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/lit/ - Literature

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22415723 No.22415723 [Reply] [Original]

For example andrew tate a billionare said reading books is for losers and only wastes time.

>> No.22415737

Depends what you read. For example id you read novels. It indeed is a waste of time

>> No.22415745

I see. So if i read novels. Ex: The stranger is a total waste of time?

>> No.22415751

Yes because what you are reading is not true. It never happened in real life. And so is ilogical. Useless

>> No.22415755

I see. Thanks for clear this up

>> No.22415762

They are interesting
They are fun
It is is enjoyable to read a book
It is fulfilling to read a book
I like reading book

>> No.22415803

How? Can you expain how were you before you before you read books?

>> No.22415807

Don't bother, we don't want you.

>> No.22415818

I don't know
My mother read to me as a child and then got me to start reading books with her and so I've been reading practically my entire life

>> No.22415844

This, but don't forget there are different degrees of uselessness between novels. Reading The Stranger or The Count of Montecristo is not as much of a waste of time as reading 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.22415861

Congratulations, all the authors passing morals through their novels are now rolling in their graves.

>> No.22415867

I don't know if this is one of those disguised AI images or if I've truly become a coomer but I thought this was a naked brown girl curled up in the fetal position from the thumbnail and became mildly aroused.

>> No.22415870

Not even talking about the one giving an historical insight

>> No.22415900

If reading is a waste of time, then waching movies is waste of time, and playing a sport, listening to music, collecting stamps, traveling, using 4chan, all it's a waste of time. only wageslaving is a good use of time according to you.

>> No.22415998

i feel as though top g is a fake billionaire and if he has/had any real money, it's going to legal fees. reading is good for your brain - develops your ability to concentrate, visualize, think abstractly, learn, and recall information

>> No.22416036


>> No.22416895

Doesn’t he get money from grifting people. He serves no function. Why does he give advice?
Your insane. You should stop jacking off or at least do it less. Or idk jack off while looking at the wall or something

>> No.22417085

Well I only read literary fiction or books which have stood the test of time, I don't read "slop" as Harold Bloom put it. Bald faggot tate can suck my dick

>> No.22417093

I was a lore who played video games and watched marvel movies

>> No.22417100
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Did they let him out of jail?

>> No.22417103

Given that Tate became Muslim and giving out qurans, that was a fucking lie.

>> No.22417190

Andrew Tate said that not as genuine advice. He says things for attention.

He knows that reading is popular, and says that is stupid because he knows it will make people mad. Taking his comment seriously despite the fact you're aware his entire fame is built around starting a scam to exploit social media algorithms is embarrassing.

I will not defend reading to you, as its benefits are as clear as day. Rather, I will advise you to stop being 15 and stop poisoning your mind with Internet grifter cult bullshit.

>> No.22417251
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>andrew tate a billionare