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22410858 No.22410858 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most evil book you've read?

>> No.22410931
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>literally demonic

>> No.22410951

End of Alice by A.M. Homes. Imagine Lolita meets Silence of the Lambs without any of the good writing, interesting characters. Genuinely couldn't stomach it and I've read some trangressive shit in my time. You can't convince me the author of the novel isn't an actual nonce.

>> No.22410962

Das Kapital.

>> No.22410964

Germany Must Perish by Kaufman.

>> No.22410989

the bible

>> No.22411007

as of most virtuous

>> No.22411008


>> No.22411234
File: 118 KB, 1200x1443, panzram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzram: A Journal of Murder

>> No.22411264

Pretentious Angst by Ernest Milton

>> No.22411278

Blue Eyes, Black Hair
Marguerite Duras

>> No.22411330

Postcolonialism 101

>> No.22411381
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the one I wrote lol

>> No.22411395

Came here to say this. It’s horrific but pretty interesting.

>> No.22411399

The Book of Lord Shang?

>> No.22411443

>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman.
>self-published in 1941 in the United States. The book advocated genocide through the sterilization of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany, believing that this would achieve world peace.
>The Nazi Party used the book, written by a Jewish author, to support their argument that Jews were plotting against their country

>> No.22411483

Imagine not hating jews

>> No.22411498

Couldn't be me.
Practical Idealism by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

>> No.22411521

I don't hate jews as such, but honestly it's becoming difficult

>> No.22411538

Give it a read. He calls for every drop of German blood to be exterminated. What that entails is up for speculation. I would imagine all French and English blood as well. Certainly all Americans of German descent need to be exterminated for the Kaufman Plan to be fully executed. A lot of Europeans with separate nationalities, yet still in the ''German'' sphere, would qualify under his vague reasoning.

>> No.22411548

>He calls for every drop of German blood to be exterminated. What that entails is up for speculation. I would imagine all French and English blood as well.
I have German blood in my French blood... :(

>> No.22411551

Domming Daughter Dani. It is a book about grooming.

>> No.22411556
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>> No.22411568

In all fairness, these are not Jews as we generally think of Jews. These are Pharisees that Jesus lambasted with ''They call themselves Jews but they are not, for they do lie.'' They are not the chosen people. They called a curse upon themselves to placate Pontius Pilate. The modern era is fruit of their self ascribed curse.

>> No.22411584

''German'' is a Roman fiction. To whom a Jew is referring when he uses the term is up for wide speculation, especially when he goes so far as to say ''every drop of blood''.

>> No.22411602


>> No.22411614
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The likely title is "magic jail".
Do you know, or are you, an interested agent? Getting a normal book published is hard enough.

>> No.22411644

>A Jew said something bad
>Therefore all Jews are bad
This is your mind on /pol/

>> No.22411652

>Do you know, or are you, an interested agent?
I do not. I need to publish something myself. I am considering parsing it out into a family of works because, if it were broken out, I could probably get some fragments published in some skateboarding magazines. Anyways, I really liked the treatment, especially the old man chiming in from the side. It reminds me of a stranger coming to my aid unexpectedly during conflict related to a boycott.

>> No.22411658

In all fairness, The Kaufman Plan was the genesis for The Morgenthau Plan. To say that Jewry was not generally responsible for such things is not really true.

>> No.22411664

>''German'' is a Roman fiction.

>> No.22411671
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I'd like an agent that I don't have to fly on a plane to meet with. There are a few publishing agencies in my state, but it's applied research finding anyone who will take unsolicited submissions.
There's some weird rights hoops but if you're promoting a book people, part of that might be sending out fragments to magazines. That shit isn't happening to me, I need to find publishers that will handle the literary equivalent of spent uranium.

>> No.22411711

It was the term used to describe all of the tribes North of the border that were of importance, without any respect to the name of the individual tribe - ''germane''. Goths, Alleman, Suevi, etc. - they all got tossed in the same colloquial taxonomical category.

>> No.22411718

And jews would use the roman taxonomy because...?

>> No.22411730

The Kaufman Plan:
Mass genocide
The Morgenthau Plan:
Demilitarisation of a defeated enemy

Do you see the difference?

>> No.22411734

>The state of poltard stupidity.

Because talking about exterminating Germans as allegory is as bad as what the Germans actually did....

I bet you all think that Swift really wanted to eat Irish babies too....

Please P L E A S E ! go find another board.

>> No.22411735

I was a sponsored skater back in the old days, so I have an inside track for the fragments that appeal to that market. Part of it might go well in comic form. The great mass of the sinew that ties it all together will likely go unpublished unless I build a name based on the bits and pieces.

>> No.22411739
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>A Jew said something bad
>Therefore all Jews are bad

>> No.22411744
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>Jews living in Rome speaking Latin pick up Roman terms
color me surprised. In the big push back to Hebrew they started referring to the German area as "Ashkenaz", son of Gomer. Gomer is reliably connected to Cimmerians, so that may or may have a grain of historical truth.
The "Ashkenazi" don't consider themselves son of Ashkenaz, they just refer to themselves as such because they live in the area, and the name is rendered in Hebrew.

>> No.22411747
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just write it and throw it at people whenever you can

>> No.22411764

90 percent of evil comes from jews, I didnt decide to hate them just now you fucking moron.

>> No.22411792

Because that taxonomy is vaguely used to this day by many people. Who calls them ''German''? At least the US, Britain, Canada, Australia - pretty much any English speaking country. Nominally Mexico because it seems to over ride the more official ''Allemagne'' as is also used in France. When one is speaking of every drop of blood, where does one end? Certainly Austria belongs in there, right? How about all of the tribes that are nominally ''German'' but did not vote affirmatively for The Bund? Where do you personally draw the line regarding things being Germanic? Only within the political confines of The BRD? Would you argue that Nietzsche, Wagner, Bach, and Beethoven were not ''German'' because they were all born before The Bund? If so, what you are asking seems a stretch based on common usage.

>> No.22411794

>Germans as allegory
allegory of what?

>> No.22411804


>> No.22411805

>Demilitarisation of a defeated enemy
No, that is only what got implemented before it was halted. The full plan called for mass deportations of all males to Africa as slave labor and de-industrialization of the to-be former state into an agricultural area for common use of Europe. The starvation plan that was initiated was part of the plan. It was no accident.

>> No.22411826

>Because talking about exterminating Germans as allegory is as bad as what the Germans actually did....
Please, do not raise the phony baloney holocaust. Regardless, the Jews brag about the genocides that they commit. The holocaust would not be any more unique than any other genocide if it were real. Even if it were, it had not happened by the time of the writing of the book in question.
>I bet you all think that Swift really wanted to eat Irish babies too....
Swift was writing against a genocide. Are you retarded?

>> No.22411830

I shouldn’t be surprised that jews think a gentile nation not allowing them to be parasites is a morally sound cause for that nation‘s genocide, while simultaneously claiming that they didn‘t REALLY mean to call for that. But the disingenuity and audacity still amazes me.

>> No.22411848

It's fucking huge. I spent six months writing out the notes for it. Just the notes. This would be the equivalent of War and Peace for the punk rock/skateboarding scene. I just do not see a market for the thing as a whole work.

>> No.22411886
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don't shit yourself, even if you think you keep it tight, revision is just deleting shit left and right.
My advice: finish the whole thing, the whole damn thing, clean doesn't matter. Then once it's done, no matter how shit, THEN start revising. Famous Author Dipshit says, "i like the layer strategy of revising, just pick on aspect or layer of the book and only fix that"

>> No.22411895

>equivalent of War and Peace for the punk rock/skateboarding scene
Cool, a punk W&P?
But I'm also not much into american punk or sk8, so I probably wouldn't read it
I read that book about muslim punks though

>> No.22411917

>read a sentence at random
>comma splice
tut tut tut

>> No.22411941

>revision is just deleting shit left and right
It's largely memoir. People know what was contributed. One could argue that the work is not entirely mine. Honing here and there - sure. Deleting chapters? I think the story falls apart and people will see that. As it stands, historical events make sense. I think that I am going to polish the bits and pieces first, then gauge for interest. If there is no interest then I will leave the notes for a historian. The layered approach is what I have always done. What I am suggesting is not entirely different from how Dickens published some of his works.

>> No.22411947

>so I probably wouldn't read it
If you feel like something Canadian, Keighley's ''I, Shithead'' is a decent read.

>> No.22411948

The Construction of Homosexuality. It's hundreds of pages of some gay Jew crafting unending bullshit about how every figure from gentile religion was actually homosexual and the only way that you can be straight is by practicing Judaism. It's enormously influential in modern academia and has over 200 citations on Wikipedia.

>> No.22411963

You are worst that the flat earth guys. It was a interesting threat and you guys ruined it, please go and kys

>> No.22411972
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It's rough but in the big picture a lot of what seems important will just be dead ends. Footnotes are an idea.
Yeah the thing hasn't seen a real editor. I wrote the damn thing in a couple weeks, revising took twice as long and it sucks
>clean don't matter

>> No.22411973

>The Construction of Homosexuality
I assume that you mean this one

>> No.22411974

The Book of Job.

>> No.22412000
File: 148 KB, 845x856, Sei du selbst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
