retard with no awareness lying on the internet.

You should also add that you consider yourself an elitist or selfdiagnosed autistic genius.

>> No.22416513

IMO only the Greeks were heavily invested in the idea of physical beauty being something worthy of achievement, since it placed them closer to their gods. Buddhists would consider the pursuit of bodily perfection being too materialistic. So if you want to work out while being buddhist I suggest you avoid using the mirror or flexing too much.

>> No.22416962

They know as much as the average lit poster. Your post was not good enough to attract the actual Buddhist posters who frequent this board either so you have not been able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of it either, which means go back to fit and the thread ended when it was determined you are just larping anyhow. Verification not required.

>> No.22416981

>Le be a cuck is christianity
Sexual immorality like cuckoldry and sharing your wife is atheism and pagan religions, not Christianity.

>> No.22416997


>> No.22417152

>I train to become strong and capable of defending myself if the situation requires it
How many 81 mm mortars do you have, can you accurately walk fire before counter battery hits you?

>> No.22417209

A rapist jumps out of an alley onto your girl. What do you do?

>> No.22417224

I am that rapist.

>> No.22417246

You are either a schizo, or never went outside, I guess. Take a shower, touch grass, time to grow up.

>> No.22417258

holy kinoli

>> No.22417284

Self defense is violence.
Buddha was doing it out of compassion, this guy is doing it out of self preservation