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/lit/ - Literature

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22410844 No.22410844 [Reply] [Original]

What did /lit/ study in uni?

>t. double majored in math and foreign languages.

>> No.22410857
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Aerospace Engineering

>> No.22410874

Biology/Statistics with a bunch of comp sci

>> No.22410881
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>> No.22410884

Computer & Software Engineering

>> No.22410902

Bachelor degree in computer science.
Master's in linguistics.
Currently thinking about to go to uni once again.

>> No.22410905

I'm somewhat similar to you, OP. I did Pure Math and Linguistics.
I wish I had gone somewhere a bit more liberal arts focused. I wish I had been myself a little more. I wish I had been a different person with better interests, or not born at all. Too late now though.

>> No.22410906

I'm 24 and I've graduated middle school. I'm not in school anymore and never will be

>> No.22410919

Computer science, dropped out in the first semester. Now I write poetry and make game hacks.

>> No.22410921

Me too anon, me too.
The language part of my degree mostly consisted of marketing classes taught in a foreign language.

I wish I'd studied classics + cs or classics + math instead.

>> No.22410922

You remind me of many people I know. I guess it's an epidemic. But now nobody will talk to me anymore because of something terrible I did

>> No.22410925

Fine arts

>> No.22410927

Bachelors in English and Philosophy

>> No.22410929

electrical engineering
I hated every single second of it, didn't learn anything, not even basic circuits. I legitimately don't even know how an op amp works or how to work with phasors or any of that garbage. I bullshat my way through with a 3.4 and I wish I had just failed out instead because I've been destroyed on every single technical interview. I genuinely don't understand how it was possible to score worse than me on exams. I went to a T25, which was alright, and everything was curved, but 95% of the time I went in literally knowing zero things and just writing down relevant equations I looked at for 10 mins before the exam, or during if it's open-book. I never answered a single question legitimately, just wrote down gibberish and got points for it. So many times I thought I was done and felt relieved to finally fail, but passed anyway. I never had the balls to just purposely fail an exam or just not take one. Now, I have a degree and am utterly helpless.

I wish I had studied Geology instead.

>> No.22410934

Did you never study?

>> No.22410935

I used to ditch class to go chill in the classics reading room with the majors and place at the very top, or the top 2, anyway. I don't know if everyone here's in the US, but US undergrad is such a bad joke. One would think moreover that applied or vocational subjects would have some value since everyone gets so pushed in that direction nowadays, but in practice all of those classes I ever sat in on were the same routine of taking eight weeks to read and review three chapters from a textbook and praying that the kids (yes, kids, in spirit at least) would learn on the job. And many did! So why the collegiate jig at all?

>> No.22410940

You can still make it, anon.

>> No.22410957

Software engineering from an online uni.
I wish I could go to a real university and studied math and physics but I can't survive in the real world.

>> No.22410961

Not really. My saving grace was that we had cheat sheets for closed book exams so before a test I'd copy down some homework problem solutions and use them to write some stuff down on exams, but I had zero clue what any of it meant, especially in Signals courses. The worst scores I ever got were on fill-in/multiple choice sections. Free response questions were incredibly lenient on partial credit. My average uncurved score was somewhere in the 20-40% range. It's such a joke.

>> No.22410978

psychology and professional writing double major

I squandered my undergraduate stint more or less

>> No.22411001

Not in the US, but it's a joke here too.
30 years ago undergrad students here were reading Foucault in French and Hegel in German.
15 years ago they were reading translations of Foucault and Hegel.
Now they read a textbook chapter about Foucault, and don't cover Hegel at all.

>> No.22411013

Perhaps you've heard of NYU's German Studies major, helmed by Zizek-approved me too'd lady Avital Ronell, which had no German language requirement.
But language requirements alone hardly tell the full story. Nobody reads anymore. Nobody reads anything. One can't even get master's students to read a chapter in a week most of the time.

>> No.22411016

What did studying mathematics in college feel like, bros? I will be graduated with bachelor of law few months later and i am interested to study mathematics: only to understand reality better.

>> No.22411024

Philosophy & Literature

>> No.22411034

Can't really fit it into the US major-minor system, but I did a complete undergrad+master in physics, plus some extras (did a bunch of economics, computer science, some extra math, and a little bit of humanities). Going to start a PhD in GW physics soon.

>> No.22411035

That syntax - Romance language speaker, I'm assuming?
For me, it was blissful and challenging, and only very rarely reflective. Perhaps it made me sharper in some way. I'll never know or be able to evaluate such a thing objectively. To be brutally honest, and because this is an anonymous forum, it was by and large an ego trip. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, and I got that proof at the large opportunity cost of other things that might have fit better and not been less challenging.
I don't think it did me active harm. It was better than sitting around playing video games. I'd rather study math than read most contemporary fiction, I guess.
>only to understand reality better
You won't. Do Physics if this is your goal. Better yet, read deeply from a worthwhile philosopher of your choice and drop DMT or something. Mathematics is fascinating, but it is fascinating in the way that Chess or Go might be. It's a game.

>> No.22411037

Archival studies and digital data management with a minor in geography.

>> No.22411051

Is it true that a pure math degree is basically useless? My buddy who was like 4.0 in math ended up taking an extra year or so to complete a comp sci degree because he told me even with a PhD math study is akin to the arts and life sciences in that there are no academic positions opening even for the very best students. He works for an IT firm now so I guess that was true.

>> No.22411056

Yes. I've heard it said that English majors make more than Pure Math majors, and I believe it.
I have a decently-paid job for my age now, so it's fine. Plenty of classmates are living at home though.

>> No.22411059

pure bliss.
>pure math degree is useless
Only if you're an autist who can't apply concepts to reality and who wants no job that isn't academia. Admittedly most pure math majors are such autists

>> No.22411061

I'll add that I was also 4.0. One's options from that position are teaching at a community college, teaching secondary, or pivoting to tech. All tried to poach me, and all are fairly unsatisfying.

>> No.22411062

>Do Physics if this is your goal
I heckin love science bros! My proferino in physics is just brilliant. Truly giving me the keys to reality, like when Ani learned to use the force!!

Dont fucking listen to this anon lol. If you want to understand reality study philosophy, particularly metaphysics and analytic. Physics can be very interesting but essentially what it is at its core is numeric expression of physical reality. There is nothing in modern physics that will teach you about mind and soul. If you want a strictly empiric study of the material world around you, go with physics. Otherwise philosophy is what you need

>> No.22411066

That's what Pure Math is. One will by definition not learn or even be exposed to any such application unless one supplements it. In that way it's about akin to Linguistics or something.

>> No.22411069

>Otherwise philosophy is what you need
Now isn't that exactly what I said right after, or is your attention span that wrecked?
It's a better description of reality and will lead to more "understanding" than playing a game like Chess, Go, or undergrad-level Pure Math. Better than all those things are philosophy and drugs.

>> No.22411071

any polsci anons? I'm still deciding majors and I don't know if it's worth it

>> No.22411072

Out of curiosity what kind of decent job can you find with a maths degree outside of university academia? Teaching in private prep schools? I cant think of any job that requires just pure mathematics.

>> No.22411077

Most of my graduating class went on to teach, do tech bootcamps. Some went on to higher degrees and remain in that process. Those that didn't either make lattes or rot at home.

>> No.22411078

What did you do?

>> No.22411081

So basically the degree is useless then. Tech bootcamps and pre uni math teaching do not require upperclass mathematics education.

>> No.22411094

Impregnated a 17 year old when I was 28 (age of consent is 16 in my state) then mentally abused and manipulated her into getting an abortion. She ended up getting into drugs which I didn’t introduce but got blamed for anyway,

>> No.22411103

I've always found a bit sad how the
>I fucking love science!!!
meme has been degraded by contrarian retards. It used to be a mockery of dumb people that worship science and experts while not having any scientific knowledge or knowing how science works themselves. People incapable of critical thinking. People that cheer for any "innovation" any cheap newspaper or website tells them is the future.
Now it's just anti-intellectual bullshit. Don't understand Physics? Well who cares, you can just say you "don't trust experts". Someone genuinely learns and is enthusiastic about their new knowledge? "Oh no, here comes the hecking science-loving basedboy!!!" Someone uses reason, statistics, peer-reviewed research to argue for their point, or even DARE to ask what your source on some numbers is? "Uhmm sweaty, that's cringe".
I'm tired of this lazy bullshit mindset that mistakes unreasoned contrarianism and ridiculous conspiracy theories for a critical eye.
Not saying that all this applies to you btw. I'm just ranting about most people who use the meme.
>If you want to understand reality study philosophy, particularly metaphysics and analytic. Physics can be very interesting but essentially what it is at its core is numeric expression of physical reality.
I agree to some extent. Some would even say physics is just "the plumbing of the Universe". However it does give non-trivial insights about the world. Bell's inequalities violations (this year's Nobel prize) for example prove that ANY realism, if it is to be consistent with observation, must be very strange (non-local), as if space and time were not very adequate categories to try to fit reality in. I don't trust any modern philosopher that does not have a sound understanding of quantum mechanics and general relativity, because their takes on reality are mostly just plain wrong, as proven by observation. Physics is a necessary first step. Philosophy can be studied later.

>> No.22411111

I taught at private schools for a few years. The money wasn't enough, so I took on cram school work as well. Eventually I ditched that and now work a dumb holdover tech job. I don't know what I want to do from here.


>> No.22411119

Also EE and this rings very true. Fell for the meme of being prodooctive and getting a job like a good wageslave after graduation and pretended not to hate every second of my occupational world from 18 to 29. In school I did well for the first two years I guess mainly because I did kinda genuinely like the math but it fell to shit after that and I basically drank for two and a half consecutive years with no consequence because they make these degrees easy enough for niggers to get.

By the time I could have reasonably nutted up and acknowledge that I hated this it was almost graduation time and I walked into the new cage of repeatedly telling myself I could tolerate six more months of this tedium to make good on my investment, until finally breaking out of it last year. The long-term effects on the psyche of sublimating the will this deeply and bottling up disillusionment until it absolutely can be contained no longer are probably with me forever though.